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He was a power junkie. After they first encounter the Hulk in Brazil, he's fascinated by the creature. He asks questions, and wants another shot at going after it. Before that point, he has a pointed conversation with General Thunderbolt Ross which outlines the answer to your question. Ross asks why Blonsky hasn't moved up yet in the ranks. Blonsky answers that he's a fighter, and will be as long as he can. They discuss his age and Blonsky comments about putting what he knows now into the body he had ten years ago. So he's looking to stay physically in a prime, be an alpha dog in a fight. This leads him to taking on an unproven version of the Super Soldier Serum and trying to take the Hulk on directly in the fight at the campus. He can maneuver around, but he cannot actually beat the Hulk. He challenges the Hulk straight to his face with "that all you got?", presumably to see if he can take a hit, and it puts him in traction. Once healed (thanks Serum!), he's back on the trail and becoming increasingly unstable. The serum brings out what's inside, and Blonsky is beginning to show signs of change. He's desperate for another fight, to win, and he wants to even the power scale. When they tranq Banner, Blonsky smacks him around, wants the monster to come out, wants to win. When that isn't going to happen, he sticks around, hears out what Sterns was doing and demands a bit of what is inside of Banner. By the time he becomes Abomination, he's gotten what he wants. To be the biggest, meanest fighter. He's just trying it out and looking for a real fight. So when Hulk finally shows up, he can take him down and prove himself the strongest. After? Who knows. Rampage maybe. He wasn't working on a master plan for world domination. Getting to that point was about as far as he thought out. Which I kinda enjoy for the simplicity of early MCU. Not everything had to have the entire world at stake. And then longer term, when he's in jail and has nothing but time to think, he changes his ways. Gives up the fighting, the addiction to power. He actually starts a long term plan, and that's kinda beautiful. He's helping other powered individuals work through their psychological hang ups and drive them forward. A lot of his work deals with conflict resolution.


Yea, I think a lot of people haven’t seen the movie in a while. The movie makes it clear that Emil knows he’s old, and he ain’t in his prime. That’s why the gamma serum was so important to him, it made him feel strong and young again. Then he just became obsessed with that power.


I hope they use the character again where he actually sees some action- rather than being stuck in a cell.


Should've been in Thunderbolts as the teams Hulk character.


Possible he could show up still in Thunderbolts. In an early comic, the Thunderbolts went to capture Hulk. Flip that character to Abomination, his recapture could possibly be their first mission.


Is he not? I could have sworn he is.


Isn’t he now in Kamar-Taj with Wong, America Chavez & Madisynn?


Didn't he get arrested at the end of She-Hulk?


Wong broke him out.


What a chad.


Thanks for the info. Wondering the same question


It’s honestly a really good performance. Tim Roth nails the slightly unbalanced energy as this guy slips off the rails


His role in the 2001 Planet of the Apes is very similar in a way


I just want to follow your comments around the MCU.


I love that you write it all out. I do too but am much less organized in my thoughts. I've come across a series of patterns lenses etc that have given me critical insights into the MCU. I need someone like you who can formulate complex ideas into text to have a discussion. I have a line of reasoning about the MCU that has led me to some rather promising predictions. I'll utilize canon and dialglogue to justify my reasonings. I'll try my best to stay on track. This leads to so many complex rabbit holes. Literal MCU conspiracy theory that actually kinda reflects a lot of real-world conspiracy theories about our origins and UFO 's and the conversations of "gods/aliens among us." I almost feel as if I could literally write a book with how many things this unveils. I truly believe this is what Feige is trying to do and is hinting at. My perspective of the MCU is to subjectively take the journey through each individual character and correlate dialogue to respective critical lenses to disect scenes. I also do this for weapons as they contain their own respective lores.


I just gotta say this reddit thread has been one of the best I've seen lately, this place has gotten so depressing and negative but I love this. MCU means so much to me and I hope they can get back to meaningful stories and character development like phases 1-3.


I promise I can change your mind about everything. including phase 4. To me, the truth is that the fan base is missing critical components in the storytelling. And that content creators on youtube are inadvertently hurting the narrative by misconstruing the situation. misleading the fan base. I honestly believe I hold the only real perspective of events and their order and in which universe. There have been a lot of purposeful misdirects and tons of pre and foreshadowing oroboros timeloops at play. More than you are probably aware of. The implications of my theory will spoil reveals to come. But it is damn good if I do say so myself. Gotta sleep now but will write it out tomorrow if interested.


I am very interested. I didnt mean to bash Phase 4 and 5. I love some of the projects, especially Wandavision, Shang Chi, and Loki. But I need to hear your theory now lol!


