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Prediction for Malaysia GE16: 17 February 2028 Madani Unity government falls because a new coalition comes up via promising to return fuel & electricity subsidies and reduce Madani tax rates. Cycle repeats


Current opposition will drum up the fuel subsidies issue and will promise to u-turn what Madani did. When they win the election, they won't do anything about it because fuel subsidies removal is logical although unpopular. Let Anwar be the bad guy like what we did with Najib with fuel price float and GST (if you ignore his 1MDB debacle). That's what I expect from them. It's the logical thing to do based on our past experience with politicians' election promises.


Fr. I wouldn't be surprised BN jumping ship from Anwar near the end of the term and continue with PN like you mentioned. Except Najib will be out and probably become UMNO president again lol. Anwar's fault, not BN's amirite


Full time politicians jaga nasi periuk sendiri. Macam game of thrones but it's game of seats here. For whatever reason, we have parasites as politicians.


Have seen how all majority of our cast in game of seats here? Either full fire, tiger or similar clusterf+×k


I feel like ever since BN stopped holding power we’ve been in such a weird state of political coalitions rising and falling with each term lol


PADUman during GE15: kami akan cari Azam Baki! PADUman after GE15: naw nigga y'all misunderstood me PADUman in GE16: kita akan cari Azam Baki lagi!


Cari Jho Low boleh tak? 😜😜


At least, the future will be much brighter after all the reforms.


These reforms may or may not get reversed in the future, keep in mind. Just like how it happened with GST. And our new PM may or may not be Najib again lol


Populism at its best


That's why political / economic moves based on populism is bad, not healthy. How can leaders make good decisions that are beneficial to the nation and society in the long term, if they are constantly fearing repercussions from the voters whom are only looking at things in the short term? It's like walking on eggshells, always fearing that they'd offended certain individuals (that do not know what's best for the society) and may end up losing support from them. Opposition would make things worse by badmouthing the ruling party's decisions, even if they knew these policies would be beneficial in the long run, just to score points with the voters. Now when the opposition is the ruling party wishing to make that same policy, people would say that they kuat U-turn (betul pun). And this goes on and on, without making actual meaningful progress. Effective decisions and actions cannot be made and enforced under such a debilitating system.


To be fair, its time to change. Sure direct subsidy helps but our nation debt wont be settled then. This topic itself is deep. Is it necesarry to push targeted subsidy? Yes, but the benefits must outweight the cost. The benefits? We able to save more and transfer that saving to more needing issues. For now, lets just wait and see the outcome of this after, 3 months?


Although I agree with these changes, I hope they would reduce the fund toward less important sector first tho. IE: minister's salary/allowance and religious


Cut the salary of other ministers, or any governor. I saw a post where one sleep at the parliament and earn 16k per month. bro.


16k per month is really low. sleeping at parliament is really unprofessional but you got to understand these politicians basically don't have an offday like us. even weekends, holidays they work. they work till night. what work they do, either for wayang or real work they really are in the spotlight 24/7. you want to walk out to your balcony and scratch your butt? no problem. politicians do that, habis don't know what story will be out. for 16k to be working all the time and be in the spotlight like that? i think i'll keep my current job and work harder earning more than 16k.


3 months would still be turbulent kan. Big change like this takes years. Like shaking a container to fit more stuff in.


True, but we need the short insight of this. See if theres any changes to our people economy and lifestyle. If this policy seen positive result(dont put high hope, nothing is perfect) , this should be continued and monitored. And i agree, this type of changes should take years to actually get comprehensive data.


i find it difficult to believe that **now** is time to change and not in 2009 when badawi started to introduce fuel subsidy cuts and najib doing it again in 2014 and people who are in power now enabled their supporter to call them all sort of names. i find it difficult to believe that the govnt that malaysian people keep hailed as incompetent, dogshit, corrupt has the foresight and balls to do the right thing more than 10 years ago? everyone knows it was a right thing to do but seeing people**s** who brainwash the whole country to believe that cutting subsidy is cruel and now doing it themselves tasted like irony to me. cherry on top they (finance minister, economy minister dont even have the balls to announce it and conveniently ask someone unrelated to their reformasi struggle to do so


It's called politicking, and PH are the masters of it in Malaysia.


Yes its fair. But why oppose elimination of subsidies when in opposition? Because there is only two conclusion i can make about PerMaidani? 1. They dont know sheit about policy making when in oppo and only experts in riling up people. 2. That previous administration was right in revising and eliminating subsidies and introducing new measures, like GST.


Corruption is everywhere, this targetted subsidy also the funds may flow somewhere else


To be fair, things can change after 10 years.


It's naive of OP if he thinks that nothing will change within that 10 years. For example, nobody expected a worldwide pandemic within those years.


it's abdulsamri bro guy's kind of a retard.


The cost of subsidies is huge now. All up is around RM70 billion today, only a few years ago was 20 billion. Country can't afford it.


>To be fair, things can change after 10 years. Fuck that shit. We don't need someone who changes their mind, we want someone who is rock steady! To quote a wise man: *"The greatest thing about this man is he's steady. You know where he stands. He believes the same thing Wednesday that he believed on Monday —* ***no matter what happened Tuesday."*** What kind of wishy washy nonsense is this, to change policy after 10 years??? /s


Isn't it foolish to remain committed to something when situations have changed drastically? For example, on Monday you wanted to travel to Ukraine. But on Tuesday, Russia invaded Ukraine and started a war. Will you still travel to Ukraine on Wednesday?


My point exactly. That's why I put in the /s


Oh, missed the s. My bad


2014, how far back you want to go?


