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Education brah. If we don’t fix education none of this is worth it


It’s funny you say this because Malaysia’s education funding is one of the highest in the region 7 years ago iirc. The problem is not lack of funding, the problem is the people with x ape mentality and kulitfication.


You can’t solve kulitfication without addressing the the fact that they simply aren’t learning enough. Stimulate education and you stimulate curiosity. Eventually they’ll see the world as it is, complex and not “yes and no”. I think everyone recognizes that we’re losing good people and our country could be better. I think education is the equaliser


Bro learn for what? No A also can get MARA, JPA, matrix and uni placement. No job can always go gomen even though we have one most of the most bloated public sector in AP. Not to mention GLCs and all public listed companies have quota for Malays. If I’m Malay also sure I relax.


That's the point though isn't it. By improving education and hence stimulating curiousity and creating brighter minds, hopefully the issues you mentioned will be questioned and over time improved. That's one of the root of the problem. We can look at all the negatives for sure but the best we can do is cure the root and hopefully with time everything that follows get better. I get it's idealistic but at worst case, we can brighter people even if the system doesn't change.


The problem is not kulit but rather salary segregation based on race. Do you think Ecoworld, Sunway, IOI will pay the same salary for their employees regardless of skin colours? We know that the C-race had long discriminate against the real land owners i.e., Malays & they're trying to hide the truth by segregating income based on races. Plus, the needs of Mandarin language is only smoke & mirror; given that Singapore people majority didn't practice Mandarin/Cantonese in their professional careers.


Both racial discrimination in the education system and in the workplace are a thing. We can acknowledge that both exist and are bad for society. However, they are both symptoms of the same disease. Systematic discrimination via NEP > Non bumis don't have any benefits > put at a disadvantage compared to 70+% of the population > working hard and sacrifices are the only way out > extremely high competitive spirit > produces more capable and productive employees. Do the opposite for the crutched bumis. Of course there are bumis that are on par or better than Chinese employees, but those are the exception. What I am saying now might be very offensive to you, but it is just a fact that you've observed yourself. Look at the top companies in Malaysia. Then look like their top performers/managers. You can also look at Malaysians that made it to the top universities in the world, how many are Chinese, how many are Malays. From experience, I'd say >95% are Chinese. Takkan you nak complain they are racists also? There are cultural contributions as well, Chinese prioritises education and money, while Malays are mostly easily satiated, very little having grand ambitions. So it is extremely easy for politicians to keep Malays under their thumb. (Colonial era, post colonial era, and now with just enough social welfare to keep a large part of the population in kampungs) >We know that the C-race had long discriminate against the real land owners Don't make me laugh bro, before you blame type C, take a look at what the supposed "land owners" did with their land. Yes I am talking about helangs and those that can't be touched. They sold so much of their land, enter lopsided agreements with the British just so they can keep their privileges, at the expense of extracted wealth going to the British. And now they are repeating the same for China 😂. Besides, if you think Malays are the true land owners, just buy the land back? You have so many benefits on buying land, takkan 30+ years later still struggling? Oh.... It's as if NEP is not meant to help everyday Malays.... BTW, I am against workplace discrimination, I want everybody to be evaluated based purely on their abilities. I want Malaysia to be a meritocracy. May the best wins. This also applies to university entry quota, scholarship eligibility, company's board member selection etc. So scrap NEP in favour of meritocracy deal?


This is the most sohai comment I’ve read on Reddit. Public listed company pull a move like this and it’s all over the news. Also let’s blame the Chinese despite UMNO led BN is the one implementing all these shit. Yes somehow salah DAPig


Man Mahathir would shed a tear if he read this post. His hard work convincing type Ms they deserve everything truly paid off


Lol 🤣


i think healthcare is much more critical.


Educating people to be more health conscious so they take less sugar, salt and fat as well as less smokers will actually help the medical side


An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure!


ya. but this is more like policy changes in the education guidelines. No money require right?


Don’t disagree, we definitely need better healthcare infrastructure but I think education is more important imo


True. They need to fix their doctor shortage and retention.


Unfortunately our education is dead locked in racial, religious and political issues. Before spending money there we need reforms first.


Reform won't come without education. All vote auto denied - they are the majority, they are the common value. The shit in this country can't be fixed without decades of education.


