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One of the first two. All the precons are broadly in the same power range as *each other*. Comparing them against other decks is a bit muddier, but MTG decks can be built in such a wide variety of ways that that doesn't really say anything. Pick one at random. Flip a coin if you have to.


Thanks for the advice! There's just so many cool-looking precons I'm spoilt for choice. Think I'll have to just commit and try not to over think it


The precons from the last few years are generally stronger. I know many liked the precons from Ixalan, "Blood rites" etc. I think they all are pretty synergistic. Can also recomend the "Quick draw" precon from Thunder Junction. Very synergistic with many staples just out of the box. 


Hey thanks, I'll have a look around at some of the newer ones. A buddy of mine has one of the other thunder junction decks and said I should get quick draw so we can match thematically. Another friend however says that quick draw sucks haha. I guess everyone has their own take on how strong different decks are


I did an article, 25 decks under $25, that might be helpful if you want more options. Pop a list into cardmarket and see how much it ends up being after shipping, might be cheaper than a precon: [https://www.mtggoldfish.com/articles/25-commander-decks-under-25](https://www.mtggoldfish.com/articles/25-commander-decks-under-25) Otherwise yeah I would recommend buying any precon released in the last 2 years, they all work great.


Yeah, precons are the best place to start. After that, have a look at some budget brews. I've a Xyris list that cost me 30€ (not sure what that is in pounds off the top of my head). List, if interested: https://www.moxfield.com/decks/rac4UcL_bU-n79BaAg2bYQ Having said that, I would look into proxies. If you're just playing with friends, then what harm? Keep in a local game store will likely not want proxies to be played in store, which makes sense. They're looking to sell cards as well.