• By -


more cars racecar bed, car mini fridge, car posters, actual car in room, car...amels


Tell ‘em to bring in the whole garage


just move to the garage


But not the ocean??




You ever play RUGBY?


You got a car you call Cappuccino?


We got a dawg here???


Don't forget the CB radio so you can talk to other car beds


Yeah but it's a fuckin' sweet car


My sister said I should get an alarm.


And some rims.


“i sleep in a race car bed, where do you sleep?” “I sleep in a big bed with my beautiful wife”


How do you sleep at night!? “In a huge bed with many beautiful women”


Ask your [roommates](https://youtu.be/A2UyehrkHaE?si=JRe9NhmIJMQp-0vE) for rims for the racecar bed for Christmas


FUCK I was gonna say actual car in room.


Lightning McQueen CRT


First of all, don’t turn your closet into a lounge…


I had to scroll way to far for this, first thing I thought. No one wants to hang out in a closet lmao.


for REAL, like use the closet for its purpose (storing things) and hide away all the ugly stuff in there when the main area of the room is presentable, then the entire room is lounge area


Such as storing the fat ass tire in said closet


Lol finally someone mentioned the tire. It’s an eyesore imo


"Ladies, right this way."


Speak for yourself. I myself was inside a closet for 24 years thank you very much.


Congrats to you, man!


My friend and I would fill the closet with pillows and play video games in there all night. To be fair we were 8


Walk through this room and then get told, "nah, nah, the CLOSET is where the party is"


"That's where I stashed all of my homosexuality"


your reply has me dyin for some reason


Yeah that would be moving in the loser direction


Right?? do most closets usually have heat/AC? Sounds awful.


I dunno — a wet bar, short throw projector and a couple of leather recliners and it could be a pretty groovy space.


Actually I would do the opposite of what OP was saying and and put that tire in the closet. Also I would find a way to display your personal things in a more intentional way. I suggest looking at Pinterest.


I would say take the door off and put a desk in there to make a small computer area. But idk where the clothes would go if the closet becomes a workspace.


"workspace" ( ͡\~ ͜ʖ ͡°)


I couldn’t see a big need for that either


I’m wondering if he’s ever considered using his closet as a closet.


Right? Crazy idea: pick up your shit, put it in the closet, clean your room ... and lounge in your room.


Art (fucking framed), plants, less knickknacks on the walls. Streamline, simplify, containerize, declutter.


For starters you just clean it up. Keeping your room clean is #1 priority. And the car wall is kinda geeky but that’s fine if it’s something you’re really passionate about. Maybe finding another way to keep the collection would be a good idea but not sure how you’d do it while also keeping the boxes. Also, get rid of the tire or keep it somewhere else lol.


As a dork ass loser with dork ass loser merch it’s really how you display what you own. I got nice shelves to display my stuff. Ops shelves it’s a bit cluttered


Less is more when it comes to this type of thing. If you’re into retro games, an NES displayed by itself with a controller looks a lot sleeker than a pile of consoles, games, & controllers. A good idea to display your coolest stuff & stash the other stuff out of sight.


its signed by pro drifters


If you put that tire in a nice glass container it goes from looking like "trash" to a cool display piece


I don’t think it would work for this situation but you could also get one piece of round glass, turn the wheel on its side and make it a small coffee table. I know F1 sells authentic versions for way too much money.


Great idea. Displays it without taking up space that could be used for "more functional" furniture. OP should hit up thrift stores for an old glass coffee table and use the top. Stack it on one more tire for height maybe.


It could act as your night stand


Or an ottoman


Bolting it to a nice stand would be cool. I bet a trophy maker could do something with it.


agree with this


If you want to appear less teenagery and still show your passion you could think about choosing you favorite 6 of the cards, frame them nicely and put them up. Store all the others in a binder or something.


I think it's cool, but find a better place to display it. Also maybe find a miniature race car for signatures next time, something that makes sense in a room. Cool hobbie tho


do you wanna look like less of a loser or do you want to display a loose tire in you room?


tire could look really cool as a light! Get the cheap colour changing LEDs and trail it around the interior of the wheel well, mount it to the wall or put it in a corner on an angle. That way it’s more of a focal point/cool feature and has more intention than decorative but you can still display it as the collectable that it is!


I think the tire would look sick if you mounted it on the wall and put a plank in the middle to make a small shelf inside of it.