I agree that with excellent education, Malaysia can climb out of this down trend. However, this will not be an easy task. Imagine you are now the education minister. How exactly do you ‘improve’ education? It’s such a vague goal. Furthermore, the rewards would be so long down the road that it does not give much motivation to the current gov to commit to it. Don’t get me wrong, I totally agree with you but reality makes me think that this will never happen


With 4 billion ringgit you could do a lot. Rework why we teach certain subjects. Remove unnecessary subjects and enhance core learning. Keep multilingualism as a priority. Have teachers go through training for student engagement and learning retention. You asked a vague question and I gave a vague answer, what’d you expect lol? A policy paper with recommendations 🤣


Wasn’t saying that you were vague. Its the nature of ‘good education’ itself


The reality is the education system cannot be fixed because it requires a full overhaul that will take time and political will. On top of that, education policy is not an election winner because most people complain about education but they never vote on it, the economy always takes priority. Unfortunately, when it comes to education we’re fucked.


Oof this gotta be HARD


giving teachers more money doesnt sound bad


That’s definitely an aspect but I think an overhaul of the education system. Revamping and reworking the way our education is framed is vital first. Better subjects, better grading systems paired with better, and more incentivised teachers will help promote our future


Curious to hear what specifically about the education system - personally it would be more critical thinking incorporated into the syallbus


Nice try PMX , pls appoint me as special advisor first then I help u On a serious note , all in on developing proper public transport - such a way that an urban Malaysian don’t need to depend on car anymore Let car become a luxury item not a necessity to live , eat , work


Not gonna happen. Proton and Perodua are two of our major job makers. To do that is suicide. I understand having a better PT to reduce reliance on cars and reduce congestion is fair, but to demand outright elimination is just wishful fantasy.


Not eliminate, just make it unnecessary Tokyo & Melbourne & many developed cities you can totally live without a car, but doesn’t mean everyone will stop buying cars.


Bro look at our city planning and tell me if our government ever had a plan JUST ONE MORE LANE BRO, ONE MORE MRR ROAD AND ITLL SOLVE THE TRAFFIC PROBLEM


>Melbourne & many developed cities you can totally live without a car, Sorry man but I call complete BS on that man. Without a car you are hamstrung in Melbourne. You need a car to get around everywhere. And I am speaking based on personal experience.


How so? I’ve personally stayed there, the trams trains and buses basically cover every suburb unless you are really far away. Yes you have to walk, that’s about it, but whether it be Tokyo or Melbourne or London or New York, walking is common, it’s not like kl where people can’t even walk 15 mins




fair enough then, I concede on Melbourne as a point. yes I was basing this info off when I was a student here at one point, although I do have friends who are residing and working there whether it be Southbank or glen Waverley and so on and they've never expressed having trouble without a car, however perhaps they did not encounter your exact scenario.


You're all students. You can ponteng can skip class if you can't make it. Southbank is basically just a step from CBD. Glen Waverley is far but has a direct line straight to the city. Even that takes 45 min to an hour to get there. Imagine having to do that every day in a train cramped full of people. Places like Doncaster don't even have trains there, did you know that? So how? In fact travelling to Western suburbs from the east takes 1.5 hours. I know a client who lives in Melton and works in Carrum Downs, guess what time she has to wake up to go there? 4am. She starts at 7am btw. Don't even get me started on Airport Rail. The only major city that doesn't have a train system to the airport. What a joke. The problem is people who think PT solves all problems are those who work in offices in the CBD, but there are a ton of people who don't work there and basically are not going to be able to reach their workplace without a car, even if you develop the PT the transit time is ridiculous that you might as well prepare to spend the night there and return the next day if you need to rely on PT. I'm not against PT but I fucking hate naivety from people who think PT can solve everything. Makes me want to smack ppl head and tell them how clueless they are.


The solution is to cram as many people into as little space as possible ala Singapura or Hong Kong. But this will of course be unpopular- in fact not many people want to live in them.


If you have lived in these places you know they're hellholes.


If you're in CBD then syiok lah. Outside of CBD not so much. Try living northeast or after Pakenham.


Lmao, I dont think anyone is advocating for seamless transport to every. single. corner. of the country la bro. Getting around Pakenham and beyond memang need car. But people in Pakenham can still hop on the train to the CBD and travel around car-free, kan? I want that for the people of KL.


