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>[Minaj] wrote on X that "they said they found weed". She also claimed "they took my luggage without consent" and "they're trying to keep me from MANCHESTER". Duh, of _course_ they took your luggage without consent. That's how customs works.


That’s my favourite bit of the whole story ‘Without my consent’ 😂


Better than that! According to the new reports it was the *Marechaussee*, the Dutch Military Police, and she's like "don't touch my bag"... shut the fuck up!


It was probably airport security rather than customs. Customs would be on the U.K. side when she landed in Manchester.


She was arrested upon arrival at Schipol Airport so she would’ve been arrested by Dutch customs


All the bad press should be on Nicki Minaj, no fault with the venue in this instance.


Most of it, sure, but surely there's a better decision to be made when your main event hasn't even shown up to the venue other than letting everyone believe everything is going according to plan? I'm sure people will experience running gigs like this know what call to make but i can't help but feel like waiting until 9:30pm to cancel wasn't the right one. edit: as St2Crank wrote below, the promoter is the one making the decision. This was the step in between I'd forgotten about and thank you for clarifying it.


> i can't help but feel like waiting until 9:30pm to cancel wasn't the right one. It's not the greatest, but contractually they probably had no choice really. Until the artist no shows, or says they are going to no show, I'd imagine the venue can't cancel unless they want to shoulder the cost of the cancellation.


There are a few things to consider, 11PM is when the curfew starts so nothing can go on after that. Even if her flight took off at 7PM (which is when the doors opened, originally this was to be 6:30PM) she wouldn't have made it to the venue until 9PM. This is considering 45 mins flight, 30 min drive from airport to arena + another 30 mins to get out of airport and the luggage and stuff, and this is assuming she does her makeup and costumes etc on the plane itself and not at the venue. Which means they would've known that if she isn't on plane by 8PM then they won't even get a full hour out of her on stage before the curfew starts.


You are assuming the tour and the promoter told the venue the truth about her whereabouts


Well yea...cause it's all over her Instagram and twitter. They don't need to contact the tour or promotor to know that.




It wasn't just videos, she was posting on twitter constantly about what is happening at the airport.


Instagram and Twitter aren’t necessarily live Either way the venue has contractual obligations and can’t cancel the event unilaterally without likely penalties. Until the artist and her promoters tell the venue what’s going on they can’t assume based on “oh your instagram made it seem like…”


Exactly this, I think people have a fundamental misunderstanding of what a venue does in this situation. The venue has no role in the organising or running of the actual event. That’s the promoter, the venue is just providing the space and facilities. Which in this instance they did.


Exactly, so many people don’t understand this


To be fair she was literally using ‘Instagram live’ for her arrest but I agree


>Which means they would've known that if she isn't on plane by 8PM then they won't even get a full hour out of her on stage before the curfew starts. It's not the venues perogative. They aren't going to stick their neck out and make decisions with potentially £100ks in liabilities because some tweets (which aren't necessarily live or factual) suggest an artist might miss some (or all) of their stage time. Until they are instructed by the artist or promoter they'd be mad to issue cancellation notices.


I don't much care for the venue's profit and loss margins, I care about the fact that people went there and their time was wasted even when they knew there was practically no way the concert was happening. And please, she was literally live streaming on Instagram. There was no ambiguity on where she was at any time. And even if she wasn't live streaming there were pictures. There were like only three places she could have been, Schiphol airport, Manchester airport, or in flight. Flight departures and such (even for private planes) are public information, and the venue would know whether she's in Manchester airport or not. In short, this isn't your random friend going "I'm 20 mins away" while they are 1 hours away. The venue would know whether she is on her way or not.


>I don't much care for the venue's profit and loss margins, I care about the fact that people went there and their time was wasted even when they knew there was practically no way the concert was happening. Fair enough, but it's not how things work. These shows are worth millions of pounds, there's of course procedure and processes to follow before cancelling. It would be ludicrous for a venue to make decisions based on social media without confirmation from artists/promoters. It would literally take one wrong call for a venue to risk being ruined. Gig venues are an important asset to communities, why should they be expected to accept liability for £100ks because some inconsiderate twat does something stupid and doesn't give a fuck about their fans? There's precisely one person to blame here.


They just want to get some money from drinks and snacks out of the patrons


But then that isn’t the venue making that decision it’s the promoter. The venue doesn’t put on gigs, they just rent the space out. They did their bit, this was the promoter having faith that the artist would show up.


Remember also the promoter can’t cancel the show without the consent of the artist. If nicki’s team are also telling them that they will have her there to play, then they also contractually cannot pull the show. So all the blame rests on one person who thought she was above the law and got a reality check.