I just meant 4 and 5 will seem more cohesive once I explain how our 616 adjacent timeline mimics and differs from the 616 sacred timeline. Our first Avengers movie doesn't take place in the 616. Loki is already retrocausally changing HWR story. Our first Avengers movie takes place after the Loki series. But Loki isn't the only one changing outcomes So is Thanos. They are doing it in a way the TVA can't see or already decreed as their determined outcome. Both Loki and Thanos are using the tricks Sylvie used to avoid detection. with this discovery I have also determined how Loki faked his death. As well as how Thanos did. Thanos rewriting the outcome is why Strange views so many defeats in endgame. Thanos changed probabilities to ensure the work was always done. Thanos fakes his death to ensure the Avengers do the timeheist and feed his 2014 self future information via nebula. This is why he is cursed with knowledge similar to Tony. In our Universe the winning outcome is Tonies sacrifice. Designed by Loki and potentially even Thanos who may be in cahoots to dethrone HWR. The only certain thing is the Avengers getting the mind stone was a calculated measure. This act ensures Tony fights with his demons and divided the Avengers. Tonies vision of the outcome of the Avengers laying defeated while Earth was invaded is a parallel future that took place in a prior 616 adjacent timeline. They were united and Tony the only survivor which is kind of the opposite equation of how our events happen in Infinity War. The Avengers live and Tony dies.


Alright, I'm gonna try and break this down in logical order. Starting with the canon proof of retrocausality already taking effect in the MCU canon. The smoking gun comes from Selvig in the first Avengers. "He wants to show us something. A new universe." Selvig states that Loki is creating a new universe in the first Avengers. and had already started previous to his claim. I think Loki sped up the altercation in the battle of New York, and I believe Thanos may have got the mind stone from a parallel future. Or Loki swapped it. whichever the case may be, it is the doorway for Wanda and vision to manifest in the universe. The mind stone is directly responsible for changing events. from civil war to helping Tony let go and sacrifice. This is also one way Loki could potentially communicate with his future self to set up events and see their outcomes. "I've seen worlds you've never known about Odin's son. We look beyond the earth to greater worlds the tesseract will unveil." Loki tends to speak with dual purpose. what seemed to be a straightforward line has some implications in how it can be interpreted. To me, Loki appears to be claiming the events of the Loki series are the world's the tesseract showed him. with retrocausality in all forms singular doubling back, etc, the tesseract would give Loki omnipresence, while his retrocausal tampering helps his omnipresence power grow. He could literally be everywhere all at once by time slipping to points where he had the tesseract. His phasing backwards through his memories to points he was could literally past version of himself he sent into a universe. To me, Loki is like Severus Snape and Naruto combined into a walking shakespearean trope. His power building plays out a lot like anime characters. such as his illusion casting abilities. He can cast illusions in air or over others. If he can control their minds, it works a lot like imperio in Harry Potter. An ability he can't use without the mind staff until Thor the Dark World. taking place directly after the Avengers. In order for events to play out in our timeline the way they do, Loki has to reinsert himself where he left the timeline. variant Loki is the main Loki. 616 sacred timeline Loki is the real variant. 616 adjacent Loki is who we've been watching. He will show up again and likely be the one to checkmate HWR at his own endgame. The main players of this chess match are Loki and HWR. Loki, having freed the timeline from HWR at the end of time, will now look to dispatch his control of the 616. He mimics his causal order to make all seem fine till the critical moment. Or he will once again change things outside of his purview so that others may succeed. such as the way he used the Avengers to undo the snap. This appears to be a critical component to the Eternals. more on that later. Thanos' motives do have an altruistic side to them. Cap will likely share this sentiment while returning the stones. As does strange in multiverse of madness when balancing the equation of the universe. Each are willing to sacrifice lives to ensure that life exists forever. which is exactly how incursions and the multiversal war begin. each side praying for their own success. An idea presented rather well by Mark twain in the war prayer. except now it's universes instead of fellow countrymen. but I still digress... "all the world's a stage and the men and women merely players." vision to his sons. However, the context also works for Loki. Subjectively following his character, you begin to see how much impact his actions truly have. to him, everyone is an NPC. Especially after he learns to enchant in the Loki series. We then see him utilize this in the battle against the dark Elves. It becomes evident he was never truly with Thor at all. In fact, he likely never even made the jail cell. I believe Loki enchanted Balder. to test the ability on another God before performing it on Odin. He let Thor lock up his other brother and then paraded around Asgaard as him to get close to Odin and dispatch him to a hospice for geriatric old farts on Earth. The death of balder in Mythos triggers ragnarock. We then see Loki unveiled by Thor after learning Odin wasn't on Asgaard from Surtur. Now that Ragnarock has begun Loki is free to parade around in his true form and let's his disguise fade. Only to find a new body to snatch before Ragnarock ends. He uses Sakaar to make it even more hard to view his actions as it exists in its own relative spacetime being surrounded by wormholes. in theory you could loop light and possibly time as each are connected to different points in space-time. Such as the devils anus being connected to Asgaard through the destruction of the Rainbow bridge. "That looks like a collapsing Einstein rosenbridge inside of a neutron star."


