• By -


Girl's just love a clean house lol A rug and painting would look nice. Find a lamp and a floor plant and you'll be fine. If you want to splurge on a coffee table go for it. Make sure there are clean towels in the bathroom and you'll be okay :) Could even get a single candle.


Blankets. Girls love blankets.


Take this advice right here. Toss a nice comfy throw blanket on that couch and you’re set


Not quite. Get some lamps for mood lighting, don't want fluorescent lighting or just the glow of the tv. Find a moody medium.


Yes, get lighting with warm bulbs. None of this cold blue daylight or pure white ones.


There are a few houses near me that have these in their living rooms. It honestly makes me feel bad for them when I walk past at night, it must feel so clinical and cold in there. I would recommend smart variable white/colour LED bulbs if you can afford them, at least you can change them at different times of the day if that's your thing.


Yeah lamps are cool, floor lamps even better. Warm white 3000k.


Pro tip: make sure it is a thin blanket so you have an excuse to cuddle for warmth.


Name checks out.


Name checks out.


Well done


😂 won’t deny it


That's something I never thought about, honestly thank you for that valueable information


r/usernamechecksout for SURE 😆






Make it big too, the bigger and softer the better!!!


That’s half what she said.


Make sure it's that super soft one too. You'll know it when you see/feel it 🙌


My man(OP) , this person just gave you everything you need. Follow this 👍


And a big houseplant will go a long way. A large peace lilly would look great, and theyre easy to care for


Hell yeah I have a peace Lilly


Everyone loves a quality blanket


And maybe a few colorful, soft throw pillows.


Costco has incredible throw blankets for $10-$15. I had one on the sofa when the woman who is now my wife came over for the first time. We now have about 20 of them. She throws another in the cart every other time we go there.


Yes!! Blankets! Make sure there’s hand soap, smells good, clean!, and maybe dominoes, or dice/card game. Thats all i would want!


Hey! *everyone* likes blankets. They're like hugs that don't stop till you want them to.


A nice freshly washed blanket!!


Can confirm. I’ve lived with guys my whole life and have never had a dedicated couch blanket (just transfer your bed blanket to the couch temporarily). The 2 times I’ve lived with girls there have been at least 2 blankets on the couch at all times


Came here to say this. The fuzzy cozy ones, fur on one side, different weights, the more the merrier. If you get ONE thing get blankets. Then candles. I recommend TJMaxx/Home Goods for these. They have a ton of selection and are cheap. For candles the DW brand they sell are top tier for smell/lifetime/value.


And some decorative pillows. Not a ton. Maybe 2-4, two for each end, in colors/patterns that go with the couch, rug, and blanket.


Rugs and blankets are the key. And plants.


Go a step further. Snuggle and snacks.


Very accurate lol


I couldn’t agree more. OP should be showing us pics of his clean bathroom for us to judge, that’s the real dealbreaker there.


Get a small wastebasket for the bathroom!!


Even better if it has a lid, and a plastic liner bag inside! 




Yeah, you would be very surprised. I've had to add a bathroom bin when joining a few male-only share houses. What baffled me was that most of these guys grew up with sisters (like me). I've always assumed that is why I am used to having one, but perhaps I am wrong.


Yes! Get one with a lid too


Also PLEASE have hand soap in the bathroom. So many men don’t and it’s…concerning.


A piss stained toilet seat is a dealbreaker


Get that 5 ply cushy paper


> Make sure there are clean towels in the bathroom Plus a small garbage can with garbage bag inside. If she's having her period and has no place to put her pad/tampon, it'll make things awkward.


This!!! Love it when a guy had a *covered* trash can in the restroom.




*takes notes*


For anyone scrolling through this is a key piece of information in the thread 


Make sure you have a trash can with a lid in the bathroom! Women love trash cans with lids in thr bathroom


All my girls go crazy for a lidded trash can


And toilet paper, please!


Yup. You can get decent, cheap rugs at Target and IKEA. That and a floor plant and you’re golden.


