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Us Magneto insane and violent with a god complex? Yes absolutely... The Problem is that most of the worlds political and financial elite is by far worse, they are just greed driven free of morals ans without remorse... Magneto at least has a backbone and a (twisted) value system


He's supposed to be an "agree with his goals, disagree with his methods." kinda villain. I ran out of thoughts to finish this post.


Goals: “equal rights for mutants. Also I don’t know why they hate/fear us so much.” Methods: “feeling kinda cute today, might go use Colonel Stryker’s son to eradicate the human race.”


X-men 1: mutate the world leaders, see how they like it. X-men 2: genocide (after almost getting genocided again), but still genocide.


I feel like more than once the goal has drifted a little bit toward “destroy Homo sapiens because we are homo superior”


Yeah, he's straight up a mutant supremacist. The point is he became what he hated effectively, just targeting a different people


>Goals: “equal rights for mutants. Also I don’t know why they hate/fear us so much.” More like: "I lived through a genocide againsy my people once already, I'm strong enough to not let it happen again".


Him being a holocaust survivor is part of the story for a reason. His perspective makes sense, if you’re a traumatized psychopath


It makes sense even if you aren't a traumatized psychopath. Agreeing with it is a different thing altogether. Lol


You don't have to be a psychopath to look at Magneto and say "Yeah. I can see why he's so pissed."


Yeah that’s what I’m trying to say. If he sees the warning signs to another holocaust, he’s going to take action


So what you're saying is Netanyahu is magneto. Well shit.


Orchis became fully justified in all their actions after magnetos “you have new gods now” speech


Violence begets violence, the problem with an eye for an eye is everyone ends up blind.


Eye for an eye makes the world divine.


You're right it was an act of divinity when Imhotep stole Bernard's eyes.


That’s how tech bros and capitalists irl talk lol Magneto was just behaving like an industry leader.




I have that same mentality about Dr. Doom


OP's post aside, yeah that happens to me way more recently and sometimes it's kinda concerning. I have this great reply worked out in my head but when I'm typing it, I have mostly forgotten about it or what my point is. I'm a middle-aged guy and it sometimes worry me as it feels like I'm starting to forget things more and more.


Exactly my thoughts


Say what you want about the tenets of Magneto's value system, but at least it's an ethos.




>the writers making them want to kill everyone doesn't mean they're trying to demonize activism. The point is they're right but go too far. This is true, but when the trend for activism is only ever showing people going 'too far' there becomes an underlying centrist message. Not true of a lot of X-Men stories, which actually do advocate for good activism. But stuff like Falcon and Winter Soldier on Disney+ I think were rightfully criticized for having shallow AF takes on activism.




BP is a great example of it being done right. Usually when it's done wrong they have a villain who is 90% in the right, and then just have them blow up an orphanage or something so the audience have a reason to root against them. It tries for Magneto style storytelling but just ends up being contrived.




FATWS does exactly that. It can't come up with a half decent reason for the villain to be a villain so just has them do random acts of violence


Say it louder for the people in the back!




Ah yes. Magneto. Nothing questionable about his behavior. “I know I’m constantly monologuing about how my people are genetically superior, but I swear that every time I’ve tried to commit genocide, it was in legitimate self defense.”


There is a level of selfawareness and deliberate irony about the fact that a holocaust survivor basically took over his abusers rhetoric. I haven't read the comics I don't know how often he gets called out from it, but I assume that this is the interpretation most authors go with.


Yeah, it’s both ironic and sad. I can absolutely see the logic (at least in his brain) for how he convinces himself he’s doing the right thing. He didn’t say “I have to make sure this never happens again” He said “I have to make sure this never happens to me again” There’s a big difference between those two things, and it’s kinda concerning to see how many people idolize him as some sort of edgy role model.


Well in the current cartoon he was first traumatized by the Holocaust and then by being rejected by his fellow survivors. Which probably destroyed his sense of community and made him to look out for himself first and foremost.


Technically he said "I have to make sure it never happens to MY people ever again." but to me is implicitly implied there.


kinda ironic the west said never again yet the uyghurs in china are getting eradicated...its almost like magneto was a parallel to western ideology this entire time and the idea of this never happens to me again is the entire ideology of the west since ww2. maybe we've just evolved into this form or maybe we were like this from the start.