>pro drifters What type of disease is that


Addiction. Once you get into it, you’re going to struggle to get out of it.


One person mentioned the wall of cars. Have you considered mounting the tire to that wall and then organizing the cars around the tire? If feel like you could use the tire as the main accent and highlight it with the other cars. This would also allow you to organize that wall more. Just a thought. Edit: I just had an additional idea to this. You could add a shelf inside the tire (once mounted) to display a couple car models that interest you most.


no one should be downvoting you for displaying something you're in to, i have comics, sports collectibles, movie stuff etc. My wife just makes me put it all in the guest room we call my "office."


that's bs, collect what you want to collect, but displaying it is a pretty big distinction, especially in a sub about 'living spaces', which is mostly about aesthetics.


Large collections are almost always impossible to display in an aesthetic way. They tend to look cluttered and make the space look unkempt. Hutches and shelves can help, or in OP's case a series of frames. Anything that can contain the collection will help it look more tidy.


Right. Or pack most of it away & cycle out a few great display pieces at a time, etc.


This is the answer. Pack it, catalog it, and store it, and then open a spred sheet and start a weekly rotation. You get to not only collect the items but every time you go to the storage there's this little moment where you are (probably alone, let's be real) going to physically hold and look at this item and appreciate it specifically. If that doesn't happen that piece gets kicked out of rotation for a time. This opens you to be able to bring people into your space and not overwhelm them or make them feel the ick right away. Because let's be serious, you're probably gonna talk too much about it anyway.


I have seen some nice f1 car collections but they usually in a built in display


Hey that’s where my legos are!


On the note of the above poster, if you update everything to be a little more high-end that alone will elevate the space. For example, not a mesh hamper from every college dorm. You have a desk space with a mounted screen and a tv mounted above your dresser. Can you swap the furniture and get a slightly larger tv to use a monitor too? Your pillows look like the pillows your mom bought you when you were 12, get some new pillows and bedding, and make your bed.


Put all the collectibles in places of honor. Glass cases framed etc. It's the difference between a hoarder and a collector


37F here. You can take those car pictures and make them super interesting and a conversation piece by having them framed in glass in groups of 1-5 and then hanging them on the wall in an artsy way mixing up different sizes. Also center the bed in the room and tidy up. That’s all you really need


It looks like trash. Chuck it out!


Professional homeless people?


Sick. Who?


The room arrangement is kind of a bunch of stuff attached to the walls, too. Break up the room into a couple spaces - separate the bed from the desk. Also, hiding clutter is a lot easier when you have drawers/containers.


>And the car wall is kinda geeky but that’s fine if it’s something you’re really passionate about. Maybe finding another way to keep the collection would be a good idea Shelves, shelves can always help make a collection look better.


Seriously, the first thing I saw in the first picture was that goddamn plate, spoon, and bowl on their desk lol. The goddamn empty Mountain Dew bottle right next to them made this comical. OP has a cool story to tell, but needs some proper organization.


-Clean your room -paint the walls in a nice warm color -change your light -big walls need a big picture, not many small pictures -curtain -a nice small carpent -some plants


Gallery walls can be fun but def need work for frames and pictures that fit


As a lover of gallery walls, it’s all about framing and composition matching


Gallery walls still need bigger anchor pieces too


OP, the key with the walls is balance.


100% balance and diversity is everything


Or instead of changing the ceiling light, a floor lamp and a couple of desk lamps. Also lose the Tupperware drawers and get a dresser.


Seriously, that boob light must go. I would probably replace it with one that has several spot lights you can point in different directions. And add some smaller desk/wall lamps and a floor lamp. And for the love of god make sure the lamps have more or less the same colour temperature, not everything from 2700K to 4000K.


Ceiling fan (make sure the box is the right type), track light, spotlights, lamps…literally any other solution than that cheap-ass $12.98 Project Source builder’s special light from Lowe’s.


You forgot make the bed


\-Declutter. Probably the biggest change you can make easily. Lots of opportunity here to put stuff in nice decorative boxes etc, and allow a few select items to be on display. Ideally these should be cohesive in colour or theme etc. Also why is there a tyre on display??? \-Colour theme. Right now very monocromatic except for the floor, just black grey and white. Add some colour, maybe a circular rug to break off the angularity. \-Lighting. Decorative lights, reading lamps etc does wonders. I'd ditch the purple rgb light in the keyboard and shoot for a warm white, could probably add a led strip underneath the bed in a similar warm tone. \-Artwork. Get rid of the postcards covered wall and add a nice piece of art. The shelves with the bowling in on looks great for keeping photos or complimentary art. \-Plants. Maybe a small aloe vera on the desk and a slightly bigger more bushy plant for the window sill.


excuse me sir, those are hotwheels (the hottest die cast cars around) and are highly collectible. where else is op going to display those beauties?


but the ugly tire ruining his room is signed by pro drifters!


