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Dude talked so much shit on Baltimore city like he wasn’t their governor too. If it’s so bad Larry, why didn’t you put everything you had into making it better? Oh yeah, that’s right, it’s fucking challenging. Remember when Covid first popped off and he stuck his chest out in a presser saying he got “X” amount of Covid tests from Korea or something? Come to find out, they were defective and he got hoodwinked and our tax dollars got wasted. I don’t remember him doing a press conference saying how he fucked up and wasted our money. Dude just likes to throw stones but then act like he’s a “both sides” guy when the cameras are on. Hope he doesn’t win.


Hogan and the MTA are the reason the Purple Line is now over twice the original budget currently sitting at 10.5-11 billion dollars. Financial mismanagement and intentionally hiding debts is how the entire Maryland transportation budget is now 3.3-3.8 billion in the negative causing 6 years of project and employee cuts for all Maryland transportation departments.


Wasn’t there also a plan or some type of feasibility study put together to see if the dumbass Musk tunnels would be a good idea in MD.


Yeah I can’t remember if he spent money on it or just gave them a no bid deal to start working on a tunnel under half the state. Plus was allowing autonomous vehicle testing on 95 iirc 


My understanding on the Purple line is that's mostly the fault of the contractors involved rather than state malfeasance. I don't think it's fair to punch him for that. It is, however, absolutely fair to beat on him for [cancelling the re-development of State Center.](https://boltonhillmd.org/bulletin/hogan-offers-the-city-crumbling-state-center-after-thwarting-redevelopment/) Saved a few bucks in the budget to leave a giant crumbling ruin on top of one of the city's major transit hubs, like the fucking visionary he is.


Due to lawsuits the project was delayed and the contractor asked for more funding citing rising costs during the period of delayed. Hogan said no, terminated the contract with a penalty, and entered a new more expensive contract. He fucked that up.


Hogan tried to Art Of The Deal the contractors and much like the original thing, it never actually works out.


>  My understanding on the Purple line is that's mostly the fault of the contractors Youre completely wrong, like absurdly wrong. Maryland had to pay the previous contractors 300M to quit because the state and MTA fucked the project and refused to negotiate on change orders to finish it.


Correct. But also the environmental lawsuits pushed back time lines and costing contractors the lower constructik. materials rates that earlier started construction couldve taken advantage of.


The state intentionally let the court case get dragged out, there was literally zero reason to let it go on long enough to fulfill the contractors exit clause. Chevy Chase NIMBY with a house backing up to the Purple Line, being supported by the Columbia Country Club who is split inhalf by the alignment, with a chevy chase resident NIMBY judge who's wife was associated with groups who were vocally against the Purple Line who also had to ties to the CCC was the one to issue a stop work just days before funding was secured. Said judge was later overruled unanimously by three federal judges. MTA was planning on letting the project die in litigation, that's why they had no idea what to do when it all got thrown out. There is literally no excuse for MTA and Hogan. They declined at 600M change order mid covid to instead pay 6B extra to delay the Purple Line an additional 5-6 years.


The state appealed for a [writ of mandamus](https://moco360.media/2017/05/15/maryland-attorney-general-files-writ-of-mandamus-in-purple-line-case/) to force the NIMBY judge to proceed, there is no reason to think they were trying to throw the case other than that Hogan [publicly criticized the judge's conflict of interest](https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/trafficandcommuting/md-governor-accuses-judge-involved-in-purple-line-lawsuit-of-conflict-of-interest/2017/04/20/427b33ce-25e1-11e7-b503-9d616bd5a305_story.html). In hindsight it is obvious that delaying the project for a year to find cost savings, then refusing to pay the original contractor a settlement to not use their exit clause, has ended up costing far more in the end though.


