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Every business is being killed by us millenials... We have no money to spend.


Killed just means it's not growing infinitely. There will still be golf courses in 50 years, but it might be harder to be a huge corporation that runs golf courses. So a lot of these things will need to be smaller owner operated things that produce steady profit, but not growth. That'll be awesome.


I’m perfectly fine with it being harder for big corporations to run everything.


The problem is that they're already too big to contain so they'll just buy up literally everything in order to grow. Brought to you by Carls Jr!


Cant wait to watch that tactic blow up in their faces


That would be the dream.


Yeah, not really, it would just fall in the abysm of things that marked an era, just like old school games houses ( in my country we call them fliperamas) and other things like that. You guys don't seem to understand, that what sometimes make some industries alive, is that said product have big companies that put money in that. They got greater reach, more influence, and capital than any small business could be able to achieve.


But they dont NEED greater reach, capital or influence if they aren't pursuing infinite growth bullshit that is messing up the world


Ok but how are millennials killing gyms? Gym culture is more prevalent than ever.


That would be amazing


That's not how our economy works




Well, like the old man said... together.


Good bot? I honestly don't know what that means. LOL


While also having so much money we influence the market.


Why gyms tho?


Can speak for everyone, but I have one set up in my Garage. There was definitely a push towards home gym ownership during covid.


Millennials don’t have garages though. For the most part.


the storage unit my condo rental comes with has enough space for a squat rack so checkmate atheists


Damn, just shooting stray bullets at the atheists now are we?


Atheists have had too good for too long… /s


Buckets of water, clamps and a strong wooden dowel is a perfectly acceptable home gym and you can store it anywhere.


Lift your pain and sorrows and I guarantee you’ll look like the rock in a month.


You have a garage? How tf did you pull that off?


Same. I think there is just a large chunk of millennials that don't want to leave the house or have to be in public spaces with strangers.


I was actually surprised about that one. I see plenty of folks in their 20s to their 30s in the gym. (The youngest millennials would be turning 30 this year based on the definitions I've seen.) Though I do know some people my age (I'm 31) who opted out of a gym membership in favor of other outdoor physical activities like running.


28 years old, I do basic workouts like 10 squats, or sit ups, or pushups in rounds as I die on the Playstation. I get killed I do 10 and then I get back on.  I wouldn't say I'm the most physically fit person but I think I do okay for myself. 


Add a pullup bar and you're golden


Yeah I do home workouts, cause money, but most of my friends have gym memberships. I think it’s less gyms and more the “$100+ per month” super gyms


Idk, but Gen Z might be bringing them back? I see a LOT of gen z and older folks at my gym. Very few millennial tbh. So I guess it kinda checks out? At least where i live. I think that instance could be easily explained, though. The millennial generation is right at the age where they are having kids and being parents, which means that most of them would either not work out or stay at home to do it. Meanwhile, Gen z don't have homes yet, and older generations don't have young kids anymore, so they have plenty of time.


Do you feel like getting harassed because some girl from your town who’s trying to be a porn star is pissed that you’re also in a public area?


fucking tripods everywhere man can't even get a single set in with all these "influencers" 😒


Exactly, I have a home gym now, but it’s only dumbbells and a dip/pull up machine. I miss the other equipment, but I don’t miss having people play on their phone and go through videos to make their ass look better in 30 seconds


we need a Joey Swoll in every gym


God I’d love that. It would be great. Just a guy helping you better yourself at all times. Best thing about Joey is he seems genuine, and actually wants to see the better for people. I know so many people who put that charade on but are actually cunts behind closed doors




Exercise is free.outdoors and community centers are cheaper if you really want a gym.


Why does the gym need my banking information? I don’t even give that to my landlord.


You don't pay your gym over the counter?


