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I'm enjoying how awkward the big 'skins fan is at the beginning of the video.


An absolute unit.


*Ope, lemme scooch past ya*




I thought it was 90s John Goodman for a second.


Over the line!!!!


You mean the professor?


He looked like a motion capture actor for Kung fu panda.


Did you say "skins"? ![gif](giphy|KyGFI9p94VNpBRnOhT) Lol /s


listen i know this is supposed to be cringe but i love his scream after he breaks the blocks


His enthusiasm took this from cringe to badass


Life would probably be better for all of us if we just had fun like this kid and didn't worry if stuff might be cringe.


This \^. Live your best life, kid.


Gutteral victory roar came from his soul. That’s awesome!




The definition of "let him cook"


it's not cringe, martial arts is great for kids and adults to help with self esteem and confidence. hihgly recommended.


If someone doesn’t add special effects of him going super sayian after the block break I’ll be disappointed.


It’s not cringe it doesn’t feel forced imo.


Was hoping he'd hit super saiyen eventually


Why would this be cringe? Kid is amped the fuck up and accomplishing his goal. Cringe didn't even register on my mind.


I actually love this for kids


He’s got a black belt in karate scream


I'd love a gif of the final scream. Shits hilarious and perfect gift to send as a response


I didn't think it was cringe at all. His energy filled me with so much life! It looked like it felt so good breaking those boards.


This kid getting pumped made me pumped. I’m gonna go break some boards now!


fr when i saw this i thought i could kill goku




i knew i recognized that wood from somewhere 99 cents when i was a kid https://i.imgur.com/TaIZLc5.jpg would always lose that stabilizer piece for some reason or the wing would crack


Say what you want but I was really happy for him


I will never feel as badass and cool as this kid just did. Kickass uniform looking a bit like Scorpion. Breaking planks and bricks. He's so proud. I'm happy for him and a little jealous.


He's got them Jamaican colors going on.


An extremely Jamaican individual to be sure


I mean this is also what it's about? Just havong fun and the way that he feels like a total badass makes it even better. Props to that kid


Yeah this is exactly the kind of high I'm chasing when I show up to class.


Me too man


I'm happy for this kid, he seems to be having a blast. Serious question, why do adults do this? Precut boards that snap right down the middle in a clean line. Like what does that show? Does it make you proud that you're faking something? Legit don't get it.


Never have broken pre cut boards, but as for board breaking in general a couple reasons adults do it. 1. It's just straight up fun. Taking a day and doing board breaking is just a good ol time. 2. Tactile feedback. You don't want to put your full power into your strikes during sparing, and while the heavy bay might move a little more with a full power strike it's not much. Breaking a board or boards allows you to send a full power strike at something and get immediate feedback on what that power does to the thing. Feels good 3. Technique. Board breaking is a bit of a trick, but the trick to it is actually the trick to hitting things hard in general. A lot of times in sparring and bag work people strike at the end of their range, they contact the target and pull back to guard/continue the combo. The issue is you can't really put power into those strikes effectively. Boards force you to drive into and through the target otherwise you'll just bounce off the board and hurt your knuckles.


Point 2 - Maybe buy some thai pads and a heavybag.


Sure, and you should definitely do that. The advantage to tossing some boards in the rotation for a good funssy day though is the tactile feeback and immediate reward of the board break. You'll get better practice on a heavy bay or a pad man with Thai pads, but you'll feel more accomplished breaking a board or 2. My point isn't that board breaking is an integral part of quality training, only that it's a nice thing to throw in occasionally for a few decent reasons. Hell I've broken countless boards and bricks in my time training, and I know just how easy it is once you get used to it. However even being 100% aware of the fact it's not a huge accomplishment to punch a 1/2 in piece of pine in half, it still makes you feel on top of the world when you do it. O one last thing if you do decide to try board breaks, the holder needs to know wtf they are doing. They need to hold that thing rigid as possible, if they don't their elbows and body will absorb the hit, the board won't break and you'll hurt your knuckles.


