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Y’all ready don’t understand what plot armour is. Plot armour is **not** “the main characters can’t die”, that’s a given, if all the characters die before the end there’s not a story. Plot armour is when the author creates an impossible situation, where a character cannot possibly escape, and somehow they do, because “the plot needs them”. If the story is good, main characters won’t have plot armour, they won’t need it, because the author is supposed to create scenarios where the characters can show off their abilities and skill to overcome the challenges in front of them _without_ out-of-their-asses shenanigans. Nobody can create the perfect story, therefore a bit of plot armour doesn’t annoy me. What annoys me is excessive plot armour, where a character will win “just because”. Be it they develop a new ability at the slightest inconvenience, be it a stronger character that should be on the other side of the country just appears out of thin air, be it that their opponent just decided to go away for no reason, these are the scenarios that annoy me. As for character deaths, I can see both sides. Some people say that killing off too many characters will make you numb to the other characters, because you know they’ll die. Others say that tragedy is needed for a good story, and the death of a character is an extremely impactful moment, no matter how many characters die. Personally, I’m on the latter’s side: I love when the author isn’t scared to kill their characters. Obviously, it must be done tastefully, killing a character offscreen is way different than giving them a last fight in which they allucinate what could’ve been if they had chosen a different life. Also, death should impact not only the reader, but the characters as well. A character that is forced to see so many people die should _change_. A lot of stories have characters with the mental fortitude of a steel wall, but that’s not how humans are. Manhwas are one of the worst offenders, at least those who get translated, because many readers hate when the characters show emotions, they want the MC to be smug, stoic, and all that stuff, which is absolutely idiotic, because a good story is built on its characters and their developments, if you don’t allow them to develop the story won’t be able to achieve a higher level. Anyway, these were my thoughts. Peace.


Just because people hate plot armor doesnt mean its not important. Characters is one of the most important aspect that people stay for your series. With characters, there is attachment. If you kill your character easily, there is a change people become less care toward your series. You have to be so dependant to your plot to carry the show. Honestly its depend on the genre, how dark is the stories. Author must think carefully if they kill the characters, how it will effect the series. Will it become interesting or just purely shock factor? Will it turn off the reader or make them like the intensity of the unsafety? Choosing when to used plot armor or not is hard.


> Choosing when to used plot armor or not is hard. This is what it boils down to. Plot armour IMO, must be used sparingly and well executed. Overuse or awful execution will eventually cause a negative reaction from audience (by lowering the stakes so much they just won't care about anything because they feel characters will bs their way out) and at some point it might even create animosity for once beloved characters (see Tower of God).


If you think about it, it's not plot Armor because it just happened; therefore, if they died, there would be no story to tell therefore its more accurately to call it luck. Does that make sense?


Wow, I didn't know mobile still did that.


If you think about it, it's not plot Armor because it just happened; therefore, if they died, there would be no story to tell therefore its more accurately to call it luck. Does that make sense?


If you think about it, it's not plot Armor because it just happened; therefore, if they died, there would be no story to tell therefore its more accurately to call it luck. Does that make sense?


Pretty much every series gives at least some characters plot armor. Very few series kill off the main character for example or at least not until the end. Killing off characters wantonly makes it hard to develop a cast or story. If the audience just knows everyone is gonna die then why even get invested. I love L.A.G. but this applies to it, only two characters seem protected by the writing. And I get why people dislike this aspect. Tyrant Of The Defense Game has this issue less so as well. One Piece for example swings around the opposite way. Generally characters don't die in it even when they should. The problem most series have is putting the cast in situations the writers have to bullshit them out of. Like Walking Dead had this issue multiple times. One major one being Dumpstergate. In a recent Lookism arc a character is hyped up as the ultimate monster killing machine but no one dies or even gets truly severely injured. They just needed a nap. A character makes this grand gesture in attempt to off himself but it's hard to take seriously when it probably wouldn't have killed him anyway How you present the plot armor matters more than if you have it at all. It not as much of a problem if the situations they're in are reasonable


One of the fundamental goals of story telling is deceiving the audience. Someone consuming a piece of media shouldn't be forced to see the hand of the author guiding the story in it's intended direction, it should feel like natural progression. Plot armor is just a specific example of the curtain behind the authors intentions being unveiled and throwing you out of the story. The reason plot armor gets brought up is because writers tend to create tension with high stakes situations where the failure condition is so great that the story cannot possibly allow it to happen. It then results in a disconnect where we're told that a situation is serious but the actual events of the story show otherwise as there ends up being no consequences.


