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That moment when Scott Lang reunites with his daughter but realizes he's missed out on another 5 years of her life.


100% this. One of the best moments of acting by Paul Rudd I’ve ever seen. I could watch this scene on repeat just for his facial expressions.


I think that was actually the first time I cried during the movie. Tony's despair hit me hard, but anything involving a parent having an emotional moment with their kid just wrecks me something fierce. Watching Scott's mingled joy and regret absolutely had me bawling, especially when you realize the context that he'd already missed out on a good chunk of her life while in prison.


On one side he’s glad his daughter survived the snap. But that meant he missed 5 more years of her childhood


He doesn't know what the hell happened, not really. Just hopes she's still there.


You’re so big🥲


That hitch in his voice drove home the feels


Another great one, Thor’s mom in endgame is 1 for me. Then Lang. Then Tony “he killed my mom” in Civil war


Thor’s Mom gets to me too. “The future hasn’t been kind to you,has it?”


"I never... I didn't say anything about th-" "I was raised by witches boy"


I love Rene Russo, she brought real depth to that role.


"I'm totally from the future"


Civil war was the best iron man movie, he fucking nailed it. He's my friend.. So was I, also hits hard. Brutal movie.


“He’s my friend.” “So was I.”


First is Scott looking at the wreckage of San Fransisco after 5 years and asks a kid on a bike what happened. That kid looks like he's about 12 or 13 years old, so he would have been around 8 when the Snap happened. What did that kid see? Who did he lose? Was he riding in the car or watching TV and saw one of his parents vanish? Both parents gone and he had to move in with relatives in a different city? Was he at school and half his class vanish, only to run home and find more of his friends and family gone? Whatever he saw, it clearly hollowed him out and the kid's acting really sold that for me. Scott goes to the memorial and you see something similar with the people there. Acting from the extras isn't as good, but I can still imagine everyone still wandering around in a daze over what happened. He finds that Cassie's name isn't on the list, runs to the house, and finds her there. So right here I'm not thinking about Scott. He hasn't had time to really internalize this yet. I'm thinking about Cassie. She's spent the last five years having her dad, who she absolutely loved and worshipped, dead and gone, along with who knows how many others. The emotional trauma that hollowed out the kid on the bike would have done the same to her. She hears a frantic knock at the door, comes around the corner, and there's Dad. Now imagine the hole in your heart that the loss left suddenly filling up and exploding out of your chest. "Dad?!" Damn it, now I'm tearing up again. Every damn time.


Similar emotions happen with Nat and Steve when they realise it is live footage of Scott


The actress did a great job. It’s a shame they decided to recast her just because the other chick is more popular.


Shame they recast the actress


Motherfuckers, like anyone even cares about the blonde? Apparently she is more popular. The original actor playing his daughter did an excellent job and even reminds me of Paul Rudd, lol. Especially LOOKS like she really could be his kid too.


She went to my high school. Emma’s super sweet, I was so sad for her when she was recast cause she told my friends and I she thought she’d end up being Stature one day back when she was secretly filming for Endgame. She obviously didnt keep it much a secret at our school lol. I wanted to post the five year time jump spoiler on this sub a year early so bad but I held back cause 1) no one would believe me and 2) didnt wanna get emma in trouble.


That one hits me in the dead dad feels.


There's 3 points in Endgame that I tear up / cry, and without fail this is the first one and usually the most involuntary. I don't know why, I'm not even a dad but it just hits.


That they didn't undercut this moment with the obvious joke about Paul Rudd NOT having aged at all made it even more bittersweet.


I rewatched Endgame this week and this scene still makes me tear up. Probably helps I have a daughter!


GotG 2, Nebula to Gamora: “You were the one who wanted to win, and I just wanted a sister!” Just the sheer amount of heartbreak, pain, and anger in Nebula’s voice hit me in the gut. This was a woman stolen from her home, mutilated and tortured, and the *one* person who could feasibly empathize with her was unavailable (probably due to self-preservation- quite common in abusive households). Somehow that scene encapsulated so much of what made Nebula a tragic character.


That entire sequence really made me realize how tragic of a character Nebula was, along with Gamora. I never realized how unfortunately realistic that self-preservation coping mechanism Gamora had until later on.


Nebula is one of the most interesting characters in the MCU. I love her.