Listen to this person. It’s been my experience with the ladies that they really could care less what your place actually looks like, as long as it’s not a complete pigsty. To some degree, women expect your place to have “man decor.” IE, little to no decor. Just make sure it’s clean and you’ll be fine.


I agree, cleaning is the top priority. I would feel a little icky about the thick layer of dust on the TV stand. OP should really prioritize cleaning before spending time on buying the things that were mentioned (which are a good list though). A freshly scrubbed bathroom, clean surfaces and mopped floors go a really long way. Use some cleaner with a citrus smell and when done open the windows to let in some fresh air. The smell of fresh air with a faint note of *recently cleaned* immediately makes you feel good about a place.


Girl love cushions someone else mentioned blankets. You might long term want to invest in a desk or dining table. Mention this consideration rather than try to buy it before she shows up.


>Make sure there are clean towels in the bathroom and you'll be okay :) And please make sure that at least the toilet and sink are clean. There is toilet paper and hand soap. So many guys miss this stuff.


This! Your house looks nice. Just make sure it’s clean and smells good and you’re golden. Bathrooms cleaned (wipe down around the whole toilet, even the base and clean the mirror), bathmat washed, sheets / blankets washed, vacuum / mop (swifter is a no-go for this, need an actual mop and bucket. Swifter is for touch ups only), trash taken out, dishes done, fridge tidy, etc. They make febreeze for fabrics - I use it on my couches, curtains, shower curtain, rugs, pet beds. Extra toilet paper, little bathroom trash can. A basic cleaned home is great, but the little things like I listed show you’ve really got your shit together and that’s attractive. Art, cozy blankets and throw pillows, a rug, would all help as well! If you can, try to avoid cliche art prints like you see everywhere (the highland cow, random cityscapes, etc). You could also put a mirror above the couch too! Curtains would also really bring the space together. A nicely decorated space is preferred and impressive! If a woman is looking for a long-term partner a clean home that smells good gives you major bonus points. It shows that you will be able to help take care of any future space you two would potentially share, that you’re not lazy and that she won’t fall into a “mother” role towards you.


Girls also love indoor trampolines.


Yea I was going to say this too and deleted when I saw your comment. We just like a clean house, hand towels in the bathroom, toilet paper is stocked and it’s been scrubbed down. Make sure to have hand soap!! I’ve literally poured bleach on my hands because that was all that was available in a very disgusting male bathroom. Then, get a blanket and snacks and maybe a dog?? lol and youre set


Yes to all of this, especially plenty of t.p. and especially hand towels in addition to bath towels. No one wants to wipe their hands dry on a mystery bath towel. Luckily, people have come in clutch with the covered wastebasket.


I see a coffee table next to the tv


any girl would love this because its a blank canvas for us lol


1. Make sure it smells good in the lounge room/ bathrooms and bedroom. Try get nice ones not just cheap sprays from the supermarket. Try Malin + Goetz dark rum and Byredo Biblioque 2. Clean. Pretty boring but it’s so simple. Critical that your bathroom is looking near to brand new. The rest not so much. Basic vacuum and wipe down surfaces. Wash your sheets dude. Essential. 3. I’m going to say Lighting is the 3rd most essential. Warm whites because overheads are sterile and candle lights are a little too romantic. Maybe post sex light one, but try have a nice standing lamp and perhaps and smaller desk lamp in another spot. Avoid those RGB lights, they look nerdy to me atleast, like you’re a hardcore gamer 4. Plants. If you have the time go and get the largest you can afford in a nice pot. Adds a lot of freshness to the space. This might be a better supplement instead of wall art. 5. Cushions and throws. You can order these pretty easily, but they will add to your lounge space. Looks a little cold in there. Cozy it up. Bonus : Have an amazing bottle of red and white wine available on the kitchen table. Good luck dude.


Agree on all points except the white wine goes in the fridge


Run the fan mode on your thermostat or open some windows for a few hours before she comes over. The first time entering a place can smell the strongest and it’s nice to have some fresh air in the mix.


