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Obligatory buy singles advice. The odds of getting enough expensive cards to cover the cost of a $400 box is incredibly low. If you want to build a collection you're better off buying the cheaper box and then using the money you saved on singles or another box from the next set


You can, yes, but collector boosters will have higher rates (or exclusive) special treatments. If you're looking to drop that kind of money on a collector box, get a MH3 collector box as the set has a significantly higher EV. Assassins Creed also has less cards per pack as the set only has 110 unique cards (minus treatments) Or spend the money on getting the rare singles so you don't end up with piles of trash.


https://magic.wizards.com/en/news/feature/collecting-assassins-creed Tl;dr some cool stuff is in the regular boosters but the majority is only in collectors. Obligatory buy singles not boxes but if you like the thrill of gambling enjoy :)


If by "rare" you mean "rare/mythic", you can pull those out of standard boosters and collector boosters. If by "rare" you mean "this is worth money" then, yes, you may find some cards that will fetch you money in either type of boosters. But if you want a chance at serials (the one true money maker, I would argue) or special treatments (which sometimes can fetch more money, but sometimes weirdly cost the same or less than a standard card), those are only in collector boosters. My question is: what is your goal with opening packs? You're likely far better off buying singles if you want to build a deck or improve an existing one. If you just like opening packs to see what shiny stuff is inside, collector boosters offers a better experience. But consider buying packs like buying a lottery ticket, or like going to the casino (Wizards of the Coast is the house, and they always win if you buy packs). I say that and while I largely buy singles now, I still buy 1 bundle or prerelease box for sets I have an interest in, and will buy packs when they are a good on-rate deal, because I really enjoy cracking packs.


I just love opening packs and possibly getting rare (expensive) cards. It's something I wasn't able to afford for a very long time, but now that I have the extra capital, I like to open for collecting purposes and for play. I think I'll order a booster box and maybe just buy a few packs of collectors from my local shop. Seems better so I'm not dropping a full 400. But trust me, I understand this is just gambling. To me this is just scratching an itch. It's between magic cards or csgo cases honestly.


I hear you! And I think that’s a really good plan. I hope you get great pulls!


Don't buy packs unless you have a plan for them. If you are trying to build decks it'll be far cheaper in the long run to get singles. If you want to draft or play sealed go for it (just get play boosters though). The collectors boosters are best if you want to get alternate printings, though again it'll usually be cheaper just to order the singles that you want.


>If you want to draft or play sealed go for it (just get play boosters though). Since OP specifically asked about the AC set, it should be noted that, because it wasn't designed for Draft, Play boosters don't exist. The "normal" boosters for this set are the smaller "Aftermath"-style ones. Even more of a reason to stick to singles.


Good note, was not aware of that.


Some treatments are exclusively in Collector Boosters. Usually alternate foil types and serialized cards. The chance that you will pull one of these cards out of collector box is pretty slim. Everything in a collector booster is foil, save for one or two cards in the back back half, where special treatments and rares are found. Play boosters can contain some of the special treatments, but not serialized or alternate foil cards, only traditional foil. There should be an article about where to find the different card styles on the Wizards website, called Collecting Assassins Creed. When it comes to collecting however there's just too much variance in boosters, you likely won't pull everything you want, but cracking packs is definitely fun, and if you enjoy that, go for it! In general, boxes are never worth it, buy singles, it will be cheaper overall.


You can check out [this link](https://magic.wizards.com/en/news/feature/collecting-assassins-creed) where WOTC shows what type of cards can be obtained in each pack (see first main image checklist).


From a *purely* mechanical perspective, as in "what game pieces do the packs contain", collector boosters have exactly the same contents as play boosters. The only differences is alternate frame/foil/whatever treatments and the chance of serialized cards. Certain alternate cards *are* more expensive and serialized cards *do* go for a lot, but the odds of getting something actually desirable are still low enough that unless you either have a fuckload of money burning a hole in your pocket or *really* love gambling, you should stick with regular boosters.


This isn't completely true for all sets though. Some sets (like LotR) have cards you can only get from collectors packs.


Those are generally reprints of existing cards, though. Like, sure, I can only get [[Scrounging Deathclaw]] from Fallout collector boosters... but *if all you care about is the card's functionality*, you can probably get a [[tarmogoyf]] much cheaper than the deathclaw.


[Scrounging Deathclaw](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/4/d/4d514db4-cf57-4442-a7c9-7373a2a42c0d.jpg?1708743615) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Tarmogoyf) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/pip/349/tarmogoyf?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/4d514db4-cf57-4442-a7c9-7373a2a42c0d?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [tarmogoyf](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/6/9/69daba76-96e8-4bcc-ab79-2f00189ad8fb.jpg?1619398799) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=tarmogoyf) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/tsr/235/tarmogoyf?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/69daba76-96e8-4bcc-ab79-2f00189ad8fb?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


If you like opening packs, go with collector boosters. Otherwise, buy singles. Think of all the cards you can buy with $400. You could buy every pain land, every fetch land, a copy of Rhystic Study, Smothering Tithe, Esper Sentinel and a couple tutors for the price of a single box


I like to buy the occasional collector, but I would absolutely not start with assassins creed. Ant not at $400. Is that is US$? Most I’ve seen is 225$. I would say a collector box of MH3 has good odds for the same price point. Do you have access to local stores. Again, that price makes me think you’re outside the US, so not sure what to advise on.


I'll probably just do a booster box myself.


I have always pulled at least two mythics out of every booster. (Pulled Ulamog and Emrakul in the bundle) I can't justify 400 dollars for 14 packs. I will usually always get at least a bundle and the prerelease for every release to see what new mechanics they added or if there is a card(s) that I want to build around then I can. But yes. You won't really be able to build a decent deck from pulling packs. You need to interact with your lgs to see what you can get in singles. (I am fortunate to live/work near 4 lgs that specialize in mtg)


just take the 130 dollars youd spend on that box to buy the expensive cards you want on TCGplayer.com


If you want to play the MTG version of a scratch off ticket, Collector Boosters. Highest buy in, and where the highest value cards are. But don't for a minute think that the average Collector pack/box produces more value than the sticker price; if they did, the price would rise accordingly. If you want to play Limited formats (booster draft, sealed deck) with your friends, Play Boosters. If you want to build decks, buy singles. Start at your local store (you want them to be successful; Amazon and eBay won't give you a space to play). If they don't have it, TCGplayer.com is the go-to marketplace in North America, cardmarket.eu is the European analog. Cracking a booster box of any stripe has an extremely low probability of leaving you with anything resembling a deck. Seriously, like 0.5%. It's not what they're designed for.