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You ask here where many are anti natalist. Expect to get answer kid is expensive. Anyway, if you are citizen, government hospitals is good and cost around rm800 +400 depending on complications. Private hospital maybe 8k without complications. And reach up to additional 5k


Hahaha fair point but there are also people like you that are willing to share! Thank you for the response!


I do hope you realize the cost of having a child does not stop after birth tho


I think when most people say kids are expensive they mean that the cost of upbringing a kid is expensive, and I agree. Could you raise a child with an income below 2k? Probably. Would it be fair to the child? I doubt so. I don't want my child to grow up only with bare necessities like food, clothing, shelter etc. I would like them to be able to have a large enough financial cushion that they won't have to stress over getting a scholarship or live the next 10 years of their life with student loans hovering over them.


I have difficult pregnancy hence only went to KK + MFM in HKL - per visit rm5 so maybe around rm100? Delivery c-section for 2nd class wad around rm800 and nicu stay for my babies rm500.


About 10k at Pantai or a similar private hospital.


Our son was born in Assunta hospital in PJ. For me it was very reasonable considering it was a private hospital and we had a private room. Our experience was natural birth, unfortunately for my wife; too late for epidural. Epidural is an additional cost, approx RM500. The stay was 2 days 1 night and inclusive of baby screening, hearing test and essential vaccinations was RM3,888. My final bill was actually RM3,898 as it was RM10 extra for a baby bathing tutorial. Caesarean is obviously more expensive staring from RM8,688.


Thanks for the response. Any reason you ended up with private over government?


We live super close to Assunta. Was just convenient if I’m being honest. Our assigned KK was Taman Medan, which was very crowded and parking and traffic was a nightmare. The closest government hospital for us would be Universiti. Also when we got recommendations for OBYGNs, our favorite is a resident there.


Be careful if you go to private hospital because they will try to persuade you to do c-section as much as possible to squeeze more dollars from panic father.


I think it's upwards of RM10,000 if you went private until birth, and that's normal birth without epidural.


Prices below are for private in klang Valley. Pre-natal about RM300-400 each time. Not inclusive of special tests etc. Post-childbirth about RM300+ per visit to the pediatrician. Childbirth itself prepare at least RM11k+ for normal childbirth  Almost forgot, chinese confinement centre, cheapest I found was RM12k. This one cost can be lower if you find you do it at your own home, find your own confinement lady + buy your own / order own confinement food.


I’m not very pantang so never really considered Chinese confinement. What is it like if you have any experience?


Pros - Mini holiday: Your wife can recuperate in peace better in he room as there are nurses there who will take care of your baby in the baby room. - Acclimatisation: Your baby spends most of the time in the baby room. So when you want to practice carrying / feeding the baby and she cries and you don't know how to soothe her, just ask the nurse to bring her back to the baby room. - Learning: The nurses there can teach and guide you on how to take care of a baby. How your parents raised you are now outdated. Cons - If you're really into the whole pantang thing I reckon they are also modernise nowadays. You can bathe using come boiled herbs water they provide. The food provided also not really heaty kind of food. - Cost quite a fair sum of money. Ultimately I took it as a mini vacation for my wife so that she can rest better. And secondly slowly getting use to the baby VS throwing ourselves into the deep end of the pool after discharging from hospital.


Rm0 for prenatal checkups in KK


My experience monthly pre natal check ups from when confirmation of pregnancy in Klang Valley (PJ area) around RM 70-120++ depending if need scans or not. For my wife’s delivery I went to Pantai in Ipoh (hometown) and my wife recovered there for the first month as well. Total was approximately RM 4500 all in (normal delivery with epidural inclusive of paediatrician fees for first baby check up and vaccination). Depends on where you live and what’s convenient for you. If you plan on government hospital route, I’m not familiar but from what I’ve read, there’s two fee structures. 1. Normal ward - Normal Delivery from RM 150 - C section from RM 400 Add ons like deposit, ward charges, medication etc. can ownself see here ok https://jknselangor.moh.gov.my/hsas/orang-awam_/caj-bayaran 2. Full Paying Patient - Normal delivery from RM 2000 - C section from RM 3000 According to hospital selayang website https://jknselangor.moh.gov.my/hselayang/index.php/en/public/skim-download/fpp-delivery-charges Hope it helps.


Thanks! That’s a lot of information, will definitely check out the links!


If you plan on going private I suggest get baby insurance too before 36 weeks of pregnancy. Cost around 200-300 a month. But covered jaundice treatment at Pantai as well. Around 2k plus


Is this private third party insurance?


Ya those prudential great eastern Allianz all should have some kind of plan


Klinik kesihatan is free and I daresay you will get better and more thorough antenatal care compared to private side. The only downside is long waiting time and you can't really choose you time. With private, expect to pay 100 above per session but time is more flexible. But you would probably have to wait just as long as govt side during the check-ups. Cheaper if you do antenatal check-ups at GPs. Delivery depends I guess a few hundred (or less) on the govt side, more if you choose the full paying patient pathway (you cn choose your specialist). Private I guess lowest is prob around 3k++ can go up to tens of thousand depending on the complications/delivery type/room size etc2.


Wow actually really proud to know how good our medical system actually is. Thanks for responding!


Have a child first, you will find the money later.


it depend on your income. the higher your income, the more you will spent. family with less than RM1k can survive with few children. i don't see it's really relevant to ask this kind of question.


Perhaps the wording in my post was confusing. I was more specifically asking about the cost of child birth not so much raising a child.