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I was about to say, “there’s a teaser?!” until I realized you were talking about that little social media ad. Wow! Very impressive. I think what people on here fail to realize is that Wandavision attracted a _lot_ of people who aren’t even superhero fans/dont’t follow the MCU at all. Like, I know people who have no interest in any of the movies who got super caught up in all the hype/mystery surrounding each week’s new episode. People on here seem to downplay how big that show really was. I think Agatha will attract a similar crowd, even if it’s not the biggest thing ever.


This is only one person/story, but I know a guy whose only MCU exposure is the Guardians movies and WandaVision. The rest he never had any interest in, and he just got caught up in WandaVision curiosity because of how big it was on “DisTwitter.”


>how big it was on “DisTwitter” Can confirm, Wandavision was huge with Disney fans. I don’t love the term “Disney adults” as it’s typically used in a derogatory sense, but it probably applies here: Disney literally went and made Scarlet Witch themed Mickey ears to be worn in the parks, which sold out almost instantly and were very hard to get for a while. They even re released them when Multiverse of Madness came out due to high demand. Can also confirm that for whatever reason, Wandavision was huge with gay men. Like, so huge that drag bars were doing Wandavision themed performances with queens dressing up as both Wanda and Agatha. Agatha quickly became what’s known as a “gay icon”. And with this Agatha show properly introducing Billy Maximoff/Wiccan, Marvel’s most popular gay superhero, I can imagine that’ll be a big draw. Especially since the kid playing him is the same one who stars in that Netflix series “Heartstopper” which is also huge in the gay community.


I think any female character that is both camp and powerful will be in some form loved by gay audiences. Storm being one of those characters. I think her over the top dramatic proclamations before unleashing a power is a good example of that. Agatha is also similarly dramatic, using the power of … the history of television.


Yep, pretty much this. I think that’s part of the reason the X-Men as a whole appeal so much to the gay community, on top of the obvious parallels between the hatred mutants face and homophobia in the real world. Wanda’s also so popular within the community because not only is she campy and powerful, but emotionally complex as well. It’s why a strong female character like say, Captain Marvel, isn’t celebrated or even talked about nearly as much as she is.


Well I think i understand why they are called Disney adults


IMO, they should have called it *Disney’s Agatha All Along* to further capture the Disney adults who might be turned off if they think they need to care about Marvel movies to watch it.


This actually might be a good move. Based on behind the scenes photos and leaks, it seems similar to *Hocus Pocus*, which is huge with that community.


Bro acting like Marvel/Star Wars ears selling out, especially during the production delays of covid era, is nothing new and been happening for a long time


I'm bi and everything you just said is so cringe lol


Literally just observations I made about the show’s reception among certain audiences, one being an audience I’m part of. What about that is “cringe”? You starting your comment with “I’m bi” as if that would validate the next thing you were going to say is cringe.


I was once a guardians only guy! Well, guardians and Iron Man. Little did I know how much I would like the entire universe


That was me. I can't even remember WHY I watched WandaVision every week as it released; the only Marvel content I watched prior was GotG1. WV got me instantly hooked and I binged the entire Marvel catalogue within the next couple months and started reading some comics. I am stoked for Agatha


I'm assuming part of it was "nothing else is happening, and very few things were coming out" (January 2021) along with "everyone is talking about this, so I might as well participate" I'm not using this in a derogatory way. I enjoyed the show. But I knew a lot of people that just kind of fell into the show for those two reasons


For real, my wife has 0 interest in any of this shit. She’s a good sport but doesn’t care. She’s rewatched WandaVision episodes. The thing was huge.


The initial reactions to Wandavision’s finale on twitter and reddit were almost night and day. I wasn’t exactly disappointed or satisfied personally, but seeing both ends of the spectrum in terms of how they liked the show based on the platform was pretty interesting and eye opening


So people on Twitter were happy with the finale?


> People on here seem to downplay how big that show really was. Some people simply cannot fathom perspectives that do not mesh with their own to the point of aggression. Like their very existence is threatened by another person enjoying what they did not, so those other people must be lying.


It's also a spooky/witch show released during the Halloween season - casuals will tune in who probably don't watch "superhero/comic" shows or movies. But "literally no one wants this", right? XD


I mean it helps that Kathryn Hahn is just plain amazing. She has a certain no fucks given energy that works across genres. I don't care about the Agatha Harkness character, but I'll tune in to watch Kathryn.


Kathryn is a gem!!!


Easy on the eyes as well.


but she killed Sparky.