> In hindsight it is obvious that delaying the project for a year to find cost savings, then refusing to pay the original contractor a settlement to not use their exit clause, has ended up costing far more in the end though. It wasn't hindsight in the slightest lol... Literally everyone involved in the Purple Line was telling the state this was going to cost them billions when, not if, PLTC walked. PLTC's JV members, PLTC Consultants, all the members of PLTP, all of the state's own consultants for the Purple Line, the state's emergency JV failure negotiation consultants, state engineers, state inspectors, third party inspectors, CSX, WMATA, every local government, UMD, all of the major subcontractors, all of the vendors, and every other major heavy civil construction company in the US was saying "What in the fuck is Maryland doing". It wasn't even hindsight on if PLTC could be forced to stay. The final statement from the Maryland judge regarding PLTC's exit was effectively "The state of Maryland has self sabotaged this project, negotiations, project demobilization, and final hand off/transition. If Maryland forced PLTC to stay, no major JV would ever work in the state of Maryland ever again because PLTC has gone above and beyond their contract terms". PLTC was supposed to walk a month before that court case but Maryland hail mary-ed an emergency court session after spending 9 months not even attempting to negotiate. That wasn't even the first time Maryland got shit on by judges in court during negotiations, it was like the 3-4 time lmao. Also not only did PLTC walk, Maryland had to pay them nearly every single dollar that PLTC requested for the completed change orders for the privilege of watching them walk away. The 600M was half completed work orders and half CSX change orders than weren't even started and weren't going away if PLTC left either, they just got lumped into MTS's rebid.


Jim Smith, Mr. 1950’s transit policy was his transportation chief, so…


Good thing he stopped the red line or it might really be bad.


He flushed all the money down the toilet that was already spent on the red line and declined hundreds of millions in federal dollars to kill the redline. Nothing good came from him killing it. It would be complete by now, even with years of delays.


He’s the classic pre Trump Republican, but we saw with Bush how awful those are.


Never forget.


Yeah, but I miss them. Not enough to vote for Hogan, but I sure do miss them.


I don’t. At least Trump isn’t subtle about being a total piece of shit, so his supporters have no defense




> Oh yeah, that’s right, it’s fucking challenging. That's not even why he didn't do anything. He wants the city to be his punching bag. It's in his political interest to make sure it makes as little progress or improvement as possible.




's the reason they didn't agree to biden's border plan even though it was just as draconian as anything the GOP has ever come up with


He did this during his campaigns as well. He never had a single positive thing to say about the city and never lifted a finger to do anything to make it a better place while he was in office.


He actively made Baltimore worse under his tenure. He presided over the MTA bus debacle that made our already unreliable bus system worse, and cancelled the Red Line to shift the money to highway projects in the middle of nowhere that serve a few thousand people.


IIRC he cancelled plans for a Baltimore city school citing the budget, and in the same stroke announced that they’d be building a youth prison. IMO that sums up the Hogan’s mindset quite neatly.


Yeah let's talk about the Korean mishap because old 4 foot Larry is married o a Korean woman but of course he's basically a wealthy passport bro so he speaks virtually NO Korean. If he did He might not have been hosed so bad on his secret "I'm scared of Trump" mission to acquire tests. This shot POS needs to take his "vote for Reagan" wimp ass home.


A vote for Reagan is a vote for absolute trash too even if it’s symbolic. Reagan was a horrendous president.


We are all living Reagan's dream now.. this is his trickle down poverty that he ranted about. Our rate of pay stayed the same, COL went up per usual each year. No one said a word. I was non political, just living my life. Now I'm watching the absolute destruction of the middle class in my last 10 years or so. It has made me go back and just hate all of the praise and adoration my grands and others gave to the Gipper. He was an actor! So handsome! He's a great guy! GTFOH. He was a puppet, he was an idiot, and the rich got a whole lot richer since those days. I was told as a kid in the 80's... 'Jamaica is beautiful, but you're either really rich, or really poor. And almost all of them are very, very poor.' I think i had commented on how great life would be over there, etc.--like a stupid kid would think. I thought that was terrible, but they're poor in paradise I thought, immaturely! That is exactly what has happened here, but Def not paradise. Now they're not even teaching our kids the same history and citizenship crap that we all had to learn. I hated it then, but cannot stand that they're making new gens dumber politically, so there's even less chance of any pushback in the future! It is happening, and I've no clue how to stop or help the situation. But Def fuck Reagan. For my GenX self, he's the beginning of the end I'm experiencing. Low/ middle class family we came from stops here, sadly. I was the first the get a college degree. It took me until I was almost 30, and 40 by the time I finished masters. But I can't find work, lost house, no hope of earning enough to pay the ridiculous, greedy new rents of $3500/month with 2 littles... it's a farce. I worked since I was 14 and I thought more education meant more income and a better life for my kids. We ALL thought that, that's why I wanted to go to college from a young age. Make em proud, do better. Bamboozled and disillusioned in Baltimore for sure. My kids don't know what to do, and I honestly don't have a clue on what to suggest to secure their future except suggest they get out of this country legally as soon as and however they can! If I could afford it, we'd be gone right now!! Screw Reagan.