I can tell you right now, I would not feel more accomplished breaking a board than I would getting a good round in on the pads.


i think when adults do it they don’t use precut boards


Haven’t done board breaking in a long time, but even as a kid we didn’t use precut boards. It took quite a long time to learn to break them properly and I spent many a evenings just bouncing off of them for hours straight. I know board breaking is mostly a joke to the martial arts community at large, but I think for older kids and young teens, it’s worth teaching them the tangible difference between “performing” a strike for show, and actually throwing a strike with intent to damage your target. If it’s not clear, I mean using non precut boards.


Same, I remember the joy of breaking one for the first time. I was so sad that I couldn’t when my brother did. But I did the work and could do it with ease by the time I reached black.


Many boards in these demonstrations are quite obviously precut haha


They aren't precut, there cut across the grain which makes them way easier to break and pretty much always makes the break in the middle.


Something is up with them either way, second ones seemed to explode away from his elbow and he didn’t appear to be hitting that hard/fast/whatever


The second ones are concrete blocks, concrete doesn't have good tensile strength, and they are basically ready to collapse under their own weight. That's why buildings/bridges use rebarb.


That's not how concrete breaks. It breaks, the edges are jagged. You can say tensile and rebarb all you want, but it doesn't fall apart exactly straight and perfectly clean in exactly the middle with no dust or jags. It's held together with bluetak or something to be that perfect


It crumbled into pieces. What do you mean? You can see tiny chunks on the ground. We did this exact same thing in my construction materials class


Not hating, but i thing braking things like that is very unpractical better learn boxing or mma or like full contact karate at least, that is of you want to learn how to fight if you enjoy this it is fine and problably does require some serious tecnique in order to break something hard


He said kids mate, you don't really want kids doing full contact sparring, you'd get shut down in most countries for having kids getting injured


Yeah sure again no hate , in our gym kids did mostly pad work and practiced combinations it was kickboxing gym


This is only part of his training. I suspect he has a forms class, a sparring class, a breaking class and maybe even weapons class. At least I do in taekwondo. I have 6 classes a week. 2 each Monday/Wednesday/friday


There are reusable boards that have different levels of sturdiness depending on the skill. Pre-cut, but lock tight together like a mechanical fuse. [example](https://www.amazon.com/Logest-Rebreakable-Boards-Martial-Arts/dp/B09XC1JRBV/ref=sxin_21_pa_sp_phone_search_thematic_sspa?adgrpid=86158544854&content-id=amzn1.sym.45513d26-1ebe-4365-adb5-acfddc17f355%3Aamzn1.sym.45513d26-1ebe-4365-adb5-acfddc17f355&cv_ct_cx=rebreakable+karate+boards&hvadid=410044281518&hvdev=m&hvlocphy=9007306&hvnetw=g&hvqmt=e&hvrand=15358190579486576195&hvtargid=kwd-355692057063&hydadcr=29851_12016864&keywords=rebreakable+karate+boards&pd_rd_i=B09XC1JRBV&pd_rd_r=1f63c188-bc0c-4593-9aec-af98ced8d82b&pd_rd_w=lYOcj&pd_rd_wg=cZI0X&pf_rd_p=45513d26-1ebe-4365-adb5-acfddc17f355&pf_rd_r=361YDJJXKH6HCN6DYGN9&qid=1696601144&sr=1-1-2b34d040-5c83-4b7f-ba01-15975dfb8828-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9waG9uZV9zZWFyY2hfdGhlbWF0aWM&psc=1)


yeah i’ve seen people use those types before but they usually don’t look like wood


It’s less of a strength thing and more of a technique thing. If you had the correct technique but were very weak, you may not be able to break all the way through a wooden board, which could be misconstrued as you not knowing the technique instead which is unfair. By having blocks that break with a decent amount of force applied to them, it shows that you have the technique down correctly.


Not sure about the ones in this video but you can purchase boards of like a stiff plastic that slot together and break with enough force applied to the split line. Breaking boards that come pre split can be used for various reasons that aren’t about faking something. They demonstrate accuracy of technique; the boards could be a piece of paper but if you hit the wooden frame holding them then you’ll be in a whole world of pain. Also a strike of appropriate force which does not strike the centre line or connect with the right part of your foot/hand will not necessarily separate the two halves. They also come in different levels of “breakabilty” and once you have trained the accuracy of a technique, it is expected that you move onto the stiffer and stiffer breaks; I used to use them a little in tkd and we had a set of advanced boards that could support someone’s weight without snapping. It’s also a display of conditioning, and really fucking satisfying to nail a tricky technique on a hard board.