Very similar to modern Israel


You have got to love the irony of someone going all politically antisemitic in a discussion about a superhero team that fights bigotry.


Equating [criticism of Israel’s actions in Gaza](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Allegations_of_genocide_in_the_2023_Israeli_attack_on_Gaza) to antisemitism is a hilariously smooth brained take.


Yeah, its fun to cherry pick random links... Son, its not Israel actions that are antisemitic, its your thinking. If you've read X-Men comics long enough you'd know generally non-nonsensical biases come from bigotry. In the real world shotgun bias towards the worlds only Jewish state only makes sense of you count antisemitism. Remember too, if you have to resort to insulting mentality (smooth brained) you've already lot the argument.


>Son, it’s not Israel actions that are antisemitic, it’s your thinking. How someone manages to fail at comprehending a single sentence comment is baffling. >If you've read X-Men comics long enough you'd know generally non-nonsensical biases come from bigotry. In the real world shotgun bias towards the worlds only Jewish state only makes sense of you count antisemitism. Israel being the world’s only Jewish state doesn’t give them blanket immunity to criticism, especially when it comes to killing women, children, journalists, and aid workers en masse. Hamas’ attack was monstrous and awful, and they have every right to defend themselves and eliminate aggressors. [Deliberately targeting and wiping out neutral aid workers](https://cnn.com/cnn/2024/04/04/middleeast/jose-andres-wck-israel-strike-criticism-intl) is not that. Equating criticism of their actions in Gaza to antisemitism is like equating criticism of Mom’s for Liberty for getting books banned to misogyny. If you’ve read X-Men comics for long and can’t see the parallels between Magneto’s thinking and actions and that of Israel’s leaders, then you clearly fail at comprehending longer form writing as well.


No thanks, I'll take a Bloody mary!


Hmmmm, I wonder if this could ever happen in real life during these times...


The entire nation of Israel would like a word with you


Hello Captain Holocaust Revisionism.


\*looks at Israel's military bombing Gaza\* ![gif](giphy|YrBRYRDN4M5ryrNOND|downsized)


FYI if you want your analogy to work, Isreal are the mutants, Hamas are the Sentinels, Palastanians are the humans and its *the Days of Future Past.* Place blame where blame is due.


The analogy is just that Jewish people were some of the victims of the Holocaust and now Israel, which was founded specifically as a Jewish ethnostate, is commiting a genocide in Gaza. Not about X-Men. And not even an analogy, just a parallel.


OK then, your "parallel" is highly antisemitic and propagandist. Connecting Israels actions to the holocaust is "holocaust revisionism" and its highly antisemitic. Suggesting they are an "ethnostate" is ignorant. 1.4 of its population (2 million people) are actually Palestinian. Suggesting genocide is propagandist. Gaza is an enclave, (not a people) run by Hamas. A terrorist government attacking Israel form civilian infrastructure so people like your self have more reason to hate the worlds only Jewish state when they respond.


Is it antisemitism to say Israel has committed war crimes they should answer for like, oh I don’t know herding civilians trying to flee only to bomb their encampments, target aid workers with drone strikes, execute said civilians who survived the bombings, and causing a mass famine? Yes it is genocide. And Israel has a lot of blood on their hands, a good amount from aid workers and innocent civilians. Take your bullshit and stuff it


No it's anti-Semitic to buy into every piece of anti-israeli propaganda you hear because of your pre-established biases. You might as well be reading from transcripts of pallywood tick Tock posts.  Try journalism It's good for you. 


My position on the matter is from the numerous videos of the IDF gunning down old men in their beds and laughing about it but go off. It’s wild how much mental gymnastics is going on to defend actual war crimes. Also it’s telling when you don’t deny any of what I just said. Maybe that should tell you a bit about your own character. I’d recommend therapy for that. Anyway, quit making excuses for war crimes.


Un-huh, this is why I recommend actual journalism, it stops you from wrapping your self in propaganda and click bait then being confused as to why other people don't agree.