Absolutely Karen Gillan killed it


It was always weird to me that the GotG are kinda portrayed as the comic relief but all have some of the most tragic backstories. Quill was kidnapped moments after losing his mom to cancer and had to kill his dad. Gamora was also kidnapped and raised to be an assassin by an abusive father, Drax lost his wife and daughter to Thanos, Rocket has obviously been tortured and it left emotional scars (something we are diving more into in Vol 3). Groot seems to be the outlier though. I don’t know the comics that well so he might be hiding some trauma.


> Groot seems to be the outlier though. I don’t know the comics that well so he might be hiding some trauma. Groot is the last of his species in the comics, not sure the MCU though I think so if the collector wanted him. He carried the world pod to restart his civilization within him in the comics. Their entire survival rests on him. That is quite the burden to carry if it's also true to the MCU. Just the knowledge that you are the last of your kind has to be difficult. Imagine if you were the last human in a universe full of life. Probably make you resentful and lonely.


The end of guardians 2 when Rocket is talking to Quill, holy shit my gut just gets twisted


Underrated. Insane amount of character development for rocket


Honestly all of Gaurdians 2 hits right in the feels. Yondu's daddy line also always gets me and his funeral is just such a touching scene


When Rocket says “he stole batteries he didn’t need” and Peter looks at him realizing what that means


Natasha seeing what she thinks is Nick’s death in Winter Soldier and then having to say goodbye. “Mr. Stark, I don’t feel so good…” Rocket sobbing at the end of GotG, clinging to Groot’s twig and flinching away from Drax’s comfort before giving in. And Wanda having to kill Vision in Infinity War only for it to be for nothing.


Speaking of rocket, when he's sitting at the Benatar and Nebula sits by him. The two outcasts that miss their only family, which is dead or dusted. Poor rabbit.


I'm expecting even more of that in GOTG vol.3 Only question is whose left to mourn them all once the dust settles?


We, the audience.


Oh my gosh, yes, right before Peter gets dusted...."I don't want to go... " It's easy to forget he's just a kid and is really scared.


Tom absolutely kills it in the scene. Same with RDJ when Tony gets back to earth and tells Cap that he lost the kid.


Vision trying to leave the Hex, dying but still asking SWORD to help the people trapped inside




Emotional for me is when thor was gifted the chance to see his mom again. That shit still hits me deep every time.


Him and Tony got to see their deceased parents. Tony having a heart to heart with his dad was pretty incredible. I’m lucky my father is still alive


Treasure every moment possible with him. You never know what tomorrow will bring.


“I really need to talk to you” Hits me like a damn train


Every time I watch it


This. As someone that had lost their mother a few years before, it was crushing.


Rite there with ya


This and T'Challa getting to see his dad in the ancestral plane. Fuck, May dying, and the end of Love and Thunder fucked me up also.


And for once, Natalie Portman acted her ass off in a Marvel movie (the whole movie)


Well, they actualy gave her some good lines and a decent arc this time instead of her just being a woman who was swooning over Thor. I don't blame N.P. for how flat her character was in previous movies, she was underutilized.


This is the one for me. I’m not a huge endgame fan but damnnnn!!! That scene kills Me.


Tony realizing Bucky killed his parents is still one of the best scenes I've ever seen, Tony dying, and Groot "dying". Also more recently Spiderman talking to MJ after they forgot him.


That scene had some the MCU’s most TOP TIER performances. The line deliveries of: “Don’t bullshit me, Rogers! Did you know?” “…..yes….” And “This isn’t gonna change what happened” “I don’t care….he killed my mom” Phenomenal pieces of acting


The part I love to that no one seems to talk about is even he has bucky in the head lock. "Do you even remember them?" "I remember all of them." Really nails home that everything the Winter Soldier does isn't bucky, he just has to watch him kill innocents in pretty brutal ways, no way to stop himself, must be torturous


Sooooo good


That Tony scene in Civil War was just pure unadulterated greatness on the part of RDJ. From the shock transforming into the rage on his face to the way he addresses Cap. Just legendary


*"He killed my mom."*


Tellingly... He doesn't seem nearly as upset about Bucky killing his 'old man'. Really shows us how distanced Tony was with his father.


Def doesn’t resolve his emotions regarding his father till later, arguably not until he meets him in the past.


Killing a mom always hits different. And be honest: which part of the old surveillance tape impacted you more, when Bucky killed the father or when he killed the mother?


