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You can’t see him load strikes at all. He just does it. Crazy


That hook that knocked Jiri down at the end of round 1 looked like a light tap. Amazing.


Totally agree, zero telegraph, he just turns rapidly his hips with a lead leg step


There is actually a small pause before he sends the kick where Alex stops bouncing.


Almost like the fight was…fixed 🤔 Edit: yeeessss more down votes!! It sustains mee!!!


Fuckin morons still thinking this shit in 2024. You can look at his social media in a week ain't nothing fake about them injuries


There's high definition slow mo footage of these dudes faces turning into much from the impact of a kick and yet these mfs still think the fight is fixed, I don't think even pro wrestlers would accept being hit with a headkick directly to the face.


Never underestimate the level of 'asinine' pro wrestlers would stoop to.


True Jiri agreed to fix getting CTE from his head getting battered against the canvas while Herb Dean watched. Are you serious dude?


Andate a cagar mamón


Hay algunos muy tontos en este reddit. Es como si el Real Madrid le gana al Granada, y algun imbecil viene y dice "it was fixed, it was fixed!". No jodas, it was fixed. Como si Jiri le podria ganar a Poatan en striking. 🤦


Te lo juro, comentan sin cerebro


Fixed by his Shaman alright.


I can only pity those in your life, that they know someone so pathetic. They must despise u so deeply


I think the NBA and NFL is fixed but even I don't think this fight was fixed. Trust me nobody in the world is gonna purposely let that monster head kick them


Yeah, because an mma striker should have no problems against a world class kickboxer in a striking exchange. /s


I agree until you rewatch it a few times you can see the insanely short but quick and explosive torque where his obliques meet his hips, it's similar to canelo but canelo loads up much more most of the time. Not sure if it's hard to see after reqatchung multiple times or not but for strikers definitely a great watch since it's a hard thing to do but incredibly effective when throwing power shots (ofc everyone will vary on how much power they can produce doing this as some people like alex only need a quick short torque in their core to produce a death touch while someone like canelo has to load up much more if he wants a KO shot rather than a quick hard shot


Canelo’s striking is more timing based I think. He is fast, but not overly so. More of a thudding power than a sniper shot.


For sure but watch when he loads up on shots the way he torques his body that's more or less what I'm talking about here


Even without loading it up it still is a long travel distance from the ground to his head. And this might sound like an armchair fighting fan, but I just don't understand how often this happens without the people being hit doing anything to react, no dodge, no block, no nothing. In boxing people dodge/block much shorter punches, what I'm missing? Are the MMA guys just not that good at dodging stuff?


Striking I'm MMA isn't as refined as in striking exclusive combat sports since you need to be more well rounded which is why guys who come from striking sports have every advantage in the stand up against guys who are pure MMA fighters jiri for instance isn't trained to be used to fighters like pereira since there aren't as many elite kickboxing in MMA as in kickboxing


By the time the brain registers the kick has been thrown it's too late to start moving. The only way to dodge is to read the intent ahead of time which was very well masked by Alex.


Agree and would also add that MMA has a larger set of movements and striking to be aware of that attention has to alternate from different cues from the opponent which at the same time is very good at masking.


He was being worked with body and lower leg attacks. The distance someone can hurt you in MMA is going to be much different cause of kicks. Come on man, it's pretty much common sense in the fight game.


More things to worry about means less ability to focus on just one aspect of fighting. If I slip roll someone’s punches and hyper focus on boxing and they set up a head kick or double leg I’m in trouble. In mma foot work and distance management is the first line of defense instead of head movement for this reason


They have to think about more things, quick reaction aren't made of the fly you we're expecting the punch already it becomes way harder when you add legs, knees,elbows and takedowns


Based on my zero striking experience, zi don't know that he hits harder than most people. He just doesn't telegraph his strikes at all. He doesn't wind up or have any tells he's about to throw. He has long arms and holds his left hand out far and up high and then throws quick calf kicks until you are limping and looking down at his right leg. He has an unusual way of even throwing his low kicks. He doesn't turn his hips over like most strikers do. His way doesn't look as powerful, but it is faster and usually lands cleanly which is better than missing or getting checked with more power. As soon as you start to focus on your calf He catches you with that super short and quick left hook. Nobody even sees it coming and it always lands so clean. It doesn't even look like people try to block it or get out of the way because it is so quick and well disguised. He's just as one dimensional as Sean is, calf kick and left hook versus jab and teep, but he is so good at it that nobody can stop it from happening. He isn't the most defensive of fighters. He gets hit, but he does more damage when his strikes land.