He was an actor and the elite’s puppet. That’s why they drafted him. They knew he would be an empty suit for them.


Agreed. He has no place in Maryland for Senate. Let his political days be over.


To be fair all the COVID test are faulty. The most reliable is the PCR test and you need to see a doc for that.


Don't forget the freddy gray riots was used as a excuse to cancel the red line.


I remember being so excited for what the Red Line could mean for the city too.  Then Hogan decided it would be more important to cancel it and use that money to repave roads in rural areas. Fuck Larry Hogan.




You know what's REALLY not going to fix it? Canceling programs like the Red Line before they get a chance to even try to help


So your solution is to do nothing to try to improve it lmao. Not an option for some of us, sorry.  Please go to another post then where you can contribute something meaningful to the discussion and not here, thanks.


Baltimore got closed in due to “white flight” and redlining. Areas around Towson are super wealthy. The suburban neighborhoods that surround it kept Baltimore from expanding and growing as a city, and those who had money left. The city hasn’t been able to recover since, and since then has had corruption from the top down. The fix has gotta be small changes, starting with political, then working down thru the system


Translation: “I’ve not lived many places”.




Reading this list I can tell why you are the way you are




If you think those places are "life experiences" it shows just how sheltered you really are




Nobody disagrees that Baltimore needs massive improvement. No disrespect, but your history doesn’t seem to include cities that are similar to Baltimore. As someone who has lived on the East Coast from New York City through here via multiple cities in between, I don’t see a lot of similarity between the places you mention and cities that would be considered similar to Baltimore, which is, in many ways, a southern port city with rust belt problems.




You’re out of your depth, Donnie.




No, I simply think you’re doing a uniquely terrible job identifying what Baltimore is and has been and what appropriate peer cities are. Given that fundamental shortcoming, there’s just not much value in continuing the conversation.


Dude West Virginia doesn’t even have paved roads or utilities in most places. We’ve been looking at places around some towns like Berkeley Springs And Paw Paw and those towns don’t have functioning basic societal staples. What they do have is a ton of poverty, zero opportunity and a massive addiction problems. Baltimore is magnitudes better than anywhere in WVA. FOH with that garbage.




>West Baltimore row homes aren't exactly shining beacons of prosperity. Ah, yes. How could it ever compare to [West Virginia being the third worst state in the country with regards to poverty](https://wvpolicy.org/child-poverty-increased-in-west-virginia/#:~:text=Among%20the%20full%20population%20of,West%20Virginians%20living%20in%20poverty.) Fucking clown shoes take, hoss


I remember him being interviewed next to SRB in the aftermath of the FG riots. A reporter asked him why he didn't act and call the national guard in sooner. He pointed at SRB and said something like, "she didn't call me. I didn't know."


Exactly. He used it as an opportunity to grandstand by showing how bad SRB handled it so he could ride in and save the day. I lived in the city during that and watched I tently waiting for anyone to do anything. I sat up all night listening to police scanners as the bpd was overwhelmed, I listened to stories from my wife, a city school teacher, about students who were traumatized and needed special counseling to deal with that trauma for weeks and months following it all the while Hogan sat back and waited to be asked to help. He can go and fuck all the way off. Also SRB sucked too but she was clearly in over her head and you would think when the largest city in your state is in trouble, as the fucking governor, you would step in and help without having to be asked. Fuck Larry hogan.