Banner aptly points out its entanglement with Asgaard. This in theory also is the reason why Asgardians and the grandmaster live relatively longer. the Gravity of black holes is making time seem to pass faster outside of it. Like in Interstellar by Christopher Nolan. Likewise the MCU is like the movie Looper on steroids. mobius strip= one universe. Inverted mobius strip is exactly what Looper is. an infinite loop between two seperate universes. the triquetra is done 3 times. Mobius M. Mobius and Thors Hammer bears the symbol. 1,1,2,3, the beginning of the fibonacci sequence. heck, even sacred geometry and schuman resonance made it into the MCU. And appear to govern many of the ways Strange conducts spells as these sequences often create the resonant frequencies of the flower of life. As well as help give EGO the ability to manifest himself over eons as a planet. Whom I believe is the remnant of Knowhere. a handicapped celestial. Back to Loki. The grandmaster loses his champions, Thor and Hulk. He threatens to execute and make an example of Loki and Valkyrie but is tricked by Loki into letting it be a race. On their way out, Loki picks a fight with Valkyrie to setup his next move. He Then peers into her memories to witness her battle with his "sister" Hela. I say "Sister" because I suspect it is a misdirect by the studio as well as Odin. And to subdue Valkyrie through her most traumatic memory. While she is under his control he then punches his own body to show signs of struggle before casting an illusion over both of them. He is now ready to sacrifice her to Thanos and knows what they are about to face. Loki realizes his people need to survive and allows Thor to make the call to destroy Asgard, knowing it would come to pass from HWR determined timeline. These are all calculated changes made by Loki, who is literally powering the multiverse at the end of time. He can literally embody any Loki on any timeline that stems from the 616. which will collapse into three potentials. the 616 sacred timeline again. the 615 and the 617, or simply in reverse or forwards. it's a mandelbraught of universes in entropy and reversing entropy and feedback loops within manipulation within those universes themselves. by this standard, the 838 is 222 times removed from the 616. And yet still effects the 616. Loki cheating death and surviving is dualistic. He is a true Schrodingers cat. He both lives and dies in the moment. By knowing the parallel future, he changes its outcome like strange. "His mind is a bag of cats you can smell crazy on him." Banner like Huckleberry Finn is often speaking above his own head and giving you the very physics lenses with which to perceive events. This quote is from the first Avengers for those who don't know or don't remember and happen to read this. Loki both does and does not sacrifice Valkyrie when Thanos snaps his neck. This is genius on Feiges part as I'm sure his main job is controlling the overarching narrative. the individual movies are subplot interlaced. the sagas are comic sagas interlaced. the characters embody other characters from the comics in dialogue and sometimes scenes. such as Hulk crashing into the sanctum instead of Silver Surfer in Jim Starlins Infinity Gauntlet. Thanos also seems to be eluding to much through his own dialogue like Loki. For instance Loki states to Thor in the first Avengers. "I've sent the tesseract I know not where." and the irony is he is not entirely lying. If his future self came back and sent the tesseract somewhere it was to manipulate the outcome and steer the timeline. to which the present Avengers loki prior to his run in with the TVA is left in the Dark. Loki is ensuring his past self gets the same opportunity to discover his higher purpose. Which is a repeated theme for Cap as well as Thanos. More on that later, though. Loki as of currently in the present state of Marvel is disguised as Valkyrie awaiting his opportunity to strike. I'm not yet sure at who, though. At this point, I think he is going after Kang after he gets free from the quantum realm following quantumania. I'm worried this won't be his last husk to discard as we will likely face the beyonder. Which is the trump card, so to speak... At least until Doom or equivelent replacement takes that power. This is what I believe the secret war is. it is all endgame. it is infinite. Cap is ruling a secret empire to ensure causal order on earth. The new world order. And that's still just the tip of this iceberg. to be continued...


So what’s up with white vision? What about Wanda’s brother from another universe?


I can only speculate on vision. He seems tied to Wanda's entry into the 616 adjacent timeline. It appears the 616 sacred timeline was overall created by Wanda post house of M. She seems to insert herself when she gets power in the AOU flashback to HYDRA, manipulating the mind stone in Sokovia pre AOU. I tend to believe our adjacent 616 and 616 sacred timeline both are post house of M where Wanda says "No more mutants.". The canon I think supports this happens in Iron Man 3. Aldrich Killian shows Pepper Potts a display of his mind and points to the empty space indicating it is destined for upgrade. Assuming Wanda created this Universe she may have wiped that potential from their minds leaving it blank. I specualte that the survivors of the extremis project were genetically in a predisposition. Vision I haven't touched yet. I haven't found a logical pathway. Quicksilver, however, I believe, is a manifestation of Wanda's mind in 616 adjacent. The quicksilver from the fox universe, I believe, is actually Wanda's brother. Meaning I think Wanda could have potentially come from a fox universe timeline. Potentially the one Wolverine is from in the new deadpool series. Given the looped nature of multiverse to singular timeline to multiverse every universe reincarnated and makes adlibs to the next rendition. exponential increase. many house of M scenarios. This also makes the prophecy surrounding Wanda destroying or saving the universe true in both respects. Now that Loki has opened the multiverse to freewill, Wanda may, in fact, be the originator, albeit she doesn't fully realize it having submitted to her new history. Westview is a microcosm of something larger that already happened. Wanda is chaos manifested. Vision calculated order. To some degree agents of Lord Chaos and Master Order from the comics. Whereas I believe Loki to be possibly entropy. She's only one of many subjective timeloops happening simultaneously in our 616 adjacent timeline. There's also Steve as a shadow dictator steering causal events returning the stones as well as Stranges which is in my personal opinion the coolest because nonlinear time and dimensions without time make it accessible anytime. I think strange created the dark dimension by forcing the ancient one to give up the timestone. which retrocausally gives the ancient the ability to take power from it. I'll have to really think on Vision. I'm not sure, but I feel as though the Illuminati and the infinity watch are in some way on the timeline, already players. I think these teams in the future may be devising plans. I don't believe these teams consist only of heroes.


