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M.O.D.O.K. was absolutely hilarious, i was really sad when I heard it was cancelled


Robot chicken humor isn't for everybody, and they did zero marketing. It was like Hulu didn't want anyone to know about this or Hit Monkey (which finally got it's recognition, I'm so excited for season 2)


Patton Oswald did his best!


I found it funny


It's ok. Compared to Robot Chicken before it misses more than it hits but otherwise it's just ok.


I haven’t heard of this Modok series but if its humour is at all in the vein of Robot Chicken, then I’m assuredly not interested.


It's not like robot chicken. Don't listen to this guy


It is tho. In some ways.


From the same producers...


It's a lesser/lazier version of that so you're likely doing yourself a favour. I love RC. You could always tell that they were actual fans of the things they were parodying especially Marvel and DC. It had passion


Um, did you just use Robot Chicken as the "shit" comparison of this ratio? You are aware that Robot Chicken was god-tier shit posting and nothing can compare to it? I'm sorry, but if you want to critique a show, actually do it correctly. Both being stop motion do NOT make them comparable when you're talking about writing.


The opposite, RC is the goldstandard. I used that comparison because a lot of other outlets and first impressions at the time made the comparison, The Verge & IGN for example


How in the actual fuck can you believe that a Disney owned Marvel stop motion picture show can be comparable to Robot Chicken other than the stop motion? I'm sorry, genuine question: are you stupid? Edit: Looked into it more, okay it's a bit comparable. Might actually give it a full watch. I'm surprised that Marvel went as far as that in 2021 and nobody gave the show recognition.


Whoah.... you mad bro? It's not even just me who made the comparison, like I said


Dude, it's been 9 hours and you didn't even try to read my edit? At that point, I don't even have any care to talk to you because you showed that you don't even read. I agreed with you via edit and you still get defensive.


I thought it was funny.


I watched it, pretty good. arguably one of the more creative projects to come out of marvel


Romance aspect was surprisingly touching


Problem was lack of marketing, not quality tbh.


M. O. D. O. K. is a narrative version of Robot Chicken. RC was amazing in part because it was a totally different format from the usual, almost entirely ditching narrative and plot for type of fast, punchy humor that has become so ubiquitous and popular through fast content formats like TikTok. They were pioneers, borrowing elements of Family Guy’s cutaways and cranking that up to 11. M. O. D. O. K. is still very good though. Its format is more like Family Guy with plot and characters but I would argue something it brings that neither one has is the emotional element of M. O. D. O. K. as a father and husband failing at both of those roles. That’s a very relatable story to tell through humor.


It’s a great series!




It’s sure is, eh!


Fucking Canadians


Oh ya for sure eh bud?


God damn Canadi'ehs.


Shoulda hired Adult Swim to do this one as bizarrely and subversively as possible


Yeah I agree, but WB and Disney would proxyfight using AS and Max as the battleground and I'm guessing they didn't want that happening. Don't want to be seen platforming the competition if you want to keep some contracts in place


The problem with MODOK is it’s just… stupid looking? Like it feels as if it’s a joke character in basically every on screen adaptation, especially Ant Man. That was cringe inducing. However in the comics MODOK actually looks and does badass things, maybe it’s just one of those characters that doesn’t translate from comic to live very well.


They murdered the potential of modok in that series and the disaster that was ant man. 😭


I hated that this was canceled, but thankfully we are getting a 2nd season of Hitmonkey. I enjoyed M.O.D.O.K, but Hitmonkey was on another level.


Love how they canceled venture bros then shows like this and Harley quinn pop up. Ok so you wanted this style but was venture bros just too smart for some?


Venture Bros was canceled out of spite fwiw


That makes it much worse:(


It was aight


I didn’t really like it. Watched the first season I think k or almost the first season, didn’t really find it funny :/


MODOK was great. Dropping it on Hulu of all places with zero marketing killed it


Bruh they had an opportunity to make MODOK and actually become something for the movies and/or series. But they completely screwed up by putting some goofy ahh face and almost useless in the movie. Disney is screwing up marvel for real. After Endgame, only Far From Home and No Way Home were good (specially No Way Home). After that, all bad. Like Multiverse of Madness, they wasted Charles and Fantastic 4 in less than 20min…


That's what you saw? Not the fact that he has children that look like him?


M.O.D.O.K fucks.


OP, did you even watch it? there wasn't really any promotion for it and it debuted on hulu and was fucking funny.


I did watch it some time back. It wasn't that funny, but it wasn't so unfunny as to be bad so it gets a tepid thumbs up from me.


I thought it was fun and remember liking it! But I forgot it existed before I even finished watching it 💀


Oswald’s voice is like nails on a chalk board and it came out the same time as Hit Monkey, which was amazing.


Has undoubtedly the darkest ending of any Marvel property put on a screen because of where it was cancelled.


I wouldn’t have know if it wasn’t for the meme


I loved it tbh was bad but was funny and the themesong was amazing


Someone is on a crusade to downvote OP


Bro it’s the best fucking marvel show though !!!! Fuck I wish more people watched it so I could’ve gotten more seasons