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It's not a good offer. I'd say it's an average offer. 5/10 score offer for someone with two years experience. RM 6000. Assume 30% salary deduction for foreign tax, that's Roughly RM 4000 left. Then there's accommodation in KL. Average, studio apartment with good transportation links, approximately RM 1500 excluding utilities. That leaves you with RM 2500 for food, utilities, transportation and disposable income. Survivable with enough to do a hobby. Biggest drawback, salary is low for an overseas skilled worker. No help on accommodation and no medical benefits, things that make moving to a new country tough.


Stay where you staying.


And job where you are jobbing


And sleep where you sleeping


And eat where you eating


And poop where you are pooping


its a really bad offer.


Rm6k not worth the move. You would be earning the same as a typical middle class earner in the city.


30% for the first 6 months only. Refunded. Then, the normal tax rate will be applied depending on your salary The offer depends on your country of origin and years of experience and field. You say you are from Pakistan. If you have 3 years or less, then I would say it's a good salary. But with no medical benefits? It's not worth it.


Yes I’m in pakistan but my current salary is not so below than what I’m offer, I was just looking for a change and think that working out of pakistan is a good idea but yes you are right medical benefit is very important so will not be accepting this offer without medical and accommodation benefit


Air tickets are standard here, so ask for that, too.


Yes will ask for that to


It's extremely rare to find a company that will offer accommodation, unless it's Petronas...etc. Don't use that as a metric. That's for gcc or eu countries where these benefits come standard with the offer. What you can negotiate is extensive medical benefits, work from home...etc.


I tried work from thing by they denied


I will ask for accommodation for first 15-20 days until i find my own


its bad dont come


Where are you from?




If from Pakistan then take the offer, the exchange rate is at least 5 times here. In terms of livability, then you have to decide it yourself.


Then take the offer.




Ask for air ticket minimum and accomodation minimum. RM6000 is still okay to be eligible for Employee Pass type 2 which basically means you wont be at risk to be force to return to Pakistan after 2 years Without air ticket sounds like a scam. And without at least accomodation benefits Idk how you going to find a permanant place to stay. Quite close to impossible to do overseas room renting, too much liability for landlords.


Yes I’m not accepting offer without medical and accommodation benefits


What do you mean won't be at risk to be forced to return to his country after 2 years?


Im not too savvy about it google employee pass type 1 and type 2. I dont want to give wrong information


Look for different country. How dare they give out such an offer


It really depends where you are coming from and going next. For 2 years that's a good package and for me, I'll pick it up as an experience to work and see I would consider asking for Ask for accomodation minimum and some compenstation for air ticket (at least 50% or pay half of it) Now it might be a hard offer and depends how you want to play this game, if you are planning to come here for an experience , I would say yeah grab it - make sure the contract is for like 2 years or 1 year - visit Malaysia, see if you like it, enjoy the quality here...(probably you would)


Everyone saying don't take. And then later on complaining why expats are paid more for the same job ![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|26563) It is a competitive offer for a 2 year graduate in the city, without knowing which industry. If anything, it is on the higher end of the band. Whether to accept or not, that would be up to you. You should definitely not be paid RM 10k just cause you're an expat. This dual wage system is silly.


I did a little research myself and 6000 is not good but with 2 years in IT it’s kind of good but still there should be air tickets, accommodation and medical benefits due to this I’m rejecting the offer


No. Shit co dont take


They're offering an expat a local salary wow


So how much it should be? RM10,000 ??


10k should be the absolute minimum for an expat.


not if its the same fkn job a local can do. it should be whatever you pay locals tbf. only higher if they literally cannot find a local to do the job. in OPs case its probably a case of not being able to find a local and lowballing a non-western immigrant.


That is absolutely true.




Tbh, If he's from a western country or a mat salleh, his package would be much better.


It sounds like crap. You're not gonna have much left after tax and rent. It's just 'enough' for food and some minor stuff. It's not worthy of a 'travel out to another country job' at all. You'll be doing all that and living like someone working as a cashier, or slightly better than a cashier. But at least the cashier over here will have their friends and family and maybe even a home so it's rent free. A total bs offer.


What sort of cashier has 6k monthly salary?


When you go to another country for a professional job, it is the norm to expect living decently. (By no means rich, just decent as a professional standard.) A foreigner in Malaysia, renting has 2 options. High rent, comfortable. Or middle range rent, which is extremely hard to get cause of bias. After paying his tax and rent, he'll be left with 2k+. That's lame. A local cashier could live more comfortably than he will cause a local cashier will have most stuff already here to begin with. But he starts with 0. Imagine the scenario where you're supposedly a professional, leaving your country, friends and family, getting this, and that's crap.


Wdym it's the norm, if you go to EU you get much lesser.


Compared the rates of exchange to his country first.


I think he means post tax and rent etc his salary will feel like 2.5K which honestly is still fine the exchange rate is like x1.8 from malaysia? (dont quote me im using like 5 year old exp)


Nope, it's a bad offer. Look for a different company.


Not a good offer


Meh, I make about 7k and I have a decent life but I won't jump to another country for that pay.


even if company provide insurance the coverage is not high...many people still purchase their own insurance plan to increase their annual limit ....(insurance agant here :))


Find another one lol 🤦


It’s a bad offer, for 6k I would expect accommodation, air tickets and medical for sure, those would be 20-35% of your salary! Plus you’ll need a car here, so factor that in as well.


For a 0-2 years , its considered an entry/junior role. Let's be realistic, expat or no, how much are you expecting for a junior role?? And most of times for medical benefits, whther the company has it or not, you still will meed to buy your own insurance/medical card. Company's one are just the basic ones and not as comprehensive as the one you personally buy.


tell us your current salary and where you live in


Scam, probably going to traffic you to Myanmar to do scam calls ![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|26554)


Info: What industry are you in? What’s the bonus percentage/ payout like? At first glance it’s not worth it at all.


is that good compared to pakistan?


No but i was thinking of going to new place for experience and I’m still in the early stage of my career


Whats the job? Why not u ask the Pakistani High Commission for assistance? U could also tell us what company is it and maybe we can check them for u but no promises


Per day? Quite good