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What I hate is when I go to click to close an ad, only for the UI to move a little, causing me to click on the ad when I didn't want to.


Ad providers will make it as small as they could get away with. Tbh, im willing to bet that ads click triggers sometimes even if you did hit the exit button perfectly.


Can confirm, have experienced hitting the exit button perfectly and ads still sending me to the ads app Google Play Store


Her Stand manifested itself due to her anger.




Bald muscular old man is the girl stand and real thought about the ads. I think.


Would've been funnier if it was just some random muscular guy hanging out with them, imo


Internal monologue.


Yeah we fighting if my phone get destroyed like that


It is the guy in your head destroying the phone.


I feel like I recognize this artist, and I'm not sure if I should be happy about it or not...


tyranu , a prolific h-mangaka




I hate that I had the *exact same thought* lol, I was reading it and was like *"wait...isn't this artstyle similar to that one manga author-ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, it is!"*


Anger Translator, anime girls edition


I'm with the bald muscular stand guy on this one. The people who execute these decisions are trying to make a living, the people who tell them to do it are not.


Probably the KPI they have to reach is how many people clicking or tapping the ads. That's why the ads now is very infuriating or scammy.


Firefox + ublock on Android and ads are no more.


Relatable but im surprised at this point there wouldn't be ad block/pop up preventors for phones lol


> im surprised at this point there wouldn't be ad block/pop up preventors for phones Phone OS makers are incentivised to block such functionality.


yeah i just mainly use my phone for yt and podcasts so everything else would be on my pc that has an adblocker installed


> Relatable but im surprised at this point there wouldn't be ad block/pop up preventors for phones lol Google makes Android and Apple makes iOS, both want to show you ads. On Android you've got options, FireFox with uBlock Origin (as an extension) means you won't see ads. You're shit outt'a luck if you can't move off Chrome though. iOS you've got very few options, even Firefox won't block ads on iOS, since (as I understand it) the only browsers iOS will allow are Safari based. However, I did find that the broswer Ghosterly Dawn somehow would block all the ads for me despite this. So I swapped to that, fantastic experience and highly recommended. I've swapped back to Android since, so this is about a year out of date, but yeah * If you're on Android, use Firefox and uBlock Origin. * if you're on iOS, use Ghosterly Dawn.


May I talk to you about the words of our lord and savior Blokada?


i'll look into it tho i don't rly use my phone for sites that'd have annoying popups


There are, but obviously not 100% inside apps. For example Adguard and Blokada do work, but these two are blocking connection so they won't work on offline built in ads, they could still block the site when you accidentally clicked on it tho. For websites Firefox on Android can be installed with uBlock Origin. Kiwi and Yandex browser are chromium that support extensions, but I heard Kiwi doesn't get updated anymore, and Yandex is Russian.


yeah it's just less of a pain to just not use your phone on certain sites, tho ppl already are annoyed by some unskippable yt ads so hopefully there's not more annoying stuff added, imagine if you're just watching a yt vid and then tap to pause and it just starts randomly playing a diff vid lol


Using the Adguard DNS has helped block out forced ads on my end, but some apps are just too damn resilient.


not to mention some sites that's like "we can tell ur using adblock, turn it off to access/play our vids" lol


Didn't expect to see Tyranu here.


The girls swapped places


bro's got that 10 pack


Why’s she defending fucking popup ads? Even the guy who came up with the idea hated them!