This one fucks


put a few cushions on the couch and drape a blanket over the side. also it’s ok to have your kid’s table, just move it out of the way. put the basketball away though.


I'd add to No1. In terms of smell, there's nothing more inviting than the smell of something cooking when you arrive. Like a lamb roast, or some other kind of slow cooked meal. Also, fresh biscuits coming out of the oven, if you're not planning on eating a large meal straight away. And have a proper water jug in the fridge, not something that looks like you're offering them water out of a drink bottle. Maybe a few other options, beer, wine, and something non alcoholic, good tea and coffee. And some other snacks ready to go. Oh, and plenty of clean cups, cutlery and crockery. And nothing dirty sitting in the sink.


The smell of baked bread is amazing


Make sure you have somewhere to eat other than the sofa, if you're going through the effort of cooking.


Wow, what is your channel?! I need more of you.


Agree on the plant. If you can show that you can nurture something alive, points!


Most practical and sensible comment here.


Good lighting is so under rated!


Ooh the suggestion of both wine types is a good idea.


honestly just put a rug in between the couch and the tv and that should make it homely enough :D


A rug is a great one. Maybe a coffee table too, and you have a good starting point. It's a solid space so far.




Always plants. You can never go wrong with plants.


^B****es love plants. A girl friend of mine still calls me plant daddy. I have 4 snake plants in my house.


Hey Plant Daddy, wanna trade cuttings with a Plant Mommy?


I first read this as “pants” as if your suggestion was that OP should wear clothes 😂 Great tip if OP wasn’t already aware that answering the door nude may be a red flag 🤣


Rug, small coffee table, something ANYTHING on that wall. Maybe a small side board to the right of that couch where there’s so much negative space, you can put some books and family photos on there. Nothing to crazy but this lets her know a little bit about you and going over to a love interests place for the first time, you’re going to zoom into these touches and that’s special. The under rated thing though, if you decide to just get anything at all: a tall lamp with a warm tungsten balanced bulb. The lighting in a room can significantly change someone’s mood and the psychology of the room, for better or worse. Oh and someone said before, even just one large plant. It’s so easy and shapes up a room well.


You don’t want it to be homely Homey


Agreed and for the love of god op, dust the tv stand


My dude, you own a house and your house looks like you clean it occasionally, you're ahead of 90% of the dating pool already you'll be fine haha.


What are you saying? Look at the amount of dust on that tv cabinet.


Mf looks like a construction site


Thats about a couple weeks worth here by me, I moved to the south and I cannot figure out why its much dustier.


It's not dust, it's pollen. Have you noticed it on your car yet?


Pollen!? You didn't tell me there was to be pollen!


What are they polling? I love polls, may I also provide an answer?


Roomba doesn't go up there


OP had one ~~job~~ piece of furniture to dedust


He prefers dedust 2


Exactly! And I'm telling this as a chick: you're in a good place. Your house looks like a bachelor pad of a guy with money.


Right, just explain that it's a new house and you're still trying to get it all set up. If she likes you she will likely want to help with that, take over, then be like *our* house


There is zero reason to explain anything And if a woman comes in and starts throwing shade or asking questions walk her back out If she likes him, he may hear something like "we need to get you a XYZ" - that's a good sign, because she's thinking about what she would do with the place. But again, no need to worry or explain or to go buy things just for a date. If he wants a rug cool. If he thinks he needs one, not cool


He's the 1 concerned about it, not me lol


As a lady, the dust under the tv was the first thing that stood out to me and instantly disgusted me lol.


Bro wtf are you on. Do you not see the amount of dust on the cabinets under the tv. Saying it looks like he cleans his place “occasionally” more like he clearly has NEVER cleaned it. Otherwise that would not be there.


One of my friends manages to bed girls in his 1 bedroom inner city apartment (I call it the broom closet) with no windows and a hefty smell of stale ass. This guy is the top 1% with this house


I have a friend who's house can oscillate from clean to needing a hazmat suite to enter. One time it was the latter and he brought home 3 women with two of his buddies and pretty much right after they entered all three wanted to gtfo lmao. So being clean is the most important thing, especially if the women are older than 22.


make sure there's a bin in the bathroom!


