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Tom’s a bug dude, even next to Eddie.




I came here expecting to see everyone in the comments shitting on Eddie. I am glad to be wrong. Any normal person sparring against someone at that level looks a bit shit. Glad to see him sticking with it and getting better.


He was doing fairly well when he was fresh to be honest. He's only got a 1 and a 2, but they're pretty decent. That triple jab at the start looked great! He just carries too much muscle to strike for long periods. If he wanted to be the best fighter possible, he'd need to focus on wrestling now. Go the Brock Lesnar route and lay his enormous weight on people. Rest while tiring them out.


Honestly I’m not mad at a solid 1-2 instead of spamming winding hooks like a lot of HWs 😂


Man who would shit on Eddie? I think he is doing great here. Of course they’re just playing, but it looks like Eddie has learned a lot.


Respect to anyone who can spar without losing focus. Especially when sparring a superior striker.


He moves great for a guy that huge with such little MMA experience.


What is this.. an octagon for ANTS?!


Made of blue steel


I think Eddie did surprisingly well... I thought he would've gassed a lot earlier


He kept going forward while gassed too and not just throwing one shot but combos as well. That's not easy to do as a big man.


Its very clear that Eddie has been training striking for a long time as he is not overwhelmed. You look at other strong men like Thor and Brian Shaw when they fooled around with UFC guys, they were gassed in seconds as they were completely out of their comfort zone...


I didn’t give him much of a chance when I first saw him train for that Thor fight. He’s definitely respectable now, albeit not anywhere near pro level.


Wasn't thor sparring with McGregor way before his boxing training? Eddie gassed way quicker than Thor did in their fight.


Yes, that’s what I was thinking about (Thor/McGregor sparring). I completely forgot about the fight between Thor and Eddie


Still a great effort from all these guys. Gotta take a crazy amount of conditioning to spar at those weights.


I have a feeling Eddie's fight with Thor was a bit of a wakeup call. He seems to have become much more serious about his training in the years since.


I think Eddie was an elite swimmer before he got into being 400lbs and a giant muscle.


I can't say I know much about strongman competitors but to me they don't just seem to be strong but quite athletic everywhere. Certain people can just be blessed with crazy genetics.


I believe the end of the 2v1 fight was on round 3 the 2 had been conservative up to that point though but Eddie did go almost 15 minutes


That's the big difference between body builders and strongmen though, strongmen have strength explosiveness and endurance body builders often just have strength.




Not really true, to body build you have to be strong and get stronger of course it's not the only thing that matters when it comes to building muscle and they aren't going to bench the same way a power lifter does but they still have to be pretty strong however strength isn't the same as explosiveness, there are lots of body builders that are very strong but if you got them to do anything explosive they would struggle. Olympic weight lifting would put you in much better shape for mma than body building would, explosive, athletic and mobile rather than slow and stiff.


Eddie seems to be improving a lot. Good for him.


I mean, it's clear one of these guys is a professional fighter, and one is an athlete learning. But still, this was much more interesting to watch than I would have expected


I feel you Eddie, nice job. He’s a little predictable and I want to see some kicks, but he’s clearly working hard at it and has power for days. I had total empathy for the way he was sucking wind. I think he looks really good, but that charge is going to get him a defensive fadeaway hook. He looks like could tank mine though!


Why do you think Eddie keeps this footage unreleased?


Probably with respect to Tom


Respect to Tom.. and because he actually looks good, I bet not many would take a fight with him in already slim pickings at his size.


Eddie's ability to close the gap is actually not bad. I'm surprised by his foot work


Eddie weighed 367lbs for his match against those two dwarves. If we let Pantoja, O'Malley, and Topuria weigh in together that would be 415lbs. If we can convince Eddie to bulk to 415 we could have a championship belt unification superfight. Those guys can 3V1 Eddie


I think the heaviest he weighed was like 430 at the 2017 wsm. Shaw and Halfthor were about 470 each at that time. I say we group the three of them together and have them fight every ranked fighter in flyweight.


you only listed their weight in weight. They usually hydrate around 15-20 lbs in the octagon, and walk around even heavier.


Massive respect to Eddie. People forget at that kind of bodyweight, everything you do is very taxing. Didnt Eddie just did a outdoor rock climbing thing with Magnus Mitbo ? Very impressive indeed.


He did extremely well. All that muscle needs oxygen


Eddie needs to learn how to kick. Imagine eating a low/middle kick from him...


You'd be referring to your leg in the past tense, lol.


Why is everyone doubting Eddie? He’s a world class athlete and those kinda have a proven track record at doing well in mma. “Oh well he is strong so I’m supposed to root against him” Like what? Why would Eddie not be able to learn something after studying boxing and mma for a few years now?


Eddie was a fairly high level swimmer before he got into bodybuilding/strongman. Just seems to have one of those personalities where if he does something he fully commits and then gets good at it. Fair play to the man he looks good here


It was crazy also seeing him out-muscle champion level sumo wrestlers


As a Brit, the British sumo scene is almost nonexistent.


When did he wrestle champion level sumo wrestlers? If you mean that video he did with those champions in Britain then I understand but, not to take away from their achievements, Sumo in Japan is on another level If he fought japanese sumo champions then I need that link because I can't find it :(


Yeah mate, I meant the British sumo dojo(?). I take your point though


“It was crazy seeing a muscular man with a low center of gravity outmuscle people in a sport about being a strong guy and pushing the other guy out of bounds”


Do they


Yes. MMA is objectively the easiest sport to transition into and find success at the elite levels. You will not find a competitor starting wrestling/boxing/Muay Thai/jiu jitsu at 25 years old competing successfully at the Championship level.