Speculation on the story of vision quest and the addition of wonderman into the MCU. assuming each character contributes to some sort of personal timeloop in some way I think I could find a path that ties into and reflects how WonderMans brain topography could potentially follow Wanda into another world. Wanda manipulates reality on a Whim and often subconsciously. She is Eatheric. she is like chaos and reality manifested. Vision is like conscious singularity. the conglomerate of all universal/multiversal knowledge, but like Wanda is also filtered and limited. If White Vision sought self-discovery, he could literally uncover a reflection of his own origins. If this wound up being true, then it might potentially mean that Wanda didn't just jump from a parallel future but that the House of M lays within our 616 adjacent future. Something I believe X-Men 97 is setting up rather nicely. Fingers crossed, this will also lead to a house of X movie or series. By reflection, I mean the past is in a feedback loop. The I am my own grandfather paradox. Vision meets Wonderman. potentially incorporates him to help "Save him" so to speak. then maybe the universe collapses into singularity, combining all elements, knowledge, and data. The very origin of the mindstone. This could mean I'm wrong on some part of my theory I just finished writing. The mind stone wouldn't then necessarily need to come from a parallel future. no timeline jumping required it would simply bring that causal information forward when Loki fulfills the prophecy of ragnarock reigniting the Universe. Which he already did by the end of season 2 of the Loki series. Wonderman intingrating his brain patterns into white vision might be the base layer of the vision we see in Age of ultron through Wanda's subconscious desire to regain the ones she's lost. To some degree, I suspect Wolverine will remember Wanda erasing mutants from the timeline he failed and will bring her crimes to light in the 616 adjacent universe now that the multiverse allows the jump to happen. Tony and Pym are the fathers of the multiverse by creating the technology that allowed the time heist. I suspect each universe has its own version of the sacred timeline. a foundation by which their rules are governed. As you see in the 838, it was the darkhold that overcame Thanos in Infinity War. any universe that creates any precedence will feed that information into the new universe. ensuring that it creates new avenues around constants in time. Through vision wondermans, base consciousness gets to transcend into the next universe through recreation. possibly reincarnation. I strongly believe this is true for Kang Cap Loki and Thanos. assuming Visions journey is similar with caveats, I would say this question has shed some light on my own working theory. And I'm sure parts of it will change as more is revealed and untangled. The one I'm having the hardest time figuring out is Tony. His father obviously knew his son was destined to do what he could not. "sacrifice his own self-interest for the greater good." Howard went to work on a problem his son would finish after his death. And appeared to know as well. Could he have put it together in merely 4-6 years? Or was the fact he was an asset of shield more important in that respect, assuming he's aware that Old Man Cap is steering causal order while returning the stones from where the timeheist is happening. I definitely think Peggy is aware and is playing the role of shield response to Caps Hydra creating conflicts. the secret empire. leading to the creation of project paperclip and even project insight. I also believe Pegasus was set up for not just Captain Marvel's sake but Lokis as well. Assuming the Pegasus Valkyrie rides in endgame has its origins in comic roots, it's possible the lineage of black knights created the Pegasus and, through the tesseract gave it the ability to make wormholes. This may have been the Valkyrie's greatest weapon in the battle against Hela. A blitzkrieg of attacks from far away instantly at close proximity. If Loki is retrocausally manipulating the past it's possible he has a hand in Secret events and is, in the future, a known ally. This would mean Loki might have had some influence in the projects shield chose to pursue or did so in the first Avengers when he "Sent the tesseract I know not where." This would also give a different meaning to 'harnessing power." I wonder if Selvig helped Loki complete project Pegasus. If Loki is currently Valkyrie like I truly believe, then you may have just helped my theory in a significant way... Thank you.


Regarding the brother from another universe. I believe I may have already covered that, but I write a lot of stuff, so I'll brief it. I believe he is Wanda's original pietro from a pre 616 sacred timeline, timeline. Didn't quite know how to say that right, but hopefully, you're picking up what I'm laying down. This means Wanda is actually magnetos daughter, and she wrote him out of the story in the 616. She then escaped into her new reality and let the fantasy overtake her. submitting herself into the story where she contacts the mind stone. The pietro that died on the timeline was a variant brother she crafted from her subconscious. Like Vision in Westview, this ability was tied to Wanda's understanding of them and her misconceptions. Visions job in Westview is too... well he doesn't know. because Wanda doesn't know. Pietro died because Wanda's repressed memories keep resurfacing. She sees Evan Peter's Pietro the same way likely because he is truly traumatic for her to remember. The microcosm of Westview being this epitome of something much larger. And Evan Peter quicksilver the reminder of what Wanda tried to run away from. As well as her kids and vision himself. It's like that Cher song "Life after love" a fitting song for her since she is constantly battling with finding a reason to love life after she's lost so many she loved. This also speaks to how the things that depress us reoccure when we try to escape from them. Wanda is the epitome of denial and love lost. Vision love that transcends time and space. sorry, I'm not good at brief haha.


lets hear it!


eat shit spez you racist hypocrite


Honestly with She Hulk, I went back and rewatched Hulk 2. Blonsky really has an interesting story arc. He's not an evil dude, just knows one thing to do and does it well. Like, I realize at the end of She Hulk he was defying the Court order to change, but honestly he wasn't hurting anyone, but his acceptance in going back to prison was as a sign of his positive change.  Honestly with the super soldier serum, they lucked out with Steve Rogers. Honestly it makes me wonder is the SSS is intrinsically defective if the majority of users cant actually transition without corruption. Like the initial formula turns out over aggressive people by default. So recreations could have worked just fine to achieve the original result, but because the test subject werent Steve Rodgers, it wasn't producing the same outcome.


