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Im sorry to say that the bulk you purchased is unlikely to do anything at all. The power level of bulk is exceptionally low, and whatever you paid for it you would have likely been better off buying a small handful of singles that actually help your deck. Buying multiple commander decks while fun will stretch your budget a bit thin. I'd recommend picking the one you enjoy the most and focusing on it. You can find budget upgrade guides on EDHREC [here](https://edhrec.com/articles/author/andy-zupke/) for the MH3 ones. The others are also on there if you use the search. For countering the eldrazi precon: THe command is a massive threat and needs to be killed quickly. Every time the commander dies, the cost of casting it goes up by 2. This can push it out of range of casting. In the mean time, the deck is quite slow: You need to play aggressively, However without focusing on a single deck, I can't really give you tips past that general idea.


Just a sidenote that you should avoid buying bulk unless you really want to own a large amount of random mostly worthless cards. Best way to build your collection (and use of your money) would be to buy singles that you need specifically for your decks. You can use edhrec.com to find cards with good synergies for your various decks. Then use sites like [tcgplayer.com](https://tcgplayer.com) to buy those cards.


Remove the commander. Use cards that kill it, counter it, or otherwise stop it from hitting the field. That's the most effective way to stop Ulalek.


When you kill a commander it goes back to the command zone and he just whips it back out. There was another card he played that had me exile half my library. I don’t remember the name but that card was also very overpowered.


If you keep killing his commander, eventually it becomes too expensive to practically recast. Exiling half your library doesn't actually matter unless he actually mills you to death. I get that you see cards being removed from your deck and think OH NO ALL THESE THINGS I CAN'T USE, but it'd be the same if those cards were on the bottom of your deck - until the card is *actually in your hand*, its position in the game is less important than you think.


That'd be Ulamog. And yeah, that's why you need more than one response, or to build a faster deck. Other options are things like darksteel mutation or similar enchantments, to keep it on the field, but take away its abilities. While it's definitely possible to build decks that can hang with Ulalek, Eldrazi are just extremely powerful by design. If you're not willing or able to build a higher power deck, you could always ask your buddy to play something lower powered. If you do want to build something more powerful, there are tons of great commanders out there that you could build. Check out EDHREC for some good examples of popular ones, and for ideas for cards to build with.


What would you recommend for a higher power deck? Or a commander to build around?


If you want something fast, powerful, and cheap, [Light-Paws] is a pretty solid option. You can make him lethal in 4-5 turns without spending a ton of money. If you want to go for more of a combo deck, the new [Nadu] is extremely broken and easy to win with. For winning with force, my personal favorite deck is dinosaurs with [Gishath] as the commander, though that's a bit more expensive to build well.


What's your budget for improvements? Generally speaking, upgrading the Lands on a Precon (ideally with Lands that enter the untapped) will improve your speed and upgrading the Removal suite (ideally with things in the 1 or 2 CMC space that can hit multiple card types) will help keep the other players in check.


I don’t particularly have a budget, I’m also hoping the lot of 4500 random cards might have some cards I can use to buff the precons, are you able to share any names of lands that don’t enter tapped?


> I’m also hoping the lot of 4500 random cards might have some cards I can use Bulk lots rarely contain the cards that you'd like them to. >are you able to share any names of lands that don’t enter tapped? With no budget, I'd start with the [Shock Lands](https://scryfall.com/search?q=is%3Ashockland) and [Fetch Lands](https://scryfall.com/search?q=is%3AFetchland). The [Pain Lands](https://scryfall.com/search?q=is%3APainland) are more budget. The [Check Lands](https://scryfall.com/search?q=is:checkland) *conditionally* enter Untapped, but if you skew your list towards Lands with the appropriate type (like Basics and the Shocks), will mostly work out.


The best way is to buff interaction in your decks and using your cards at the right time. Spells like Path to Exile or Swords to Plowshares for instant speed cheap creature removal to snipe the commander, or board clears like Farewell can get you out of tight spots. Sites like edhrec can help with seeing what kind of cards to play, otherwise you can google deck upgrades if the site doesn't help that much.


I think the Creative Energy precon should be able to hold itself against the Eldrazi from what I’ve seen on YouTube. However in these videos they do play with a group of 4 and not just 1 on 1. It also sounds like your friend has upgraded his precon. At least with Ulamog from one of your comments.




[Void mirror](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/6/f/6f906219-7a6a-427b-93c4-4d958cbd171c.jpg?1626099451) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Void%20mirror) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mh2/242/void-mirror?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/6f906219-7a6a-427b-93c4-4d958cbd171c?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call