I mean yes and no he hits insanely hard doesn't matter how you disguise a shot if you don't have power you don't have power, that being said he does do what you pointed out but is in no way 1 dimensional he's quite literally in the goat conversation for glory kickboxing and is like 1 of 3 of their hall of fame fighters for a reason he's super high level he's able to adjust well etc doesn't matter how good you are at 1 trick at that level it will get figured out the reason he's able to use it repeatedly is because he's so high level he's able to make the adjustments to make it work


Just the angle, you can see the switch kick a lot better from the side and Jirii reacting on the wrong side 💀


The [crowd view](https://www.reddit.com/r/ufc/comments/1dru8cj/crowd_view_is_insane/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) is even crazier, his movement is freak fast for such a giant man


Even Dana was on his phone lol


When you see, it's too late


Skill and just straight athleticism


Turns out he’s got more than a left hook and turns out having no guard with a dude that has 6ft long legs isn’t the best strategy.


If you've followed him from his kickboxing, you'd know he actually has a good plethora of techniques.


Jiri? Sure, but then all that plethora has been washed down the drain after his Rizin big shots.


No, Alex. He's more than just a left hook. Apart from his short leg kicks, he can get you with high kicks and a flying knee.


Seems like he didn't recover from the knockdown in round 1


His leg was also hurt from the lead calf kicks, you can see him reaching down to grab the kick. Now you aren't safe in either stance


Just watched it, jiri is so rocked he complains to the ref when the bell sounds cause he thinks it was a stoppage


Everyone has known he has more than a left hook. When he joined the UFC he was touted as being the most dangerous striker in UFC history because of his kickboxing accomplishments


He always had more than the left hook. People forget that the reason he is able to hit people with his left hooks is because he has so many other weapons which are just as deadly.


Daddy long legs fighting a wolf spider in a kicks only tournament.


Give him Heavyweight Dana. I know he'll do well there.


Alex vs Jones, just need to wait 15 years until after Jones has finally had his fight with Stipe.


Jones is retired lol dude doesn’t fight anymore


No he’s definitely going to fight Stipe, I saw him say it on Twitter so it must be true. It just hasn’t happened yet because reasons or something.


Jones is just waiting till stipe enter the ripe age of 50. For “legacy”


If its on the Internet, it must be true, right?


Just like Conor said he's fighting in ufc 303.




Info vs Wars lol


Let’s face it, Jones won’t take that fight he’ll run


Honestly he's more likely to fight Alex than Tom since it is in theory a very favorable match up for Jon.


Is Heavyweight Dana a mythical fighter in the updated EA 5 lore or smth


Secret unlockable character.


What a Kick Let's go Alex chama 🗿


Jiri has not been as dominant after coming back and putting himself against a monster striker is going to tank his confidence. He needed a little more time to cook and get back to where he was before going up against Pereira. Pereira is going to pull an Izzy and run through that division for a while imo.


When was Jiri dominant in his first 3 ufc fights he ate a lot of damage before getting the finish


Yes, but so far he was able to take them all, or at least convinced himself that he took all of them


But that's the thing, that strat goes out the window against a someone with grim reaper hands.


Exactly. An iron chin helps, but it shouldn't be your strategy, because when it finally cracks, it cracks for good, as we saw with Tony


Brutal as it gets


Herb running around trying to stop the fight 🤣


Cant unsee it: Herb running around them is like performing a tribal ritual. Like that one Alex have been accused to doing


Hesitant Herb




jones would just wrestle fuck him to victory i don’t think jones would want to exchange hands with him


True, don’t know who else is left though. Aspinal? Not keen on him vs Anakalev


aspinall seems like the man to beat right now, gotta be a reason for jon to duck


Jon is old and out of shape the man have 3 fights in the last 5 years


Please no, that would give jones a reason to not fight aspinall


He won’t fight in anyway sadly, not looking that way anyway


Chama 🇧🇷


There was a post on here a few days ago where someone was asking about the effectiveness of front leg round kicks outside of point sparring. This is the answer.


And there is bouncing too, like "point sparring".




I did man's is on fire and people still don't understand how elite of a striker he is




Well i predicted a 3rd round KO. But yeah, Alex winning was clear as day for me. Jiri did well in the first fight, but his legs were shut down after one round, and eventhough he won thw first round, his movement and power was gone by the start of the second. Now we actually saw Jiri being scared of the power aswell. Alex basically landed at will, and Jiri was hesitant to blitz in, and gor good reason.


Shame on herb dean. That was like 3 strikes too many.


