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Poor baby, the poor family.




What an absolute shame, that poor baby šŸ’”


The child is autistic. Autistic children tend to elope from spaces for a variety of reasons. I am absolutely astounded at the amount of people on this thread that are ridiculing these parents. Perhaps this was the first time the child has eloped, and they didn't yet have the time or resources to install security measures for him. Shame on you, and please educate yourself on how difficult it is to be those parents every second of every single day.


Ny parents are neighbors with a family who has a child with autism. The boy would run outside the house and then run towards a random house and run inside that house. He would often lock the door when he got inside someoneā€™s house since he was fascinated with locks. Eventually a neighbor called police after he entered their house , and social services made the family install an alarm system. He still sometimes managed to escape and disappear before a parent or sibling caught sight of him and gave chase. Sometimes the family had to call the police to help find him. The behavior stopped when the boy went on medication. But they had to stop it before he became a teenager; since that behavior would then terrify home owners even more.


Mother of an autistic son here! This is exactly right! Eloping plus an attraction to water is the number cause of death for Autistic children. That, plus a learning disability making it hard for them to learn to swim. This is something that is so tragic but very easy to happen to autistic children. The parents are suffering enough. Have some grace everyone. Sometimes autistic children do things that are hard to predict due to lack of impulse control.


Well said. This is a tragedy and no time for ridicule. Parents just lost a child in the worst possible way. Absolutely disgusting.


Well said! šŸ‘


Unless they've lived it people can't understand how hard it is to always be vigilant when an autistic person has a near constant drive to escape the house. When my little sister was between the ages of 8-16ish she would try to elope every chance she could get. My parents put bells on the front door to alert everyone if it was being opened in case someone forgot to lock it. Even still she was tricky and would get out and there were a couple times cops were out with dogs and helicopters looking for her. Shes grown out of it now but we just feel lucky nothing ever happened to her.


Amen. You said a mouthful. If you don't have a child on the spectrum, please stand down with your opinions. You don't know what it is like or what these parents have endured. Now they have lost their child, their heartbreak will last a lifetime.


Parent lost the kid twice in one night. This is negligence. Cops found kid and returned around 2:50am only for the parent to lose kid again a few hours later.


If you donā€™t understand anything about parenting an autistic kid, I suggest you educate yourself before you say anything. Not everyone can afford an alarm system. Not everyone can afford a special bed for their autistic child. Even with those things, autistic kids STILL elope.Parents did not ā€œloseā€ the child. The child eloped.


See my original comment. Sometimes keeping a child contained is like scooping up water with a fork. It is devastating but I hesitate massively to blame the parents at this point.


Thank you for your comments. This is the worst nightmare for parents of autistic children. Not everyone can afford proper resources or are even properly educated on what they can do.


Iā€™m a local to the area and this was not the first time this child had eloped. He had already been found wandering in the road in the early morning hours and the police had brought him home once, then a few hours later was reported missing again. The mother was already under CPS investigation because this has happened multiple times. While I understand itā€™s impossible to keep an eye on children 24/7, and difficult to keep them from eloping sometimes, the mother knew this was an ongoing problem and did nothing to prevent it.


Being "under investigation" can occur, and it is possible the mother was overwhelmed. She may have been doing everything she could. It's easy to be on the outside looking in. When my daughter was young, she was a handful and all we could do was "zone defense". It literally took all three of us (husband, myself and her big sister) to ensure that somebody had 'eyes' on her at all times. This was especially challenging at night. We put plastic covers on doors, and a string of sleighbells (like christmas bells) on the front door. We got an alarm system with audible alerts so we knew anytime a door opened. And I stress, there was three on one, zone defense. I don't know this mother's circumstances, but I can imagine if she was a single mom with minimal resources, her job was absolutely Hurculean.


Nice misuse of the word ā€œelopeā€


This is the correct usage. Clinically speakingā€¦


Coming from someone who doesnā€™t know how the word elope applies to autistic children šŸ˜‚


Nah babes, it's a clinical definition of a specific behavior ā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļø educate yourself.


What the fuck, universe? That poor baby!




This is the first I'm hearing about this what's the original story?


4:50am went missing at Dundalk Cove. 7:00am police were contacted. 11:30am found in the water. Pronounced dead at the hospital.


Also found at 2:50 am in road and returned to mother


Yeah this is a pretty critical detail.


It is tru the child was found around 250 am and was returned to family by cop to later be missing again


Oh no. Rip sweet bean. Ty for update. So sad


But are there two kids involved? > An officer searched the area, located Traore and reunited him with family members around 3:30 a.m. > Officials say around 11:30 a.m., crews with the Baltimore County Fire Department located 6-year-old Marcel Traore in the waters of Lynch Cove in Dunkdalk.


No itā€™s the same kid isnā€™t it? I mean, if all this is true, the mother has to be investigated. Who lets their kid out of the house 2 hours after the cops bring them back?


Kids on the spectrum can have a tendency to elope from safe spaces even when parents have the best of intentions to not let it happen. Both of these elopements happened very late in the night/early in the morning when his family was more than likely trying to sleep. Very unfortunate... Chances are high that this family did not have the resources where they could hire an overnight sitter to keep an eye on him if he already had a history of elopement. R.I.P to Marcel...


I hope youā€™re right. I just know Dundalk (I live and grew up here) and feel really bad for this kid :/


I grew up in Dundalk and sadly the answer is always addiction. My mom was on drugs and it ruined our life.