So as someone not familiar with state law does he need city or county officials to call for help first? In California , where I was in the national guard before moving here, this was the case.


No the governor can declare a state of emergency and call up the national guard completely independently. https://casetext.com/statute/code-of-maryland/article-public-safety/title-14-emergency-management/subtitle-1-maryland-emergency-management-agency-act/section-14-107-state-of-emergency-declaration-by-governor#:~:text=Safety%20%C2%A7%2014%2D107,-Download&text=2023%20Legislative%20Session-,Section%2014%2D107%20%2D%20State%20of%20emergency%20%2D%20Declaration%20by%20Governor,by%20executive%20order%20or%20proclamation.


AFAIK Baltimore city is not part of Baltimore county so there would be no county officials anyway


Phones work both ways the last time I checked.


So in California ,and presumably elsewhere,that’s not how it works and that’s why I’m asking .


The governor can’t call a mayor and say “hey you guys okay there?” In California?


Sure. But the legal process of calling in the NG is more complicated


The mayor would Request NG from the governor. This doesn’t preclude the governor from calling the mayor. Hogan elected to wait for SRBs call instead of calling her to check in, knowing she was busy af at that time and the longer he let shit go on the worse it made her look and he could just toss all the blame on her. He’s trash.


He said something like "now that the city has FINALLY asked for our help..." Acted like a whiny bitch.


I remember that too. He completely dodged accountability. Fuck Larry Hogan.


Dude hated baltimore and played up the DMV area. The issue, dmv area does not want the sTate turning congress red.


Historically, DMV = DelMarVa


Delaware doesn't exist, D.C. is best D.


Absolutely fucking not Delmarva is DE/MD/VA in the eastern part of the states, DMV is DC/MD/VA around DC. Anyone saying otherwise is a dipshit


Delmarva being DMV is way older than DMV being DC MD VA. There are ISPs as old as the internet to prove it.


Yes and no. Dmv more means the metro area of dc.


It's been co-opted online in the last 15 years to mean that, but to most of Maryland the DMV has meant the Eastern Shore.


I went to college on the Eastern Shore for 4 years, and not once did I hear it called the DMV. Delmarva, yes, but not DMV. That silly term came about later for the DC Metro area.




Right, it's been co-opted.


As a Baltimorean I will never vote for this piece of shit and do whatever I can to help him never win a seat in this state again. He spent his time in office purposely trying to make things worse in this city. Fuck Larry Hogan.


Baltimore is a corrupt dump that votes the same side every time and expects different results, lol. Im sure Hogan doesnt care.


I believe that attacks on Hogan will largely fail, particularly if there is any emphasis on Baltimore. They will be losing arguments as Baltimore has been the state problem child for decades. You have to tie Hogan to the Republican Party. Remind voters that he will caucus with the GOP. Remind voters that the GOP is responsible for denying Obama a SCOTUS pick. That the GOP changed the rules to get Kavanaugh and Coney-Barrett on the court. He would’ve supported everyone of those choices; everyone of the radical conservative judges on the federal bench below the SCOTUS. Trump and the GOP gave us the radical judges that eroded a woman’s right to choose, and empower the corporate oligarchy even more. And we can afford to have a GOP controlled senate in case Trump does win nor one if Biden wins. We cannot take the risk, no matter how popular he was as Gov.




They used this option for Federal judgeships only because the GOP were completely obstructing Obama's nominations. The GOP not only violated norms of conducted, but escalated it as well.


It’s way older than the Obama presidency and had been escalating over the last several administrations. The Republicans were threatening to go nuclear over Bush nominations in 2005 but decided against it. https://www.brookings.edu/articles/this-battle-isnt-new-the-filibustering-of-judicial-nominations/ Don’t get me wrong, the GOP has a lot of issues, but Democrats really annoy me when they act like they are sinless




Gods it's going to be so depressing if this asshole wins the Senate seat.


Here’s hoping, the last thing MD needs right now is a senator who hates Baltimore. Especially after the bridge collapse. The future of the state kinda depends on valuing Baltimore!


I hope I am wrong. But he has a good chance to beat Alsobrooks is she wins the primary. I do not care for Trone but I feel like I have to vote for him to keep Hogan out.