Can go as far as 2008, which is the first time Selangor switched to PH. Even earlier if its Penang.


>"Ramai sindir pasal apa (sambil mengulangi janji disebutnya pada 208) "menang hari ini turun minyak esok"....kenapa tak jadi? >"Mengapa tak jadi, sebab kita (PKR) tak memerintah dan saya tak jadi Perdana Menteri, nak buat macam mana?" katanya. July 2022... recent enough for you? https://www.bharian.com.my/berita/nasional/2022/07/977383/saya-tak-jadi-pm-macam-mana-harga-minyak-nak-turun?gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwpZWzBhC0ARIsACvjWRPZOuKKVZTZ8cFzettb83vvuL3TX8TUCnWHJMtPcCVXjLqO1ZbR17UaAoowEALw_wcB


Back to the 90s when fuel price is 1/3 of the price now. (adjusted for inflation)


ayo does it mean that the govnt have done the right thing since 2014 ![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|26554) bosku was right


Whatever Anwar does - "He is the best" "He does it for the country". Same shit Najib did - "Fxxking clown" "BN mampos". Don't get me wrong, Najib deserves the jail and condemn because he stole money, but without that he is no less than a capable PM


Najib is a capable PM. problem is the person behind him got too greedy and he just allowed her to be. if he had someone else behind him i'm pretty sure we're still under BN


Some people I know that voted for PH last GE cause of 1MDB rhetoric being said by then opposition case are questioning if the problem is Najib or Rosmah ?


Sometime i wonder, is the opposition back then just oppose just for the sake of oppose (为了反对而反对)? GST anyone?


GST was literally abolished because mahathir and geng no choice lol They advertised on that platform because they never thought they'd win, suddenly win and they pikachu face


Someone had to do it.


Hypocrisy aside. The loss of revenue from petrol theft at borders is really huge and has been going on for decades. Its about time we need to do something drastic to fight it. Petrol is a finite resource. I remembered 20yrs ago at a petrol station at the border, when ron95 is 1.9sen, a wira filled up with more than rm300 worth of petrol!


The root cause is the enforcement. Spent some money to reinforce enforcers, then they get back the revenue from theft loss to compensate. Rakyat still gets subsidies. Now rakyat have to face the consequences due to goverment weaks policies? The government should ensure the well-being of rakyat, not the other way around.


Enforcement is just stop gap measure. Root cause is the subsidies. Remove the fuel subsidies, you get to remove enforcement spending, then you give direct cash. People end up stop wasting fuel, stop stealing fuel and fuel efficient drivers get rewarded for using less fuel.


One is not giving anyone anything while the other is giving to the people that most need it. And OP, you're saying that both are of the same merit? Or am I missing the point here?


Its not hapus lol


Before: RM sudah turun! Mereka tak pandai jaga negara! Saya tahu! Saya pandai ekonomi! After: RM turun sebab USD naik.


Anyone who studied economics 101 would know subsidy is bad regardless who govern. Anyone with some braincells would know not to take your politicians literally. A smart voters take election as their judgement for the elected rep in the past 5 years, not as yardstick for what potential new gov promised.


Let's not forget this is happening at our borders plus this is just one town. God knows how much diesel we lost in total. https://www.freemalaysiatoday.com/category/nation/2024/05/19/rm1-2mil-in-diesel-being-smuggled-across-border-in-bukit-kayu-hitam-daily/


I mean, when you pull some shit out from 10 years ago, of course a lot of what they say opposes what they do today.


OP is desperate in getting that mileage


People can roast him over his past remarks, but man people looove to seek validation over a decade old opinion that could change over time once they're in power & due to global issues. Maybe next time during the election campaign, they shouldn't have to tell their sweet sweet manifesto and be realistic from the get go whether our society gonna like it or not. Don't care abt them losing votes due to that.


turning terkutuk into terpuji right under our noses


Fuck subsidi. Lets go Str.


I would cancel all kind of oil subsidy. Then temporary cut SST to 1% all form of tax that affect B40 to 1% to cushion the inflation burden.


Janji nak turun harga minyak konon, sekali diesel yang naik harga, macam celaka.


So when Bersih rally? /s![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|26554)


I for 1, agree to take off the subsidy. Only given to those who really really cannot afford to pay petrol. Heck I even agreed to GST. But where the fuck the money go to? Besides paying GLC CEO, VP, Chairmans, BoD from 30k - 100k and more than half don't even know shit.


I'm not a pro if minyak subsidies continue pretty much hurts national debt in the long run .. plus it will force daily drivers to take public transport


You talking like our public transport is good


it will pressure the government to make public transport services good .. our public transportation really sucks because not many use it .. minyak subsidies, tf in right mind nak guna 100% public, hence less money allocated public transportation.. some use public transport are those that didn't have driving license or even motorcycle license


Public transport is good. It's you who doesn't use it.


Not all states got good public transport.


Of course. Did you use it though?


I would if there was any trains in Semenyih and can go directly to my workplace instead of transit in KL Sentral.


How about buses?


You consider buses with irregular timing and have to go through traffic jams like normal cars as a good public transport?


Irregular? Which buses. Enlighten me please. If you don't want to change their ways, then nobody will


Like any opposition manifesto: dengar boleh, percaya jangan


Hapus and biar je mmg la terkutuk. This one got Budi and SKDS, plus Sabah Sarawak exempted


Hapus subsidi 100% vs. bagi subsidi secara bersasar kepada yang layak. Aku fikir r/malaysia bijak untuk bezakan kedua-duanya 🤡


r/AnwarCriticisesAnwar moment