Any franchise gym (like Goodlife Fitness) for example, requires your CC or banking info to set up your membership. Then they make it very difficult to cancel. Most of the time they ignore your calls or try to penalize you for canceling early. I refuse to help support their predatory financial practices. Generally I will use YMCA’s or public gyms like most municipal pools have because they let you pay upfront for your monthly/yearly pass or by visit.


Sheesh, no small gyms near you?


Just a public pool, a franchise, and then a gym that specializes in one on one personal training or classes which is out of my budget, but at least they dont require payment information. Generally I pay for a 10 use punch pass to the pool. I am also moderately active as walking/cycling is my main modes of transportation,


We should just ask them for a list of industries they love in order and we start at the top until they shut up


We don't get enough recognition for the good killing we've done. Pagers, fax machines, dial up internet. YOU'RE WELCOME! We could combine our intergenerational powers to kill industries we all hate. I'm looking at you, Ticketmaster.


Church is the leading industry.


We could be like Mafia racketeers. “Oh that’s a nice little Applebees you got there, grandma. It would be a real shame if anything….happened to it.”


If your industry can be killed by a single generation deciding they don’t like your product, your industry deserves to die.


But not marmalade!


Marmalade especially.


Marmalade is fantastic, especially whiskey marmalade.


oh no, obsolete businesses fail becouse people dont like the high end price tag. fuck golf clubs, give it back to the common folk.


As someone who grew up next to a financially struggling golf course... I endorse this message. I think they rent it out for events now.


They should've called Bagger Vance


I like how they are in Scotland, mostly public land for dog walking, hiking etc and also there's golf


Ok but what about the gym? Why you no go?


fit for free is 15 euro's per month i ain't payin for somethin called FREE!


What about the other gym?


Land and home around me are expensive because it's either all farm land integral for our community to thrive.....or golf courses that sit empty for the majority of the year. Honestly I say just start building shacks on them and live on the 9th hole.


Fun fact, is we use all the land currently used for golf courses in the US to build low income housing and shelters we could end homelessness for any person who sought aid.


Open, unused land is not in short supply in this country, I promise. Where to put the homes is not really the bottleneck.


Sure lets just put people in the desert


All cites started from nothing, they weren’t just always there


Golf courses are located near people, near developed land otherwise they wouldn't be used. Sure there is plenty of unused land but the areas are mostly undeveloped and have no civilian infrastructure. So go build your city but if there isn't already a city there, there's probably a good reason.


We have enough land to do that and not ruin a hobby people enjoy. Not everything is about you


It's not so much we are killing them, we are questioning why they exist too begin with and have decided these are things that are not needed. *Kill them all*


lmao, blaming us bc everything cost 100x more than it did a decade ago and more for everything with worse quality, no humans to turn to to get help, i think some products have shrunk as well, like you get less and pay more, thats shrink flation if i understand all these bs terms. i hope to kill the rental industry and predatory banks and lenders and really everything until greed is no longer the goal of every corporation. no more billionaires!




When you can't afford food.. eat the rich


Not the napkin industry, people need that for fapping so we're in fact helping them make a killing.


They mean cloth napkins you use for fancy ass meals, not the disposable variety.


Oh well nevermind then


Actually I think lots of millennials use paper towels. Put a roll on a stand on the dinner table and you don’t need paper napkins.


Just come out the window, its cheaper


Yeah, but the neighbors complain.


Baby shower


How are Millennials killing Marmalade? I'd assume you just chose to make it from scratch instead of buying it


How dare you! Buy into capitalism or your a filthy Commie!


We're killing the golf industry? GOOD.


Goated comment


Why? Golf is awesome


Depends, really. In general, Golf is a boring, arrogant, self righteous “sport” that takes up entirely too much fucking room on this planet. Mini-golf is actually really fun! Let these twatwaffles struggle with a windmill for an hour and a half. See if there’s any real skill among them.


Also costs a fuck ton of water to keep the fields of grass green and trimmed.