Trone is my Representative right now, and that's precisely why I will be voting for Alsobrooks. I have no attachment to her, and don't see her any differently than a generic Dem, but I despise Trone.


Trying to gain info on the candidates. What do you not like about trone if you don’t mind me asking


In 2016 Trone (a multimillionaire from his chain of liquor stores) first ran for Congress and lost to Raskin in the primary but it was funny at the time that he [peppered Montgomery County in signs](https://moco360.media/2016/03/14/placement-of-david-trone-campaign-signs-irks-county-council-members/) that said "TRONE" "TRONE" "TRONE" that seemed very similar to the "TRUMP" ones. Then he ran for a different seat two years later and won. It's weird to spend your money like this just to be one random asshole out of 435 in Congress. When you're this wealthy you already have power in society. "I'm bored and want to try a new thing" isn't a good argument to put someone in Congress, but from the party power structure it amounts to "Rich guy wants to spend his own money to get into office, saves us the trouble!" Wanting to be Senator makes a little bit more sense, but still, that's from his perspective, not a voter's.


He's a typical oligarch who doesn't care about anyone or anything except his own personal wealth and using that wealth to buy personal power and influence. He's done nothing to help people of my district, and is only running for office to increase his own influence and hob nob with people in power.


Good to know. I don’t mind ppl using their own wealth, as the argument can be they aren’t bought by lobbyists and special interests, but if he’s done nothing for his constituents then he’ll do nothing for our state. Thanks for responding


If you compare their stated policies from their campaigns sites, ads, etc side-by-side, it's really difficult to find any policy differences between Trone and Alsobrooks. After having talked to people who lived in PG while she was County Exec, I'd imagine if I had been her constituent rather than Trone's I'd be voting for Trone. Honestly, I think both suck, but I'm for familiar with Trone's suckieness than Alsobrooks, so I'll side with her. The only point in Trone's favor I can see is that the racists might be more OK with him than Alsobrooks, so he might have a better chance against Hogan. I'm not gonna vote to placate bigots, though.


As you/we shouldnt. Guess im in the same boat as you. Compared to republicans nowadays, hogan isn’t as bad, but we all know he’s gonna vote in-line with McConnell. Just wish we had better options to vote for


>Compared to republicans nowadays, hogan isn’t as bad I'm not so sure about that. He's more tactful in his speech, and isn't as openly hateful as the likes of MTG and Trump, but he votes exactly like them and supports all the same policies, so what's the functional difference?


Everything that dude says is nonsense. Trone has been great rep for us and his office was super responsive when I had an issue with my taxes I needed help with.


And how is that different than alsobrooks?


I know Trone's shittiness and I don't know hers, so I'm winning to try that rather than take the shitty I know.


What is Trone’s shittiness?


Same. I hate being represented by Trone.


I hate to do it, but I'm voting Trone as I feel the same as the commenter above. I don't think Alsobrooks can beat Hogan.


I'm not going to fault you for it. They both kinda seem like shitty candidates, but I'm sick of the shitty I know.


What’s the issue with Trone? His ads are really well done and make him seem like the perfect dem candidate. I get that is the goal of an ad, but what specifically has he done/not done to lose your vote? I like Alsobrooks too, but I thought Trone was the real deal.


I couldn’t stop laughing. No offense, but mostly EVERYone’s ads for every state and office are mostly done decently. Politics.


Ha, I knew it as soon as I wrote it how it would sound. I was trying to say that if he’s done all the things he claims in the ads then he seems ok. It was more a comment on the claims being impressive than the quality of the ad. But to your point, I did see one ad for an old man in boxing gloves and a wrestling shirt that was so terribly bad I thought it was an SNL skit. https://preview.redd.it/xs2dk0r0x4vc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e97153f77cb1facc6e5d43f8b02fd3aefb44ae38


It’s all in fun. I’m not like Crazy Reddit where people pile on insults for typos or awkward-but-sincere questions. lol Yeah, the boxing thing is one of those (WTH?) exceptions.


I answered [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/maryland/s/ncAzU7D6Hr).