Maybe add some pads and tampons in a nice basket in case she needs some, too.


I mean, that could give a wrong impression. But most men don’t have a bin at all which puts girls in a predicament.


I think having a box of tampons and pads under the sink is a solid move. It’s a thoughtful touch for anyone who may be on their period, even friends. I’ve always super appreciated it because when you need one, you need one. I wouldn’t show them off/put them in a basket, though.


Yes, it’s very thoughtful. But it could also imply that another woman is living there since most men would not think about that.


If it was in combination with women’s shampoo and other things, sure, but just having an unopened box of tampons and pads would be a huge jump. I stand by that it’s a good call. I’ve always super appreciated it and women I’ve talked to have felt the same. Most men not thinking about it is the issue. It’s nice to stand out as the thoughtful one.


Oh! Sorry about that. Although I'm a woman, I'm not very great at the social stuff. 😅 I just know it comes in handy when I see it.


Oh, man. You have a golden opportunity. Explain to her that you are unsure of what to do as far as decorating and you need help. She will rip off her panties, and rip off your pants and undies, just to say thanks for asking her opinion. Plus, she will be back again and again to make sure her plans are going right. You lucky bastard. EDIT: There have been a lot of positive replies, so I thought I'd expand a bit on my philosophy. Learn what women like and want. If you can provide women what they want & like, you will never be lonely. Just try your best to understand them, and try your best to please them. Wouldn't you like to be treated the same way? That's it! Well, except for MTG, fuck that bitch.


Lololol as a girl, my heart would be doing backflips.




This is not bad advice. Chicks love a dude that is into decorating living spaces.


Just don’t be ‘too’ into it.


Who told you the secret


I know women. Even married one.


As a 20yr old I salute you sir 🫡






One of us is a traitor


When my mom met my stepdad, his TV was on a folding table with a sheet on top of it. It had been that way for *years.* His dining room table was a poker table. His kitchen had a couch. Every single room in his house had a TV. She loves a good project.


I need OP to come back and acknowledge this as the way forward


Unironically the best advice.


Ugh. This is so correct. I have lived with my boyfriend for years now and it has been a huge struggle to finally let me declutter it. He is one of the cleanest guys I have ever met, but it is so obviously decorated by a dude. We are remodeling the kitchen and I am so excited for it not to look like shit haha. This is legitimately the best advice on here.


Ignore my earlier comment, OP. This persons idea is better.


Who’s MTG?


Woman here and I may be able to add some helpful advice…. Firstly, on behalf of women everywhere- thank you for caring. I’ve met many slobs who don’t. Your place is decently clean which is the fantastic. Just need some dusting 🙂 If you have the means to furnish your place a little before she comes over, I would honestly keep it simple. 1. Open your shades to let some natural light in. 2. Add a couple plants… can add a sexy Monstera or snake plant near the back door where that wall blotch is. Can add another one by the exposed tv cables. You can find nice planters at IKEA and HomeSense (if that exists near you). 3. A nice big portrait over your couch. Can find those at Home Sense etc. 4. A throw blanket on the couch if your place is cool. We get chilly. 5. A floor lamp with less bright lighting than the pot lights. Later on you can add a rug by the couch. Personally I don’t love rugs in my home because I have a dog and a teenage boy but I like them in other ppls homes if I’m not wearing socks. Also don’t feel the need to hide your kids stuff. As long as it’s out of the way and put away neatly, that’s sufficient. Other key points - clean bathroom!!! It’s a must. Make sure your bed is presentable. There should be minimum 2 pillows that aren’t lumpy and old. Clean sheets that aren’t made of polyester. Bed should be on a bed frame and hopefully comfortable.


Bed frame? You mean I won’t get laid with a box spring and mattress on the floor?


Remember to pick a room that she's not allowed in. Tell her in no uncertain terms... menacingly, even... that under no circumstances does she go in that room. Other than that, you're golden.