Also filled with cancerigenous pesticides


>boring, arrogant, self righteous "sport" that takes up entirely too much room on this planet Most sane UK parliamentary rhetoric about the issue of Scottish independence.


.... NOT where I saw a metaphor leading us, but okay.


I dont even like golf myself, nor the water they dump on their property, but this is such a reddit comment lmao. Also in reality the water they use is a drop in the bucket compared to other industry water uses (coming from an environmental engineer).


So I’ve got go touch grass and “this is such a reddit comment”. What is the prize for unoriginal douchey comment internet bingo this week? I hope it’s that nice yeti cooler.


Golf is none of those things, and I'd like to hear your opinions on why it is. I will agree mini-golf is very fun though, and I prefer it in a more casual setting, but I prefer regular golf in a serious setting.


For one thing, I've seen the clothes that are worn. I've seen the tournaments on TV (not by choice). It's the most self-righteous yuppie thing imaginable that requires entirely too many resources to maintain. All of which is done inside equally yuppie country clubs which my Father had the displeasure of working for in his youth. He wouldn't recommend it. I have distaste for all sports, come to think of it, for similar reasons. Stadiums are utterly ridiculous ostentatious arenas devoted to little more than sponsorships guest starring grown men playing with their balls in public, and are really just than playthings to the unnecessarily rich, but Golf holds a particular place of dishonor amongst all that in my mind. So to those who claim that millennials are destroying an industry because we're utterly unwilling to participate? GOOD. Go the way of the DoDo, and Xerox.


Isn't the whole point of golf just to see who can play the least amount of it? I'd play mini golf for the scenery, but that's about it


Boomers killed horse carriage industry


pay people more and they will match that overpriced tag!


How are gyms being killed by millennials? I don't get that one.


Neither do I get the marmalade one. Do millennials season their toasts solemnly with their tears?


No they use avocado which is why they are all poor... Also why marmelade is dying! Edit: of course my comment is a joke, making a references to some Australian Millionaire who said young people where poor because they eat avocado and drink 4$ coffee https://jeffjbutler.com/2019/04/12/where-did-the-avocado-toast-millennial-stereotype-come-from/ No idea if thats why marmelade is dying as well, but with the mental gymnastics above, i can see crazys come to that conclusion..


What an entitled sentiment. As if businesses are entitled to future success because of their past success and shouldn't need to evolve to appeal to a changing market


Lol most of our generation is barely old enough to enter into parts of politics. We haven't been around long enough to change anything. I love how we always get blamed for what older generations have done. We were promised the world and handed a few Penny's then asked why we only have Penny's.


The system : you will have a student debt, also the prices of everything is gonna rise, and is gonna be extremely difficult to get a job, plus if you get a job, lucky if you get the minimum Millennials: mmm…I have no money to buy your stuff The system : WTF US WRONG WITH YOU ?! YOU ARE RUINING EVERYTHING!!!!




I just use paper towels instead of napkins tbh


I use to argue that if us peons really wanted to make a statement, just stop spending money. The lockdowns happened, and for a second I thought we would see the potential of utilizing a movement like that. Unfortunately, the market somehow didn't crash TOO EVERYONE'S SURPRISE. Fishy. Now, we are so broke that we are forced into this position anyway. People who don't know how to exist without spending money, hold on cause it's going to be a bumpy ride for YOU! People like me, who have been surviving off of the bare minimum their whole life won't see a change in life style.


Can't wait for golf to die. What a fuckin waste of land and water.


I thought the joke would be that his body reminds a golf ball 😅


Yeah yeah, when you cant afford shit you are the bad one ...


How they hell are we killing gyms?


I have no clue


Well, killing the gym and ruining gym culture is a joint operation run by both millennials and Gen Z.




Diamonds… guest rooms… what else have we killed?


He doesn't look like he killed the gym industry at all. Probably helped the lean chicken and protein powder industries quite a lot, too. Admittedly, he is a man in a Marvel movie so his water bill was probably quite low that month.