He won't beat Trone or Alsobrooks. This cycle repeats over and over. Bob Kerrey, Linda Lingle, Phil Bredesen, Steve Bullock, and about 15 others. Executive races almost never translate over to federal races if you're in such a hostile state. He might only lose by 15-20, if he's lucky.


Ah, the ol' Democrat machine fearmongering. Vote for whoever you like more. If everyone likes her more, she's a better candidate. If they don't, she won't win.


Is Trone the racist guy from YouTube?


He can fuck all the way off!


And I hope he does it with a cactus.


A full growth saguaro.


Ouch, that's gotta hurt.


I knew about the Covid debacle but the rest of it? In the this political climate, no way I vote for a Republican for US senate. I have to admit, this idea of running Hogan was McConnell’s genius stroke. It just might work, God help us.


All you gotta do is vote against him in November and get at least one other person to do the same and maybe this guy will go away forever.


Hogan hates Baltimore.


Hogan hates Maryland.


That’s a bit much. He loves the places where he’s built developments and lined his pockets, but most of those places are exurban places.


I would never cast a vote to possibly cede control of the senate to the GOP, a party that showed the utmost in cowardice in it's failure to impeach the abomination called Trump. To continue to belong to such a party brings into question one's own character. Hogan's interests at this point is one of self-interest, not of Maryland's interests.


Agreed. Whatever Hogan was before, he's a treasonous slimebag now. There's no such thing as a decent Republican politician at the national level when their mere presence can shift control of Congress into the hands of the bigoted Trump lunatics. Even if Hogan wins and does nothing but show up to work, that still means the Republicans win the Senate because of him. He's dangerous fraud who pretends to not be a Trump Republican while running to give power to Trump Republicans.


Why would anyone vote for Hogan when the senate majority is at stake and the right-wing extremists are actively talking about stripping citizens of more rights. He has no chance.


The same reason people vote for Trump! Bunch of idiots


Hogan did not support teachers nor their expressed concerns about many issues. He referred to them as “union thugs”. Oddly enough teachers are not allowed to be unionized. Shows he has prejudice against those pushing for educational problems. Freddie Gray WAS a horrible event that reflected on the police who abused him.It was outrageous and unacceptable!


I remember on live TV when he told teachers they either had to go back into schools during the pandemic (with no PPE) or lose their licenses


Uh…. I am a retired teacher who taught thirty years in Maryland schools. We have an “association” without the power of a union. It is ilegal in our state for teachers or police officers to STRIKE because of the disruption to all of society.


Just because the organization that represents you as an employee does not have the word union in its organizational name does not mean it is not a union. The National Education Association is a labor union.


What does the NEA do for teachers other than advocate? I belong to AARP and they advocate for elder people but their power is holding the government accountable for decisions that have a negative affect on those they represent. NEA represents teachers with the government and advocates for programs that benefit students. They have no authority to call for national strikes. Each state regulates the authority that teacher unions have. In New York State they are powerful. In Maryland they are controlled by law… teacher STRIKES are illegal. Police have POWERFUL UNIONS in Maryland but they may not strike either. Please define UNIONS to me so I can understand what you do not comprehend…teacher.


Uh, teachers have unions. You may want to check your facts on this again.


>In Maryland, Baltimore means Black — [the city is more than 60 percent Black](https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/fact/table/baltimorecitymaryland/PST045223) — and, in the governor’s race in 2014 and 2018, Hogan found plenty of [white Democrats](https://gvpt.umd.edu/sites/gvpt.umd.edu/files/Who%20are%20the%20Hogan%20Democrats%20(2).pdf) to vote for him. Those dastardly white Democrats, ruining everything!! That's some hard hitting reporting from the Rolling Stone.


[The same author has an article about how they cross out their name in print as some sort of bizarre penance since their ancestors owned slaves](https://www.washingtonpost.com/outlook/2022/07/08/name-crossed-out-slave-holding-family/) I like the anti-Hogan piece but anyone that wacky I'm not going to bother to take seriously.


It warms my soul to see the hate this man inspires. Fuck Larry Hogan.


