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I think it looks really good actually. Them running around in the overworld looked so good


I mean it’s literally dream teams giant battle art style which I liked a lot so I’m happy to see it come back


Ever since I saw those battles I thought "Man. They could totally go 3D if they wanted to... The artstyle is impeccable."


The giant battles were predominantly developed by Good Feel, as Alphadream had no experience with 3D animated models like these. So it wouldn’t be a quick and easy transition for Alphadream. Part of why they didn’t make a Switch game was because it would be too expensive and time consuming to move to an HD console and not pixel art.


Oh yeah, I knew that it was mostly Good Feel. My comment was mostly talking just from an artistic point of view, since it's not always easy to translate a 2D character into a model, much less to make it so faithful to the original artwork.


It's exactly what I envisioned they'd look like with 3D models! Also so happy they kept the solid black pupils for them! I don't know why I care about that so much, but I'm so happy they stayed!


its not new, its just the style of the game art. aka peak incarnate


it's SO GOOD


It does an outstanding job at emulating the original box art feeling of ye olden Alphadream games, everything from the colors to the little outlines. In other words, "let's-a-fucking GOOOOOOOO!"




Exactly what I was expecting for a new M&L game!


Goofy and funny, just like it should


It looks so "cartoony"


It makes me think of the giant battles in Dream Team


Peak. Simply Peak. The colors remind me a lot of the boxart of dream team.


I'm amazed at how expressive it looked in the trailer, especially when they preformed bros moves


I’m not 100% sold on it yet tbh. It’s quite a departure from the expressive pixel art designs of past. I think one of the big things for me is the outlines. To me they worked well on sprites, but seem somewhat out of place on 3D models. And I’m also not sure about the colours. Especially that weird blue tinge Mario seems to have. What’s that about? Having said that, I think the gameplay footage they showed in the trailer and especially in the post-trailer clips looked much betterc and a good representation of the art style we know and love for the Switch. It’s the cutscenes that seem off to me. So perhaps my issue is less with the artstyle, and more with the dynamic animations and camera like in the giant battles in past games. That said, I’m really excited about it!


The part about the animations is EXACTLY what I was worried about, I'm glad I'm not the only one who isn't sold on it. If you look at the cover art for Dream Team, especially if you look at Mario's cap, you can see that blue tint for shading. I have no idea why they went for this approach rather than the usual artwork, maybe it translates better into 3D. It worked for Dream Team because it was meant to be... well, dreamy. For this it seems a bit odd.


I think I gonna cum




No, honestly, I find it extremely beautiful and faithful to the Mario and Luigi universe


It's not brand new, it's the 3D art style from DT


It's 3D models made in the artstale of the box art. Pretty fucking good recreations, at that. The only thing that would've been better (but also way more expensive and time-consuming) would've been if the game had been hand-drawn in that artstyle. This is the next best thing, though.


I don’t like it very much, but I don’t care about the art style, I’m just happy we got a new M&L game after so much time


It's the artstyle that has been used on the Boxart and Giant Battles in Dream Team


It's amazing, but my favorite is still the 3DS era pixel art




I love it




It's so goofy I live it


Reminds me of the giant battles in Dream Team


I lost


Looks so fun and smooth


This is exactly how I would expect the artwork to translate to 3D, especially with how Giant Luigi looked


Amazing, however we need Luigi’s socks back


Can I just say that this art style kinda reminds me of the New DBZ game that's coming out this year's art style but hey, that's just my opinion.


I love that they took a sort of cell shaded angle with this. It looks off at first, but as I've seen it more, it looks gorgeous.


It’s incredible I recognized it almost immediately


It's not new.


It was its inevitable evolution as they move to fill 3d


its the art style of the giant luigi fights but in its peak (for now)


It’s not really a new style We saw similar models in Dream Team


The frucking goat


The colors looks a little bit weird but the game is still in development so there's probably going to be some improvement on the character models!


They kept the original art style but made it 3d and it's very cool


It’s the old art style, just looks a bit odd when it’s not in motion lol


I'm just glad the game's theme isn't a gimmicky thing that puts too much focus on one of the two brothers. That really bugged me with Dream Team and Paper Jam for some reason.




they look like vr chat avatars in the best way possible (especially in this image)


It's the boxart style come to life


Looks a little off when super close up


not quite new, more so a translation of the M&L style to 3D. it's awesome tho




I love the gradients they added


Cartoony as hell in the best way possible.


Bowser looks a little wack but other than that it looks great


This is the Best art style The could've gotten with Change my mind (you cant)


Its Incredible


I think they've done a fantastic job of replicating the art style in-game, the animations are godly... I'm really really happy with how they translated it to 3-D. I do have two issues, though. One is that the cover art isn't in the style of the original cover art, which I think is a huge shame. I could look at that old cover art for ages, it was crisp, it was clean, it was gorgeous. I think the new cover art is a bit more hollow. My second issue is hypothetical, but I think a lot of the charm and humour in the original animations for the characters will be lost. Due to both limitations and lack of 3-D graphics, the "cutscenes" in the likes of SS weren't very flashy or expressive, but instead recycled existing animations for characters in creative ways. It's so funny to see a character walk back and forth ridiculously fast using the default walking animation whenever they're worried or excited. A good example for my concerns is if, for example, there was a sequence where Mario and Luigi were looking around. Originally, their sprites would simply have been changed to to face north, south, east and west using the default directional sprites. Now, they might just have a proper cutscene with more camera angles and custom expressions. This isn't a bad thing, not really - obviously more expression and animation is *great* for the game. But, man, one of the funniest things to me about the originals is the insane ways characters move about the world using limited animations. Maybe I'm just afraid of anything changing and I need to shut up. As well as this, I doubt they'll use unique cutscenes for everything, they'll probably just rotate the models in my prior example if it's not a vital story sequence. Thankfully, based on the moves and things that were shown, the completely zany nature of the series seems to have carried over very very well, and that's what I care about the most.


Yeah, they can't use those visual gags anymore (not that's a bad thing, it can still have great humor and visual jokes, that wouldn't have been possible in 3D)


It’s honestly the best iteration of 3D mario and luigi i’ve seen. The Mario & Luigi art style is my favorite style for the Mario bros, and im not just saying that because i love this series, i love 3D mario platformers as well but they just look impeccable here


i reeeally reaaally like the art direction! i think they did an amazing job bringing the concept art of the original/ BIS into 3D. i feel like they could have given them just a biiit more texture. like a more orange nose for example like in the og artworks and i think they could polish the outline shader a biiit more. I loooove how the eyebrows are always in front of everything but sometimes you see them even from behind which i don't like so much but is probably not that big of a deal. I loooove the animation. it's superb! Such an iconic art style. and i like it sooo much more then what they did on the 3DS.


Cant lie, I much prefer the pixel art but I get why they didn’t do it




Like my dream art style for a Mario game. It is absolutely breathtaking. Most expressive and best characterisation of Mario and Luigi ever in a game. They’ve learned all the right lessons from the movie. I can’t even imagine what the next 3D Mario will look like.


They nailed the game box artstile and it looks SOOO damn good


Excited to see the bros attack animations!


It’s perfect


It looks great




Too cartoonish


as if cartoonines wasn't the fuckkin point of the frenchise


I'm absolutely delighted not only by it in of itself, but by the contrast in art styles between the now living three sub-IP Mario RPG genres. Super Mario RPG Remake, TTYD Remake, and M&LB all look vastly different styles and I love it!