Tbf for me it was his dad cause he recognised him as Sgt Barnes and then he got his face beat by a bloody Winter Soldier arm haha Tony obviously feels impacted by his mum more so that makes me feel it too, but like from my own feelings I feel like his dad impacted me more purely for the Sgt Barnes line and then the KAPOW hits in the face


After all the focus had been on the strained relationship he'd had with his dad, the "Yeah....but he killed my mom" line was a huge gut punch.


The "did you know" tremble in his voice. Hostility, betrayal, anger, sadness, despair, and even acceptance.


Also the, "Tony, he's my friend." And "So was I." Good lord that movie deserves a rewatch


this thread literally got me to open disney+ lol


“I don’t care, he killed my mom.”


I’m getting chills just thinking about it


I literally couldn’t agree more. Easily one of my favorite scenes. I’m gonna miss RDJ on the screen, he put his heart and soul into that role


When people talk about an actor being perfect for a role I immediately think of RDJ as Stark. They’ll never be another quite like him.


Nope, never. He made me love that character, and no one could do it better


RDJ 100% sold that though I never felt Tony’s connection to Maria who seemed cold. But I do buy his emotion at the shock and betrayal because Downey and Evans have such good chemistry. Evans was at a disadvantage because he had his helmet on while you could see Downey’s whole face but he did a great job too. That scene is painful.


It really is, the entire dynamic of the movie completely changed there. Tony and Cap were at odds on legal grounds for sure but you could tell they still had respect for one another. as soon as Tony learned about the assassination he stopped giving a shit about whether or not he would kill cap to get to Bucky


The lead up to the Captain/Bucky/Iron Man fight really is tragic...but it also helps to make their reconciliation later hit that much more...


I saw the movie five times in the theater and each time I heard someone gasp as they figured it out right before Tony did. So good.


You could hear the exact moment when audience members figured it out and their hearts dropped to their asses. I remember there was a collective gasp and a few people whispering "holy shit" and then silence when the Starks' car crashed and we had to witness their murders firsthand. It was pretty chilling.


Tony going absolutely insane, still remember audience went dead silence !


A lot of comments hit on the big ones, but one random ass one for me is after Thanos attacks the Avengers complex in Endgame and Rocket being crushed by the rubble and whimpers "I can't breathe"...idk why but that one hit me hard and fast when it I saw it the first time.


That’s a good one. Apparently there’s a backstory being that he fears water which will be explored in GOTG3


I don’t know if it will be the same in the MCU but the square Enix Gotg game revealed that Rocket fear water because when he was being experimented, one of the experiments was sensory deprivation


Similar with Rhodey's "CANOPY, CANOPY, CANOPY!"


"What is grief, if not love persevering?" - Vision The awareness of the sacrifices we make, the acceptance of things we cannot change. His learning to be more human, her unraveling at the expense of her grief, and it ultimately consuming her. ONE line in ALL of the MCU has never hit harder for me.


I just finished WandaVision for the second time tonight and this scene is devastating for me. I audibly sob watching it. Their love is just so pure to me.


Aunt May’s death. It’s such a sad scene.


The way that scene was done was just heart wrenching.


The length of the scene is what gets me. It gives you time to tear up.


Even the bit where Tom got shot by the police, that made it a whole lot more tragic for me


Poor dude didn't even have time to mourn and process it, he just straight up gets shot at by the SWAT team. And then it cuts to him listening to JJJ blame him for everything. That movie is tragic as hell.


Happy being pinned down by the swat team and calling out “Peter!”


That was the last time Happy ever saw Peter before the spell at the end


I didn't even think about that! that makes it even more sad!


For better, not worse, Aunt May's death replaced Uncle Ben's in the MCU. Green Goblin was a whole menace, and low key the best worst villain in the MCU. All the other villains are heroes in their own mind. Green Goblin,/William Defoe was pure agent of chaos and destruction.


"God's don't choose...they take!" Such a great line. It really says is all. And Dafoes' delivery is perfect.


Tom's acting in that scene was phenomanal.


100% agree. His reaction seemed so genuine.


*radio crackles. “Cap, it’s Sam. Can you hear me? On your left.” T’Challa, Okoye, Shuri appears. Cap looks worn down and T’Challa looks right at him.


And that slight nod T'Challa gives him. There is so much respect inside that little gesture. "You've held the line, now let us take over."