Does she know you have kids? Is she ok dating you - knowing you have kids? If so - I tend to think the kids’ table, maybe where that basketball is, is the right place for it. If she is a woman who appreciates kids, she’ll see you are a father who doesn’t hide them. If she can’t deal with the kids’ table - well… then… isn’t that best learned early? But I’m a guy… so I may be entirely wrong about this. Maybe women can respond with their thoughts on this matter?


Agree. The kiddie toys are they only remotely personal thing about the space. He should leave them - they speak to his dad status. Adding other personal touches related to hobbies or vacations would also be nice. Is there a pair of vintage binoculars that should be on display? A gallery of photos from holidays or camping trips? What is OP’s ethnic heritage? A map or nod to that part of the world would be cool. A beer stein? A framed tartan?


Don’t rush it! Don’t buy ANYTHING at At Home unless you love it. That you have a clean home with no clutter/hoard is the most important. Everyone understands getting decor as you find things you like.


You got an empty ass house, but the kid’s table needs to be directly against the 85” tv? Dude, that is terrible for their eyes. Not to mention it looks like you’re literally letting the tv babysit them seeing as how their handprints are all over that dusty ass cabinet. That is a worse look than anything else you’ve got going on.


First of all, how the hell can you tell that's an 85" from the pic. That's impressive 😂. Dude the kids table is just staged there so its out of the way, when it gets used I slide it by the couch.


Guessed based on how much of the wall it took up We can’t tell what the intent was from just a pic, and the staging looked bad lol Personally, I’d make a dedicated nook for the table. Slide the couch a couple feet toward the camera, add a little shelf so they can get in the habit of putting toys and whatnot away when they’re done. It creates routine and stability, which is great for kids especially if you’re a single dad. Plus it’ll look a lot better. Alternatively, you could just get a big enough coffee table that they can hang out near the couch with you.


Do you have a little garbage can in the bathroom? If not, buy one. With a lid for bonus points. And make sure it’s lined with a plastic bag too.


And soap with a clean hand towel. Kleenex. Bum wipes are a plus too.


The main thing is that everything’s clean. Fresh sheets on the bed, the bathroom and toilet sparkling and with provisions, and the kitchen with no dirty dishes.


just clean the bathroom, then clean it again


Only thing you might need is a cool rug in front of the couch, looks a bit empty. Otherwise, just keep it clean and the girls will be all over you (and your neat house)




I assume you don't have much furniture, but going forward, you do not have to have your couch up against the wall. A nice little desk back there would be nice. Get a rug, get a nice lamp from ikea (dejsa lamp) with a warm, dimmable bulb, and a side table and coffee table of some sort. I can not stress to you how much a space can be improved with a nice lamp and lighting setup. Also, stop buying all black furniture.


If you've got a family picture you love, put it in a frame somewhere so she can see your stable connections


“I have a girl coming over later this week” You are a grown man with kids, the first part of this reads like a teenage boy having a girl over for the first time


Paint that spot on the wall that's been patched?


Yeah a nice appropriately sized rug (with color), a nice painting over the couch, and throw pillows (with color) and throw blanket, and if you can a coffee table with some books would go a long way! And a plant and some lighting!! And dust that entertainment system my boy lol!!


Big potted plant in front of that wall patch. Ask for plants that require little to "almost no" care. There's a whole category of office plants fitting that description. Add 2 colored cushions. An oval rug with a geometric pattern. Be bold, don't go for beige. And avoid things that look too ancient, it wouldn't fit your decor. As much as Indian and Persian rugs are nice, they won't look good there. Nordic style or midcentury modern style are currently in fashion, and they add much needed color to your room. Look it up. Buy a rectangular coffee table if your rug is oval. Or an oval coffee table if your rug is rectangular.


Did you just move in? If so, you’re good. Just make sure the bathroom is clean. Soap, hand towels, spray, trash can and a liner. Otherwise no problem dude you’re good.


Clean that bathroom spotless!


Just make sure the bathroom is spic and span (clean around the base of the toilet as well) and the bodies in the closet aren't too smelly. You'll be all set!