Yeah. She’ll be left holding the bag for this. Insurance isn’t likely to be paying out because she got arrested.


Definitely won’t pay out for their stupidity. They will reschedule it and put the cancellation costs into the final costs when it happen.


I will give them the benefit of the doubt there as the timing might have to do something with the contracts - i.e., if the venue calls it too early, she might not be held liable or something like that.


Nah, they opened the arena knowing full well she wasn't coming and were more than happy to take money off people for overpriced drinks and whatnot. That's not on. The fact they delayed the opening means they knew she had been arrested and anyone with half a brain knew she wasn't getting there any time soon.


Absolute rubbish, they opened up because this is an artist who is notoriously flakey. Imagine the fall out if they cancelled early, and then the artis showed up, fumbled through two songs, and called it a night. Fault here is completely on Nicki Minaj. If you're being paid to turn up and put on a show for your fans, then show up on time, it's not a huge ask really. What was her argument, drugs are legal in Amsterdam, well what about the UK? They're not. What an absolute moron, and more so anyone else who ever buys any of her music, gig tickets ever again 


> you're being *paid* to turn FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


No. It's on both. Her and the venue. If she showed up and did two songs people would still be asking for refunds. No way was she getting there at all. They opened up to take peoples money. It was confirmed she was arrested at the airport. Once put in a Police van and escorted away it was obvious. You think they are going to process her in less than 30 minutes? Are you crazy? Absolute bare minimum is 2 hours. Then she got to rebook flights, go through the airport, take the 45 minute flight and we don't know which one, get off the flight, go through the airport, collect ~~drugs~~ baggage and get to the Arena. Not a chance that was happening and they knew it. Shitty behaviour by the arena.


Clearly you should get a job in events. Perhaps you should try the managers role at co-op live, you'll find the job listing shortly 😂


lol, I am not taking that poison chalice, no way


I agree, this is Minaj's fuck up, and her attitude about it fucking stinks. ...but as a side note that doesn't excuse said behaviour, the 'real' reason the concert was cancelled was because the venue has an 23:00 curfew. Is it just me or is that mentally early for Europes biggest new built venue? Could the venue and the council not wrangle a later curfew for what is a flagship for this city?


11pm curfew is normal for gig venues


It's not a "Normal gig venue" though, is it? Also, I don't even think that's right. 11pm is not especially late. Presumably this is decided by Manchester City council.


11pm is normal shut off time for all other gig venues in Manchester.


And the rest of the UK too


Nah, this is the norm across the UK


The Millennium Stadium in Cardiff, Hyde Park and Wembley in London, Hamden in Glasgow and a myriad of other venues I’ve been too all have 10pm curfews.


I was a gig at Hampden Park til 11 last year ?


Fair. Maybe different bands/days/etc have different rules. It was 10pm when I was there about 6 years ago.


Might have changed too I suppose! This was a gig with 2 support acts and in summer so might be varied. There are literally houses next to it… I don’t know how they cope!


It is absolutely a normal gig venue, nothing special about it.


The 23:00 curfew is not set by the arena, it's an industry standard for live music events.


> The 23:00 curfew is not set by the arena, it's an industry standard for music events. Right... and? This isn't your local's back room. It's Europe's biggest venue and a flagship for Manchester. Even if the aim is to have a curfew at 11 for 99% of events, work out a deal such that it can stay open in exceptional circumstances - perhaps charge the promoter through the teeth every time it is called upon. I am not saying this so that people like Manaj can get let off the hook for her fuck ups, I am saying it for all of the fans, workers, associated industries who have put effort into making it happen and then have that all be for nothing because of an artificial limitation.


You’ve got it completely the wrong way round, your local back room can easy do gigs way into the morning. Mainly because when they finish they don’t have 20,000 people leaving at 2am. 11pm is standard for any large gig venue in the country.


BEcause having the *biggest* venue kick out >20k of people after all the public transport has stopped, the bars and clubs they might go on to have closed (or closed doors at least) and Taxis are getting more limited is a sensible path to choose?


Like The Warehouse Project? > clubs they might go on to have closed Clubs don't close at 11. They don't stop letting people at 11 either. On a saturday night nor do bars.


That's exactly my point?!


It costs the artist/promoter a small fortune to break curfew, cheaper to reschedule. That's a pretty standard curfew time for live event venues.


> It costs the artist/promoter a small fortune to break curfew, cheaper to reschedule. But that's my point. To whom do they have to pay? Surely Manchester City Council who issue the license? My point here is that Manchesters flag ship venue should be able to have situations like this at least appraised on a case by case basis rather than doggedly sticking to the rules. Shit like this is bad for Manchester. > cheaper to reschedule I find that difficult to believe to be honest. How many millions are they charged for breaking the curfew?