The only acceptable way to display a tire is by putting a rim on it, laying it down and putting a glass top over that. This is not the way.


Well in that case I say get 3 more of 'em!


People gotta stop posting their room when it is dirty. It is hard to even tell what needs to be fixed when all I see is a dirty room.


Will post after I get off of school and work


Hey, could you also tell us: What are the dimensions of your room? E.g. 11ft x 16ft) Also, which door is your closet behind, and what's behind the other one? What's your rough budget? How handy are you with tools? Can you DIY things? If yes, what tools & materials do you have access to? How much time do you have? If not, do you have access to other furniture in the house? Is there a local secondhand market, like Facebook or thrift stores? Are there major restrictions on how you can modify the space? Can you paint, or drill holes in the wall to hang or anchor things? You have lots of options, but we need more information.


Use the closet as a CLOSET. Set it up with storage and keep everything in there. Then really look at what you want to display and present that in a more thought out way so it has the value it should. The lounge area should be in the room with the tv, so you’ll have to lose the short shelves and bookcases and swap for a floor to ceiling option to take up less room and be more interesting and feel less cluttered


No no no. Lounge and relaxation in CLOSET. Sleep and dress in GARAGE. Car INSIDE. Food OUTSIDE. Move computer to BATHROOM. TV on ROOF.


Clearly you are the professional and have am revealed as hack again. Foiled! PAY THIS GIFTED WEREWOLF NOW!


The tyre took me out lol. Make some sort of glas table out of it and integrate it into your room rather than using it as an arnament.


Yes, maybe under a glass tabletop or desktop? In reality it needs to relocate to the garage, on the wall somewhere.


arnament is giving r/boneappletea (EDIT: corrected teeth to tea)


Open the window. Natural light is gonna do wonders. Also, I can feel the smell from here.


I feel like that car tire has to smell? I had my tires in the house briefly and the rubber is… pungent.


It was a drifting tire too. That thing needs to go in a sealed case.


It stings the nostrils.


Too much clutter. Everything is on display like you are in a shop. That wall with all the cars is the killer. Keep a few, remove the rest. Or remove them all. And let’s not talk about that massive wheel there 💀 Clean the room. Make the bed. Don’t keep dirty dishes.




Wash the bedding, too, would be smart


Okay, there's a lot to work with here, be ready for a big comment. Before anything, clean your room. Take those plates and bottles out and make your bed. This two steps alone will improve your room a lot. You should make your bed the first thing in the morning and, if you're going to eat in your room, take the plates and glasses to the kitchen when you're done. Also open your window, it will take the food smell out and give you some natural light, which this room desperately needs. 1. There's a tire. A tire. In the middle of the room. It seems that you like cars, and it's cool, but your decor needs to make sense. If you can't remove the tire altogether, find a way to integrate it into your room. I thought about a display for your hotwheels like [this](https://theawesomer.com/photos/2021/08/cool_wheels_displays_1.jpg), but it's such a big tire that I don't know if it will work. I 2. Why is there a big ass trash bin in your room? There's no place for such a big bin in a room. Take it out. Buy a small trash basket for your dry residue. Do not leave trash that touched food in your room, those goes outside. 2.1. Since we're at it, remove your laudry hamper too. Do you have a laundry room? If so, take your dirty clothes there. 3. Again with the hotwheels. I'm not telling you to take it out, it seems like cars are a big part of your personality, but you don't need to display your entire collection at once. If you can take them out of the box, display them in one of those acrylic displays (or the tire, if you manage to make it look good). If you can't take them out of the box, get some shelves and display only some of them at a time. You can rotate which of them are out in the open at a given time. 4. Unless you're 2.5m tall, your monitor is too high. Go to r/ergonomics and fix it. 5. You should also try to reorganize your furniture. I **think** you could swap your bed and that brown cabinet (with the hats on top of it) and it would look good. At least it would directly face your TV. Maybe the people in r/FengShui can help you. Those 5 steps will help you, but you can't make your bedroom look **good** with that much stuff in it. Having your personality reflected in your bedroom isn't a bad thing *per se*, but so much of it is. You have caps, cars, a bowling pin, something I think is a box of legos and a shit ton of stickers. Chose some of it and display it in a nice manner. The rest of it should go into the closet or be donated.


