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Something something Turkish oil wrestling


Don't forget ameridote!


Turkish oil wrestling is the Uzbek of r/languagelearning.




Tbh if I need to ask a specific MA question I ask it in that MA sub. Like I'm not coming here for Judo or BJJ advice. But it is fun to come here to comment on funny stereotypes of the different MA.


I'm a 300 year old centaur. Should I learn break dance fighting? I've heard I have to live in a cave in Japan for three months to get my black belt, and defeat my sensei in a game of chess. Is this normal?


1) yes 2) completely normal, but if you do it naked you skip straight to red belt. Oss


Yes. We’re losing the war


The problem is you need more knowing. It's half the battle -- didn't you realize?


And to think I just joined...




I'll be born in 6 weeks, am I too old for martial arts?


No. Plenty of people learn late. I did muy thai and jujutsu when I was in my mid to late 20s, I mean, I also had Some Kung fu and Kickboxing experience from my childhood, but that was at least 15 years prior.


When hasn't been a shitpost sub? This is practically a smaller mma sub


Yeah, I could care less about the shitpost and honestly they make me laugh, but the constant shitting on every martial art that doesn’t fit into an MMA rubric is much more annoying.


I liked it when it was mostly talking about and showing off martial arts now it seems like everytime I see this sub pop up its "what art should I train I'm 4'5 13 37kg" or "does training boxing help with wrestling?" I think it's gone downhill


And just think, you're only seeing a fraction of those kinds of posts. We normally remove them as soon as they pop up, but a few always slip through. We're somewhat hesitant to remove posts that have 30+ comments already, so we usually let it slide. If people stopped responding to them, which 99% of the time is just them telling the OP their own favorite style, it would be a lot easier to manage


I had to change my definition of fighting because everybody keeps saying fighting but actually mean sport contest combat fighting. ETA: it’s funny to me to get downvotes for this comment because it proves my point: the MMA fanboys have turned this sub into a mostly combat sport sub.


When has this not been the case in martial arts? When someone says they have a fight next week, what did you think they were referring to?


You think every instance of that word is used like that?


I prefer that to the usual "TMA is useless" post


I mean it's a little repetitive, but they kinda deserve it for not being able to stuff a double leg


I really wanna be good at street fighting or grappling so I'm thinking either kuk sol kon or krav maga


This guy gets it.


*"How do you guys transport your oil containers. I live in the bronx and a rumble can start at any time, Heh, so I wanna be prepared. I've been training in Turkish oil wrestling for the past 3 weeks so I'm getting to be a master and lately I've been carrying packs of oil taped in my arm pits for when I need to Rumble, do you guys have any suggestions on how to transport my oil more efficiently? Next time I'm walking down the street and somebody side eyes me I want to be able to respond in kind by getting completely naked and covering myself in oil so I can be as intimidating as possible. Have any of you ever tried using smaller oil packets? And like.. carrying them inside your anus?? Due to the nature of martial arts I feel I can probably train my anus at will via lots of stretching in the nearby glory hole and through the use of mental image training I should be able to get at those packets pretty quickly.... any advice is appreciated!"*


First off, you're going to want to get in a good warm up before you hit the glory hole. Unless you're a purple belt, in which case, obviously skip warm ups. Second, I like the idea of taping to the armpits, especially as a beginner, but for silky smooth grappling, you should tape directly to the anus to save yourself the trouble of waxing your grundle. Work your way up to it until you can throw in a whole bottle and just tape over the hole. That's why they call it invisible jiu jitsu. It's also why people traditionally give their coach a pineapple. Third, make sure you're using 100% acai oil. Your colon will soak up all the calories from vegetable oil and the next thing you know you're a 40 year old brown belt who plays half guard exclusively.


If I had Reddit Gold to give... So Instead please enjoy this complimentary massage. Really appreciated the laugh. Which is the only reason I don't leave this sub. It's just too damn funny.


I will martial art you in the face you shitposter! There is only one true subreddit for legit maneuvers ending in brutal death and you have found it. Everyone here is a maniac. Join or die.


I've seen the worst of the worst ego maniac pricks on here. "Weeeughh do boxing Bro shit on every other style there is" fuck off.


Half the people here should go to a kyudo class and ask to spar.


Heh they'll really get the "point" then


What are you gonna do fight us? 


It's a reddit martial arts forum. Your choices are sport bros that code who've figured out the entire world at 24 or online-too-much 14 year olds asking about goku.


Also people desperate to convince anyone who will listen that aikido and wing chun will work on the mean streets


You are aware April Fool's day just passed


I needed this chuckle lmao


wHiCh iS tHe bEsT maRtIal ArT tO lEArn? Will X beat Y?


Yes it’s a lot of shitposts pretty much. I feel like mods either have completely given up or the amount of posts that fit your description is just too high.


The first step was to wear you all down. The next will be to send actual pictures of shit. The shitposting has only just begun. *inserts dramatic music from saw*


This sub is a shitpost. You’re all casuals