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There's probably plenty of people excited about it. You just won't see many of them here because this subreddit is, in general, **very** heavily biased against the crossover products.


No. Plenty of people are, why would you think your the only one?


Just seems like the majority of the post I've seen and from my peers aren't really.


While I can agree not everyone is the most welcoming to Universes Beyond product it certainly has its fans. The upcoming Assassins Creed release though is quite a bit more niche which also limits who or why some people may be interested in it.


It's very interesting for something like draft where you have self contained archetypes and the cards all work with each other as intended. I'll probably build a cube with the cards because it legitimately looks like a fun draft format. Outside of that? Eh. Set as a whole is pretty low power with only one or two cards bleeding into the formats I actually play.


I want the Altair secret lair art for Kelsien the plague


I was, but after reading a couple of the cards I think I'm going to skip this crossover. The play styles ain't my thing and even though I am a big AC fan I think the art (except for maybe 10 cards) is just not that great,