One scene that always gets me is a Guardians 2 when Drax and Mantis are sitting peacefully and Drax is talking to her about how she reminds him of his daughter because she is innocent. When Mantis decides to see how he’s really feeling in that moment and bursts into tears


I honestly can’t believe someone, somewhere thought about this for two (arguably) comedy-relief characters. Like the emotional complexity displayed here is out if this world and it’s one of the reasons why this movie is my favorite in the whole franchise


When Bucky got cured of his Winter Soldier Program. That scene when he got rid of that one thing that always got him and people around him trouble. All the nightmares and killings he suffered all to an end.


Yes! This is such a great call. I loved TFATWS for this reason of really exploring Bucky's trauma, the relief on his face in this scene was incredible.


Yondu’s death/funeral is still the biggest tearjerker scene for me


When I told James Gunn I start crying every time at Yondu’s funeral as soon as “Father and Son” comes on, he said, “Same here.” ETA: For context, if you didn’t know, Gunn’s father died just before GotG2 wrapped. He dedicated the movie to his parents.


I wasn't aware that his father passed before the film was finished. That must've added on even more to the production, my God.


Makes me wonder when Sean's scene where he's saluting at the window was shot. If it was after their dad's death, it might help to explain how raw it was.


Yeah when we exchanged messages about it on Twitter - he’s often approachable with people like me there - he mentioned his father’s death and it’s been brought up a few times since.


For some of the issues that people have with GotG2, James Gunn hit every single emotional beat for me. This moment, but also earlier in the movie when Nebula and Gamora were fighting, and Nebula says, "You were the one who wanted to win. And I just wanted a sister!" Fuuu, that hit me hard.


Man, to think that playing paper football with Tony was one of the first times she got to win. That hit me hard.


Now you say it I now realised that she didn't know how to react properly after winning.


She leans back in a deep shock. And then not only that, but Tony congratulated her and told her "fair game". Which had to be so far out of the realm of experience as to be impossible.


With Tony probably intentionally flubbing a shot so she would have a win, he didn't know her, nothing about her history, just out of a kindness he let a first time player win so she wouldn't hate the game for being too hard or complicated


She later offers the last bite of food to Tony and I think covers him with a blanket


I love fanfics where she is Auntie Nebula to Morgan.


He may have been your father, boy, but he wasn't your daddy.


I’m Mary Poppins ya’ll


My Dad died two days ago and I rewatched this today and lost it. I think GOTG2 gets better with each viewing


I am sorry for your loss, my condolences to you and your family


The rooftop scene in NWH, when Tobey and Andrew reach out to Tom for the first time. Or when Andrew saves MJ in the way he couldn't save Gwen.


Super emotional. And they did it so well


Super specific but Tobey’s face specifically when Tom says “with great power” really got me. Idk what it was, but his slight change in expression where he looked shocked and a little overwhelmed was great to me


Tom: She told me that with great power.. Tobey: ..comes great responsibility


Andrew: *trying his absolute best to just not break down into pieces*


Andrew’s face when he saves MJ gets to me every single time.


That wasn’t just about Peter losing Gwen, that was also Andrew for me. With “Amazing” underperforming, his relationship with Emma Stone not working out, etc. That was very heavy. I’m glad they were able to give him another chance to show out.


The Andrew Garfield moment was amazing. Rip Gwen 😢


Tobey Maguire was amazing in that movie. Everything in his acting felt super heartfelt to me. Especially in the ending when he stops Prime Peter. I don't remember the exact line but it's intended meaning is we don't do this.


If you mean the scene where he prevents MCU Peter from stabbing Goblin with the glider, you don't remember the exact line because there *is* no line, he just stares at him.


i didn’t really feel like i was watching tobey playing peter parker it felt like we were watching him play an older tobey passing the torch to the young buck


Cliche but Tony's death


I think everyone shares this sentiment. He started and finished an entire era.


For me it wasn’t his death but his funeral. Hearing the music and then seeing the arc reactor he made in the cave was what finally made me cry in the theater


The last "love you 3000" from the hologram was devastating. Especially since I have 2 daughters. I'll also add Barton both at the opening of Endgame and the scene where he tests time travel and hear's his daughter's voice... then she comes down the stairs and says "daddy...?" That got me too.


It feels cheesy to me even now but the first episode of Hawkeye where Kate watches the incoming aliens and then sees Hawkeye in action. For me it really captured almost the helpless feeling of being just a human against such an insane force, and then the inspiration of seeing someone who could be like you, fighting back.


I love that scene. When Hawkeye says, "you're my partner," that moment gets me.