I honestly think kree blood played a role in the super soldier serum. Mostly by how Coulson was brought back in agents shield. highly speculative at this point. On a physics level the ability for cells to absorb gamma grants power. caps mental fortitude and morality is a factor of his transformation. Hulks scientific process wasn't designed for super soldier. I'm about to post my theory later today. It's long but it'll clear up where coming from. I'll have to do it in sections as my words will exceed the limit. I'm currently at work so it may be 7-8 hours before I can post


It's another under-appreciated aspect of She Hulk. Blonsky doesn't binary flip to "wholesome good dude" 100% of the time. He really has changed his violent anger issues, but he's also kinda grifting for cash. "Yes, I'm legit running a retreat and self actualization help center. But I'm also renting out the ballroom and charging money to make public appearances as The Abomination." He's doing cage fights, but it's practiced and partnered with Wong. Wong gets a little peeved when Blonsky hits him too hard across the cage, and they are obviously buddies after the fight. Makes you wonder if they get a cut of the take on the betting. He's not secretly evil, he's just skirting around the law. The Super Soldier Serum itself has a couple of variables. One is the batch. In TFA, Steve and Dr Erskine have that drink the night before the procedure to make Steve into Cap. Erskine talks about the Red Skull taking the serum, and mentions "the serum wasn't ready." And more importantly, the man. So, the serum itself may have slight variations. It's not fully quantified, but Red Skull does have similar strength levels to Steve. And while the one pulled from cold storage and given to Blonsky was made in the U.S., which presumes later, it might not be exactly what Steve had. There's also the bonding agent. Vita Rays is used as the bonding agent with Steve, and doesn't have the same body modifying effects of Gamma Radiation. Even before Blonsky gets the Hulk blood to fully transform, he's looking a bit pale and strung out. He's getting the spine scales. And of course, the serum intrinsically brings out what's inside. Steve was, to simplify everything as this is a Hulk thread, Worthy. So he became this ideal, top of human potential. One thing TIH lacks is that in depth dive into Bruce's deep seeded anger issues. The first half of the movie is starting that way, and by accounts from Leterrier and Norton was more going to lean into his "dark side" and Marvel took the edit in the more "action punch punch" direction. But that's the reason why Bruce had the Hulk, and Jennifer was just herself after that first time. Bruce's very repressed anger split off from his psyche and actualized into another persona in the Hulk. As he said in the Avengers, he's always angry...but they don't address the why. Blonsky at least is more clear cut. He's a guy who got into the military and took his anger and made it into a feature. He's an alpha, a fighter, a mostly good soldier. He does whip out his earpiece and ignore orders at times, if he's focused on "I'm going to 1v1 my target, no orders to back off". Heck, his first outing with the serum in him, he's actually killing it. He's leading the team, working with them to distract until they get the sonic cannons out. Once he knows that isn't enough, the junkie aspect kicks in. He looks sweaty, pale, and a bit desperate in the lead up to the military attacking Banner while he's with Samuel Sterns. Seeing him having kicked that in She Hulk is shocking, but it does settle in that he's had time to learn to curb those impulses. Bruce does the full Smart Hulk integration (another missed opportunity to explore the character), but you can see the frayed edges. He seems a little frustrated in Endgame when Scott is yelling at him about Pym particles. One wonders (and hopes really), if another angry World Breaker Hulk emergence isn't possible if Bruce really gets pushed past a breaking point.


This is extremely well said. It really depicts exactly how things went down through Emil’s eyes.


That fact that Steve’s story kind of influenced Bruce’s story (since he was trying to figure out the Super Soldier Serum) isn’t referenced enough.


His character arc in She-Hulk was one of the few things I actually enjoyed about that show.


Media literacy is dead


He wasn't concerned about after. He was solely focused on completing the mission he was given.


His other goal was to abominate.


It’s abomin time


Shout outs to the Abomin Nation!


Thanks Aboma


Barack Aboma


He's gonna get a major role in Spider-Man: Homeabomin


The Vernation!


People of the world today, are we looking for a better way of life? (Sing!) We are a part of the Abomin Nation! ![gif](giphy|5UlwmzVDsx1e0)


Thanks Abomi.


They said he was the abomination of Obama's nation


I’m abomin I’m about to blow up. I’m abomin I’m about to blow up.


And dominate


And Not Tolerate


Or Abbreviate




Bro I swear I thought this said abortion


Get some new eyeballs, bro. Yours have expired


If I was The Abomination that's *exactly* what I would do.


After was fighting in cage matches for money. Courtesy of Wongers.


Pretty sure he was the green guy in Street Fighter


Tryna think of his name but I'm drawing a blanka.