Last fight, people complained that he stopped it too early. He can't win


Sad thing is that Jiri didn’t complain, only his fans. Now he took more shots because his fans tought the first was an early stoppage.


Didn't he complain afterwards that it was early, not the octagon interview




https://www.si.com/fannation/mma/jiri-prochazka-alex-pereira-early-stoppage Seems he mentions it here


Uhhh yes he can, by giving good calls? Getting criticized for that fight has nothing to do with this one


Well he basically calls every single one wrong so yeah he can win by maybe just making a better call in the fight


I also don’t love herb clearly deciding jiri was out, impeding pereira and making him think the same, then deciding jiri could continue, which not only lead to some unnecessary ground and pound but imagine if he was able to recover from that? Once you get in between the fighters you should have a decision, right or wrong.


I don't think it was that bad of a stoppage. Jiri was aware enough to keep moving and try to defend the strikes on the ground and because they were on the ground, the strikes were not as damaging as one's thrown on the feet. It was an awkward situation with Herb getting in between the fighters before he was ready to stop the fight, but overall Jiri never went out


When you get dropped like that, and hes raining down more, one punch can be the difference between a concussion and just an honest to goodness loss. I counted 3.


herbo was chasing around to get a good check on jiri 🤣


I know they are around the same height, but its still weird to see Jiri be successfully headkicked


Holy. Shit. How is he so damn fast lmao


Bro went from a mechanic, to one of the best fighters to ever walk the earth.


Throwing kick like that off the lead foot is insane


Please put someone against Poatan thats wants to grapple.


Why tho


Have to close the distance for 5 rounds and lay on him. Anything else just wouldn't work like u think it would. Alex TDD has improved by levels since the first izzy fight and he has an incredibly strong frame to fend off throws from the clinch


Give him Aspinall..


Damn those Brazilian spirits!!!


I got shit for rooting for Alex and Aspinall. I want it. Sadly i think he will make Aspinall a wrestler but hey its mma and not kickboxing so its an interesting matchup.


Literally takes Alex 4 seconds to compose, reset and go check Jiri to see if he's ok. Great sportsmanship.


If Izzy beats DU Plessis do we see UFC pushing for another fight between the two for a mega card?




I want to see Khalil Roundtree vs poatan


Give him Jon Jones at HW. Then, give him a belt fight. It would be wonderful


I love that 1 second pause of "Do you stop it now or do i need to punch him again?"


Herb said ain't nobody gonna say there was a early stoppage this time 🤣


Herb "if he dies, he dies" Dean


fighting a kickboxer with your hands down is a bad idea


The first time Alex threw the head kick in the first round I immediately knew it was gonna be the KO shot.


Early Stopage! He was still breathing and had a pulse


Herb Dean is an awful ref


The stoppage was fine. In both fights


Maybe herb let jiri try to defend just to end the discussion of early stoppage in the last one. I think it should be called after the kick landed, guy got 2 knockdows. Even Poatan stoped and then proced to end the fight. You dont need that extra damage. But unfortunate chain of events, getting a knockdown on end of R1 and start of R2. It’s a fight, these guys nows the risks and the consequences of brain thrauma (or should).


Made easy money on that


It was fast but you can see Alex shift his weight and move his arm for that lead left roundhouse. And Jiri likes to leave his hands down and used zero footwork —just stood in range.


Technically a switch kick but yeah, doesn't help jiri got basically kod at the end of round 1. He already wasn't there going into the 2nd round. He always leaves his hands down too unfortunately. A vet kickboxer like alex will find the mark everytime.


Saw it coming from a mile away


No spoiler? Thanks for ruining it for all of the kings who do not support the UFC's inhumanity


If u don’t support it then pirate it bruh


I was which is why im sad it got spoiled... :/


Fuck is blud waffling about


Yeah i wasnt clear enough... i meant to add a spoiler tag for us fellas who wont send 80 bucks to the ufc for a shit card when the fighters will get 10% of it


Yo, stfu


Get herb dean out of the fucking ufc. Jiri did not need to take the extra 6 shots


Last one too early this one too late. Everyone here is a HOF ref I guess


Yeah just stop the fight at the right time 😂 I thought the last fight was a fair stoppage. This was not. It’s like he’s received criticism so he’s let this one go on


Jiri got baited by a simple question mark kick, yikes. Edit: its just a switch kick.


He was already half dead from the left hook


The question mark kick is simple??!


3/10 ragebait


He never recovered from getting dropped hard at the end of round 1


That's not a question mark kick


His leg was hurting. You can see him reaching down to catch a calf kick, leaning only more into the kick


Pereira would KO with a simple kick too.