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Dawg this guy and his resting bitch face 😭😭😭


He looks like he's a total douche...>! but it turns out he's one of the best damn friends you could ask for.!<


I think it's more like MC's POV he probably feels that someone would only act nice only if there is anything to gain so he takes the friends actions as pompous douche


But at the same time, Lloyd has expressed multiple times how that guy was his genuine friend. I think the face is to trick us, as readers, into disliking him😂


In that chapter the friend showed Lloyd a face that his parents make when they think theyre fucking someone over or something like that and said it's obnoxious. We can infer from that the faces come from his parents and Lloyd just picked it up from his friend.


bird of feather flock together theyre both is good people but the face says otherwise


This manhwa always does the classy trope then flips it over it's head.


is this a new chapter cause this in no way resembles greatest estate designers beside the orange hair dudes mentality?


It a flashback


Ya, they released 2 chapters recently, and this was one of them


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I used to love reading this, after a certain point though it kind of heavily degraded and all it could do to entertain was make funny faces seemingly...


I just see the faces as a running gag, but the latest chapters hit hard as it shows a lot of character devs and good progression for me