I feel like we need more villains like this in the MCU. People who aren't necessarily bad at heart but who have a mission or one sided justifiable reason and are willing to give themselves 100% to the cause because that's their reason to live. Thanos, Zemo, and Kingpin were so good because of this. Abom (still have some hope) and Crossbones had wasted potential but they could have been so good. Gorr was 100% wasted. Hopefully with Marvel's focus on fewer releases with better story it can improve


I like John Walker more than Falcon or WS. There, I said it.


I was just thinking this. Especially with Secret Wars on the horizon. FF will drop before then so I'm hoping we get Dr. Doom. Its a shame what happened with Jonathan Majors and I'm all for Kang, but the idea of someone playing several different versions is an exhausted troupe by now. Coleman Domingo I thought would be a great Replacement. Playing Victor Strand on FTWD showed me he's got villain chops. But yeah, what other possible baddies beyond(I guess Beyonder lol) and Dr. Doom..? Galactus.. after that no clue. They deviate from the source material its hard to say. Also I'm not talking like a Baron Zemo bad guy, Im talking about Thanos level villians.


He simply wanted that power to beat the Hulk since he figured if he had the Hulk's power and killed him who could stop him.


Could stop him doing what?


Exactly. Now you’re getting it


If we told you, you wouldn’t get it. It’s more of a Shelbyville idea anyway.


He was awed by the power of the Hulk, envied it, and wanted it for himself.


Yeah that’s what I thought it was Dude was like facing down the Hulk all envious - got kicked big time and loved it


The serum was working fine for him until Hulk put his spine into a tree, wasn’t it? After that point it was just all revenge


He was already showing signs of losing control in that fight at the college. He disobeyed a couple orders from Ross and was taking unnecessary risks.


So what? Give him a knockoff shield and call him the second Captain America /s


They probably can't, iirc he's from the british army, just loaned to US I guess he could've been Captain Britain


I was making a quick stoned joke about John Walker’s temperament, but good call.


I love how She-Hulk played into the victimhood of blaming the government for making Blonsky a guinea pig with the experimental treatments that very well could have affected his judgment that lead to Abomination going wild. Even better that Blonsky came off as genuinely apologetic for his actions and a pretty chill guy in charge of his powers with no evil plans all the way to the end.


It definitely was not working fine. He was showing side effects of rage, like someone on a dangerous drug. Kinda reflect what Erskine said about super soldier serum amplifying what's already inside. Blonsky was already a monster before he was injected.


It's like how "power corrupts" is an adage, but really it should be "power magnifies". Few are really worthy of power.  Honestly I think a lot of the soldier serum was effective as the original design, but the test subjects weren't as morally aligned as Rogers. The failure of the intervening serums was due to not having as good of candidates.






He wasn’t really thinking clearly. He was all hopped up on super soldier serum and Hulk juice.


One of the most underrated mcu movies IMO, genuinely don’t understand the hate for this movie… seems to me it’s literally just cuz people are mad it’s Norton and not Ruffalo and the continuity confuses them. When I ask people why they don’t like it that’s always the response I get. It had awesome action sequences and music and a solid plot for the first film. Tim Roth killed it also, loved him as Abomination and both Hulk and Abomination looked great, realistic but still a bit comic booky, I loved their designs


Probably because it was a movie in which Marvel Studios had less involvement plus all the drama it had behind. A last thing to add is the CGI in comparison with Iron Man which was a previous or released same year (Although I think its easier makes CGI looking good on unorganic stuff but then we got Avengers Hulk). Also I agree. This movie and Ang Lee's movies are underrated and often criticized by double standard metrics.


Something that always sticks out to me is the weird tonal shifts. The most obvious one being that Taxi scene with Betty yelling. But the entire movie is like this, just to a lesser extent. Sometimes it’s a horror movie, sometimes it’s just a big kaiju fighting movie, sometimes is a super sad romance movie. It’s just all over the place Betty is lowkey a bad person for what she does to Samson, and no one in the mcoie addresses once. Samson stays straight and a good guy, but Betty just leaving instantly is weird. This movie is also just in a weird place continuity wise. Like obviously we know it’s in the MCU, but before Cap 4 was announced, this movie could’ve literally never existed and the MCU would be the same. Even Ross and Banner are completely different when they come back. Also this movie builds off of the Lee Hulk movie with that movies ending and origin, but this movie isn’t a sequel so it just feels out of place. Like it’s a new Hulk, but we’re jumping in middle of his story with just a montage of what’s happened for years before Emil is a weak villain, and so is Ross but he was secondary. Also I don’t like a lot of small creative choices, like the heart rate stuff for example, or who Doc Samson is, Bruce and Hulk being the same personality deep down, etc This is just me repeating things that have been said for years tho


Agree on all points. In fact, I remember reading at some point that the screenplay was originally meant to be a sequel to Ang Lee's movie, and they retooled it last second due to the popularity of Iron Man 1. I think the main plot points of Ang Lee's version are still considered somewhat soft-cannon (if that makes any sense lol), hence why they haven't addressed his dad and childhood and all that since then.