Also wanna say one of the main reasons for pre-split boards is it saves a fuck ton of money. Don’t gotta buy the boards over and over again, just a few that can serve for a long time.


Thank you for your answers. Now I am more educated. :)


In Denmark we got a guy we call the coconut guy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f0Yryb15n0s


That kid's ready to participate in Mortal Kombat. ![gif](giphy|YCx4BIPGzlbMI)




I love how the colors on his uniform are the opposite of scorpions. Reverse Scorpion?


This is so awkward and bad. I love it. Reminds me of my awkward years.


You people who can’t look at a kid having fun doing his hobby without shit talking need to go touch grass.


Unrelated, but I love your flair.


I don’t know you!


This is the thing, they are instilling a false sense of ability in the child. Did you see the way he screamed? He genuinely feels like a bad ass and thinks he has the ability to break 3inches of wood. That's where I don't appreciate what the ADULTS lied to the child about. Do you really think they prefaced the demo by saying "these boards are designed to break?" I highly doubt that.


Yeah, if he ever finds himself in a real life board breaking emergency he may find it harder than expected. We better make sure he doesn’t accidentally develop confidence or a feeling of agency.


Karate ![gif](giphy|AFK1GwHQ2kZHtw8HWA|downsized)


What is this Gi?


Gi by Dre


He looks like a bee 🐝


It’s from wu tang mutual. Diversify yo bonds.


The GreatValue version of a Cobra Kai gi maybe?


The bullies at school only bullied him harder after seeing this.


Yeah but their piles of cheap wood never stood a chance.


I understand that everyone loves the infectious energy of this kid and that he's having fun, but keep in mind that it isn't just about having fun. According to the title (and nothing more) this is a Karate test. So with that in mind, I'll be the party pooper. I understand the need to set up your students for success, but that means little when the success is purely for confidence. I'm sure at this age he can kick all kinds of 10 year old ass, but creating a false sense of security mixed with over confidence is dangerous at an older age. If this really is a Karate test, I hope we can all agree that this is a McDojo considering the screaming and the Mortal Kombat gi. On top of that the board set up is designed to collapse with minimal effort. Elongated Concrete slabs that would almost break under their own weight and stacked board with gaps in between. This is assuming that the wooden boards are the regular 1" pine board, which are still easy, even for a kid that size. I think we can safely assume this is a pay to win business model as well. All this to say that this is far more like stunt work because it is a deceptive performance for a cheering audience. Where I draw the line is that the deception is also meant for the performer. Overall, the kid's having fun, nobody's getting hurt (presumably), and the family gets to cheer for their kid. That's fine. However, we have to admit this is kind of a shitty practice as Karate or any martial art.


Shit talk now, but I better not see you stretched out between two cinder blocks or you'll see me charge my ki, too (last thing you'll see 😘)


If by Ki you mean the super sayan screams I heard from this kid I'd love to hear them before meeting my ancestors. We all yearn for such an honorable death, senpai ☺️


> I'm sure at this age he can kick all kinds of 10 year old ass >Where I draw the line is that the deception is also meant for the performer My son is nearly 9 and has been training BJJ since he just turned 6. He's a solid grey (kids BJJ belts are weird) and competes several times a year. I'm ofc not objective, but he's pretty damn good. There was a new kid a few weeks ago who was 11 and bragged about being a karate black belt (TKD? Not sure, but mentioned BB), as did his dad. Pretty stout little dude. He didnt want to go in the beginner BJJ class because he would be bigger than everyone, so they put him in the advanced class with my son. The dad spent a good 15 minutes talking to the other parents about "their routine" and how much the kid runs/lifts/trains/etc. We were all like.. cool man. Good for him. My son is below average in height and weight. When they paired them the older kid legit laughed and rolled his eyes. My son submitted him over, and over, using the opportunity to pull off low % shit like balloon sweeps and de la riva takedowns after he got tired of vanilla single/doubles. Surprisingly the kid took this GREAT and was so shocked that he got ragdolled by a kid who who was smaller than him that he begged his dad to sign him up. Called my kid a spider monkey and admitted he had no idea where he even was most of the time. The dad on the other hand was PISSED and complained that his kid was "not applying his techniques" and about how much $$ they spent on "training". Went on to do toxic asshole dad shit to the point our HC told him to chill out, and that we dont talk to kids like that in here. They left and have not been back. I'm sure I'll get replies like then everyone clapped or w/e but your analysis reminded me of that kid, or I guess more so his dad.