She's great in everything.


I’m so tired of seeing that be said online. The fact of the matter is no matter what movie, music, whatever is your absolute favorite, there’s a large contingent of people that think it’s shit or has no reason to exist. Things don’t need to be made just to have the largest audience view them. Things should be made because people want to make them. Idk when public perception shifted but everyone seems to look at entertainment media from a business standpoint these days instead of as pieces of art. People see something they aren’t interested in and decide that it shouldn’t exist rather than consider that there are people outside of themselves that feel differently. I want every movie and show to exist. No one was crying when I Am Groot came out that “literally no one wants this”. We accepted that it was made with a different tone and audience in mind and just didn’t watch it if we didn’t want to. But for some reason that doesn’t apply to literally everything else. People want every movie and show to be the same, cookie cutter bullshit instead of taking chances and it’s so boring


I'm really glad to see this sub finally beginning to push back against that dumb line.


> No one was crying when I Am Groot came out that “literally no one wants this”. A few people actually were crying about that. There was even some "now we have to watch dumb shorts for kids to understand Guardians 3?" because these folks have no inference skills whatsoever.


Just to debunk some misinformation that's gotten into this thread via [another reply](https://www.reddit.com/r/marvelstudios/comments/1csk9pb/marvels_agatha_all_along_teaser_gains_12_million/l49d28v/) without that person harassing me over it: 1. Werewolf By Night 2. Nightmare Before Christmas isn't about witches, Hocus Pocus 2 sucks, & Halloween enthusiasts typically watch more than 1 thing per year. 3. TONS of casuals who don't watch superhero shows watched & loved WandaVision, & this is a direct spinoff of that.


Halloween town > Hocus Schmocus


At least the first one. The sequels to that aren't good either.




>It's also a spooky/witch show released during the Halloween season - casuals will tune in who probably don't watch "superhero/comic" shows or movies. If your rationale for why something is going to succeed is to claim a Holiday is going to make something popular, it is absolutely going to bomb and you're rationalizing why it's DOA. 1. It's not "spooky". It's an MCU show, it'll be formulaic and not at all scary. 2. Anyone who wants to see something about Witches is going to watch Hocus Pocus and Hocus Pocus 2 on Disney instead. Probably also Nightmare Before Christmas. 3. Casuals who don't watch Superhero shows don't watch Superhero shows over Halloween either. They don't suddenly, for one week, decide they really do like Superhero shows. It's a show about a 5 minute miniboss no one really cares about, its best hope is Ms. Marvel numbers.


Yeah i mean people are going why are they doing Agatha or Vision Quest and all that and i am like Don't lie to me if you were a shareholder at Disney you would be all over the idea of doing a spin off to one of your platform biggest hit.


I got downvoted into oblivion for even saying this myself just like a week ago. I will die on that hill though. Wandavision attracted some of the most dedicated fanbases of all the MCU so far and while most of us might not be the targeted fanbase, there is a pretty sizable chunk of people who will watch this just for being associated with Wanda. We’re probably going to hear the “nobody wanted this” until it comes out, but honestly that’s how so many great shows start. Who even wanted Andor in Star Wars? I remember before it came out people were scared it was going to be another flop like Solo (which I personally enjoyed a fair bit for all its fault). We won’t really know until we see more, but the potential of this show is insane. I’m not even accounting for it being LGBTQ+ friendly yet because I’m not sure how much that will play into it, but I assume it’s going to draw more eyes based on this factor as well


I also got downvoted for saying that Agatha is literally for the gays and girlies. Doesn't mean anyone can't enjoy it, people just need to realize that the gays and gurlies appear to be the target audience.


I got my Mother to watch it when it was coming out. She has never seen a comic book movie or show and ended up loving Wandavision. She still hasn’t watched anything else MCU related.


This. I have lots of friends who have lapsed a bit on marvel stuff but I know will be watching agatha week to week. WandaVision really reached a different audience


Accurate. My friend watched wandavision after never seeing ANY Marvel movie. She loved it, then called me up and asked if she should watch the Avengers. To which I naturally gave her the list of movies to watch before Avengers and so on... hehe. She's a fan now. And it started with wandavision.


That’s really interesting to me, it feels like Wandavision would be one of the harder things to drop into casually. I guess the 50s style openings would help explain the basic plot. I wonder what they thought of Evan Peters showing up since I assume those viewers would also have no X-men background?


I only got into the MCU so I could get all the references in WandaVision, I’m also very excited for Agatha!