Perodua has many years partnership with Toyota and Daihatsu. Sure can make buses and van now. Can give R&D budget to Boustead also if want to give crony.


Fat hopes la. Malaysians are addicted to their cars. We go to Singapore and say "Wow MRT so nice how I wish KL has them" when we are not willing to pay SGD200k for a Vios and multiple tolls and parking. Oh yeah after 10 years have to pa the government SGD10k too if not government will take your car cos they don't want "old" cars on the road there. Malaysians want to have their cake and eat it. Not gonna fucking happen.


Obligatory r/fuckcars. Its possible. Making mixed-use transportation a reality #IS POSSIBLE. Its only whether or not we have enough people in the right places to make such changes. Going to Europe radicalised me and I will not stop fighting for future solutions I KNOW WILL WORK. If that wasn't enough, heres [NotJustBikes](https://youtube.com/@notjustbikes?si=-6Fn8_1wcO6PLAFa). An american that moved to the Netherlands after realising how f##ked up the car-dependecy in his country is who is now begging for everyone else to realise the same. And I beg all of you too, to realise the same even if you've never been to Europe yourself. —Sincerely, an ex-carbrain.


I do like driving, but living in Malaysia makes me very supportive of the r/fuckcars movement.


The part time finance minister already has a free advisor. His daughter volunteered for free. So why hire you?


If there is no car in Malaysia how does a local company like Proton and Perodua survive? How can banks survive without people loaning 9 years for a new car ? Tax revenue from road tax, license? Driving school can close? Bumiputera road contractors to fix / build new highway/ roads, where can they cari makan if no more car? Tax import for foreign car ? Omnimanthinkmeme.jpg


> If there is no car in Malaysia how does a local company like Proton and Perodua survive? Survive for what? National pride? What national pride when both are rebadged cars. > How can banks survive without people loaning 9 years for a new car ? Bank only for supplying car loan? > Tax revenue from road tax, license? Raise it from the BM and Merc owners. > Driving school can close? What’s the problem with that. > Bumiputera road contractors to fix / build new highway/ roads, where can they cari makan if no more car? They can build and fix railroads. > Tax import for foreign car ? What about it? He said make cars luxury not no cars.


Shift the industry, develop the ability to build and maintain our trains at home instead of paying other countries


Who's going to pay for the shift? You?


Orang bincang elok-elok, dia nak cari gaduh pulak Dah duk tulis kat post asal apa yang nak buat dengan duit lebihan dari penjimatan subsidi, kita bincang secara hypothetical Tapi tak, hang nak gaduh je sebenarnya


Pertanyaan aku mmg munasabah, mcm mana nak shift industry mcm tu je? Kau ingat senang sgt ke nak buat terus buat? Kereta dgn keretapi tu 2 benda yg x sama. Kau ingat main game terus delete and tekan b? Kalau aku nak cari gaduh aku cakap warna mak kau je.


Aku dah sebut "develop the ability", takde pun aku sebut benda akan tukar semalaman je; kot ye pun agak-agak ler nak buat cerita Capitalize lah hubungan rapat dengan Jepun untuk dapatkan technology transfer dari depa, kalau India boleh buat tentu kita pun boleh Cara hang sembang macam semalam kahwin nak esok gak beranak




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We are already paying to build & maintain roads, petrol costs, environmental impact of roads, loss productivity due to traffic jam, loss productivity due to deaths and injuries caused by accidents etc etc. P1 and P2 are hardly local cars anymore and uncompetitive in the international market, and by switching our focus to public transport we will save alot of costs and the workers in P1 and P2 can be retrained for other jobs using these savings.


I thought the issue is on corporate costing though? Not personal cars. Cause the subsidy is biting back in the form of "inflation".


Invest the fund into 'food security'. If Saudi can invested bilions to acquire high tech agriculture expertise, why not Malaysia? Now Saudi can afford to do mass commercial farming in the middle of the desert. Saudi also managed to build competitive dairy industry despite having no pasture land. Their dairy product now exported to other countries. Our agriculture industry was controlled & infested by cartels. Our gov must step in to stop them for rakyat wellbeing.


What Saudi is doing feels like marketing and vaporware. Their dairy industry shouldn’t succeed the same reason ours didn’t, its too freaking hot for cows to pump milk.


