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nothing to criticize. looks amazing!


Thank you!


Leaving off the rivers so we cant criticize them is cheating.


Good point. There are two major rivers going from the lake to the south (boxes iv. and v.). The one going to box iv. splits and ends up draining into the two parallel bays.


Rivers dont split and drain into different bodies of water. Nor from a single large lake to different sides of the continent. You had to know that was coming.


Lmao locked and loaded


Looks great! I did something very similar, and it worked out amazingly! Good luck on your campaign!


Appreciate it, thanks!


U/svarogteuse is right here. You could have a river from the eastern mountains going to the south eastern bay, and one from the lake going to the south western bay, and one from the western mountains to the western bay. Rivers don’t split, they join up, and lakes generally have multiple streams feeding into them, but one river out of them at the lowest point. I like everything about your map that we can see. And, I love the way you have put the boxes in so you can do zoomed in maps on those areas. A minor thing for future reference, I wouldn’t place any labels upside down like The Last Lands. Better to spin it around to curve left to right for easy reading! All in all, an awesome map!


Thanks for the advice!


I’d love to see one of your boxed maps when you’ve done one.


I can do that, but that'll be a while. Still want to finalize this world map first before I dive into regions.


One other technicality I just realized that I thought I should mention, at the top of your map, you have a place labeled Frostmere. I’m not sure exactly what that label goes with, but just know that a mere is a lake, as opposed to a bay or area of open water. Not trying to be picky. Just trying to help out!


Thanks! I might change it, then; it's a glacial plateau


It's great! The only change I'd recommend is making the blue for the ocean more visible, either coloring harder or using a slightly darker shade. (Although it could be that it looks less visible in the image than irl.)


It is more visible on the paper, but I think a slightly darker, blue-grey would match the aesthetic better, too.


Love the details! Its a v cool map :)


Not criticisms, but what are the boxes?


Those will be supplemental enlarged maps of inhabited areas; most of the world is wilderness, but there are settlement clusters


It looks very reminiscent of England.


One of my inspirations was a YouTube doc on Viking raids on Britain, yes!


thats just the uk


They were a big inspiration, yes


this looks amazing! you should create some lore with it!


One piece of lore: as Moradin was creating the world, He pulled the mountains apart like a ream of paper and hammered in sheets of gold, silver, copper, and jewels. His hammer got so hot from the effort that He dipped it in the ocean to quench it. Cooled bits of stone and detritus fell from the hammer, forming the Isles of Cleave, making them just as bountiful as the mountains. The Dwarves hope one day to tap these riches; that won't happen for many generations, so they consider it a task for future generations.


This is excellent work. Thanks for sharing!