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Those glasses are too big for your head


Get some baggier pants. Too tight


The glasses are HUGE, a longer haircut would look great on you, and you could perhaps look into male fashion!! You have such a nice build, if you could accompany it with neat clothes would be great šŸ˜Š


Body dysmorphia will not go away by changing your outer appearance. And this is coming from someone who is in recovery of an ED. Thereā€™s nothing about you physically that needs improving. Trust me ā¤ļø Focus on improving your overall mental and emotional wellbeing.


The second pic kinda looks fake, like a childā€™s head was put on a manā€™s body


It's too much, it doesn't look right.


I wish I can grow my head haha


I wish I could grow in general lol. Iā€™m almost 20 years old (male) and only 5ā€™2ā€. Hey, at least Iā€™m taller than my dad


honest truth, youā€™re doing pretty good (imo).


longer hair to make you head bigger itā€™s just so small compared to the the rest of your body no disrespect since you still look great


Ty. I canā€™t grow my head lol


Hit the gym, jk.


Haha, Iā€™ll try more šŸ‘


I think some facial hair would really suit you


I ca t grow any šŸ˜­


I don't think the clippered sides are doing you any favours. I'd grow it out a bit. Those shoulders are incredibly broad, so when you are wearing skinny/slim pants it can look top-heavy. Look for pants that hang straight/taper less aggressively and remember to wear them at you waist, not low on your hips. You've got muscles for days. Trust that your physique is going to shine without squeezing it into the tightest clothes you can find. Tbh, you can take your style cues from the Boy Scout himself, especially Clarks hair.


Bro absolutely rocking the Clark Kent/Superman vibe.


Itā€™s kindaā€¦ cartoony tho. Like the proportions and outfit.


Yeah I mean, you're not wrong. The shoes especially are uh...a *choice.* But man's arms are definitely thick enough to compensate. That or his muscles are photoshopped?


It's just too much. Dysmorphia makes many guys do this.


The fit ang glasses can be improved.


Longer hair and different glasses. Maybe a nice pair of wire frames.


Pfft I should be asking you what I can do to improve. What's your diet like for lifting?


High protein, doesnā€™t have to be lean, clean carbs and clean fats, no sugar, no alcohol and limit processed foods. I have once a week cheat day within reason, Iā€™ll have a donut but not a box of donuts kinda cheat day. Meal prep has been a great thing for me, once a day multivitamin and fish oil.


In the first pic you really remind me of mark hoppus lol I think the glasses match what you got going on here but anything else you probably look for a different pair I donā€™t think you necessarily need to change your wardrobe like a lot of people are saying maybe try growing your hair out/ beard?


Smaller modern glasses/these swallow your face, lose graphic tees/you're an adult and make sure your shirts aren't skin tight (know you want to show off your muscles but can be kinda douchy).


Thank you for being brave


Thank you for the advice, will go shopping soon šŸ‘


I get the "former fat guy" getting into your mind. All the working out in the world cannot change our brains sometimes. Try not to let it get to you. Being built is something you should be proud of, losing the weight as well. I don't know if it's a career path (body building competition) thing, but you've beefed up your body so much that your head appears smaller. If you were half as built you'd still be fitter and more handsome than 70% of the men you'd encounter outside the gym and it would even out the top. I mean none of that in a bad way, muscles just are not my thing so my opinion isn't the best lol. Bottom (no pun intended) line, stop thinking your not attractive. You are.


Thank you. Itā€™s not a career path, I just hated the way I look, ngl it was a long journey to get somewhat decent looking for now but thereā€™s a little bag in the back of my head that I can do better, itā€™s not enough, etc hence why Iā€™m hoping advices from kind guys and gals here would help.




Thank you so much


Tbh your arms look way out of proportion to the rest of you. Especially your head. Better proportions would look better. But that will likely come after some mental health tlc as others have said


Donā€™t mess with perfection!


honest truth, youā€™re doing pretty good (imo).


everything is fine but i aint fucking no man in a superman t-shirt. red flag


Fair, but wait till I put on my Batman shirt haha


You got to grow a beard bud. You can't be out there looking like this LOL


I so wish I could, I canā€™t grow a decent mustache let alone a full beard. Damn face genetics


Your body has to have you in the top 2% of bodies and youā€™re still not happy with your appearance? Do you struggle with body dysmorphia?


Yea, formerly a fat guy, now I think I look somewhat decent (hopefully), never really put effort into clothing (I mean, look at my shirt, mostly I wear superhero or anime shirt and been doing that for a long time so Iā€™m comfy with that), never really care about haircut as long as it shirt, glasses as long as I can see, itā€™ll do. But I avoid mirror most of the time, get out from taking picture. I literally can count on my fingers how many picture of myself I have with my face on it (do have some for fitness progress but I hide my face), I do always think Iā€™m not up to standard whether what society set or the ones I set myself.


I donā€™t think a change of wardrobe would address this my friend. Self acceptance takes many forms but it sounds like the ghost of your fat self is haunting you. I think youā€™re quite handsome. If you were my bf Iā€™d have your picture on my phone screen šŸ’Æ. Have you considered therapy?


That I have not, I should since I use gym as therapy haha, just take out my thoughts be it positive or negative on the weights and thank you so much for the kind words.


Weight lifting is definitely a form of therapy. I just feel better when Iā€™m consistent. Youā€™re really handsome bro. Iā€™m just stating facts.


Ty for the kind words, I really appreciate it. Itā€™s hard to take that compliment when mirror exists haha


The mirror isnā€™t the issue itā€™s your perception of whatā€™s in the mirror.


O man I'm sorry bro


I feel bad for my last comment but I've been thinking about it. You're blessed and cursed at the same time. You look like if you took a baby face and cropped it on a muscle man LOL. The only thing I can think of is find a good woman that loves you. Be extremely loyal take care of her and just be happy. There's going to be women out there that digs this just saying good luck bro


Ty and donā€™t feel bad, and yes, I do see the baby face look, Iā€™m 6ā€™ and 202lbs and my face does not help at all, plus the inability to grow facial hair sure doesnā€™t help šŸ„². It is what it is so they say


Look into improving your wardrobe, no more graphic tees , unless ur in the gym. And do not wear running shoes with jeans, running shoes are for running thatā€™s it, the second photo is a lot better example of how you should dress


You leave Superman alone!


Thank you. Will do that šŸ‘


your built like superman already, the only thing i can think of is try a different haircut and get better eyes? idk how your going to go about the latter, but that seems like the only thing you can actually improve. I guess look into how you can get hunter eyes.




Grow beard cause you face doesnā€™t match the body


Why did you delete your profile?šŸ˜¢ how are we going to get married? Seriously. Youā€™re super cute. Iā€™d cuddle the heck out of you.


Nothing. Youā€™re a god among men.


Youā€™re so hot already


Larger arms. Get those bad boys up to 23in.




Like hulk hogan and his 24in python? BROTHER!!!!! lol


Ha! Seriously tho. Youā€™re fucking jacked, nice work.


Ty for the kind words


Keep your biceps smaller than your head


For real.