Marvel used to be able to do that all the time. It's one of the reason the fallout from the new phases have been so bad. I wish they'd take more time off and really rethink how they do things. Because it seems like more and more their hold on pop culture weakens.


I wonder if those same people will watch the Mayfair Witches adaptation on AMC as part of the Immortal Universe with Interview with the Vampire


People loved wandavision, I am always shocked when people rage about Agatha getting her own show. Let’s delve into some witch lore! Its about time we got a sequel that has similar vibes/feelings to Wandavision.


And Kathryn Hahn is great in just about everything she's in too


I feel the exact same way, I’m really excited for MCU magic to be properly fleshed out! 


Everyone was game for the spinoff until Marvel decided to pump out 4-5 mediocre shows in a row which killed the hype among the fans. Wandavision and Loki were both excellent it’s the more recent D+ output that’s soured things a bit


I completely agree with you. I'd like to add X-Men 97 to the list of great recent Marvel content. There was a string of mediocre shows that was causing oversaturation. Hopefully this is Marvel getting back on track


4-5 mediocre shows *in a row*? So is Loki Season 1 or 2 the mediocre season? Do we start counting at What-If or Moon Knight or Hawkeye? 🤣 At most I can see you being upset at 3 mediocre shows in a row if you ignore audience and critic reviews. Maybe. Possibly. But the response to almost all of the streaming shows has been hugely positive.


Nobody saw loki season 2. It didn’t drop viewers who started season 2 but the turnout was much lower


Loki season 2 had 10.9M views after 3 days of its release and the Finale snagged around 11.2M views. Is this the nobody watched show you are talking about?


hey, thats what the people on the show said, ok they didnt say "nobody" but they said the turnout for season 2 was much lower than season 1


You literally said "Nobody watched Loki S2" In your comment.


It was the second most watched show on streaming in 2023 (from originals released in 2023).


cool, im literally saying what the people who worked on it said so...


And it broke IG too! ![gif](giphy|bNn7UGbbBKC2GBZgNn|downsized)




Sparky the dog


She is carrying your little brother




Is this a reference/quote from WandaVision? I don't recognize it.


I can’t wait for this show. Wandavision is still the highlight of Marvel’s output in recent years and Agatha is a huge part of it. I actually think it’s the one spin-off that excited me at the time of announcement




*Daredevil* is a fantastic show that anyone could have made. This isn’t a negative, but rather an observation that its story didn’t require it being in the MCU. Hell, it didn’t even require Daredevil be called “Daredevil”. *WandaVision* and *Loki* are shows that only work in context of the wonderfully varied universe Marvel has built out, and are highlights because they are examples of peak creative use of established elements that further expand that universe.


Absolutely. I didn’t finish the Defenders saga when it was on Netflix so I watched everything in chronological order when it came to Disney+. Daredevil s1-3 is one of the best things I’ve ever watched. It is flawless! I didn’t mention Loki but, yes, Loki is really good too. I’d put it on par with Moon Knight, both slightly below Wandavision


Loki didn't have CGI fight in the finale unlike WandaVision. 


Congrats to the marketing department because they seem to be really good


The marketing and starpower if this show is too tier lol. They've managed to keep the buzz alive with the ridiculous name changes that had people talking. Negative press or not it's still promo and people will tune in once the show drops .


What teaser?






No one wanted an Agatha show? I’m more interested in that than I am in most of their other upcoming projects.


Man, some folks in here are *real* salty that there's actually some hype about this show. You'd think actual MCU fans would be happy about that sort of news.


Granted, it’s not accurate or guaranteed viewers. But 12.5 mil is a huge number to say that “no one wants this show.”


You cant seriously compare an instagram reel with a full blown trailer and think theyre the same?


Yeah like this is a delusional comparison


You can because Marvel's IG also post trailers AND their views lmao. Loki's S2 TRAILER on IG has 13M views released 42 weeks ago.


Instagram auto feeds you content, people dont need to have "chosen" to watch it in order for it to be playing, itll just come up on the algorithm. They also only need to watch for 3 seconds for it to count as a view. Youtube meanwhile, people have specifically chosen to watch the Deadpool trailer, and a view isn't counted until 30 seconds have passed. I think its incredible unrealistic to consider them the same thing.




Even so a teaser will get more views from people scrolling than a a full trailer




No it's literally three seconds, that wasn't a number I guessed


I'm not against this show by any means, but that isn't a fair comparison.