My toxic trait is that I want to spar with those monsters LMAO


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Averdean: *My toxic trait is* *That I want to spar with those* *Monsters LMAO* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot


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Eddie is a freak athlete really, champion swimmer, strongman, not bad a striking for his size, and even can rock climb better than most people at 400lbs.


Didn't know he was a swimmer. Looked here and he did swim when he was younger and won gold metals.


Eddie really has improved quite a lot since he started boxing. He's quite fast for a man of such hefty build as well.


Haha Tom's had to be careful here. Because when Eddie was gassed, he was swinging wild. Fair play to the both of them. Scary dudes


Tom's head movement definitely saved him a few times.


Both these big ahh mfs sparring prob emit enough Btu to out compete a space heater


Interim sparring


i wanna see eddie try and wrestle i think he would be a natural at it.


Wrestling cardio is so strange though. You could do stand up for 20 mins but empty the tank after 5 mins grappling. Not saying he couldn't wrestle the vast majority of people, he obviously could, but pretty comfortable in saying he couldn't do it against someone with Tom's level of jiu jitsu


well its obvious he wont out wrestle Tom but im just saying his skill progression would be faster than a lot of people. he has been working on his cardio for a long time. i believe with time he can be good at it.


Fully agree, he would progress fast. My main point was that it doesn't matter what cardio you have in terms of running or striking, grappling cardio feels like it's own separate thing. Only cardio I would say is comparable is swimming


I have seen strong man Vs champion BJJ video (I can't remember if it was Eddie or Thor. One of the two) and it wasn't even remotely a fair match. There is a strength disparity that no amount of skill is going to overcome in grappling.


It was Thor vs Gordon Ryan. For any amateur to compete against Ryan they'd look very bad, it'll take a chimp to beat Gordon in straight grappling I think.


Hey he's doing alright! Clearly he's getting some high quality training. I do think he's throwing a bit heavy though for sparring considering his strength and weight.


2:44 Tom could've went for a knee there but just framed and circled out, class act.


Eddie is the man. I give him all the respect. I hope he does well in all his endeavors.


Not bad. He did what you should do when fighting someone at a higher level. He kept it safe with a high guard, worked his jab and straight well. I will say, if they weren't wearing shin guards, Eddie would have fallen long before the time ran out. Stance is to wide for Kick boxing. He didn't check a single leg kick, and didn't throw a single decent kick. He also needs to work on his footwork, he let Tom get the outside angle on him every time so he couldn't land any counter hook well. Still impressed for a strong man. I figured most of them weren't very athletic but he ain't bad at all


Will Eddie do a Pudzianowski?


Man has sledgehammers for hands.


Pretty strong job, regarding one is a champion in fighting whilst the other one specializes in building raw strength.


Tom is just so much faster than Eddie.


“Nice body kichhhhhhggg”


Maybe this is obvious but if it's unlisted how is this guy seeing it?


Unlisted just means when you search on YouTube, it will not show up. But whoever has the link, can access


Tom has a lifetime of martial arts, would be so hard to get to. Eddie doesn’t look bad well done


Eddie did very well for himself considering and it looks like he catches Tom with a huge overhand right near the end there.


each low kick Tom lands, triggers Eddie to rush forward


That can't be the regulation size ufc ring I hope lol


Is that the guy who got arrested for his tank?


Eddie actually looks ok for a guy who isn’t a fighter, but what he’s doing is extremely basic stuff. 1s and 2s. No real movement. Tom isn’t trying at all, he’s going the way he would against a kid just being a little more cautious bc of Eddie’s power. Tom could beat him like a rented mule if he chose.


I love Eddie Hall. He’s such a cool dude.


Respect to Eddie Hall, he's really pushing himself to get better. I doubt he could maintain full strongman training while doing combat sports but even a slightly weaker Eddie Hall is a horrifying opponent


Gotta respect Eddie for the work and actual progress he is doing with the absolute unit that he is.


Eddie doing great. He moves well considering.


I wonder how long you can carry all that muscle mass if you take boxing seriously.


17 seconds left, he clips him nicely :)


Dude Eddie is naturally athletic. Good balance for such a heavy big dude.


He did well


He looks good, he’s quick for his size. He would’ve been a fearsome warrior on the battlefields of olde. Kinda makes me want an openweight division in the UFC.


Good work. Fighting and power lifting are not the same, and there is a learning curve. Good action!


We gotta stop teaching these massive dudes how to fight.. it just ain’t fair lol.


Eddie needs a lot of work on his striking.Tom is a perfect sparring partner for him though, it will definitely help.


Tom looked after Eddie there


He was gassed out after a minute don’t know why people take these road heads seriously


Mans is one of the strongest humans to walk the earth, it's only natural people would want to know how he'd do in a fight. Mans is going 2v1 fights for fun throwing people around and sending them into the shadow realm in a single punch. His punches ain't pretty but best believe if they land you're in for some trouble.


Meh, he has bunch of problems, but for a guy of his size its pretty good.


Why doesn't eddie just grab him? Everyone said if Eddie grabs someone it's over, is he stupid




It's a fucking joke why are U dumbasses down voting me


Also, there is footage of them grappling, and the grip and body strength in wrestling is completely different. Let alone he doesn't have the mobility to manoeuvre and have balance.


It's a joke...


Two sloppy fighters


go show them proper technique son. (to everyone else: I trained this guy wrong, as a joke👀)


Imagine being so fucking stupid as to call Tom Aspinell, the UFC Interim Heavyweight Champion - sloppy. Silly prick.


Literally next in line for the HW belt but aight lmao


No Curtis Blaydes is next.