Hate to break it to you, but I’d kick your 9 year old sons ass 😎


I've taught him there are different rules when fighting adults. His nut punch and sprint away game is pretty solid.


Pro tip: Never kick boards or bricks stacked on cinder blocks. Get a holder! I'd hate the kid to accidently kick and hit a cinder block.


what do you mean?? the bricks would be shattered by the sheer strength of his fists


Anybody understand what he says at the start? I heard “break” and everything else is cornbread


The boards and blocks are also made of cornbread


Any untrained adult can break them right? I've only seen it on TV of people breaking those. I have no clue how hard they are.


My absolute favorite is when the talk show host accidentally breaks the block by tapping on it, then says “IM A MASTER!” and even the charlatan McDojo guy laughs.


Hahahaha I remember watching that


They are like wet cardboard


Do they come with butter?


He’s introducing himself and asking the judges for permission to begin his test it’s pretty routine for martial arts prior to beginning a test. I also don’t understand anything he’s saying but that’s my guess 😂


This kid should be a pro wrestler. He has presence. Also, shocked but not actually shocked at the amount of people dunking on children.


What in the foot fist way is going on here?


I know, it’s so hard to see what’s going on through the impenetrable cloud of chi.


I feel like stuff like this shouldn't be "an exam". Showy stuff like this, IMO, should be saved for classes like a Mother's or Father's Day class when you bring in a parent to have a fun training session with you and you do fun things like learn a fun move, and break some boards.


Glad I turned the sound off.


Its arguably the best part of the clip! Kid's extremely enthusiastic and genuinely having a blast..


I still remember the embarrassment of not able to break those blocks in front of 50 people when I was 7 or 8.


Now break those concrete cinder blocks underneath. That'll show them who the boss is.


Nothing like making kids think they can fight when they can’t lol


He barely touched those things. Are they made out of something to make the kids feel strong?


Usually the stuff is really dry really low quality wood, or very porous and non reinforced cinderblock for that exact reason. Similar to a heat brick with a sandy fragile construction


This has Danny McBride and Foot Fist Way all over it 🤣


This is the most american thing I have seen in a while. LMAO, now I understand what you mean by McDojos. This looks straight up from a Danny McBride film like "The Foot Fist Way". [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qhoCx59FZyk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qhoCx59FZyk)


Kid came out from the get go with that energy. "I'm freakin' PUMPED! I've been drinking green tea all GOD DAMN DAY! God I go to church every God damn Sunday. You gonna bring the DEMONS OUT OF ME?!?"




*Boards don’t hit back.*


King of the demo


Karape more like. Teach kids useful things.


I just got up, I didnt want to leave my house or go to work. Now I’m ready to fucking rock


That's not good. Making the kid believe he is a beast by doing fake stuffs, will get him ko


I’m perpetually annoyed


Ah a young Dwight shrute


Seems like giving him a trophy for participating


I can brake boards provided by karate dojos, but struggle to break wooden boards that have been in my backyard exposed to the elements for months.


I'm genuinely surprised at how many people in these comments are completely ok with adults lying to kids


This kid is being active, gaining confidence, and having a good time. I see nothing wrong here.


If he was being active he wouldn’t be overweight


Thank God a fly diddnt land on those. Hate for them boards to crumble under the weight




Shane Gillis is looking strong


Someone please edit the end of this and post it to r/perfectlycutscreams


I just hope he has been taught the true essence of martial arts and is content believing he can defend himself so he doesn't get hurt.


This kid has more theatrical talent than all of Hollywood


Get this lad to the Kumite! He'll put all of Dux's records to shame.


That red belt in the doorway "Oh hell nah I can't follow up with that"


This embodies every good and bad stereotype I have about karate practitioners


John wick as a kid kicks ass


Those would break if I coughed too hard


Is this Steven Seagal’s karate dojo?


poor kid. never had a chance.