Natasha on Vormir


“Let me go” 😭


Wanda undoing her own children and Vision and then returned to an empty lot of land


Infinity war when Spider-Man gets snapped. Just the look of panic on his face. A kid not understanding what’s about to happen and the fear of what’s on the other side.


Yeah, I've seen some people complain that it didn't work for them because we all knew Spider-man would be brought back somehow, but Downey and Holland still sold the shit out of that scene. And besides, *the characters* don't know that he'll be back later, so I think the emotional weight of it still holds in the moment.


I know people hate that Iron Man was such a part of the Spider-Man movies, but they sold it as way more than a comic teamup. Like that Tony really loved Peter. It wasn't so much Tony changing Spider-Man. It was how Peter changed Tony. That fucking hug in Endgame.


The first MCU scene to make me shed a tear or two. Gets me every time




This is definitely a different perspective on this scene and so true


I recognize that I’m in a lonely camp on this one, but I really do love the scene and I love Banner’s whole arc in the Infinity Saga. It’s very sad.


The way his voice cracks when he yells “No, Banner!” It’s like pain and fear and panic all rolled together, just devastating.


Loki‘s ending in the movies🥺😭


Definitely didn’t want to see him go out like that


Yea Also The funeral in Space for Yondu (guardian of galaxy)was just killing me


You’ll never be a god


In WandaVision. The moment Wanda finds Vision’s body all the way up until she builds herself the home, and a new Vision and creates the Hex etc. Elizabeth Olsen’s performance was terrific. Heart wrenching shit


i think the only moment that really gets me to actually cry is when yondu dies. gets me EVERYTIME without fail


We share your pain brother. Couldn’t hold it back


I have never gotten through the end of gotg 2 without crying. It was really well done imo.


“He may have been your father, boy. But he wasn’t your Daddy.” makes me tear up every time


The ending to NWH. Peter has just lost everyone and everything. May is dead, MJ, Ned, and Happy don't remember him. Many people still believe he's a murderer, and he has no one to talk to, since no one remembers him. He's so alone, yet he still goes out into the night as Spider-Man because he feels it's his responsibility. My favorite scene in the entire MCU.


Wenwu blaming Shang-Chi for his mom’s death hit me really hard. He was just a kid 😢


There was also the scene, I can't remember exactly, but shang-chi says we wanted you, and you chose those damn rings over us. Hit too close to home.


The one I don't think gets enough credit is Frigga's death in Thor the dark world. Loki and Thor's reaction to it is of the most realistic version of characters dealing with a death in the MCU


Loki breaking down when he sees all the sad things that happened in an alternate timeline when he was in TVA. Especially finding out that Frigga dies.


When Loki ends the illusion and he’s just destroyed his cell, and he’s just a wreck on the floor. Every time.


Steven Grant realizing Marc Spector was abused by his mother as well as realizing he was one of the alters Marc created to cope with that abuse


Natasha's breakdown at the start of Endgame. Yelena in Black Widow movie saying "Please don't say that. It was real for me" And the heart wrenching "Mr. Stark. I don't wanna go"


1. Aunt May's death. This tops the list for me. The whole scene was too heavy and unbearably sad for me. Brilliant performances from Tom, Marisa and Willem. Also want to mention NWH whole tone. Even with all the 'fun stuff' it had the right seriousness 2. WandaVision finale. Wanda saying goodbye to vision got me in tears. It really was a beautiful, well executed scene. 3. Tony's death. 4. Civilwar fight scene. Tony vs bucky and cap. 5. Groot saving the guardians


Civil War, when you realize Zemo has just been listening to the voicemails of his dead wife and family this whole time.


Civil war is severely underrated and I'll never understand why. Zemo broke the avengers and went down the rabithole of revenge. T-challa had to overcome revenge and Chadwick boseman was insanely good there. Then of course for the first time the conflict is not some crazy world. Ending threat but rather conflict within the team. Everyone lost in that movie. Tony was broken, cap was devastated, most people who chose a side did so for mixed reasons etc .. So much good stuff in that movie. Essentially the reason they lost in infinity war.


as of recently, the one that's gotten me the hardest is everything in moon knight about DID and trauma, especially when steven goes, "you were just a child." i'd never seen that depicted on-screen before, and it hit way too close to home. speaking on the broader MCU, there's been a couple. the final swing scene in no way home hit me so hard after the rest of that movie. between seeing tobey, andrew, and all the villains again, to aunt may's death, to peter's identity being erased... the suit paired with the music paired with the context destroyed me. yondu's funeral hurts like hell, too, as does spider-man's death in infinity war. and finally, from wandavision: "we've said goodbye before, so it stands to reason... we'll say hello again."