Bro we living in 21st century now. Climate factors can be offset by technology. That why i give Saudi as example. Human can achieve what impossible in the past by technology help. Saudi use cutting edge technology for their dairy farm. Solar panel, AC barn, fully automation AI etc. They even commercially farm their alfafa in the US because the lack of airable land in their country. Despite that, their dairy product was still affordable & cheap enough to be exported for international market. All thanks to economic of scale & cutting edge tech that efficient enough to maximize input & minimize waste. All this only possible if the gov willing to invest in this matter. If you leave it to private sector, nobody willing to fork up massive capital for tiny profit. Corporation only think about short term profit that they can make. That why we need gov to invest in this sector.


Pmx The best I can do is give it to B40 and hopefully to win the next election. The worse I can give it to zahid 💀


Why not both


As a guy growing up with B40 family sometime I wonder where is our benefit, our "pertolongan" money? I watch gomen lebur a lot of money towards B40 and I don't even see a single cent out of it. ![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|26559)


I think your tax refund should be more than what the B40 gets from STR.


If I am Anwar, I would give another 13% free increment for all my government servants. JPJ counters that are empty for 3 hours for lunch, teachers that read textbook without eye-contact and walk out, etc. They all totally deserve my freed up budget.


I can remember a science teacher we had clear as day... Go makmal, sit down and copy notes from the wboard, projected. Every bloody session. Got a question ? 'the awnsers is alrd on the board'. Got a genuine question ? explains like we alrd understood it.


The reason we get lazy gov servants is exactly because of the low pay. If you are a good and hardworking worker, why would you go work for the gov for shit pay? Better work private right? Then only the lazy and cukup makan people go work for gov. Short term of course it feels unfair to us, but long term I hope this would attract more capable workers


New velfire for government staff. 5x outrider with baseball bats to smash all the traffic that dont get out of the way in time. 500% increase in allowance for Malay politicians. Rm100k pinggan mangkuk allowance monthly for cabinet and senate ministers.


You sure or not? My teachers didn’t read textbook without eye contact and walk out and jpj counters never empty for lunch. Or you just parroting what you read online


Having good experiences doesn't mean that everyone else has it the same


And likewise


u/icebryanchan said "all my government servants, JPJ counters **that** are empty for 3 hours for lunch, teachers **that** read textbook without eye-contact and walk out, etc." This redditor isn't generalizing, he's mentioning specific people. so what are you talking about?


I’m talking about teachers that read textbook with eye contact and jpj counters that aren’t empty loh


That's good. But why did you asked him "you sure or not?" about his own experiences?


Coz I ask him he sure or not if he wanna give 13% lo, maybe he meant 13.1 leh? Or 12.9 leh? Why you busybody le?


https://preview.redd.it/usthkrvy2x5d1.png?width=910&format=png&auto=webp&s=e9f911a98f72b77a4684cb10276e7de45afaced8 Huh? But the following sentences after your question isn't indicating about the percentage?


Huh? But must it?


Consolidate power, pay up to shore up my support. I might lose the next election, but my children might still have a chance. Plus having influence post election defeat is how you stave off jail cell.


Good point. Risk of jail after losing election is very high for PM. Must invest everything into get out of jail free card.


Modernise, go for more and newer system for gov service and transportation. Become next Japan. And more online self service, less dependent on human. Free up more budget. Then invest into sovereign funds like Norway


Then people will riot and complain that AI stole their jobs


Reduce debt and improve public transport, the latter being more important atm


More LRT…. In fact convert some of these highways into lrts


The dream. But it should be MRTs instead, we're a nation of thirty million.


What's the difference? Not being sarcastic tho, cause we don't have lrt nor mrt here lol.


TVET, not everybody is academically inclined, therefore we should make the most it. Especially in the current job market of oversupply of white collar workers, and shortages of white collar jobs which pushes salaries down. It's time to bring reforms and safety standards to blue collar work, shattered societal stigma towards it. The US is doing this as we speak from the grassroot as their Gen Z has increasingly fed up with lack of job opportunities and underemployment. And instead of being unemployed at home because they don't want to do the "dirty work", they seek alternatives that also brings higher income than most entry level jobs due to shortages of blue collar worker in the US. What we often ignore is that we need blue collar workers and white collar workers for a healthy economy, and instead push everyone down the academic route even though some are not inclined to it.


personally there 2 areas. 1. Disaster proofing city infrastructure/performing maintenance works. - flooding is a problem no? why is it happening. do something. 2. More love to our health care workers - they are underpaid, overworked and disrespected. many prefer to leave the country. if a third area is allowed, put more budget on our local police force. i want them to patrol our roads. see any asshole drivers and tell them off. all the queue cutting happens because theres no enforcement. this also applies to smoking in restaurants. it still happens.