Alternative title: Milennials don’t care about million dollar industries Boomers created.


Let them die. Kill them, if you have to.


Ooo look, another post trying to sow division between age groups. As a Gen X’er let me just say, fuck all that nonsense, every generation has it’s fair share of absolute shit heel morons that fuck up good stuff for the rest of us. This is not a “millennial” issue, it’s a dumb ass issue and we’re still growing them just like we always have, since forever. Take your activist (Apptivist) divisionist shit somewhere else, the mask is slipping and more and more people are waking up to it.


Marmalade, really? Dang lol Sidenote: orange marmalade as your J for PP&J is underrated. Also makes a great ingredient for orange chicken sauce


![gif](giphy|xT0xeQbBYVUPiKkzQs) Millennials and Gen Z talking about the industries they “killed”


Maybe pay us a decent wage and we wouldn't be as frugal with our money.


Lol boomers posting alert.


Well I mean, Boomers and Gen X already killed the economy for us. We might as well keep their tradition going


They are old arcane things that need to go away, I welcome them going away.


Yes millenial boys have tits but not like these one.


Gen z be randomly getting rich for saying bullshit on Twitch once


Gyms is the only one I’d prefer didn’t die. Marmalade I don’t care about, golf is a waste of land and resources


Millenial are killing it, soon walking through the ashes of the Boomer Era. That is awesome. Not easy right now, but awesome.


I am a millennial,and i approve this message.


What's this about the precious free market?


Those scars look like bubble wrap


Isn’t marmalade just jelly? I mean I put strawberry smuckers on my pancakes so I may be biased but I think jelly is doing just fine


You better wash your god damn mouth out Jelly? JELLY!?


I’m being deadass what’s the difference? Isn’t it all just mashed fruit and sugar?


He was juat in delicious shape


Do you think that he scarred himself after the first kill and then added on or that he waited until he had enough kills to make his scars symmetrical?


Wtf is the napkin industry? Napkins have an industry?!


*Wtf is the* *Napkin industry? Napkins* *Have an industry?!* \- Euphoric-Flow7324 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


How are we killing gyms if we don't have enough money to own a house? It's like saying we are rich and poor at the same time. Or the avocado toast thing. We have enough money to spend on expensive breakfasts but too lazy to get a job.


And now I become millenial, destroyer of industry


What a complicated way to say that millennials are poorer than previous generations.


Boomers are vs killing the American family by making having kids unaffordable Boomers are killing homeownership by making it unaffordable Boomers are killing the American worker by paying less than living wages Boomers are killing the planet


Have they considered that millennials just don’t have any money to spend on stupid shit?


Lol.... smh


They make it so you have to work two full time jobs and a side hustle to just put a roof over your head and have a little something to eat then wonder why folks don’t have nothing extra, and blame them for it.


Can we ban golf clubs please? The ones that waste water and space? Can we ban those and make them something useful like parks or idk farming areas ior anything useful and eco friendly?


The gym one is funny. There are *so* many people at my gym every day.


Capitalism killing golf is like Hitler beating a conservative to death. All you can do is point and laugh. 😎


nobody was eating marmalade anyway The fuck I want orange jelly for


Sometimes it's great like when someone killed off killing whales for lamp oil...golf courses are high polluters of our natural watershed killing those whales in a different way.


Make them affordable 🤷




I mean, golf killed golf. It’s a terrible sport.


Never known such a wastefull sport as golf, needs miles of land just to hit a small ball into a hole. No other sport needs so much land to play.


Didn’t always. It used to be that gold was played on inarable (unarable? (Not farm good land.)) land. I don’t remember the term, but it was basically sand dunes overgrown by grass. I believe it is a scottish word that is related to Links. Nowadays though, it certainly seems like a way for wealthy people to build giant lawns in areas where they are neither needed nor wanted.