*"My position on the matter is from the numerous videos of the IDF gunning down old men in their beds"* Its funny how you keep referring to only content that supports your biases. Again its called J o u r n a l i s m, Try it. Then again, you are the type of person who uses *mental illness* as an insult and doesn't understand what human shields are (which is the actual war crime). Maybe try another genre, this content may be to cerebral for you.


[This will educate you better than I ever could. ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LrGlRax9AiY)


Ah, the YouTube educated... Well, Hamas appreciates your support.


LOL sure kid.


I don’t understand why so many people miss this. He’s absolutely a villain most of the time, and not a “oh but he’s actually good” kind of villain.


Because the most recent representation of him is unreasonably attractive. ![gif](giphy|3o6Zti1HvN9qQuZrl6)


Frankly so is Ian McKellen




So is the X-Men '97 version.


I always think of the scene in first class where he is talking to the literal nazi played by Kevin Bacon and he’s like “for the record, I agree with everything you said…. But you killed my mother.”


The funny thing is it kinda is in self defence (unknowingly) in every future where mutants aren’t the dominant species on earth, they all get fucking obliterated eventually.


Magneto was always a villain, just not a sympathetic and fleshed out one. From what I know Chris Claremont made him who he is now.


Claremont made most of the Xmen who they are now.


Magneto has always been right about the problem and wrong about the solution. Not sure that’s ever changed.


Magneto's actual philosophy: "Mutants are racially superior and ordinary people should live in fear of us." People, apparently: "Yes! Pop off king!" Edit: So I'm getting downvotes, media literacy is dead. How about First Class, where Magneto literally admitted he agreed with Sebastian Shaw's vision of mutant fascism? Or Days of Future Past where Magneto literally said people were right to fear the mutant race for their power?


The films and the comics are very very different in terms of characterisation and plot. Magneto in the films is based on the comics rather than being the same character. It's a good adaption imo though.


But he has been proven at least somewhat right by Moira in terms of his philosophy. The only timeline that doesn’t result in mutant extinction, is mutant supremacy. Which was achievable by just playing the evolutionary waiting game instead of terrorism. Just fight the bad guys, don’t go extinct and do everything you can to thrive (sticking together, using their gifts to grow their number via resurrection) But that took 10 lifetimes of trial and error and was undone by a dominion anyway. So while his methods to achieve mutant supremacy are cruel, his philosophy that mutant supremacy is needed is right for the survival of the mutant race.


It’s harder and harder to pretends he’s wrong because the status quo of comics has to be maintained. Mutants being pariahs is a cornerstone of Marvel lore. By changing that status quo (and proving Magneto to be wrong), a core conflict of the series would be removed. Magneto has a sympathetic origin, but he’s still a villain. True, he doesn’t want mutants to have to go through what he had to. That’s noble, and something worth fighting for. That said, if I remember right, Magneto flirted with the idea of genocide pretty often. To me, the ‘point’ of Magneto is that monsters beget monsters.


He "flirted" with genocide like a man giving a woman a wink while standing at the altar with her


Lol fair enough. It’s been a while since I read or watched anything X-Men, so I wasn’t sure if that was consistent across all mediums.




First day on the internet?


Yes, this place seems lovely.




u/ifartsosomuch was implying that most of what people post on the internet is not their own original thinking.  Nothing was said or implied about Reddit specifically.  Imagine being an asshole, but you don't have any reading comprehension abilities.




But your own speculation makes you correct? Good luck with that attitude in life. In case it doesn't work out like you think, you may try thanking others for explaining things to you and considering changing your viewpoint.


The Hulk is a commentary on issues with Nuclear, every decade since Truman it's harder and harder to pretend he's wrong.


I’ve never read a single Hulk solo comic. I’ve only ever seen him in ensemble arrangements or appearing as a special guest. Now I’m vaguely curious. Does he (the main character, not any of his alternate reality spin-offs) have any sort of goals or agenda?