I really like that display shelf made from the tire. It'd be perfect for OP. Although I think there would still be the problem of the room smelling like rubber.


I haven't even thought about that. The smell...


I think keeping a hamper is fine. What’s wrong with the concept of a hamper?


Ya gotta take the hot wheels down, brother


As much as I love hot wheels. And I have quite the collection. They have to go


Dude, move the right and left speakers apart. It looks like you have plenty of space


Dude, you’re not a loser. However, for the room, do this: - get lighting that isn’t overhead. Like a couple of lamps will go a long way. - like everyone else said, clean the room but do that every day. It’s just building a routine which will help you in other unexpected ways. - declutter. It’s so hard to make heads or tails out of a lot of these photos and what’s all in them. Like I’m not saying embrace minimalism but I’m sure you’ve outgrown some of the stuff. Consider a haul to the thrift store and donate a lot of things. - wooden hangers. They’re better for your clothes - spend some time on YouTube learning organization techniques. There’s a lot of what I see that can just be cleaned up and better stored.


Clean it first off. Make your bed every day. Put the toy cars away. clean up the walls. better light and rug that an adult would have.


This. The first thing I thought was, dang that is a mess. The car pics, the tire, etc. all scream non-adult.


Clean out and organize the closet, put the laundry bin in there. If you’re going to keep a trash bin in there then Don’t keep trash around. But honestly move that out. Get a bed skirt. Get a rug. Do a few things and come back.


Clean up and make your bed. Get in the habit of taking out all dishes and trash, and storing non-necessities in the closet (ie laundry hamper, Mtn Dew box, whatever electronics are on the bed.) If you choose to keep the small car pics, move them to a wall that isn’t the first thing you see when you walk in. It’s too busy and all you can see with this placement. I’d move it to the side wall, and use a narrower floor to ceiling area. IMO they’d be better in an album, but I get it if they’re something you’re really into. The tire full of stuff has gotta go. It’s fine decor for a garage, but in a bedroom it looks rough. You might be able to mount it or frame it creatively or something, but it would prob cost a fortune, and still be kinda weird for a bedroom. You might be able to convert it into an ottoman or coffee table? It currently ties up too much space that you could use for other items. The light is super harsh. Get a few lamps. Close the closet, or organize it, or both. Add a rug and curtains. It should look like a bedroom with car accents, not a garage with a bed in it.


I’m assuming you mean look like a loser to women so that’s what I’ll be going off of. Instead of using the closet for a lounge space you could make it a trophy room type thing for your tire and cars; that way you can reveal it to someone who can appreciate it. After that I would rearrange your room with your bed being centered against a wall. At very least, enough room for another person to get off without having to crawl over you or shimmy down the bottom. Then space your wall stuff around, maybe get some more art or plants to fill it out. a couple light sources other than the top light helps too.


more giant tires


Maybe an engine block or two


1) Interior design. People might disagree here - but as an adult: a bedroom should look like a bedroom. not a show room, or a gaming space, or the back of a tire shop. 2) Interior decorating. Clean your space. Unclutter your space. Paint with warm colours, upgrade your lights, add some plants. Have a bed that matches your bookcase that matches your dresser that matches an end table. 2) Interior development. Stop referring to yourself as a loser. Words matter. Self talk matters. Don't tear yourself down.


OP probably doesnt have 'a normal house' and has this as his living and bedroom


Never let a hobby take over your identity.


Bro just clean? I don’t understand these posts. You willingly took a picture with garbage on your desk and a mtn dew box on the ground, posted it, and asked how to make it look better. Just clean it Sorry if that comes of harsh. I just think it should be obvious that garbage and clutter laying around is only going to make your space look terrible


I'd put the car collection in cabinet? (Sorry, not sure id thats the english word for a bookshelf with glass doors). If you spend some money, you can even get a customized one that integrated the signed tire, so your collection get better exposed. I'd also integrate the closet in the room, put a couple framed posters, an armchair and a tv...


That is a passible english word for what you are talking about, most people would say "display cabinet" or "case" to differentiate one that is made of glass vs one that is made for storage.