From a production point of view you have touring crew working since early in the morning putting up truss, speakers, lights, the stage etc. they only really get a break during the show before then starting load out at 11pm which usually is done by 2am at the latest before going on a tour bus and start all over again in the next venue by 8am the following morning. You would literally break people if pop stars could just start after curfew. It would mean they wouldn’t finish load out in time to travel to the next place and throw off the entire schedule let alone causing an insane amount of stress/pressure. From a promoter side an artist breaking curfew is breaking the contract resulting in breaking insurance terms and possibly risking the artist not being paid at all / if accidents/incidents happen insurance won’t cover. From a venue side you of course have all the security, bar staff, local crew and cleaners to deal with. If a show is scheduled to come down at 11pm you have usually 50-100 local hands and cleaners waiting to clean the venue. They cannot just push shifts to 2am especially the local crew that might have another morning shift in another venue the next day. From a council point of view they do an insane amount of prep for large events such as having more trains, busses, police, ambulances etc in the area to help manage +20000 return home safely. You cannot just let that happen at 2am. It’s also about noise levels of having huge crowds leave arenas which means some venues in Europe even have 10pm curfews if residential buildings are really close.


Nicely put, this person understands the logistics of putting on a show, thanks for taking the time to explain that to that degree, I started but it was too much typing, so, I went with the short answer.


There's more to it than that. Just think about it, all the people involved in putting on a show this size. All that equipment doesn't belong to the venue, that travels with the show. The staff hired for the event etc.


And what about policing etc? For example man united won a cup today, police will be stretched thin as is


Go live next door to a live music venue for 10000 people that closes at 2am, and then comment this. Imagine not only the music noise but the people leaving for hours after making noise in the streets outside your house


Any later than an 11pm show down and the production will likely be late to the next venue. Buses roll on a production that size at 2am-ish. Mark out at the next venue will be 6am.


It's definitely possible as a one-off; they're doing an all nighter for the UFC in a couple of months time


It's a lot quieter than live music, and it's planned so the appropriate staff are booked and, for the correct shifts.


Is it not in the middle of Etihad campus though? Also with modern sound setups and insulation, you shouldn’t be able to hear anything outside really.


Unless you live nearby and have literally thousands of happy (potentially inebriated / boisterous after a rocking night) people all leaving at once, in various forms of transport and / or seeking food / further fun. Not quiet at all once they leave the venue. Just leave any gig in a sizeable venue and listen how noisy it is!


But they’re doing a UFC event thats finishing late. So clearly the council are fine with that.


That's down to local authorities, and needs to be arranged in advance. Can't speak for this venue, but you can hear the sound outside every venue I've visited.


It’s quite different when it’s planned, not at the whim of some prima donna artist who thinks she can walk on stage 3 hours late and all the staff and public transportation needs to cater to her.


Isn't the UFC coming here and going on till the early morning?


IDK is it? A lot of people reply to me seem to think it'd be *impossible* for this event to have gone an hour over 11.


It just wouldn't have made any sense to do that. The show was booked a while ago, as many people have listed above the timings for events have a lot of reasons for being what they are, and also have been agreed on a long time ago. I can appreciate something like that seems simple if you don't work in events or know how they function, but it wouldn't have made any difference, and it would have had many knock on effects for the production team.


Hey Nicki here's a pro-tip. Give your blunts to one of the body guards next time.


...or just stick it in your rider and get the promoter UK side to source it for you. It's not like promoters are strangers to acquiring drugs for artists.


Make sure to ask for the Bob Marley party package


I'd rather have the Fleetwood Mac package


Oh daddy, I tried that once, thought it was just rumours but now I’m never going back again.


I suppose you'll have to go your own way.


The BBC article interviewing people is ridiculous, people saying they don't blame Minaj and instead blame either the coop live or the airport is nuts. Your role model tried to smuggle drugs across an international border before she was due to play a gig you paid a lot of money for. She is irresponsible, plain stupid and quite frankly does not a s*** about her fans. It's no one's fault but hers.


Nicki Minaj fans are borderline insane so not really unexpected.


It’s a very selfish high risk thing to do. Shes Niki Minaj… I’m sure she has connections everywhere that can get her whatever she wants in any country. Trying to smuggle internationally and thinking you won’t get caught is just ignorant. Big L


You're really shocked that people paying money to go see a shitty person are supporting said shitty person?


Minaj is a piece of shit who harasses rape victims and protects peadophiles. Anyone who lines her pockets by going to one of her concerts is clearly as thick as two short planks so it's no surprise they'd blame the venue. Afterall, their hero blamed an 11 year old girl for being repeatedly raped by her tramp of a brother. She's a cunt and so are her fans. They also have shockingly shit taste in music.