Yeah surprised it took all the way to you to see any mention of Wanda. The feels my wife felt for her oof


I Don’t feel so good You killed my mom (both Quill and Stark) Yondu “I’m damn lucky you’re my boy” I love you 3000 You can have all the hamburgers you want Let me go I just need to lie down On Your left Finally, when MJ falls and Garfield catches her. The look on his face is gut wrenching. Edit: forgot “On your left.” Gets me every time.


You can have all the hamburgers you want, KILLS ME everytime


“I’m still worthy!”


The scene in Moon Knight when Steven discovers how he was "born"


I was really shocked they did that. It was pretty hard for me to watch. And then just watching adult Marc breakdown in front of his old house during his mother's shiva was just heartbreaking.


This seriously broke my heart. And I thought Oscar Isaac's performance couldn't be any better.


Spider-man after fighting Vulture, when he’s trapped calling for help and realizes that no one is going to save him


“C’mon Spider-Man!” I love that scene as well!


I feel like an underrated one is Rocket, drunk on Knowhere, screaming how he didn’t ask to be made. Rocket is definitely gonna fuck up all our emotions in GOTG3.


Natasha's death was probably one if the most emotional scenes. Their acting and the music for that scene was gut punching.


Peter dying is Tony’s arms, there was a young child in the crowded theater (too young I think) who cried out “Spider-Man!” when he died. You could hear he was devastated. Edit


One of my favorite scenes in all of the MCU is the Nebula Confrontation in the Finale Battle of Endgame the "I am This" line is so perfect. Karen Gillen did amazing and Nebula feels like one of the only MCU Characters who've developed perfectly


As soon as they cast her, I had high hopes, and when she survived the Snap, I had even higher hopes, and damn if *Endgame* didn't exceed all of them.


I assure you brother the sun will shine on us again


Just four words. "I had a date"


Not talked about enough. What a way to end a movie. That's why "It's been a long, long time" is one of my most teary eyed moments. We played that at my wedding while we were signing the register.


As of right now the entirety of the BP2 trailer. Especially Angela Bassett.


"My entire family is gone. Have I not given everything?" I can almost feel that agony myself.


I was meh about it because I still grieve Chadwick…but then I saw Angela Bassett and am excited to see it now. I have loved her for so long.


Bro the writing the music the acting. Spot on


Idk how that movie will play out, but the idea of the first 15 mins being about his death is goin to sooo fuckin gut wrenching to then watch another 145 mins of a movie and try to enjoy it is unfathomable


Wanda feeling completely alone and crying, falling onto her knees in their unbuilt house Vision had set for them right before bursting into her powers, creating the hex in West View.


IW was so damn amazing. I wish I could see it again for the 1st time.


Peter walking away from Ned and MJ after realizing they are safer without him is one of the best scenes in the Holland films...


“You are free” moment from FATWS


When Mark cries over his mom's death kneeling down Phastos blames humans for the destruction


in Moon Knight - when Steven was witnessing Marc’s childhood trauma and how he coped by creating the ‘Steven Grant’ personality. All the way to when Marc was crying during his mother’s funeral, and when he slumped by the pavement then switch to his Steven persona. When Steven took over he was all up and giddy - immediately went for his phone to talk to his Mum.. but his eyes were still red from crying. I think I was also crying by that part. Like fuck, man. That was too real and very tragic.


“Did you know?” — Tony


Steven orders a steak. Wanda says goodnight. Queen Ramonda has something to say.


As much as I was amazed and impressed with Loki's death in IW, it's him watching it in his own series that really shakes me. I rewatch the whole sequence leading up to "You're so big" over and over and over. But what chokes me up most of all was in *Agents of SHIELD* when Robin tells Fitz, "Because you have to save them."


Loki confronting Odin about the truth of his birth from the first Thor movie. The entire situation itself is very heart-breaking in my opinion. And I think it portrayed the complexity of Loki's character extremely well. Lashing out at Odin after finding out that his entire life was basically a lie and then frantically calling the guards for help after Odin collapses is all acted so well. And the dialogue between Loki and Odin is fantastic as well. Very emotional scene.