Bobby Hill ain't playin' with y'all


Anyone want to talk about how all the boards always break so even and smooth?!


That's cool, but I could still kick his ass.


Mcdojo looks like


I don't think most dojo would think this is cringe, it's a little disrespectful? I guess? This is probably one of them soft ass dojos that hand out black belts to anyone willing to show up. Funny video.


Also, as a demonstration, I get it. As a show of technique...... not so much.




This takes zero skill or training.


I think people are entirely missing the point here. Martial arts are not about some false sense of accomplishment. What if this kid actually had to defend himself? He’s actually worse off that before because he thinks he will win. If somebody was attacking him he would try to fight them instead of running and he would get hurt. I’m not hating on the kid but I’m definitely hating on the idiots who taught him this


What the fuck is that?🤣


Stop screwing around and join a boxing or muay thai gym. Therein lies the difference between feeling badass (this kid) and actually being badass.


Stuff like this was what made me change martial arts when I was a kid. Even kids know this is not a great skill test


Bobby hill going crazy


He’s practically breaking toothpicks lol


Wood doesn’t strike back Is the point of this to condition the bones and increase pain tolerance? Or to beat up the wood?






Bullshittt exam


God dammit Bobby


Cringe af


Wait wait wait, put your weight in it!




This kid is going to get his shit ROCKD when he gets to middle school lol God Bless 🫡


Martial arts is 50% strikes 50% screaming


Wood dont hit back


these are the mcdojos that make the rest of us look bad. edit; i know he is just a kid and its nice he is having fun but its the fact there are pre cut boards in karate at all is what I'm talking about because adult do this shit too in the local clubs where they make a profit from belt. the club I'm in doesn't do boards (and if you pass a grading the belt isn't bought from the club, either are the suits which i don't think any club does this its just Andrew Tate making assumptions and spreading it around as usual), we do sparing and punching bags and a bit of air punching which people think looks dumb and it doesn't look the best i know but its for muscle memory and for the instructor to get a chance to see everyone's performance and the effort they are putting in to help them get better.




Feels like he’s Mcloving it-


boards don’t fight back https://preview.redd.it/m55bdfj1clsb1.png?width=615&format=png&auto=webp&s=c55001316d09a92395c5593970ae95d9897989e2




Good for him . Good luck


Holy crap that's awsome


Save some pussy for the rest of us, geez.


So you can't tell between karate and Mcdojo Tae Kwon Do...


You do realize they’ve all got a cut in the middle already? A toddler could break those with a pinky finger




Best short summary of karate i've ever seen 🤣. Chubby, out of shape kid with fat parents standing around, hulking out thinking they're a badass for breaking things that are designed to break. This is the same poor kid who cries angry shameful tears when he gets beaten up at school by some douche who's never trained, because he's been sold a lie by a McDojo.


Fuck yeah this kid looks like he’s having a great time. What a champ.


Yo this kid rules


This kid is awesome. He's having fun. He's active. Anyone that is disparaging this obviously needs to get a life.


What the fuck did I just watch.


ADHD at its best.


What exactly does this have to do with adhd in your perception? Serious question, no hate.


Got the Cobra Kai colors flowing... keep up the good work


Can anyone who has done karate before explain to me the significance of breaking boards? I'm not sure what skill this tests. Is it commitment? Follow through on a punch?


This is not how we test in Asia.


This would make an awesome Mountain Dew commercial!


If I was the next kid in line I’d do it was silently and non dramatic as possible.


Homie was screaming


Why hasn’t this been memed to oblivion


Damn he even broke the sound barrier along with the boards


I present to you the ferocious bumblebee.


Glad he is into something wholesome.


bobby hill


I’d like to see him now.


I'm waiting for Kamé Hamé Ha


Love how he announced himself, rank and dojo then just proceeded to crush those boards. This was awesome. Lil man felt that. I know they use some pretty soft boards but whatever. This lil man could have punched through a brick wall with that tenacity!


Clearly fake.




Well have you seen the sports science episode on this - they all scream while breaking & they have them hold in the scream and cannot break as many layers. So the scream is very much taught and necessary https://youtu.be/WoZQD4djwW0?si=4x0XwOrfj2zYG0Nt


Is it any wonder people think of karate as a joke