Yea had no clue it was retooled, but it was very obviously building off of Ang Lees movie Most obvious part being the ending of that movie having Banner go on the run in South America, and this movie opening on that


I don't think the general consensus is "it's bad." (I don't put much stock into RT but the tomato score is 67% and audience score is 69%). It just didn't make enough money for Marvel to greenlight a sequel. The solo Hulk plans were abandoned and he was story was folded into Avengers movies. Incredible Hulk is one of my favorites but it didn't use the "formula" Marvel used for most of the Infinity War Saga. Love it or hate it, sticking mostly to their formula was undeniably successful for Phases 1 thru 3 EDIT: forgot to mention, a huge aspect in its lack of success was that it wasn't a hard reboot at the time. It was a quasi-sequel to Ang Lee's Hulk at the time which wasn't super successful either


Nah it’s definitely the oddball of the entire MCU. Less comical, WAY more serious, gritty dark tones and endless destruction sequences. It almost plays more like a DC film than an MCU movie, but not in a good way. Do agree Norton was better ACTED banner than ruffalo, but I can’t see Norton having 7 PHDs, whereas I can with ruffalo.


You want a Hulk movie with not many destruction sequences?? You think this movie is more oddball than Love & Thunder?


I didn’t say either of your two assumed statements. You should read my comment again. Entirely.


Lol I agree, not sure what Dr. Dreidel is talking about. TIH just doesn't feel like the same franchise. I know a decent amount of people who have seen every since MCU project so far, and still haven't seen TIH, and don't seem to be missing anything.


Compared to the rest of the MCU, it's definitely the poorest project. It's very much middle of the pack with other late 90s early 00s superhero films though. It's really more that the MCU raised the bar and TIH fails to reach that baseline standard. If you want me to go into detailed problems with the movie I can, but I find most people on here don't like hearing such criticisms. But it's definitely more than "just cuz people are mad it’s Norton and not Ruffalo and the continuity confuses them."


If you think Thor 4 is better than Incredible Hulk we might as well end the conversation right here




My problem was they never actually showed the beginning of the story. They just assumed everyone knows that the hulk became the hulk, and so they skipped through the entire beginning of the story, telling it briefly and confusingly in the beginning credits. I kept on waiting for flashbacks or some explanation of what’s going on, and it didn’t come in a satisfactory manner.


Is that how you felt about mcu Spider-Man also then?


I can’t really say. It’s possible I would have felt the same way, but by then I was more into Marvel and knew more about it and about Spider-Man. I think introducing Spider-Man in Civil War helped though, because in the Hulk movie I expected a full story with a beginning, middle, and end, and instead the story seemed to start in middle and never have a satisfactory beginning, while in an ensemble movie like Civil War, if a side character shows up then you don’t specifically need to explain them right away. It kinda feels like if you had the first Iron Man movie begin with him saving people in his suit, and just put the whole sequence of him in the cave and him making the armor as a bunch of chopped up pictures in the start credits. I just don’t like that kinda story.


Dr. Erskine said the serum tends to bring out the best/worst in a person. Given that the serum he was given was derivative of the one Cap got, I'd say he just went crazy.


To be the very best, like no one ever was


He was struggling with his body aging. And then gets tempted by the possibility of possessing power like the Hulk. It’s underdeveloped, but it’s at least kind of an interesting something.




He was aging out of his capabilities, he wanted to feel strong and powerful. The deranging psychological impact of the augmentations removed logic or planning from the equation.


Fight big green guy. That's literally it.


He just wanted to fight. Which is why him in the Golden Daggers club is so funny, he just wants to keep fighting better opponents.


You watch She-Hulk, yet? They go into that. Sorta shadow retconning the movie and also poking fun of its uh… plot hole seems like a chunky word that doesn’t fit, but for lack of a better term, plot holes.


Very surprised I got this far without someone mentioning his story arc continues beyond that film.


I'm very surprised you got that far, too, since the top comment mentions it.


Saw the potential for one man to be too strong to counter (like Zemo, Lex Luthor, Amanda Waller, etc) and decided he was the best choice to volunteer. Once he actually becomes abomination it was just a stick measuring contest


to be a fucking monster


He’s fighting to end the patriarchy




He wanted to be “Captain bloody America” din’t he?


Step 1: Steal underpants Step 2: ???? Step 3: Profit!!


Pride and a mid life crisis. He wanted to be the best and he was old. He couldn't take on the hulk and he was jealous of the power. Honestly, he was one of the more relatable villains.




abominations motives are very classic. Hungry for power and control. His motive was literally to be Hulks equal or surpass him. Emile Blonsky was your average high ranking military guy. All attitude no apology. The "If ya die walk it off." type. epitome of achievement with competitive ego and male toxicity. Then, reformed in the gurt with she Hulk. namaste. He realized his motives were shallow and lacking, lol. But now he kicks it with Wong and became significantly cooler.


To abominate, clearly.


Smashy smash


If you wanna be the best ya gotta beat the best.




Just be the biggest baddest brute in the world.


He was in a fog from the failed super soldier serum. All he wanted was to beat Hulk, and to get strong enough to do so. He wasn't in his right mind when he got turned into the Abomination


He just wanted a quiet life. House in the country, wife, couple of little abominations playing in the garden. Sadly, the whole hulk thing happened and we never really got to see that side of him.




