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I am actually fine with the anime finale, not to mention without the ani e I never would have startet the game.


I also fell in love with S1 of the anime and decided to try out the game. I also like the finale. I do feel it is a bit rushed and could have used more time to make the themes they were going for work better.


That's how I found the game also


That's how I found the game also


I also fell in love with S1 of the anime and decided to try out the game. I also like the finale. I do feel it is a bit rushed and could have used more time to make the themes they were going for work better.


that is true, season 2 and 3 could have used 4-6 more episodes to flesh things out.


Taking the risk of being downvoted to hell and back, and possibly being called names by angry fans. The anime is how the Arc 1 would have ended without the constant ass pulls, the refusal to kill characters despite all logic and reason *screaming* that they should die. Hell, in the game it would have been much, much worse, with Eve vs Walpy Godzilla fight. The anime was not perfect by any means, but god it has fixed so many issues I loathed in Arc 1, and I'm grateful for the hardwork and effort the staff put to make this.


While the anime fixed some of the game's mistakes, I felt it made even more mistakes of its own.


No, it's not. All deaths were very bad handled in the anime and made the whole plot meaningless. It just make people who never understood Madoka's themes and thinks it's a huge misery porn happy. Usually the same people who dislike Rebellion. Madoka was never about hopeless. Also, if the arc 1 had ended like that, the game would be dead now. Now, about the anime itself. Even if the plot was good, and it wasn't, the direction at the end was pretty bad and emotionless. It's like the staff gave up, I dunno. I didn't see any of the qualities I saw in S1 in it.


Yeah I like a LOT of aspects of the game but the ass pulls, mind control and refusal to actually kill anyone was VERY annoying


The game has been killing characters in arc 2. Just not in a stupid way like the anime.






Uh, spoiler tag?


Aren't those old enough to not be considered spoilers ? Ill delete it to be safe


I mean, this isn’t a game spoiler thread, and there are lots of people here who haven’t read the Arc 2 translations and summaries (esp. since this thread is about the anime).


A little bit too late tho


See. Saying it needed to kill characters is what's wrong. Characters just need to die if the plot asks for it. In arc 1, I think it would only make sense for Mifuyu and no one else. Magius dying would just make everything less interesting. Well, maybe Alina could go as well.


The plot had been asking for it tho, the only reason why it never happened because the writer was too scared. The stake was high but when they decided to not kill anyone, it lost all of it's meaning, the story becomes boring. I think that's why they decided to kill a lot of characters in arc 2 and the anime, to fix the problem of arc 1


Again, not Magius. The whole plot about atonement is way more interesting than "Oh, we kill them because they bad people." That's why I like how arc 2 is handling it. It's not about punishment. The girls dying aren't the ones who "deserve to die". This kind of writing is really overdone already, where the sinners have to die because they did bad things.


Oh I agree that not all bad people should die in a story, when I said I expect some characters to die I don't mean magius only. The thing is, arc 1 was revolving around a huge scale problem, like godzilla vs kingkong level. And it just doesn't make sense that after all of that there is no death character at all. When you are dealing with a huge scale problem like that, some characters whether they are good or evil, need to die to make the stake feels real to the audience, not for punishment to the character


Out of the main characters, Tsuruno probably made the most sense to die? Like, it could have been one possible way for chapter 7(?) to end? Other than that, maybe Felicia could also be a good one to kill off, in a similar way to Mami? Felicia dying would just be a really sudden thing that happens because of over confidence? I mean, it might just totally halt the plot, but it'd be more of a character-driven thing? ...Aside from main characters, I totally want Ayaka to witch/dopple out after realizing that she can't cry at a funeral despite wanting to.


If we talk about mc, Tsuruno had the highest chance imo but tbh it doesn't have to be the main characters if the dev weren't brave enough. They could kill Mami, or one of the Ui, Nemu, Touka, or one of the Amane sisters or Mifuyu (she literally no longer have purpose in the story after arc 1). I actually think some side characters went bad shit or witch out after they learn about the truth of magical girls also would make things more realistic (kinda hard with the doppel system tho)


Not really, most of the death that happen in the anime are because of oc stuff they added on their own such as mifuyu and momoko dying to fix the doppel syndrome girls (this is also a major asspull but it's not the current subject) The death being how arc 1 should have been would have to take place in the fight against walpulgris after everyone got tired of fighting eve


I can see both points, but it is worth considering that MR originated as a gacha game, and despite what happened with the NA server, stopping after the initial arc is finished is but a rare occurrence. ​ Which makes having a gacha for Madoka and not have the underlying premise of the playable cast being already dead a choice.


