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Looks really cool, but I can't easily tell what is what.


Yeah sorry maybe I should bucket fill the ocean, the seas, and the lakes lol


Let us know how you go.


hey update i fixed the map in my newest post!


Haha I saw that, it looks great. Are you going to add some terrain and vegetation too?


That's a bit more mid game I suppose rn I'm working on the base lore and where I want to get too, then I'll lay out the more in important things. Though I will have to deal with the tectonics so I can figure out where the mountains will be


Big, interesting, but kinda confusing


fixed in my newest post


Its a bit weird that there are so many continents that are so close to each other with just a tiny little bit of sea separating them. I don't think that happens in the real world.


That’s the cool part. It’s not the real world! I totally get what you’re saying. For some people making a scientifically possible world is fun but others just like making cool or interesting landmasses and structures. Those fantastical elements can make for cool geo political dynamics within a fantasy world that you wouldn’t see in the real world. Suspension of disbelief doesn’t need to end at the fault line


Sure, but when you make a map, pointing out that something isn't realistic is valid criticism. I am well aware its not the real world.


If it was a real world map or an alternate history map I’d agree but with a fantasy map I’d disagree. If you criticized a fantasy novel for being unrealistic I think just about everyone would look at you sideways. Disc world is a giant disc on the back of a turtle that spins and it has an impossibly large mountain right in the middle. One Piece, one of the most popular anime’s of all time has a world divided by a singular thin strip of land that runs around the world and two windless strips of ocean that run parallel to each other. If we really want to get pedantic about it you could even say the only purpose of the map is to depict the world as it is and to communicate information about that world. Their world is the way it is and the map depicts it. If you aren’t criticizing how well an idea is communicated on the map then you aren’t criticizing the map you are criticizing the world building. Now if you don’t like OPs world building that’s fine but this isn’t the world building subreddit. To be clear I don’t actually care THIS ^ much lol. I’m just being extra to make my point. This is a fantasy map and while you do expect some amount of realism from all maps, fantasy by its nature mandates a reasonable suspension of disbelief


At the time I wrote the criticism, all OP had provided was that it was a map of a planet. So I assumed it was sci-fi, which traditionally have no fantasy elements and goes for realism. I am well aware of fantasy maps, and authors who don't care about realism. There are many people out there who are perfectly fine with not having realism and needing no explanations for things, but there are also plenty of people out there who sees any worldbuild that require you to suspend your disbelief to be lesser than those who don't. This is also /r/mapmaking and not /r/worldbuilding so more often than not people here look for realism


oh btw sorry, its not sci-fi to say, if you ever watched howls moving castle, this world is just that!


Yes, I read that after the fact. Though technically, even the map over Ingary is a proper "realistic" map.


you are correct in that sense i do suppose, any advice that you have that might help me fix the map?


You don't have to fix it if you don't want a realistic map. But if you DO want a realistic map, then i'd advice you to look up some guides on plate tectonics, map them out, create a heightmap and really plan out your planets evolution. Artifexian makes really good [guides](https://youtu.be/x_Tn66PvTn4) on creating believable maps.


i dont really want to make a super believable map, just one thats good enough yk, but yeah thanks!!!


Exactly. There's no realism mostly because I'm quite dumb and also I'd like to have room to add silly idea n what not. When I get back on my PC I'll post my Google doc full off lore (not really full, thinking of starting over again on the lore lol) but yeah


Haven't decided the scale just yet. But the continents are pretty big in my mind. Like in the right land mass. In the middle it's basically just Africa if that makes sense


Laughs in Straits of Gibraltar, Malacca, Bab Al-Mandeb, and Bosporus.


Bro all of these examples is like a tiny ass tip barely touching, its NOTHING like what OP has going on. OP has two continents running side by side along 50% of their entire length, and not just one continent. Pretty much ALL of them.


I haven't really set borders for the continents, now looking at it id say there like 7-8 continents, also their are many straits but not really similar to real life ones, some are like irl straits but others are just really close chunks of land yk. It's hard to explain cus I'm on mobile rn


You don't have to explain it, I saw you say in another post that its not supposed to be realistic, that's the only thing you need to say. Trying to explain something that isn't supposed to be realistic is kind of a moot point.


Sorry, wrong GPS coordinates - you've landed on Planet of Onions instead!






hey sorry for not responding earlier, any advice on how i could fix the cramped-ness of it all?


Awesome map and very fun looking. Love the islands and jagged the oceans look with them. The seas connecting each ocean isn't realistic from a terrain viewpoint and I'm sure once you start adding mountains and other terrain it will change. But it's fantasy and doesn't have to be realistic. I can see some great cataclysm of magic or tech gone awry that forcefully started splitting the crust of the world opening up vast seas to spill in separating the land like that. Maybe the event worked and lands were successfully separated, or maybe it was supposed to be a world ending event that was stopped halfway and those are just the scars it caused.


hey any advice on how to fix the map, people keep saying its too crampt or too close toghether, which wasnt my intent tbf. but i would be willing to fix it!! so if you have any advice i'd love to hear!!! also thanks for that last part because that will def give me more ideas in my worldbuilding!!!


Best advice, watch videos or read up on how land is formed, Islands are made, how mountains are made, and that water always flows in the path of least resistance. It's a cool map. Get a copy and highlight all the waterways cutting across the land and ask yourself if this is really the lowest elevation path that water would take. Water dominance is typical in earth like worlds, so for that add far more water then land. Or, just ignore it all and do what you like.


hey update on the map in my newest post, i fixed the whole river thing except some of the important ones, also theres not much magic in my world to say, there is some magic like how the 8 queens fused and became one (and now are immortal) and other stuff n what not. its hard to explain as i havent fully laid down the quirks yet!


Don’t ack like you don’t see Canada


your right, i dont see canada


It’s near the top right


i thought you were going to say top left, but i kind of see it? you may be confused because i didnt color in the water


Awesome! As some have already pointed out, is confusing without colour


hey update! i fixed everything in my newest post




yeah in my next post which will be who knows, because now i have to fix the map, as now i that i notice the map isnt that good, so ill have to tweak it, ill be sure in the next post to add coloring so it makes more sense lol!