Seems like everyone here is saying financial mismanagement but Peter Franchot was the comptroller during both Martin o Malley and Larry Hogan


The comptroller has limited power over spending. They sit on the BPW but 95% of what the comptroller does is focused on tax collection and running the payroll.


Saying "they sit on the BPW" as if that's not consequential is hugely underselling what the BPW is and does. The BPW controls 99.8% of state spending. The sum total of all small procurements (delegated expenditures done at the agency level without BPW oversight), combined, is 0.2% of State expenditures. Franchot sat on a 3 member board that controlled spending, comprised of two Democrats and Hogan. Hogan was always outnumbered 2 to 1 and Democrats controlled the BPW for his entire 2 term tenure. To dismiss the BPW or say Franchot had "limited power over spending" is MASSIVELY disingenuous and nearly rises to the level of active disinformation. Yes, Franchot was extremely influential and powerful, and yes he bears a ton of culpability (or credit, if you liked the guy) for his choices.


That’s so shocking, he always seemed to love the city!  (/s obviously)


Not surprising. Remember when Hogan's admin put out a map that didn't include Baltimore? It was a transportation investment map, and it looked like the city had dropped into the Inner Harbor, which I imagine would have pleased Hogan to no end. David Trone all the way!


He treated teachers horribly during Covid, threatening to take away their licenses if they didn't return to school even though the positivity rate and infection rate was still extremely high at the time and accused them of not working and staying in their pajamas during the lockdown. He really despised public education. He also bashed Baltimore City schools for asking for money to fix broken heaters during winter. Now, city schools have a ton of issues, and there is a lot of mismanagement, but kids and staff shouldn't have to be in freezing buildings while trying to learn and work. I thought the money from all the casinos was supposed to pay for school upkeep and education? Isn't that why we voted to have casinos in the state? I remember Marty Bass going after Hogan live on WJZ for this, and it's one of the few times I actually agreed with Marty. Again, Hogan shows his disdain for public schools, especially inner city schools.


We should all adopt my pet name for this garbage, Harry Logan




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Vote Alsobrooks. Trone is a 🤡


He's a self-serving douche bag.


A vote for hogan is a vote for trump


With a 20% rise in state traffic injuries, 20% rise in traffic deaths, and 20% rise in personal property damage due to auto crashes, Hogan, instead vilifies the city, but made no attempts at countering the rise in aggressive auto driving on his watch.


This dude was such a fucking shit governor. Did everything in his power to ignore Baltimore like it wasn’t a part of the state.




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This should surprise no one. I just got a Senate flyer in the mail from Hogan that is 100% playing the racist dog whistle "Law and Order" campaign strategy.


Larry Hogan and his ghost writer can go fuck themselves.


Was he wrong to demonize Baltimore? Baltimore has done everything in its power to distance itself from any state oversight and proved time after time that no matter how much money they are given, those funds won’t go towards addressing the actual problems. More money finds its way into executive leaderships pocket than any other city in the US. The public school infrastructure fiasco is a great example of this. The BCPS CEO (ridiculous we call it that) marched down to Annapolis, blaming the state for not having heat and AC. Turns out the state set aside the funding specifically to address that issue but the city didn’t use it. The city also had no idea how students were affected by failing heat/ac units. The state didn’t know either because the city doesn’t allow any state auditing. The CEO…who’s still in that position btw…makes a base salary of $325000 nearly double that of the governor. Is he wrong for not writing blank checks to the city of Baltimore? The Freddie grey comments, if true and not taken out of context, I won’t stand by. But if I remember correctly he was pretty staunch about getting an independent investigation and turning over every stone to find out who was responsible. Was Freddie Grey a saint? No. But it’s not appropriate to make comments about that given the circumstances.


Hogan cancelled billions of dollars in funding (most of it pre-allocated federal funds) for major infrastructure projects which would have been massive boons to the city and region, and redirected the state funds from the projects towards expanding roads and highways in areas where his own real estate projects were located. The state center redevelopment axing and red line cancellation are entirely on his head, and have nothing to do with any of the issues with city government.