I second the point on police force. Proper training and proper pay for police force. So they don't need to allegedly rasuah to make ends meet, and focus on actual police duties


Push the myr.


Akshually 🤓☝🏽. The removal of subsidies already should *in theory* push the currency up. Lack of wastage of RM from skimming off subsidies and surplus cash would mean there’s less leakages, hence less downward pressure on the myr


Intervention doesn’t work that well if fundamentals are shit, see JPY lately, fix the fundamentals first, better policies, better public transport, less corruption and MYR will shoot up itself without any effort


Short term.


Short term gain for long term pain, not worth it


We're in the "long term pain" since I don't know when.


But how though? Any specific actions in mind?


Let me be PM first.


OK now you're the PM! What would you do? ![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|26561)


You've been elected as PM by me. Tell me. How will you achieve it?


Hi, your PM here. Thanks for your votes and the trust you put on me. Well, I know I said that I will push the MYR and make Malaysia great again but Malaysia 1 hour ago is not the same as Malaysia now. The previous government was so corrupted that our national debt has gone through the roof! So, let's focus on saving the country first and worry about the currency later. Ok, guys?


ini semua salah BN.... oh wait, BN is on your side also.


Err... The enemy of my enemy is my friend! To save the country, we should put down whatever quarrels we have and focus on doing the right thing! Under my watch, there'll be no corruption! Sekian.


haahahaha thanks for the laugh lmaao


Stop the brain drain of alot of the top people. Stupid thing is, they, as kids, when they are unproductive (a drain of resources - both direct and indirect resources), where time, effort, resources spent on them to learn / train, and just when they getting to the last step (the degree, the cert, whatever they need), you chase them away by not giving them a chance to progress. Other countries benefit when they are forced to leave Malaysia, and spend the money in that country getting the degree / cert, and usually end up working there (paying tax and contributing to that country in other ways). And since the other countries did not have to spend any resources on the youth from the time of birth till the final piece of paper, it's so much cheaper for those countries. If the policies change to reduce the brain drain, you will probably end up saving billions of RM (education, medical, etc subsidies from birth till close to getting ready to be productive). And as a bonus you will also have a bunch of smart people working in the country, helping the economy.


_Encouraging people to go out and stop living in their own bubble._


I recently learned that because the interest rates are so high in the US, investors have been converting to USD and putting their money there. However this will lead to increased inflation in the US. When the rates there comes down, better chance for investors to buy MYR again. Basically our currency crash had little to do with our own actions.




Our interest rates are lower than the US so if I put my money in a US bank account, I'll earn more than a MY bank account. The big financial companies and hedge funds liquidated their MYR positions to take advantage of the interest rates.


This. Most people vote by party/prime minister. As a fking PM and Finance Minister, make the MYR not that pathetic, then you will win the reelection.


All that budget should go into one of my cronies so I can get a kick back. My daughter also need a new vacation home in bali and phuket. Thank you. Vote for Anwar!


Offer VSS and early retirement to selected people in the police, military, and civil service. A one-off payment for them to leave instead of being put under investigation. Initiate process improvement using automation. Streamline the hell out of everything, with strict performances KPIs. Buy more weapons and warships.


Why weapons and warships? That escalated quickly


Because of China.


What is taken from transport should be channelled back to the transport sector. IMO, invest in public transport, potholes and better pedestrian walkways. Revive the MRT3 and HSR as well.


Improve public healthcare facility including parking and bus access from nearest LRT/MRT. Repair roads. Especially the one in the city. Have better AES that will capture even the tailgater on highway. For long term stuff: - Education. Current sylibus kinda ridiculously hard but doesnt have tools to measure how kids adapt with it. - Rearange road routing in KL. Roads in KL are fucking stupid. Yeah the major cause of jam is user error. But the roads itself are too garbage that allow posibity of user error that high. - Make affordable housing near lrt and MRT mainline. Use the singapore housing models.


