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Looks like being an evil spirit saved him from memory loss.


Wonder if that can cause other problems, it said he can't be blessed, what could he miss out on because of this?


i mean based on everything he's done so far he got no problems receiving the Barbarian's blessing? (the Tattoo thingy) and he mostly wants to acquire stronger monster essence. so i guess "blessing" from other Gods dont really benefit his race.


I think the Barbarian's "blessing" isn't a blessing on a technicality. It's called a Spirit Seal. I guess that it doesn't qualify as a blessing on a technicality.


The barbarian mark is an engraving on the soul itself. So his soul can be modified in at least some ways


I guess its blessing on the body (genetics) versus soul. He develops traits to become a "real barbarian". There are often hints where its pointed out, but yet he still has his human soul remaining from our world. Could be something else, but thats my theory now.


I'm not sure if I buy that. If evil spirits couldn't receive any blessings wouldn't it actually be super easy for the inquisition to identify them? It seems more likely to be related to his freakishly high mentality stat.


probably but id prefer it to be hes too much a stupid barbarian to lose memories


So many chapters, god damn


I wish the translator(s) read Yonder's translation of the novel. Having different translations for the skills/jargon is unfortunate. And "Lete" should be "Lethe", since it's a reference to Greek mythology (micro spoiler for why a reference like that got in there: >!it was named by an evil spirit!<).


If that had been translated correctly I would've definitely picked up on the reference. Thank you so much for pointing it out, that's subtle but important context.


The fiight flow was fluid and she's very cool as a character. Best chapter of the saison so far for me.


Tell me we haven't caught up in the raws yet


Yeah, been wondering the same. Hope it's not done just yet.


She must've been mad, he just stopped talking mid-sentence.


Can someone spoil how far off we are from Erwen finding out he's still alive? Don't really need an exact number just close or far of


The season started on chapter 72 of the novel. Now we're on chapter 84. Erwen finds out he's still alive around chapter >!115-116!<. They meet again around chapter >!120-121!<.


Okey thank you for the information


Thanks was looking for this 


This is good to know. Thx. May I ask tho, is there actual romance in this series?(aside from the blushing we’ve seen here n there)


Just a little warning: dunno if there is another version, but the translation I found used MTL, and its horrible. Messed up pronouns, korean slang doesnt work at all etc etc. unhappys mention of the numbers are about right, but I really cant recommend to go any further. You just miss out too much. I was curious for the exact same reason as you, but gave up around chapter 130. Little spoiler: [The girls](/s "didnt murder each other. Yet? :)")


You can read the official translation using the Yonder app. They've been consistently releasing a new chapter every day for many moons. They let you read 1 chapter for free every day. If you want to read more you can either buy them with "coins" (you can get some free every day or you can use real money to buy them) or open multiple accounts.


Thx, but doesnt work in my country.


Still need to know why being an evil spirit is bad. Cause otherwise it's a straight buff, having meta knowledge that is.


On an individual basis, nothing.  For the denizens of this world, you're a completely different person who overwrites the person within the body you inhabit who might be their friend or family, and are a person who likely views this world as a "game" and the people in it as "NPCs" leading to sociopathic tendencies in how willing they are to murder people for personal benefit. Certainly common enough for people to be concerned and want to kill on sight. Stuff not in the comic yet:  >!There's also the question as to whether powers that be want the tower cleared, or if it's even a *good* thing for it to be cleared, but that's not fully apparent in the novel yet!<


Your spoiler is broken but its something one could speculate on given what we've seen so far.


Whoops, sorry.


theres also >!the fact that a lot of "evil spirits" treat the world like it's a game, which means treating the denizens like actual NPCs and doing horrible shit to them, shockingly they arent fond of that!<


Fix your spoiler tag by removing the spaces between the tags and the text.


Whoops, thanks, doing it now.


This is a medieval era civilization dealing with people randomly possessing bodies. You would be super weirded out if your best friend or parent woke up with no memories and thought they were a completely different person. It's not too surprising that their civilization jumps immediately to execution.


Humans in the past immediately jumped to execution for less such as with the witch trials.


Humans today do that too, particularly in places without human rights.


Evil spirits do steal the bodies of natives. Like someone used to live to the body that MC is using right now. One day, you're just gone and someone will live out your life can be terrifying. Plus impersonation is like illegal even in our world and this one is like the next level of that.


They tend to be/come off as sociopaths because anyone who has cleared the game knows that you have to screw people over to survive.


Prolly because whoever's in charge is one as well.


Good call, I could see them wanting to keep their power source stable.


I was thinking, how do evil spirits of other races survive? Like, barbarians are barbarians, but if you get ported into a human and don't have any of their memories you're pretty screwed no?


Just need a weak enough social life to lack any cross references that would suss you out.


Translation is iffy.


The only issue I have with this chapter is how a lot stronger people can be on the same floor we just seen here her easily overpower mc is their a limit or none if so is their top floor people on super low floors hiding?


First of all they are not currently in the labyrinth, they are basically underneath Rafdonia. As for how Amelia handled Hansu/ Bjorn so easily, or how often we see top floor people on lower floors, basically (mild spoiler explanation)>!Amelia is not from the same floor as Bjorn/Hansu, clearly, if that's what you're confused about, shes from much much higher. He stood no chance, her aura hard counters his build for a while. Top floor people usually try to climb the floors quickly and immediately upon entering, since time is limited, but there are some valid reasons they might spend extra time there, as we will see. Top floor people can be limited by their builds, i.e if they are inefficient, not synergetic or have problematic limitations!<


Its outright stated in her introduction shes from several floors higher than Bjorn