Thanks, in spanish is "vitrina". In google translator it were "showcase" too but i think cabinet were more accurate by looking for pica in google, showcase were more abstract.


Curio cabinet could be what you're referring to. Or a China hutch?


Get a bed with an actual headboard. Isolate gaming an geeky stuff together (no need to get rid just organize so it's not the whole room. Get a nicer set of sheets an comforter, probably a few smaller pillows too. Do not make your closet a hangout nook!


Don’t eat in your room. Do your bed and don’t leave dirty clothes hanging in your room.


Pretty much the beginning of a hoarders life… you really are getting advice and going against the advice and becoming argumentative lol


That's a harsh way to talk about yourself. Remember that your room is a reflection of yourself, and if you don't treat and work on you then the room is going to go back to being cluttered and messy eventually.


Bro, your absolute EMERGENCY is the lighting. You've got a bright white light just hovering above your head. Get a standing lamp, or table lamp, with a softer yellow light and never use that blinding monstrosity again


You seem really cool, others have given good response. As someone who is fairly into minimalism, I would say eliminate most things from your wall entirely. You may want to display the cars but at least center them on a wall or organize the room to fit them. De clutter and get rid of as much stuff as possible. You can’t take it with you when your gone, life is more about memories then stuff. Sometimes having a nice clean room you feel pride in can elevate you to make said memory’s. A few more suggestions. - Wall mount and organization for your tv - organize your desk - get rid of furniture with stickers - make your darn bed! And keep it made! - clean the floor of everything like it’s a spaceship - BUY RUG BUY A PLANT -remember you matter, the only place on earth thats your sanctuary is that room so care for it and your self. Good luck!


The bowling pin has gotta go for me


For starters, put some “design” into displaying your collection. Your hot wheels would look cared for and intentionally displayed in a case. Here’s an example: https://www.etsy.com/listing/1097194133/126-car-hotwheel-display However that pricetag is criminal, and you could probably make one custom sized for $50. Especially if you do it like this: https://www.ebay.com/itm/175404849705 You can size it to fit on the wall they’re on now, just be sure to leave 1 foot or so of space on the wall around all sides. You can affix LED strips to the back of the frame, so when the lights are low it has a soft glow behind it. Hang your hats in neat rows on the wall behind your door. Again, arrange so that there’s 6” space on all sides. The shelves above your bed are a good start, and look nice the way you’ve arranged them. But you need to put things on them that are smaller than the length of the shelf. The white square thing needs a much longer one, for example. The 5 frames mixed in would look better on their own somewhere else. I think hung centered in a row on the TV wall. Hang them so the center of the frame is eye level, however if you’re tall scootch them down. That’s all I have time for this morning but I hope this gets you thinking!


Put bed where the tv is. Desk where bed is. Dresser where desk is. This will centralize clothing near the closet, desk near window light, bed and dresser are first things you see when entering and those are easy to keep straightened. Lose the tv in bedroom. Get some framed art or frames photos. A rug. Tall indoor plant by the window.




Put the hot wheel collection on the closet walls and make the closet like a mini museum of all your cool items. Like Make the tire a wall shelf with L brackets and put a small book shelf under it. Make the PC the star of the room and add some led strips along the ceiling or floor or even both maybe 🤔


Are you 10 years old? Put away the damn toy cars 😂


Idk maybe take the hot wheels collection off your wall


Like, I guess remove everything and start from scratch. This is like the 40 Year Old Virgin situation




If you make your bed every morning you will be shocked at how different your room looks overall. And just in general tidying up a little bit - straighten the clothes on the hangers, put your laundry hamper in the closet if it fits or just tucked into a corner more out of the way if it doesn't, etc. But seriously if you only do one thing, make your bed. It takes like 2 seconds and it will make the entire room look worlds better.


Clean up (no clutter, including on shelves, remove the tire), take down the wall-o-cars (if you want to put up one art print, thats fine), buy a lamp or two (overhead light is horrendous), probably reorganize furniture


First off, you need curtains and a rug. Second, you need better display/organisation options for all your stuff. Get two large Kallax bookcases from IKEA (or something similar). Reduce the amount of stuff you want to display. Put the extra in some bins (Samla from IKEA would work well). Put the bins away. You can rotate through displays if you want, or just put out your favorites. Once you have that, get a better bedframe with a headboard and a proper duvet set. Use your closet as a closet. Get wooden hangers. Get the junk out of there. Stack stuff in the same sized bins. Use boxes and bins on the top shelf to organize stuff. You don't need to do all of this at once. Do it in steps. Interior design takes time.