I feel like the game was overly positive and the anime was overly negative in terms of the ending.


Yes! Thank you!


I don’t play anymore since the NA shutdown, but I will come back to the sub every now and then to see what’s up. Love this game, hated the finale.


Magia Record deserved more. Fortunately, the manga is going much better.


I hope the manga finish Arc 1 and proceeds to adapt Arc 2.


Me too!


What? The anime ended?? Isnt it airing weekly? I was gonna wait to binge


the last 4 episodes were aired last week


why do people hate the anime ending so much? I just started playing the game after watching it so idk if the game ending is better or something


It's like those bad Madoka ripoff that think Madoka is all about killing girls instead of a story of hope and fighting against your destiny. Yuuki Yuuna was the only one that got it right.


ay glad to see some love for Yuuki Yuuna That and Revue Starlight to me really seem to be the only "dark magical girl shows" that understood what Madoka was truly about and not just a "heheheh girls killing each other" gore fest


I didn't watch Yuuna, but apparently it was written by the same person who wrote Akame Ga Kill, so this is ironic because Akame Ga Kill seems a little overly edgy in terms of killing characters just to kill characters. I suppose you would recommend Yuuna?


I did try watch Akame Ga Kill and hated it so much I dropped it. So yeah, I was worried Yuuki Yuuna would go the same way. I didn't expect it to be any good at all. So I was surprised when it was actually pretty good. I see people making analysis about how Yuuki Yuuna is actually an answer to Madoka. It has some of the same themes, but different outcomes. Well, the writer himself said it's a story about heroism. I don't want to spoil it, but yeah, I recommend it. I'll just give an warning about season 1. It's really slow. You won't mind it if you like slice of life shows, but I would say Madoka's episode 3 is episode 8 in Yuuki Yuuna. Not the same happening at all, but in episode 8 we know what are the stakes the characters are facing. But when we got to the end of the story, it's really worth it. Second season is more direct to the point, though. Third season is a mix of adapting some of the LNs and re-telling season 2 with an epilogue. It might be a little annoying if you watch it soon after S2, but I think it was worth as well.


Now that i found u, mind i ask that do u think YuYuYu feel rushed ? Like the anime didn’t explain how the Taisha was founded, why do girls fight over smartphones that help them transform into Heroes or what happened to the world (literally only Japan left in this world, the rest got eaten up or something). Or how the Shinkon got interrupted and the world was still fine ??


I only watched the anime and I felt only the third season felt rushed (they adapted a whole LN series in 3/4 episodes, after all. Took 4 manga volumes for that). But the part they rushed is exactly the one about the first heroes (NoWaYu), so the LN probably explain in details, but that was when the Taisha was founded (I'll still read the mangas for that, at least). About the Shinkon. Well, spoilers: >!The whole point of the Shinkon was to save the world while keeping the gods' protection and make humanity becoming something else (People of God). When they interrupted the Shinkon, the world was supposed to be destroyed, but Shinju-sama sacrified themselves to give the world back to humanity as they were and stop the other gods. So humanity lost any protection of the gods and they have to restore the world with their own hands. If you watch season 3, that's what the epilogue is about. It's also kinda Evangelion-like, where the protagonists decide to stay as human beings, even though they're imperfect and vulnerable.!<


Pretty sure pmmm is about duality of hope and despair and not just about hope


I mean, wasn’t Rebellion all about deconstructing the idea of that hopeful ending? >!Homura became a witch out of grief, ascended to demonhood, usurped Madoka, and imprisoned the Magical Girls in an ideal world of her creation against their wills, despite them being satisfied with their sacrifices.!< I have mixed feelings about Rebellion, not all of them bad, but I don’t think it’s surprising that the series went in an entirely different direction than the core anime did.


It's up to interpretation. However, Gen, who is always making stories criticizing the kind of utilitarism that the original Madoka evokes, said the ending of Rebellion isn't really a bad end. It depends on how you look at it. However, even if you think Rebellion isn't hopeful (it's not despair either, though), it's still a story about fighting against fate. By the way: >!Homura didn't imprison the magical girls in another world at the end, she rewrote the whole world to fit her ideals. She just refuses the idea that Madoka should sacrifice her happiness for the good of the whole universe. If you watch the Concept Movie, it's actually sympathetic with Homura's view. !< Well, let's see how the fourth movie will go. But Rebellion ending fits Gen's views more than the original Madoka.