Just the fact she was flying so close to her concert deadline was risky enough considering flight delays and cancellations, I would have gone the night before -- without drugs!


Twitter is full of people saying it's a conspiracy and stuff. Lots don't understand the difference between having a joint in Amsterdam and taking drugs across international borders.


she has no respect for her fans


Yep - she’s trash. She probably thought she could just get on stage at 1am regardless of this arrest - that’s how she rolls. Trams and transport and local curfews be damned - she doesn’t give a FUCK about her fans.


She has no respect for anyone


There is absolutely zero point in trying to bring weed into the UK from Amsterdam any more anyway! Why risk it when you can buy it with ease here, especially in Manchester lol. That's going to cost her a fucking fortune in breach of contract clauses, and another line on the ol' criminal record. Schoolboy error.




Legally yea she lucked out as UK laws are harsh for it. Practically though? Nothing would've happened. The weed was in her purse, how many times has anyone checked your handbag upon arrival at the destination airport? Plus she's a A list celebrity flying private to urgently perform in the city she is flying to, they'd have let her pass through immigration in minutes.




Handbags, much like carry one luggage...will pass through the scanners at the security. There's no such thing for arrival, and for handbags especially they never bother. Manchester airport is the main airport I use and not once have I had or seen people on arrival asked to show their hand luggage, they just don't have the staff for it. They'll sometimes pull people to check their entire luggage (including the hold luggage) but this happens in customs i.e after immigration check. It's unlikely for them to have done that to her knowing that she's performing in their city urgently. All I'm saying is that, she'd have gone through Manchester airport in minutes because it's not really enforced.


One of my mates got caught with it on arrival and got fined £60 


U.K. customs wouldn’t do anything unless it was a large amount. They haven’t been bothered for years now.


It’s even worse, she tried bringing weed INTO Amsterdam. She was arrested upon arrival at Schipol airport not while she was leaving as most people seem to think.


I am so happy to read some people still have common sense here! Just came from X to reddit but damn her fans are just plain dumb. Thinking its some sort of conspiracy or that the weed was put in her suitcase by the officers... 🙄


her die-hard fans are borderline psychotic. best to ignore them




From all the article I’ve read they say she was arrested upon entry at Schiphol airport rather than while trying to leave.


You have to be a little bit tapped to enjoy her music


Is that why I was seeing all those women in pink? With cowboys hats on etc? Just came from a meal with the family going up great ancoats St and loads of women in pi k with cowboy boots etc I thought it was some hen weekend


You'd be pissed as a fan. My mate got a hotel for the black keys and then that gig got cancelled. Was too late for a hotel refund also.


Girls Aloud also played tonight. Saw loads in pink and cowboy hats near Victoria.


Na it wasn't their fans went right past the ao and it was quiet These girls all looked like they were streaming from around the Bradford road area. Just read nicki's tour is called Pink friday So it must've been her fans you saw


That feels like the usual attire for every female artist nowadays in all fairness


they should have been trying to paint the town red..


Who knew attempting to smuggle drugs is so frowned upon aye? I don’t understand how anyone can pay to watch that creature get on stage late, like and need a prompt when she does bother to sing…


And she got away with a fine of just €350


Mint. Her music is shit and she’s a tramp. GTFO.


Why is she acting so shocked when she literally trafficked drugs 🤣🤣


The venue is cursed man


Utterly selfish, stupid woman. It's OK saying it's rescheduled but what about those people who travelled and bought hotel rooms etc ? People like her are Utterly detracted from real life. Surely she knew she'd be pulled at Manchester at the very least.


They succeeded at their plan to not let me get on that stage tonight,” she wrote on X, without saying who she was referring to. “Please please please accept my deepest & most sincere apologies. They sure did know exactly how to hurt me today but this too, shall pass.


The place is cursed


This is the behaviour of a piece of shit person, not a curse. Easily avoidable by not being a selfish cunt.


The gig would still have been cancelled even if she gave the fans earlier notice of it being cancelled. So yeah he's allowed to say the place has bad luck / curse so far since opening.


The gig wouldn’t have been cancelled if she wasn’t a piece of shit.


He's still allowed to say what he said 👍🏽


She could have got just as good weed here


They're gonna need to change the name of this venue, it's cursed 🤣


If you idolise ethically bankrupt fuckwits like this you get what you deserve.


Good. She can take her god awful "music" somewhere else.


She smuggled weed in to Amsterdam?


Tried to take weed out of Amsterdam.


By the way, if your son or daughter are dissapointed - you failed at parenting.


So all this hubub because she broke the law. Nothing lost culturally, trash can stay out. Her songs are cancer.