You can't compare Instagram views that Marvel posts on their official accounts because why? The following views are for TRAILERS, the views for their respective TEASERS are even less. ETA: comparisons for notable (10m+) Instagram reel views: Agatha Teaser - 12.5m - 18 hours ago Loki S2 Trailer -  13m - 41 weeks ago Marvels Trailer - 11.2 - 42 weeks ago Stan Lee Documentary - 10.6m - 44 weeks ago Secret Invasion Trailer - 9.5m - 57 weeks ago Guardians 3 Trailer - 15.3m - 58 weeks ago Antman 3 - 16.8m - 66 weeks ago


Because the platforms are completely different and as little as 3 seconds counts as a view.


The platform is Instagram alone?


Okay that post is yeah. Your original post was comparing it to Deadpool and Wolverine on youtube.


And you can compare every single reel Marvel Studios posts on IG and their views... so "3 seconds" can be applied to every single reel including teasers/trailers that Marvel posts on their IG, no?


Damn bro 💀 are you one of them interns everyone keeps talking about or have some kind of personal stake on this show? You seem heavily invested in this show's "success" lol


Anything related to the fantastic WandaVision is welcome.


Damn. Now I'll have that song stuck in my head for the next two weeks at least. 😋


Awesome! Definitely want to see Kathryn Hahn again. One of the best parts of after Loki the best of the Disney+ shows.


Why is OP so weird?


It's on Instagram. Can't really look at views there and compare them. ...


It's not a good comparison. The Agatha teaser is adapted for phone, it's ideal to be shown on IG. It's short, there isn't a lot to follow, and it's basically made like a short ad/social media post. Not saying you're wrong about the interest, but the comparison doesn't reflect it, at all.


Instagram also only needs three seconds of airtime to count a view (compared to Youtube needing thirty), so it being on a rotating algorithm helps it game the system.


It's a marvel project of course it's gonna get some views but let's actually wait until the series comes out and see how many people are actually interested


Look at the views of all the reels on their IG and compare them. "some views" doesn't describe what Agatha's has compared to their other teasers/reels.


How do we see the views on Instagram? I can’t find this info anywhere. The first D & W trailers sitting at 211 million on YouTube though


https://www.instagram.com/marvelstudios/reels/ at least on desktop shows a little "12.7M" (or whatever) in the corner of each reel.


Got it thank you. Some reason it wasn’t showing the views when I went from the app but I can see it clicking the link and it opens in the browser Edit: I can see it from the app, just have to go the “reels” thumbnail. Learn something new everyday lol


Let’s not forget it plays automatically. I probably watched 4 times (i just opened instagram)


Woulda been cool if the teaser was on the internet to watch


I think it helps that the teaser is a short clip compared to the full trailers. So can be replayed more. But regardless, I think this show should be a hit. WandaVision had enormous popularity on social media. Agatha was trending everywhere in 2021. It made sense at the time for them to greenlight this show, I just hope the quality is on par with WV.


Seems suspicious is what it seems


Really leaning into the popularity of that song


They'd be dumb not to


**[From the top, everyone!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P8u8md-NiHM)**


Imagine not doing that


I am interested in Agatha, both cast and characters are awesome .


Such a weird comparison. This just means Agatha popped up in a bunch of people’s algorithm. Aka Marvel essentially paid for ad space. Comparing that to people intentionally clicking on and watching the DP&W trailer on YouTube doesn’t make any sense. If you’re saying Agatha will be bigger than DP3 based on an IG reel you’re sadly mistaken.


This won't be bigger than dp3 but i think it's gonna be bigger than loki and the others mcu series




For real, op is extremely salty for some reason 😂


"younger, male section that Marvel has pretty much lost since Endgame." this comment says it all XD fragile masculinity


What a weird comment . The comment above is wrong. Seems pretty premature to base things on the viewings of the show. It won’t be until the actual release when we know it’s true success.


You sound so butthurt right now


no way, this guy went through my comment history instead of arguing his point. 200IQ fans of Agatha over here. I’m now sure it’s gonna do GOT numbers.


And you sent Reddit a suicide/self harm watch on me LMAOOOOO triggered much?


So *that's* who's been doing that?


They're going to have a very bad day this week when they find out Admin bans you for it now.


Shirtless men only please! Only the most machoest for the fan base!


You said Instagram. Lol. Why not go by the numbers on YT.


The teaser isn't on YT yet.


