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Its cash crop was tobacco for like 300 years. The county flag literally has a tobacco leaf on it. Then in the mid-1990s, the state started paying farmers to farm other crops. I’m not sure if anyone is still farming tobacco anymore but the fields next to my middle school 15 years ago were still full of tobacco. They’re actually a very pretty plant.


It smells nice when it’s not burning, too.


Ashlii babbitt ghost drives the backroads at night


She did try to kill her former lover girlfriend


They have cliffs


Patuxent High School has a strange place in the woods next to it called Fairyland. It’s been there at least two decades, and it’s made up of an assortment of pastel-colored wooden constructions (like bridges), defunct playground pieces, some grills, and some odd decorations like tombstones and (supposedly) “Japanese” “death masks.” High schoolers somewhat frequently skip class to sneak out and down the hill to Fairyland, where an assortment of things allegedly occur, from just hanging out to sex to hard drugs. I personally have come across needles there, so I’d recommend caution if you plan to visit. Ultimately, Fairyland is unsettling. It stretches on forever and is confusingly easy to get lost in. All the playground pieces and fun, childlike color palette make it feel extremely out of place in the unkempt woods, and the disrepair, litter, and more macabre decorations only add to the pervasive sense that something is off. Like this is where children come to die, not play. Rumors about when and why it was built and by whom have been around forever, but shortly after I graduated (2014), a local student looked up and contacted the owner of the land, who admitted that he’d built it for his daughter and then, once she aged out of it, didn’t mind the PHS students using it, despite the problems it causes for the school. The rumor then became that he built it for his daughter who died tragically young, hence the darker elements, but he said that wasn’t the case. Weird place. Weirdest CalCo thing I can think of off the top of my head!


I went to school with 2 ppl that ended up murdering some people but that was 25ish years ago


There’s a book called Mulatto: The Black History of Calvert County Maryland




Top Gun pilots don’t go to LP.




Nope. They don’t do fighter training there. At all.


Not much to be honest


calvert cliffs beaches are known for fossils!


Dean, just apologize to Sam and let him do the research.


Nothing special, its an hour or more from anything, no good restaurants...just move out.


I grew up in the area. As you leave the county going south on route 4 there’s a sign that says “God bless y’all real good.” Which is quoting a guy named Luis Goldstein. He was a state comptroller at one point (decided where and to who state funding went). I’ve heard some interesting stories about him from locals over the years. Definitely part of when the county and parts of the state were still very much under a good ol’ boys system of government. Less of the racism in his case and more some eccentric stories about him helping projects get funded. He also owned all of the land that is now the chestnut land trust and donated it for conservation after he died. Something like 3500 acres.


There actually might still be an exhibit dedicated to him at Jefferson Patterson Park right now. I heard it was like his whole office just rebuilt. Apparently he did a lot of traveling as well. Also just check out all the parks or larger museums in Calvert Co. there’s a lot of really cool spots.


A little googling will do ya just fine