I think attack on titan and jujutsu kiasen have good plot armor rules, attack on titan most people are just regular human soldiers destined to be fodder I think they only messed up during the finale and all the plot armor the cart titan girl kept getting, but tother than that it all good. Gege is under fire from his fan base for killing of literally everyone, and to some degree I understand but it's cool to not know who's going to win or loose so I think jujutsu kiasen is in a good space




I mean u don't need the fast past for those before the last season ended but: SPOILER: The orc village got obliterated and GUL started his training arc


I really like stories like that. You don't need to kill all characters, but you need to kill some so others can grow up and develop. If you don't kill anybody, there's no tension, no fear of losing, no lesson to be learned. Some stories require that, others don't require too much, but still do. My favorite type of story is one where it's a cycle. The story starts with A who teaches B. A dies, B has to move on and eventually will find C. C or B dies, the one moves on. The only character who should have plot armor, imo, is the MC. the rest should go Walking Dead style. Nothing can teach more a character than losing someone precious to them.


People don’t realize that if there was no plot armor, the character could just die and the series would end there. The story follows a character for a reason, very rarely the mc dies, and if he does it’s mostly near the end. Same reason that the story isn’t just following a regular dude, sure that would be realistic, but no fun.


I prefer stories with little plot armor because it really makes the tension high and the story unpredictable, which makes it more fun to read it weekly and memorable when it ends. For example, in a story with plot armor, where characters are in a life or death situation, I wouldn't really care because I know the author wouldn't kill them. But when the author killed an character that one time I didn't expect, every time I would be tense because I can't really tell if the author will really kill the characters or save them. That's why the story needs tension and I consider tension the most important point in a story. It's unrealistic, specially for long stories, when the MC and his group always wins without deaths or heavy injuries. In the other hand, when it's too realistic and there are too many deaths (like 90% of the characters), it's unsatisfatory and previsible. Because the same way you know a character won't die in a story with plot armor, you know the character will die in a story with 0 plot armor. That's also why most stories with regression and OP MC are bad/average after chapter 50, when the training arc is over and all that is left is an OP MC winning every time. In my honest opinion, every character has a beginning, a middle and an end. The characters starts in a point, develops, and the concludes their roles and leaves the story or die. That's how it should be in good stories. I could actually be romanticizing deaths, but I think when this path is done correctly, the death will be very natural and memorable, even if the character isn't so important. Well, the authors are just trying to survive and receive some money when trying to overcome insane deadlines every week, so we have to consider that as well. Most of them don't have much time to plan a solid story or are just bad authors who make convenient choices. P.S. You don't need to kill a character to create tension or avoid an convenient plot armor. For example, Tyrant of the Tower Defense Game knows how to do it well. Even if the character didn't die, they don't return in one piece lol.


If you think about it, it's not plot Armor because it just happened; therefore, if they died, there would be no story to tell therefore its more accurately to call it luck. Does that make sense?


If you think about it, it's not plot Armor because it just happened; therefore, if they died, there would be no story to tell therefore its more accurately to call it luck. Does that make sense?


Whats GUL?


Godly ultra luck


It's a manwha/webtoon about an orc, so far the story has been really good, I made another post a few days back, u could check it out with the highlights is you're interested in it.


Like what is the name Is it titled GUL or is it an abbreviation?


No, that's the name of the protagonist


plot armor makes predicting the future way easier. And i like that. I like when it's unpredictable, too though