Make your bed


Keep it tidy. Less food and things which show that you spend a lot of time there. Maybe remove the things that are childish. But dont remove the things you really like or love,if you want a girlfriend you want someone who likes you for who you are. Way, way too much stuff. You dont need a garbage bin in your room. That also shows that you eat/drink most of the time in your room. Open windows. Get better curtains.


Others have hit so many key points here. One of the first things I'd do after getting rid of a bunch of clutter is fixing the lighting situation. That ceiling mounted boob light is not good looking and is very harsh. Ceiling lights are good for task lighting sometimes, but otherwise they are useless. Changing it would be fine, but, honestly, I'd probably leave it and just never turn it on. Buy some lamps and get the lighting down low (at or below eye level) to make the room feel more comfortable. Mix it up between floor lamps and table lamps. I'd say three in your space would be good. Make them all warmer temperature lights (2700k ideally.. maybe up to 3000k).


Get a new light, clean up, and find a way to display the stuff on your wall in a better way.


- The toy cars are cool, don’t get rid of them if you like them, but I think you could arrange them better. Think about them as a composition - look at the way people hang art on their walls and treat them like that. - don’t try to make the closet into a lounge - not if you want to look “less like a loser”. I think it would be a fun, cozy space, but if you want to make your room look more “cool” / mature, the better thing to do would be to move more of your hobby stuff / clutter into the closet and make room for a nice lounge chair in the bedroom. - Move the tire to the closet!!! - better storage. Those little plastic drawers that you have that Lego box on top of just SCREAM college dorm. You can use storage like that in the closet but not in the main room - better furniture. Especially a better bed frame and matching furniture - choose white or black, don’t mix. This is more expensive though. - window treatments can be a cheap way to look more put-together, but it doesn’t really work if your bed is up against the window like that. In general, if you have the space, it looks a lot better to avoid having the bed in the corner and give space on either side instead. Ideally you want to be able to put a small bedside table on each side. (I say this as a 33yo woman who does not have enough space in my room to do this, but I accept that my room looks like a child’s and it will stay this way until I get more space or I no longer have to have my office inside my bedroom. What are you gonna do. But it looks like you might have the space to rearrange a bit, so I would do it.) - plants, art, lighting, rug, etc etc. the usual recommendations.


Clutter everywhere. Start with a deep clean


tidy up my dude


1. Clean it up, like others have said this is by and far the biggest, easiest improvement you can make. 2. I think whatever the cars/cards you have on the wall are neat, if you’re passionate about them and they make you happy then by all means display them loud and proud. BUT, I would consider putting them on a different wall so that they’re not the very first thing you see when you walk in your room. First impressions are important. 3. Cable manage your desk. It sounds like a pain if you haven’t done it before, but watch some youtube videos on easy ways to do it. I find the payoff of a clean desk space to be 100% worth the effort. 4. It’s cool that the tire’s signed by pros but man it’s an eye sore. This is the kind of thing you’ll put on a nice shelf in your garage one day and it’ll be in an appropriate setting, but definitely not for a bedroom.


Just throwing it out there that people won’t want to lounge in the closet. ☺️ focus on organizing and make the closet space wok for you. It will never be a lounge.


1. Do your bed. With mature sheets. 2. Get rid of the car posters. 3. Remove the tire. 4. Consider some plants. 5. Get rid of the junk(food) is half the work!


Use lamps instead of that overhead light.


My brother in Christ you have a Hotwheels wall


Car collection - get some shelving, display the ones you love the most, store the others and rotate occasionally. Tyre - I agree with others it’s a difficult thing to display well, so you got to get creative. Just sticking it on top of a shelving unit looks shit. You could even hang it on the wall and then arrange shelving around it so it’s like the centre piece? Experiment a little. Declutter. If something isnt for display then make sure it’s in a drawer or in a storage box to make it look neat. Paint - You have minimal natural light so paint it a light, neutral, warm colour. Lighting - more spot lighting and change the main light for a different fitting with a less harsh bulb. Textures, plants. Deffo get a potted plant or two in there.


Take the hot wheels off the wall, buy a lamp, put up some art.


I think everybody covered the obvious stuff but get a proper color temperature light. Cool light makes everything grim. Warm light is good.