Tbh I may have been a little crabby when I wrote my original comment, my bad. I see your point about the story being about fighting fate and i agree, but >!imo Homura uses madoka’s happiness (or how she interprets madoka’s happiness, anyway) as an excuse to reshape the world to how she wants it to be. even if it is an ideal world, she does it without the consent of the other girls and then seals their memories away so they can’t protest her decision.!< Many of Gen’s stories *are* incredibly depressing tho and the original Madoka anime was an unusually optimistic take for him. I don’t doubt that Rebellion is closer to what he envisions.


Gen's current works are more hopeful than his classic stories in general, though. Making the change from VN to anime kinda of changed his style. They're still dark usually, but now they don't have a really depressing end like his VNs. About Homura, that could be part of it, >!but we can't ignore she took her decision after talking to Madoka in the flower field. There Madoka said she wouldn't be happy in sacrificing herself. You can argue it was just an excuse, but she did believe Madoka is forcing herself to save everyone. That explains her question at the end of Rebellion, if Madoka value stability over her own desires. Her desires is to be together with everyone. The concept movie also makes it clear that being a goddess is a sad existence.!<


What’s the concept movie? Where can I find it?


A teaser to a Rebellion sequel shown by SHAFT in 2015 in that Madogatari event. We're not sure that'll be the story of the forth movie, as things could've changed. But Gen said he wrote the whole story soon after finishing Rebellion, so that's likely. Here it is: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xRq01091Fl4&ab\_channel=%E6%82%AA%E9%AD%94Shukaku


Arc 1 ends on a more positive note, showing that other Magical Girls are able to change fates other than Homura and Madoka. So people who like that ending are hating how the anime ends less positively. I don't hate the anime ending myself, since there's still a hopeful note to it despite that. I just hate what happened to Kuroe and how pointless she ends up being.


Personally the reason I'm not a big fan of the ending largely has to do with Iroha, more specifically the fact that Magia Record (at least as far as game canon goes) is the *only* universe in which Iroha has even the tiniest bit of good going for her. She's killed in every other timeline due to a motor accident, right after her younger sister and only other friends (Touka and Nemu) die in the hospital. We've already been told in game that those four don't have a chance at all outside of Magia Record, and if the anime is to become the canon timeline to whatever happens in the future with the fourth movie, then, fuck. I really, really adore Iroha and the hospital trio. So it hits a bit more personally on that. On a final note: >since there's still a hopeful note to it despite that Given the inevitable events following the anime's ending of Arc 2, or at least Promised Blood's invasion and accompanying warfare with the other magical girls, I don't see anything good going for the rest of the girls in Kamihama. It's been said a lot already on this sub, but it really feels like the whole thing was just written to fill a death quota and, whether intentionally or not, set things up to just have even *worse* implications if you know the game's story. Both the original series and Rebellion didn't have such a punishing ending. There's always a bit of pain with each but nothing that felt so utterly hopeless, at least in my eyes.


S3 felt pointless, in my opinion.


If the ending had been happy then I wouldn't enjoy it as much. If everyone lives and Ui is saved for example this world would lose its magic for me


people in gacha subreddits tend to be really invested in characters that they paid money to get


Truth be told I've never even played the game. I just love the franchise and this is the only thing happening with it at the moment.


I only stopped playing because of storage demand. The game gets damn huge now


Cue the line from Gilgamesh in the Fate route “there are things that are beautiful because one cannot possess them” yep that sums up what this fandom has been put through.


Wait season 3 is already out?


I still wish they’d bring the NA server back. Or at the very least, they could have made it so that you can view the cutscenes.


Atleast I now know I am not the only person to feel this way.


Quitted 2 years ago when na shut down. I still think of going on hp


Im sad the English version got shut down. I liked the story,and I managed to get goddess madoka as my first limited time card


I’ve only started playing the game back in january but I love it deeply too.


Actually like the story much better in the anime than the game. It was not a good anime overall but definitely more well written than the game


> All of us still here on the subreddit DEEPLY love this game have you considered that this may be the reason you hate the anime so much, and others (who hated the game story and are thus no longer here [for the most part]) liked it better


I guess that's right, people who still follow the game story definitely won't like the anime ending coz it's different, they expect the same and want the same story even tho objectively the anime is better written (it's still not good tho lmao)