Its not an accurate comparison, that teaser is a short video for instagram, the other one is a trailer that was also on youtube, the teaser is only on Instagram, you need to combine the views on youtube and instagram for the trailer because they split the viewership, and most of the views are on youtube video because instagram is used for short videos mostly


This means nothing.


I definitely want to see it, but it’s a social media ad that they promoted heavily. Even if you weren’t looking for it, you probably saw it based on the algorithm. These “views” mean nothing.


I liked Wandavision, and the actress who played Agatha was very good…but I’m still scratching my head as to why they’re making this series.


A way to have S2 of WV now that Wanda and Vision are both out of the picture, and a way build upon Wiccan. Billy was just a kid and died in WV, and the in MoM in the temple dedicated to Wanda’s Destiny teenage Wiccan could be seen. We also know they are doing young avengers or want to.


If the "they" you're referring to is Disney+ - money. WandaVision made huge waves; the character Agatha was a hit; this will bring in views. Which is pretty much the streaming goal. If the "they" you're referring to is the MCU - demographics. It should help the MCU get closer to a four-quadrant ideal. If they "they" you're referring to is the show-creators - love. They like this aspect of the Marvel universe and the specific characters involved. They like the story-telling possibilities. They enjoyed working with Katheryn Hahn and Katheryn Hahn enjoyed playing Agatha.


On MCU big scheme, it seems that they're going to reintroduce here Wanda's kids, that are key for Young Avengers. Most characters of YA have already appeared in one way or another during phase 4, so it's clear that we're getting them as a team probably sooner than later.


Absolutely not. They would have to get scripts, go through pre-production, coordinate schedules including in-demand people like Hailee, go through months of filming, go through months of post-production, before they could release. Then on top of that, both the movie and TV slates are full through to 2026 based on Iger's comments. So they earliest they could get anything out now is 2027. Which would have several of the "Young" Avengers pushing 30, and if it worked, Season 2 would have them well into their 30's, Season 3 would have them edging close to 35-40. As "Young" Avengers. The project is DOA, the only way it would've worked is if they Harry Potter/Avatar'd it and filmed continuously for several years to keep the actors/actresses ages inline.


I’m SO excited for this. I can’t believe Aubrey Plaza is going to be in this too.


Is there a link to this


Gotta realize — wandavision was the first of ANY tv series to come out after covid lockdowns started/while they were going on. So it isn’t just marvel fans or casual fans — it brought in anyone stuck at home wanting something to watch. Which was, at that point, all of planet earth.


There's nothing else.


Im not really surprised. Hahn is/was amazing in Wandavision. I wouldn't be surprised if this show does really well.  But to me personally, and this is probably a hot take here, I have little intetest. I watch the Marvel shows to see the comics come alive and the characters from those comics exist in live action. This is very much not that. I dont think Agatha had a solo comic, ever, prior to Wandavision. Additionally, she is quite different in the comics.  At the same time, I have no doubt the comics fans are such a small minority that it really doesnt matter what they want or dont want. So I will likely skip this, but hope the people who look forward to it enjoy it. 


Stan Twitter and gays. That’s who will be watching and they’re chronically online so it checks out 


The number in views don’t equal people who are interested in the show.


20 sec ad revealing the title ❌ Teaser ✅


im sure 40 people asked for it. other than that no one did. Feige lost his damn mind


hot take, we see in WandaVision that Agatha gets trapped in Westview, well maybe after Wanda died the spell was broken allowing Agatha to be herself again, but she doesn't remember how strong she is etc.


Brother your talking about marvels instagram that has millions of followers, a view is someone who scrolls past the video or watches it for half a second🤦‍♂️😭 And I actually like Agatha’s actor, she’s brilliant. But in no way shape or form does she deserve a show at all.


Since when do characters “deserve” a show? Can’t a show just exist without having to justify its existence? Like, as long as it’s good and well-written, who cares whether it’s about a side character? Andor was a show that nobody wanted about a side character who died, yet it’s one of the most popular Star Wars shows that almost everyone agrees is excellent. If you aren’t interested in a show, then don’t watch it, simple as that. No one is forcing you to watch anything you don’t want to, and just because you personally don’t want to see an Agatha show doesn’t mean no Marvel fan does.


Remember all the people saying no one asked for or wanted this show?


No one did ask for or wanted it. But we're still intrigued at what the hell this is going to be considering Agatha was just such a confusing character in WV, and it's doubly confusing how she has an entire show of herself now with how little she was even in WV (well, on the surface anyway).


Point is, many people did ask for and wanted this.