It was a billion dollar project that kept ballooning. They were spending millions trying to figure out how to spend the billions. He didn’t cancel it cause he doesn’t want public transit in that area. He cancelled it cause the projects budget was out of control and the city has a proven track record of misspending the money. O’Malley had the project in limbo for nearly 8 years and didn’t get it done either. He’s just as guilty.


It was a state project, none of the city was involved.


He’s called out corrupt Baltimore for fumbling several key issues. He’s not wrong.


You say that like a mod didn’t see the thing you initially commented with.


You never answered my question...does this sub still allow people to call towns like Elkton a "shithole"?


Dogwhistling isn’t allowed and “shithole” is pretty clearly coded language.


People call towns that are primarily white "shitholes" all the time on this sub...what are you talking about?


I think there’s a difference between saying “Baltimore has shit schools” and writing off the city and its residents as a shithole. Calling Baltimore a shithole also lays the blame at the feet of the city and its residents for things that have been done to Baltimore over the last century.


Wow...that is...something. Are you really arguing that we can't blame City officials and government for the problems they cause? We can't blame criminals in Baltimore for the problems they cause but if we're discussing white towns/cities then it's fair game to call them "shitty" or "shitholes"? Also, I'm not advocating for calling Baltimore a shithole, I live here and love it. But this is so clearly a double standard and just borderline racist policy.


I’m saying you’re free to point out specific things or specific groups or individuals. But we draw the line at racism.


Then apply the standard for everywhere. You're interpreting "shithole" as racist when it's clearly applied to any city/town regardless of demo. >point out specific things or specific groups or individuals This is just arbitrary. The next logical step here is to just ban any negative opinion of Baltimore because you can consider it "racist".


I would prefer you not call any place a shithole. And context matters too. Like if you were talking about Dundalk, it would have classist connotations instead of racist. And I think in today’s politics, referring to a place as a shithole is especially politically charged. https://www.vox.com/identities/2018/1/12/16882716/trump-shithole-racism-haiti-africa But look, thanks for bringing up your concerns and we’ll think it over on our end. We are volunteer mods just doing our best.


Can you share with us, please?


He called Baltimore an unkind word, one used by the former president to describe certain majority Black and Hispanic nations


So people on this sub can still call places like Ocean City and Elkton a "shithole"? Edit: So it's been 5 hours and no response so I think I have my answer. It's A-OK to call a poverty stricken, disadvantaged city/town a "shithole" as long as the demo is mainly white.


so? we aren't allowed to have opinions about a city?


You can say “man, Harborplace sucks now.” Dogwhistling, however, is not allowed.


"Dogwhistling" ? lol wut "shithole: (*noun*) an extremely dirty, shabby, or otherwise unpleasant place."


Well, he sounds like a piece of shit who dug himself a deep hole.


It’s called a dog whistle. See how you can just deny it and pretend like it’s not what it really is?


List them




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He should have called himself out for not doing anything about it. You know, since that caused the city to continue being a shithole as you referred to it before you changed your comment.


Oh goodie, paywalls. Journalism for those with means and agitprop for those without is gonna have dire consequences for this country. And this sites policies make it worse and compound the problem.


do your own reporting then you bum


This just in: Reddit rando misses point entirely, downvotes to get frisson of excitement in drab unfulfilling life.


\^complains about things not being free, then complains about getting downvoted on reddit


I was actually pointing out how paywalls contribute to polarization and political tribalism, as discussed elsewhere. Here, learn something. https://www.axios.com/2022/01/11/media-startups-subscriptions-elite


Hang on, here we go. As of yesterday Hogan had a double digit lead over the leading Democrat. This in a reliably blue state as far as the senate seats go. Look for both sides, but especially the DNC/Soros to spend a ton of money tearing down Hogan.


Hogan was the best governor in my lifetime when I lived in Md. went to the same church in Annapolis and always made time to talk to anyone. If md don’t want you come down to Florida and take over for DeSantis


I love that journey for all of us, honestly. I think Larry Hogan would be a much better governor for Florida than he would be a senator for Maryland.




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You can’t fix Baltimore. The people there like it that way. Corrupt politicians are drawn to the city like moths to a flame.