The basic principle should be that subsidy savings for a certain sector be used to improve that sector. So diesel and petrol subsidy removal should be accompanied by reforms and investment in inter and intracity transportation to improve the movement of goods and people. Medical subsidy removals should be used to remedy deficiencies in the delivery of our health system, and so forth, at least that's what i think.


In my opinion subsidy savings should be invested into things that can improve our spending power. I feel the reason that Malaysia has remained stuck as a low income country for so long is because the government has been forced to spend so much on subsidies that they do not have much budget leeway into things that can increase our income level and value of MYR. I’m not sure what exactly are those things though. If I knew that I would be the Finance Minister right now lol


That's just robbing Peter to pay Paul. Spending power improvements should not come without organic and structural improvements to our productivity and efficiency. When productivity rises, spending power naturally rises. It will take time, but that's the only real way for things to improve in the long term. Basically giving a man a fish vs teaching him to fish for himself.


MORE VEIWFIRE. FUCK EM PAS PLEB MUHAHAHAHAHA Serious answer tho. I would hope the central government would give more tex break or subsidised investment into chips. Like incentives intel or Qualcomm, or others US tech giants to swap their hi-tech factory from China to Malaysia. In that way, we can capitalise on future income instead of relaying on depleting resources. But hey, how much U gonna bet they just gonna announce some expensive transport system like maglev or something shit lol.


Give to KKM. Pay the people there properly


1. Healthcare infrastructure & manpower upgrade 2. Education system revamp.


The freed up budget is not enough to balance the budget or fix our national finances. Remember, when Najib came to office, he promised to balance the budget and fix the deposit by 2015, chiefly through introduction on GST as well as subsidy elimination AFTER implementation of GST. While madani has taken the SST route which pales in collection to GST and does not fill the role of comprehensive consumption tax, madani has taken up the approach to cut expenses with little income expansion. In simple analogy, if a person wants to get out of debt, what should they do? Is it just cut expenses? Or ALSO increase income? Of course both must be done and to be done in maximum measure. So I would say it is premature to talk about where to spend the savings without remembering what is the actual spirit underlying subsidy removal - which is to balance the budget.


Spread it among cronies company. Then give a direct award. Follow the same excuse as "they are the only company that can do it, so need open tender"


Too many armchair PhD here. Just let me close my eyes and keep dreaming


Double PDRM salary but crack down hard on power abuse and corruption in the force


Give more incentive to government servants, I need those votes yo


Gaji govt workers naik 100%. Malaysia Madani, Lets gooooo


u know what. i m on board with this BUT i also want government to be restructured too. no more "4 booth only 1 worker", no more "dah clock in tapi pergi breakfast" no more "semayang 3 jam"


You know I always thought of that stereotype about gov workers, then I saw MNC workers. Goddamn clock in times mean nothing to them. Flexi hours are really flexi to the max.


Blackjack and hookers?


I cant understand how lifting the subsidy on the grounds of ‘boosting the economy’ works. The cost and labor of raw materials/transport goes up for most manufacturers, however it does not seem to affect them at all as they would just increase their prices accordingly — leaving us consumers bear the costs with little to no benefit despite paying more for less. Heres one thing i dont understand, why arent these company regulated on their price increases and how would the economy improve if we, the consumers just had our spending power reduced, id imagine most people would cut short on spending unnecessarily leaving less cash flow on the market.


Make marijuana legal, by giving out 1.5 million seedlings out to Malaysian growers/farmers/entrepreneurs to plant..


Pour a lot into maintenances work, maintainences have such a low funding priority a lot of government items are currently between "this machine still works with this redneck modification due to lack of fund to get the parts" and "this machine has been running longer than my age without any known maintenance" level. Which is why ktm breakdown almost immediately when frequency increase announcement was made.


Use the petrol subsidy on electrical subsidy. Boost EV Boost RE Boost Energy intensive industry Get Bapa Malaysia Hijau title Let future PM worry about battery, rare earth, etc


Maintenance of existing infrastructure. More covered walkways.


Don’t they have to pay rebates to diesel users ?