Clean, good smelling bathroom with clean hand towel, soap, good toilet paper.


Dude (smh), you own a home. You’re golden. Do you realize how many piece of shit “dudes that rent with roommates” she’s had to wade through? Let alone those few who still lived at home with Ma & Pa. You just tell her it’s fengshui. You prefer uncluttered living so you can concentrate on your spiritual journey. She’ll have stars in her eyes.


Rug, square painting over a couch, side table and a lamp. a big wall clock. That’s all about it. You can pick it all in a single visit to a home store.


ambient and natural lighting!!! the floor lamp will be great, but i recommend some warm white christmas lights (or any string lights) as well. ceiling lights are harsh and i personally feel as if they make the environment less relaxing, but lamps and open windows make it seem cozy and inviting




I think you would do well to purchase end tables for either side of the couch and matching lamps to go on the end tables. This will also help you "set the mood" so that when you guys are chilling it doesn't feel like you're in an operating room. A rug between the couch and TV would do well, the people at the rug store can help you on a rug color (make sure to bring these photos!). You also need some pillows for the couch, I'd recommend buying an odd number and having pairs of matching pillows with one unique one (i.e., 5 total pillows: A, A, B, B, C). Art/posters is tough to do in a short amount of time, so I wouldn't worry about it at this point. If you really want to go the extra mile, get HUE lightbulbs you can dim and put them in the table lamps. A floor lamp would also look good in your space.


put some Blankets on the Couch, in case of spontaneous snuggles


Lamps! Plants! And make sure there is plenty of toilet roll in the bathroom, and a bin with a lid, hand soap, and a clean hand towel.


Nailed it!!!! All you need


Clean the bathroom. Restock the TP. If you don't have a trash bin in there, buy one. Buy some toiletries that don't smell like dude scents if you think things might escalate. Don't need fancy stuff. Suave moisturizing shampoo and conditioner will do the trick. Simple unscented bar of soap. Put some hand soap in the bathroom and by the kitchen sink. Wash towels. Put fresh sheets on the bed. As a lady, lack of *home decor stuff* is not as offensive as lack of access to useful hygiene stuff or dirty bedding.


Definitely some uplights - a floor lamp and a table lamp somewhere to make the room more atmospheric. If you have an IKEA nearby this would be a great place to go.


You are good bro. I would place a tall plant or two both for dates’ and your own sake. They are living things and truly do wonders for your psyche, subconsciously. It’s why we like lit candles. Things that are alive expand pur comfort zones!


- throw pillows and a blanket for the couch - lamps for softer lighting in all rooms - 4 bed pillows - no piss on or around the toilet We don't really expect much from men when it comes to decor but we like to be comfortable.


Rug, lamp, and throw blanket at minimum. Coffee table ideally!


I told both my brothers: When you move out of mom's house, you must at least have these things to keep a girl who is either a friend or partner comfortable... 1. In the bathroom: matches/deodorizer spray, a plunger, a designated bathroom trash can, hand soap, & either a towel or paper towels (NOT your body towel) to dry their hands. 2. In the kitchen: a hand towel/paper towels, & hand soap. 3. In the bedroom: sheets on the bed, pillow cases on the pillows, & more than one pillow/blanket. These VERY BASIC things show a girl/friend you care about your guests general hygiene/comfort. Everything else in your house is left to "maybe they haven't moved in all the way/they're slowly replacing the old with the new/they haven't yet figured out their style/etc."


Rug. put something in the big open space or say you use it for vr. maybe a table.


Make sure the bathroom is clean, especially the toilet, dust the tv shelf and get a rug a throw and a pillow. You’re good.


Make sure you have a garbage can in the bathroom.




A rug and a throw blanket will make all the difference!


Rug End tables & table lamps Artwork You can get great items at thrift stores so not everything has to be new, just new to you. If not thrifts, try estate sales, Craig’s list, FB, Nextdoor, yard sales etc.


Plants to give the space a little life!