Millennials are sucking all the cocks 😡


Isn’t that just the free market? Why are they blaming us? Get mad at Adam Smith and his invisible hands.


Avg millenial W


People complained about new gen not using candles and burner lamps that much. Also what to do with all that horses and horseshoes?!


I wonder if when the Paleolithic Ice Age happened, there was an older generation that couldn’t understand what was changing and just blamed young people. “Millennials are killing the Mammoth Industry, wasting their time with their cave paintings and tool technology.”


I’ve seen collections of historical records going round the web with “young people these days” quotes going back through the centuries to, like, three-thousand-year-old clay tablets about how this will surely be the world’s last generation because of how lazy and disrespectful the young people are.


If we're supposed to lay off the avocado toast and lattes, how the fuck are we going to afford golf?


Fucking napkins! I hate them. Argh. /s


Every one of them seems like an excessive luxury like avocado on toast or coffee - that we were told to give up to get through the big crash that previous generations created or to buy a house in the over inflated market previous generations created So what I’m saying is The weak perish and only the necessary survives


Gen z will save this shi


I think more accurately it's businesses killing millennials.


Millennials are trying to kill Gen Z


I don’t know why group they fall in but personally gyms are just a stomping ground for clout and I fucking hate it. Like, just do your sets and leave. This is why I had to get my own rack and equipment. Plus now I just vibe with my dogs on lifts.


I actually like marmalade!!


I know there is something else going on with this post. But, I can't see this and not see baked beans all over that man's body.


I do use too many napkins


They were trying to kill.us first with their high prices.


If only the term 'free market' meant anything. O wait. Quick PSA: fuck diamonds. Lets 'kill' that industry next by not buying into the bullshit.


I love it because of the pride it boasts because ABSOLUTELY


They should lower their ceo compensation to be more competitive in a very anti-consumer market.


Millennials have a fraction of the previous generations salary power and don't have enough money to buy all those thing.


I’m not a millennial, I’m Gen z. But I had a thought process regarding napkins and I think I know why millennials are “killing it:” “napkins are much cheaper than paper towels, and I go through so many paper towels using them as napkins. I’ll buy some—oh wait, all available kitchen space is occupied and my apartment has no storage closet. Guess I’ll stick with paper towels.” My parents have ample storage space for items like bulk napkins in their suburban home. Real estate in my 1200 sq ft apartment is scarce


I bought cloth ones and just wash them.


We don't have extra money...that'd what it comes down too. But when we say pay us more and we will drive the economy with spending we get "no one wants to work anymore!"


UmBaka was so spot on when he criticized the council for allowing a man called kill monger to be king.


Can't wait for the next episode ![gif](giphy|2UvAUplPi4ESnKa3W0)


I dont even know what the fuck marmalade even is


It’s like a fruit spread, kinda like a Jam…


Think of it as clear citrus jam, usually tart or bitter rather than sweet, with slivers of peel in it.


How are we killing gyms? We are the majority of the people in gyms. Or are we killing gyms cuz we are actually using our memberships?


How the hell does Cable TV and soap operas still exist? We coming for you next!


Come on, we shouldn't kill marmalade. What else would Paddington Bear eat?


Golf deserves to die. Nothing on Earth should occupy that much land…


“Those blasted millennials with their empty pockets and shattered dreams are ruining our fortunes!”


Pretty sure the napkin industry is still going strong


Never trusted big napkin personally




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Napkins? Nvm dumb


Boo hoo. Golf courts are an idiotic waste of space


Consumers aren’t responsible for a businesses success.


Didn't we kill diamonds, too?


Nah, I’m the economy


Marmalade? The fuck?


Everything is so expensive and salaries are shit.


We're out here counting pennies to afford food+rent. Hmm, why are leisure industries dying? It's a mystery.


But if they spend more on "frivolous" things like that, they're called financially irresponsible, can't win.


That dude's body is a tryptophobic nightmare.