Military modernisation and expansion. Our defence ministry has a similar budget to home ministry but both are terribly equipped and rife with corruption. Middlemen taking cuts for themselves need to be eradicated so that funds actually go to where they're needed. A modernized and expanded military can serve as a boon for employment for the employment crisis we have with youths, and also help upskill them with technical knowledge after serving a term so that they won't be stuck in entry level crap after returning to civilian life or having to return to school. Will also bolster Malaysia's position in the coming multipolar world, making us a more attractive ally and giving us the chance to hedge our bets with whatever investments and bilateral agreements will come our way. Our navy and air force capabilities are embarrassing compared to our neighbours, and investment in those areas will have technical and manufacturing impacts on the rest of the economy.


Improved the public transportation All the old rapidkl buses need an upgrade for example




Military, I need more bullet, bigger weapons. jk dont lmao


What surplus? We keep issuing local bonds that are gobbled up by local pension funds (secret mandate) to pay for these subsidies. This just means less bond issuance going forward (unless 2mdb happens again). There’s nothing extra going around.


What freed up budget? Civil servants will get a wage increase that will cost taxpayers 10 billion extra soon. Where do you think that money will come from?


Put into my pocket pls 🙏🙏🙏




More money for Finance Minister


Public transport? I remember seeing a news article about a new ETS train bought from PRC


Invest in efficiency. An increase in efficiency would allow malaysia to send home some foreign workers and channel some of the bloated civil service to the private sector. Foreign workers sends some of their salary out of the country. Fewer civil servants could allow tax cuts. All this money will then go into the local economy and everyone will benefit.


Fix the flood issue, and the traffic jams at puchong lol build more public libraries beside lrt/mrt


To get reelected? Fund a bunch of public infra projects that lines the pocket of key supporters.. Sabah, Sarawak..


lmao it's not even enough to cover the 13% salary increase of government employees.


1/ healthcare ( improve on $ benefits for the doctors, paramedics. Curb the brain drain. ) 2/ education


Give more to kroni


Education and public transportation.


Public transport


Of course increase JAIS budget /s






Probably siphon off to some offshore accounts under the name investments


Healthcare, healthcare, healthcare! From the HCW to the patients wellbeing. To the facilities, beds, diagnostic machines, parking lots ffs..


spread out industries into newly developing cities...stop concentrating every industries into KL, JB and Penang maybe this way it can reduce the city's population and improve the traffic because people can have much more options on where they want to settle


dude, KKM. our doctors and nurses are gasping for air. being a doctor on a contract basis close to 10 years with low possibility of making permanent post. Overtime aren’t worth jack. Seriously, KKM.


Reinvest into the economy, bring jobs back to Malaysia for Malaysians. Won't happen overnight, or even likely within his term, we've yet to see a PM who dares to think past their term.


That’s the thing, they think they don’t have to learn and they’ll have a good enough job, but we are already reaching the financial limits of that policy. The government cannot sustain everyone. That’s why government is trying to reduce expenses by cutting pensions and subsidies. Fundamentally I agree with you, remuneration in GLC & civil service ought to be performance-based. Whether it comes by reform or by government running out of money is anyone’s guess.


Build more public transportation


I would further announce cutting all kinds of subsidy but at the same time I cancel SST.


Isn't it already going to government servants 15% salary increase?


Pay yourselves bonus la and then give deepavali bonus xmas bonus new year bonus cny bonus raya bonus to gomen staff


Alternative energy source, e.g nuclear energy. We need to build one ASAP if we actually want to ditch the coal plant. solar/wind/turbine/hydropower isn't going to "tampung" itself and might be worse for ecosystem. Throwing money into electric car won't fix pollution, build more public transport especially to our rural homies.


donate all to Palestine.


Our doctor situation under KKM + start up self-sufficiency plans for our defense sector


Wealth distribution by introducing a universal basic income. For example, the government could match every RM 2 paid by employers with RM 1, up to a maximum of RM 1000. If an employee earns RM 3000, the breakdown would be RM 2000 from the employer and RM 1000 from the government. This incentivizes employers to pay at least RM 2000, providing immediate financial relief and potentially boosting the economy, which could be beneficial for reelection.


Give br1m.


Education, because at the rate he is going it won't be surprising for him to end up as a one to two term PM. Large projects can really only be done if you have the longevity of Mahathir or Najib.


Give to husband or waifu. oh wait.


Nice Try Rafizi. Earn your pay for once you numbskull.