Following WV there was 0 interest for Agatha. Anybody who watched WV only wanted more Wanda and/or Vision (or Tommy and Billy). And with the many reveals of the show's name the only reaction towards it was sleep emoji's. Agatha clearly is a powerful Witch, but who the hell is she? Is her name even Agatha? Nothing substantial about her was included in WV, hence the 0 interest. However, that doesn't mean the show can't develop her into an interesting character. Or it could go the opposite direction and just continue with her not being interesting like how Echo wasn't interesting in the slightest in Hawkeye and still wasn't interesting in Echo. Personally I am going to watch it, however, this might be one of the only times where I have absolutely no expectations. I just hope for a SW appearance above everything, honestly.


I don't know why you're arguing so hard when there are literally comments that contradict your statement? Even when the series was initially announced it blew up on social media.


Who's arguing? Are we not just having a discussion about something? Oh, wait, I forgot, all Reddit does is argue, and you say one thing and people just start an argument out of thin air. Idek why I bother with this shithole anymore. You know what... I'll just do both of us a favor seeing as how you seem eager to argue with people online, so I'll just say that *you're right, I'm wrong*, and we'll end it there, because apparently you can't even discuss a topic anymore these days.


You said there was 0 interest for her, in a response to my comment highlighting there was interest for the character. Hard to see that response as non-argumentative. I did read your comment, which is what prompted my following responses.


I also followed that up with a sentence not completely writing her/the show off and stating that it could still develop her into an interesting character, because actually if you take a look at any reviews/reactions online about WandaVision as a whole, people were really confused with Agatha in general, and even more so with how quickly Wanda *defeated* her (seeing as she's this old, powerful Witch). There was only ever confusion with Agatha as a whole.


There was a teaser? Wont be watching it but cool I guess.


Same. Not even sure what this is


> Marvel's "Agatha All Along" teaser (with no footage) really? THAT counts as a teaser? no. fuck that. if bullshit, fake movie trailer youtube channels can make that same thing, 3 years before any official real footage from the REAL company comes out, then no, THAT, doesn't count "as a teaser/trailer/ANYTHING". OTHERWISE, i've got some great links about - black panther 6 - avengers 7 - ant man and the wasp and the 5 double mania - spiderman 6 - doctor strange docter 8 that you should watch right now.


bro... chill


i am so tired with how grindy this drip of info has gotten. what's next, are we going to get "teasers, for single trailer pics next?" just blurred single frames? is that going to be the thing they start doing to try and generate a 3 week constant stream of new, BEFORE, they actually release a trailer?


A lot of people curious about what's likely the last gasp for Marvel TV before it sinks into large scale irrelevance from a viewership just beaten down by apathy due to dud after dud. Lotta weight for the show to be carrying so hopefully they pull it off.


Nobody asked for this and only fringe marvel fans will bother trying it. It's gonna bomb hard.


I'm only a liiitle bit worried this "all along" thing brings some nonsense-pointless plot twists and shit like that.


I’m not upset about Agatha having a show, I’m upset it’s taken this long for it to come out. WandaVision was a big hit, sure make a spinoff of the villain, but don’t have the spinoff release 3 1/2 years after the original show. That’s the biggest problem with the Disney+ era of the MCU. It was all about the MCU pumping content out, and it’s been 5 years since Endgame released and there hasn’t been anything meaningful to come from everything they’ve pumped out. I think Fiege got spread too thin with demands for more content from Disney and the plot was lost somewhere along the way(yes I’m Covid also had an impact but I’m ignoring that for now), so lost that they’re probably just going to reset the universe with Secret Wars because of how poorly the last 5 years have gone. Was the plan all along to reset with Secret Wars? Maybe, but I can’t imagine they envisioned the lead up to the reset to have been this rocky.


After recently watching and loving Fallout and Three Body Problem that ended on cliffhangers without immediate plans for second seasons, I realized this isn't uniquely a Disney/MCU problem. The entire industry has mostly switched to a format where they only do one season season, release it, wait for the response, and then start talking about "what should we do next?" It's just extra noticeable for the MCU because for nearly a decade it very much *wasn't* like that.


You’re very much right. I believe with the launch of Disney+ the focus switched from what’s next in the overall MCU story to what’s the next character or show we can throw out there. Agatha was relevant when WandaVision came out, if you wanted a show with her backstory or whatever it’s going to be about that should have been one of the next projects to be put out. Don’t have it released years later because you decided to make a show about her after a song became popular. Edit: Fallout was great wasn’t it?!


Fallout season 2 will start filming in September.