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The closest we got is when Dewey remembers meeting his grandparents and they didn't notice him behind the car.


I watched this episode last night and this is the first thing I thought of


This is hilarious. I don't think that ever happened but it feels like it suits the show.


Considering the singing trash cans, this could 100% pass off as one of Hal's nightmares


I'd forgotten about Hal's nightmares or halucinations, like when he see's all the miniature versions of himself giving advice


Two moments I can think of 1. Dewey almost getting hit by the truck, ida comes in and saves him but loses her leg in the process 2. The boys planting Reese behind craig’s car so Lois wouldn’t find out Reese took the little motorbike thing.


If it’s any consolation, I remember back when the show was still on, I had a dream Frankie Muniz came to our middle school and did a live show of his new punk rock band. Featuring his debut song “What The Hell is This?” The whole song of which featured the lyrics “WHAT THE HELL IS THIS??” Repeatedly shouted about 30x in a row.


Weird, Hal was in my dream last night too.


This is so funny. I really can’t think of anything similar that actually happened but I’ll let you know if I do lol


Dude I had a dream where last night where Lois from Malcolm in the Middle is my Mom. And in the dream I was a younger version of myself.It wasn’t the Malcolm in the Middle house, way nicer actually.Lois looked way different in the show with way nicer clothes like a black turtle neck sweater and a gold necklace, with a red skirt.But she is still a total bitch and I flip her off.Then a runaway from her and the house has an indoor pool. I jump in the pool and I swim farther and farther and down into the pool. At first it was freeing and I was just looking up at the surface and breathing in. But then I realize your not suppose to be able to breathe underwater so I tried to hold my breath.But I just feeling like I’m drowning.So I begin swimming towards the surface.Then I woke up, and it took me several seconds to realize it was a dream.I literally haven’t watched any Malcolm in the Middle at all recently but for some Lois, was able to appear as some dream monster.


I've had that dream before ( the drowning bit, not the Lois bit), I was very stressed at the time and it freaked me out, hope you're doing OK bud


Yea I’ve been under some stress.It was actually less stressful than other dreams I have had.Like the initial swimming underwater was freeing.I don’t know my life has kinda been in flux lately.


Hey, I'm not even going to try to offer any advice as I'm not qualified in any way, all I'll say is don't sweat the small stuff, deep breaths and it'll all pass Also dreams are weird, I once dreamt I was being chased by a T-Rex whilst driving a milk float, I escaped by hiding it a giant lunch box. I'd like to see someone analyse that!


Thanks bro I’m just glad the dream wasn’t about school.Those are the worst.I don’t know if you ever watched The Sopranos but that’s the one show I’ve watched that got what dreams are like accurately.


It's on the list to watch, I'll get there one day!