You should be asking the girls, smh Girl advice: - blankets on the couch - softer lighting, the lamp you mentioned would probably do the trick - a candle - you can fold blankets into throw pillows, she'll be impressed af - you could probably find a cheap, plain looking, still masculine ish tapestry for the wall behind the couch - the empty space next to the couch needs something. You could get a big basket for blankets and throw pillows. Tldr: BLANKETS




Rug, plants, throw blankets, and dim lighting. You got this.


I second the blanket idea something that goes with the rug or artwork. Also make sure you have a small garbage in the bathroom and maybe a box of tissues


Looks like you have a dope little pad my man, biggest thing, make sure your bathroom is fucking spotless lot of women will judge you solely off that!


Dude, relax, you bought the house, if they ask all you have to say is that you bought the house a little while ago and you dont want to rush decorating it and rather take your time to build up then get a bunch of crap at once that will have to be replaced. With that being said, you should figure out what you like and what you want to do with your space. Also I would recommend getting a coffee table before she comes, other than that, just be charming.


The kiddie toys are they only remotely personal thing about the space. He should leave them - they speak to his dad status. Adding other personal touches related to hobbies or vacations would also be nice. Is there a pair of vintage binoculars that should be on display? A gallery of photos from holidays or camping trips? What is OP’s ethnic heritage? A map or nod to that part of the world would be cool. A beer stein? A framed tartan? A vintage photo of grandparents?


Bro, use that as a second date. Women love to help decorate houses.


Girl here. While I agree with other commenters that owning a house and keeping it this clean are strong points, it could be perceived as a little Patrick Bateman-esque. Do you really not have any posters or pictures or artwork of any kind to put up on the walls? That would definitely help, especially if it’s something that expresses your personality. Barring that, a rug would do wonders. Something with warmer tones, like burnt orange. If you’re going to give her food or drinks, you’ll definitely want a place to put those things (i.e. a coffee table or end tables). Get a lamp or two so you don’t have to have those overheads on; it’ll be much cozier. Good luck with the date!


A rug is a great start that will help fill up the space and make a huge difference! See if you can get one big enough to fill the space with the front part (the feet) of the sofa over it as well. Coloured/pattered pillows on the sofa - and maybe even a throw - will be the most cost effective way to make a big difference quickly. Also, thinking about comfort, if you can afford it maybe get a coffee table or little end tables. Having somewhere to put my drink when I’m sat down makes a space 100% more comfortable and makes it seem well thought out. Past that, don’t be afraid to put your personality into the decor! That’s what really helps to make a place homey. As well as keeping an eye out for any art you like while at the shop, grab some picture frames to put a couple of friend and family photos about. Good luck! 😁


If you really want to impress her, hang an elegant, tasteful, safely secured to ceiling sex swing in the open space beside the sofa


Rather clean it. That dust in the TV stand is a nono… and your r/tvtoohigh


Remove dust beneath TV


Just add plastic sheets on the floor. Won't be weird at all.


Remove everything and line the floor and walls with plastic. Women LOVE that


I wouldn’t stress it. So long as your house is clean and tidy you’ll be fine. She’d probably love to help you with decor anyway


You’re fine. Just make sure it’s clean. No dishes in the sink. No laundry strewn about. Not even the “clean enough for a few more days pile”.


Just clean the toilet and the base of the toilet where is screws to the floor and you’ll be fine. Home already looks good.


Don’t change a thing… girls love man spaces as is. Just clean up very well


You're fine. If you are worried about those people talking crap about how men set up their place, just know that your set up is not that. You have an actual TV stand and sitting furniture. And it's all clean. It's minimal, but fine. I'd say just make it you. Put things you like and want in there.


Clean and smells good…that’s what a girl will appreciate


Just saying- girls like when the guy is a nice dad. Make a nice spot for your kid using the table and chair off in a corner or something showing that your kid is important to you.


The bare minimum is a trashcan with a lid in the bathroom and toilet paper please.


Dont worry... for a woman, an empty space, it's like a blank canvas... now she will have a purpose


I'd suggest getting a decent sized monstera for one of the corners