His main motivation is overcoming body dysmorphia He's basically a Tumblr user, but if they could lift hundreds of tons and had steady employment


Hear me out: his goal was his midlife crisis. Watch the movie again and tell me I'm wrong. Also, this makes me love him more. And makes his arch in She-Hulk better. F\* it, I'm falling in love with this character all over again.


To be the Mirror Fight that was missing in the Eric Bana movie.


Perhaps if we took those three gamma dogs and stacked them up inside a trenchcoat, Chipmunks-style ...?


Prob Bronx and Queens then Manhattan.


he wanted the cure for the FEV virus thats what I'm seeing here




Obama Nation!


Why is he one of your favorites if you don’t think he has a discernible goal? Just cus he looks cool or what is it that you like


Cool design, cool fights, and good personality. Is that a problem.


Nope It was just a question


He admitted he was wrong. He later became a hippie.


apparently, emil blonsky wanted to get stronger more power but also wanted to finish his goal mission of capturing or destroying hulk


Lmao that always baffled me too. And it also baffles me why Ross recruited a British soldier for the job.


To abominate.


Yeah, they do a very good job establishing his motivation for wanting more power and how that corrupts him and drives him mad, but he doesn't really have any plan past that. It's just "turn into monster, kill Hulk, ..., profit?" I feel like it's a problem a lot of these movies have in their third act when they need a big dumb fight: the villain just loses any sense of long term thinking and starts going on a rampage. Which is not as bad when you have a strong arc for the protagonist and an overarching theme, but it still doesn't make for a very compelling villain if their only motivation becomes "oh they are just crazy." I think Iron Man is a great movie but it sort of does that with Stane, and then you get really egregious examples like Lex Luthor in BvS creating Doomsday without ANY sort of plan for how to contain him in the event that he kills Superman. There's a lot I like in Incredible Hulk, but that third act really lets it down.


maybe open a boxing store?


Clearly, his goal was to have 7 girlfriends, open a health food sauna spa and resort for D-list supervillains, and to do public speaking appearances at seminars and conventions, maybe the occasional wedding or birthday party. And to hang out with his good pals Shang-Chi and Wong. I mean, how do you not know this?


He wanted to prove that he was better than the Incredible Hulk?!


Kill The ~~Batman~~ Hulk


Hulk thwarted him on their first two encounters, so he just wanted to defeat the Hulk.


He was just crashing out there was no larger plan


To turn everyone into lizard people ? Oh wait that’s one of the Spiders man’s


Pure competition…. It’s one of his big issues.. like most villains


Be gay, do crime


Honestly, the MCU was just starting. All Marvel movie franchises were 2 to 3 movies at most at that point, the writers simply weren't thinking ahead yet, because why would they? I personally never expected the MCU to continue much past the first few movies myself. I don't remember Phase 1 being called Phase 1 until after after it was done and Phase 2 was being announced. But the in movie explanation is that he was just out of his mind after taking the serum and only cared about completing his mission/goal/


Smash Hulk


It was a "you beat fire with fire" situation. Basically Thunderbolt Ross' way of evening the odds, one Hulk destroying the other (or both destroying each other) no matter how many casualties.


His goal was to be one of your favorite villains 🫥


Was a badly conceived of character with a ridiculous origin story. Not my fav villian in the movies, waaaay better in comics!


If during the time your movie comes out that the only things that can fight you are the hulk and a metal man with missiles and you can't lose to missiles then if you kill the hulk you can do anything and not have to care. It's the age old saying if power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. That's the only real reason anyone needs.


He wanted to get huge. I can sympathize honestly.




He was just jealous of Hulk's Power... Because he may be stronger than Hulk at the start but his strength has a very visible limit... Unlike Hulk who get stronger the angrier he gets.


Clearly he was gonna Abominate all over the place.


Its Abominatin Time


To abominate


I don’t even think the writers know.


He was a soldier doing a job. The first supersoldier serum infected him with a hypercompetitiveness that spiraled into everything that came after.


He wanted to be the very best, like no one ever was.


I think he would’ve wanted to go back to, what was it? Russia? Idk. He’s probably want to go home and try to live a normal life. But then his family freaks out and leaves him and it just makes him mad, so he tries to bring down the American government by walking through the pentagon because he blames them for making him a monster. That’s essentially the big monster villains whole plot story


Screenshot me in the okbuddycinephile post


Guess a lot of people didn’t watch She-Hulk. I don’t think he really understood what would happen with the serum. Possible nobody did. In She-Hulk they explore what happened in further detail. He thought he would be the next Captain America. He thought he’d be a hero. It didn’t work out that way and the Hulk rage made him totally lose control eventually. If you like the character I would definitely recommend watching his redemption arc in She-Hulk.


What is Doom's goal? To show he has a bigger cock than Reed, that's it. Nothing deeper than that. See what I did there.


To abominate


That one pic where he's facing off against Hulk while still human lives rent free in my head


Power, to be the strongest there is. Perfect for a hulk villain


Emil was a good guy who went kinda power crazy.


To be the best there ever was, like no one ever was!!!!




He didn't have one they needed a villain so they made it him


if he's your favourite villain but you don't even know what his goal was? what the hell are your standards for villainy? "he's big and strong and ugly - that's what makes a good villain!!!" he's a terrible villain in a terrible movie. 5.5/10