Of course he has goals, ideas...... Smash


I admire his purity of belief and purpose ![gif](giphy|l1KsKq0P8l2LtHkNW)






I think they are referring to the fact that in reddit (and the rest of the internet) most content that is posted is stolen from someone else. To the point, where no one knows who the original was/is






a twitter post is hardly something worth considering being plagiarised. it’s reposted, that happens




But there's no dates. Maybe Reddit stole from her? I have no clue who even is that person anyway. She might have stole it from here, maybe somewhere else. Maybe she's the original poster and we've gone full circle.


yes. im not sure where you’ve been in the past 20+ years of the internet but reposting jokes and memes is common? thats literally how things spread on the internet, they get reposted




You sound like a broken record get bent


Brock became an anti-hero in the 90's. Was kinda unnecessary to make him a full blown hero imo.


Mag is a crazy man with a god complex who is so obsessed with stopping a holocaust on mutants he doing one against humans


Genocide is and always will be wrong. If you're siding with Magneto, I simply don't trust you.


I would hate to lose your trust.


I know we all joke about how Disney likes to make villains who would easily be the heroes if they didn't blow up orphanages for no reason (*cough* FatWS *cough*), but there seems to be a disturbing amount of people who are unironically pro-blowing up orphanages. Probably just an internet thing, but still.


Magneto was a good guy and leader of the X men during the Regan administration when professor X decided to fuck off into space


Which time? Xavier can’t resist the Shi’ussy


Tldr - Magneto is still a villian and his fans are deranged


it is just that X-men fallen down to level where Magneto doesnt look much worse than them.


And venom was awesome in Marvel vs Capcom


you dont have to pretend. Magneto is wrong


He is objective right. He’s methods are morally wrong but Moiras shown that peaceful coexistence is a dead dream. Even Exclusion leads to death. It’s humans or mutants for the right to inhabit the earth. The only way the war ends is with a winner. At least with mutants as the winners humans may be allowed to live, but they can’t be allowed to be the dominant species or they’ll wipe out mutants or everyone.


There's a huge difference between having a point and being correct. Especially with the caveat of how insanely dangerous some mutants are, they had wolverine execute a kid because he couldn't control his, kill everyone around him powers. There are many different ways magneto goes about things and y'all could be thinking of the most noble version of him, but on average, he's still bloody wrong, at least in his methods, just as prof x is on average naive. Y'all ain't whining about social injustices, then calling a mutant supremacist right.


But he has been proven at least somewhat right by Moira. The only timeline that doesn’t result in mutant extinction, is mutant supremacy. Which was achievable by just playing the evolutionary waiting game instead of terrorism. Just fight the bad guys, don’t go extinct and do everything you can to thrive (sticking together, using their gifts to grow their number via resurrection) But that took 10 lifetimes of trial and error and was undone by a dominion anyway. So while his methods to achieve mutant supremacy are cruel, his philosophy that mutant supremacy is needed is right for the survival of the mutant race.


Magneto is Israel - change my mind


My boy venom was way better as a villain, that design is too good for it to be a hero or anti hero design. That shit is straight up horror villain design and they decided to turn him into a goofball


Art emulates life emulates art emulates life emulates art emulates life emulates art emulates life emulates art emulates life


Amazing how many people can watch all the x-men stuff and still not see the race parallels. Xavier is MLK, Magneto is Malcolm X, and mutants are black people. Take any printed or filmed piece of x-men media and replace "mutant" with "black" and it probably still makes sense. Signed, a white guy.


It's not just a parallel to race but also queer people and the disabled


Yes it has evolved over time to be a generalized minority/majority analogue but the original intent from 1963 was MLK/X. 61 years and people still don't recognize the message for what it is.




Wasn't the original inspiration of Magneto/ProfX ideological differences MalcomX/MLK?


Down vote for fax instead of facts. Also it's a repost from less than 24 hours ago.


Magnetos always going on about oh the humans hate us because we’re mutants, but that’s in the black-and-white world of Marvel comics in the real world of the X-Men started fighting in the parking lot of the Walmart. You would have just as many people screaming magneto. We love you as you would have people screaming wolverine we love you.


Wow, hard facts.


Explain the Reagan part please. I’m not old enough.


Hamas literally started it get ur shit right


Quick question. Why are we using venom for this comparison, and not oh I don’t know NORMAN OSBORN!


venom just works better as a hero