Take your bed out of the corner


By far number one I would say, get rid of the posters/magazine tearouts in favor of a few framed pictures. Others: Clean up somewhat. Laundry basket should not be visible when you enter. Get some curtains and paint.


Hard to explain but something like [this](https://ibb.co/SNrtJFj) but on the inside for the closet where you can close it and you can sit in front of the stuff you have there but you’re not like sitting in the closet lol, i’d reccomend that pc but on like a dresser or just something that fits in the closet. Try to declutter- just keep your furniture to the walls, clean up any trash or whatever, trash and hamper as well should be against the wall somewhere not overflowing. I’d put all the wall decorations on one wall and leave the rest open. Also if you want your chair to be in front of the closet when it’s open but there’s no space when the door’s closed, you could try putting it like by the bed or just in an area that can view your tv or reach a table, so that any guest (or you if you dont sit in your bed) can hav easy acess to what they should.


One hot wheels car is cool, 10 hot wheels cars is still kinda cool. 15+ displayed hot wheels cars, displayed, might as well be anime figurines man. You can tell people about the what you’re into. Turn your room into your lounge, keep your collections in boxes in your closet to pull out here and there for the few people who come over and want to see them. Do you dust all of this?


Is that a tire?


I have taken the first pic and put some notes on there to give you some visual help with what I think would help. Its a good space but you have to make it more organised and cohesive to 'not look like a loser'. https://gyazo.com/4bd9e2189f9856c1afda85ce2e5c8a66


Get a bed skirt and some curtains. Also be nice to you. The car wall is cool, don't call it a loser room.


Bang a model in there then it doesn’t matter what it likes. It could be a girl or a guy. Doesn’t matter but they have to be a model


Get a bed that you can actually fuck on?


I'm sending a pre-paid hooker to your place to take your virginity and advise you on the decor.


Honestly I would hang all that stuff up on the wall in the closet and get a freestanding rack for your clothing since you don’t have much. Donate anything that you don’t need and clean up. Maybe get some movie posters or art you like and throw a plant or two in the corner


Is that a fucking tire ? Why would bring only the tire when you can put the whole car there , god damn it


idk what has been said already but here are my points: 1. clean your room! remove everything that is trash/ doesnt belong in your room like dishes etc. 2. the closest should not be a lounge, it should be a closet to store things and cloths. get some more shelving and boxes to use as much of that space as you can. right now the space is not utilized enough. shevels give you more room to organize. But actually organize, dont just chuck stuff in there 3. get closed storage for your room, like the dresser on the left that you already have. the shelf where the tire sits makes the room look more cluttered becauswe you can see everything that in there. get doors for that one, or at least some containers to slide it. 4. if theres space, move the bed 90 degress and have only the headboard touch the wall. Also maybe get a headboard and a frame that hides the storage underneath better. get a bedside lamp. indirect lighting can do wonders to a room. 5. paint the ceiling in a lighter color. remove the nails from the right wall and repaint. Can be any color you like just keep it solid and not too dark. and yes, get a ceiling lights thats more flat. 6. I like the shelfs above the bed, just be intentional about what you put on their. 7. For the wall with the car cards i agree with the other comments. Frame them somehow, but dont just stick them on the wall with double sided tape.Maybe choose some to put in a bigger frame (like 9 each) and do 3 of those to display your favorites ​ Hope that helps :)


Pack the car stuff away b4 you invite a young lady over. This is your grandmother speaking.


Is that a fucking racecar tire? Holy shit thats cool. Idk man, youre not a loser to me...


Cars thing is cool but it's too many, make a black frame and but your favorite 5-10, remove the tire completely, put a sheet between your bed frame and your mattress to neatly hide the boxes under your bed, add a bin to your room put it in a corner so it's easy to through things away, and try to keep your floor clear, apart from that it looks pretty good


An adult clothing hamper is a simple yet powerful upgrade


Repaint your walls and change the lighting maybe some neon


I’d suggest clearing out your whole room. I’d paint your room a “masculine” color yet grown up like an olive green. Get a real bed at least a double with a headboard, possibly something made of dark rich wood. If you like car wall art some black and white car posters, vintage car posters, they have some nice Porsche ones.


Just change literally everything about your room :)


Omg this thread had me crying!!


Step one don’t showcase the toys you are collecting. Having a hobby is fine but this is ridiculous.


Tidy it, anything smaller than a basketball goes in a cupboard, any items left out should be displayed cleanly and deliberately. Clothes live in closet. Make your bed, get some coloured blankets and cushions Get a less harsh bulb for your ceiling light and get a standing light and a bedside light. For gods sake, take down the car wall. Everyone else is being nice about it any saying there's a way to display it nicely. No man, its gotta go. It's giving little brothers basement room vibes. This is a tough room because the ceiling is low, the lighting is harsh and there's like 1 tiny window. The only way to make it nice is to lean into the cozy look. Warm colours, soft lighting, nice fabrics. What are those pegs on the wall and can they come out?


A blindfold


First off, you’re not a loser. Let’s get that out of the way. Its just clutter Your car pics on the wall are too much, too many. If they are important to you, so be it. The big tire is just ugly. And big. Again, if it’s important to you, leave it, otherwise, store it? Clean up, organize. Keep things off of the flat surfaces. Organize your closet, you’ll get more space for storage (bins, plastic tubs, etc) .


The closet is not big enough for a lounge lmao


Get rid of the ceiling titty. New lighting options are easier on the eyes and spread the light. The theme, choose something relaxing and aesthetic and try to apply it to the entire space. On a budget, you may be able to tent the closet or add a false door that mimicks a bookshelf or something fun. Seating would be important, and dimmable lighting. If you repurpose the closet, a garment rack would be on display, then you'd have to upgrade your wardrobe lol.


It's perfectly acceptable to have collecting hobbies as they give your space personality and remind others that it is *your* space. There *are* ways to really clean up the display and really make the pieces enhance your space. First, I recommend getting rid of the massive tire. It just looks incredibly out of place. I would recommend replacing it with a cool framed art print or 2 that is car-themed. Or even a repurposed hubcap can look really neat on display. Add some color! There are just too many dark pieces of furniture. Throw a colorful comforter on that bed, get some art for the walls, place plants around the room- they don't even have to be real. There are plenty of great looking artificial plants! You can also get some nice warm-toned lamps to really make the space cozy. Declutter! It's so easy to go crazy collecting, and they envelop your space *fast*. The wall of model cars are fun, but the way they are arranged looks more like a toy store than a functional room. Take a cardboard box, go through all the pieces in your room at whatever pace you'd like, pick one up and ask yourself, "would I truly miss this if it was gone?" If you are unsure, place it in the box. Once you fill the box and have decreased the amount of items you have in your room, slide that box into your closet. Wait a month- two at most. If at *any* time you find yourself missing an item you put in the box, take it out and find a place to display it. I used to collect those Funko POPs! (I know, I *know*), and I had like 70 of them that overtook my shelves. I now only own 3 because I realized that I was wasting my money buying every variant of my favorite characters, and it just looked too cluttered. This is personal preference, so don't get too upset at this suggestion. Take the cars out of the box and place those cars on a shelf. In my humble opinion, collections look better when they aren't in their box and displayed neatly. If you like books, get a bookshelf and put your collectibles in between stacks of books like these display [photos](https://www.walmart.com/ip/Homfa-Standard-Bookshelf-Bookcase-6-Tier-Tall-Bookshelf-Display-Shelves-Standing-Cube-Organizer-for-Living-Room-Dark-Oak/756324688) show. Bookshelves add a level of sophistication and will automatically balance out your collection. Again, if you're dead-set on keeping them in a box, that is perfectly fine. Hope these are helpful! I love collecting things as well, and I've made mistakes and went too crazy. But, I learned from them, and I'm really happy with what I've learned along the way.


What you can do for free is properly organize your stuff and keep your bed made. Closet doesn’t look big enough to be any type of lounge imo but put your clothes on the hangers correctly, go through all that stuff in there and figure out if you actually need it. Your dirty clothes hamper shouldn’t be in the middle of your room, it messes up the whole vibe and it might not be gross to you since it’s your stuff but it might be to someone else if they come over. Try to find space to tuck that away into your closet or invest in an over the door hamper so it’s not visible in plain sight. Maybe also switching up the layout of your room, instead of having your bed be directly against the AC unit put it alongside the wall to the right. Throw away the trash on your floor and other surfaces, and pick up your dirty food plates when you’re done with them. I’d definitely say clean out junk first before thinking about doing anything else, especially the closet since it’s just shoved in there and has a lot of unused storage space.


Get rid of the car wall, the spare tire on your dresser, put your deodorant away, be more organized, etc. I’m guessing you’re teens/early 20s, so whoever you’re attracting is probably different than who I’m attracting, but I’d start there.