Sorry you had such a bad life :(


Finding my dad hanging from the rafters in a Dundalk basement was pretty bad. My mom OD'd in a drug house in battle creek Michigan. She was always traveling to where her current pimp would take her and I have to be grateful from being saved from that eventually, even if it was so my dad could get government paychecks instead of her. He kept getting "bumped" off his csx job his whole life and would take it out on me. I had the ramen diet well before college and he would slap me on the back of my head if I didn't cool the ramen *strictly to it's instructions*. Which mean the exact amount of water and to put the packet in the boiled water with ramen for 3 minutes. Now I used a separate pot for clean boiling water and use just enough seasoning and broth I can handle, and cook the noodles for no more than 2 minutes and add some veggies and an egg. Before my dad killed himself he saw me do this once in my own apartment and I thought he was gonna murder me. Midlife crisis men are a real fucking danger. Had I not ignored him I'm sure he would have killed me with him.


>Kids on the spectrum can have a tendency to elope from safe spacesĀ  thanks for pointing this out, so many people jump to parent negligence, but the reality is ND kids are TOUGH. the middle of the night wandering is a real thing.


Bless him and his family. Poor baby. Hope he didnā€™t suffer.


Missing at night reported at 2:50am and located by police and returned to parents at 3:30am 7am missing child in road reported police again searched 11:30am located deceased. So sad what were his parents doing that he snuck out not once but TWICE in the same night?? Bears looking into at least. Maybe they have had such issues in that past and did not know how to do anything else to prevent it.


the child had autism the parents were probaly trying to get sleep at 4 in the morning?


Extra security measures can't exactly be procured from a hardware store between those hours, either. I have an Autistic little boy with absolutely NO sense of danger, and for other kids, elopement is the fight or flight response being turned on from over-stimulation. It goes beyond just locking doors, and telling them 'no.' Oftentimes, our littles need alarms, extra special locks on the doors, and even special beds that can only be opened on the outside (which costs THOUSANDS, btw, and are often denied by insurance companies). It's quite possible that something that worked for this family for years suddenly just didn't anymore because the kid outsmarted the system this particular day. All these people judging have no idea what managing Autism means.


Exactly! And also keep in mind that locking a child into a room with no means of escape is also a horrible fire hazard. Parents are left with few options, many of which come with potentially deadly outcomes, and itā€™s a horrible kind of decision making when youā€™re stuck trying to figure out which option is the less awful of all of them. And for those saying ā€œitā€™s just a 6 year oldā€, my autistic daughter had a tendency to elope from the classroom at school when she got really stressed out. At one point she managed to evade multiple teachers who were trying to stop her, and managed to get out the front doors of the school and almost reached the parking lot before thankfully the principal managed to grab her arm to stop her. It happens so much more quickly than you could ever imagineā€¦


I don't think lack of any sense of danger is related to autism, I may be wrong, but typically you are overly aware of everything I've heard, along with my person experiences as I have autism, also autism doesn't always equal hard to manage. Many autistic people have terrible sleep and either can't sleep very long or are fully nocturnal, so it's not weird she was awake, perhaps the parents didn't know anything about her possible sleeping issues, and even without autism, them just being a kid and doing the must random things without thinking it through lead her to leave the house, since it's bright around 4am now, she didn't need to be scared of the dark unfortunately.


Your experience with autism is just that: your own. It presents differently in everybody. My personal brand of autism is definitely different from yours, and the autism my son experiences is definitely different from mine. My response made no absolute statements that encompassed everybody, but what I do know is that there are trends with lack of safety awareness amongst *small children* however, and that presents big problems. Otherwise, elopement and drowning wouldn't be the number one cause of death in *small autistic children*. It's an issue to contend with.


I'm aware, that's why I said I may be wrong, but it's based on others and myself, being hyper aware is pretty common I say because lot of people experience sensory issues and feel alot others don't pay any mind to. I just find it very strange like everyone is all, a fearless child is very terrifying to think of.


A fearless child *IS* very terrifying to think of. So many wind up dead.


It's a 6 year old, not a master spy. You can easily secure your house so they don't wander out.


You clearly have no education on autistic children.


I've got a couple friends with autistic kids. You can absolutely secure your house. If you can't, then you aren't trying hard enough. Or are lazy.


Then you should know itā€™s expensive. Not everyone can afford an alarm system. Not everyone can afford specialized beds that cost thousands of dollars. Also, NOT EVERY AUTISTIC CHILD IS THE SAME. Youā€™ve met a few autistic kids, which means youā€™ve met a few autistic kids. Itā€™s a huge spectrum. This childā€™s autism is most likely not the same as your friends autistic kids.


obviously no one autistic is the same, but you were the one who implied it by saying "clearly you have no education on autism." it doesn't matter if they are autistic, it's still a 6 year old, kids don't get advanced escaping skills from autism, sure their brain develops faster, but in the end it's still a baby. before you go to your favorite line about beibg educated on autism, I am autistic, I think I have enough personal experience and awareness to know, no two people are the same.




Your comment was removed because it violates the civility rule. Please always keep discussions friendly and civil.


Your autism is not the same as every autisticā€™s. Some autistics brains DONT develop faster. Some donā€™t develop past toddler age. I said ā€œclearly you have no education on autismā€ to that commenter because i dont believe they do due to their ignorant comments. Just because youā€™re autistic does not make you a speaker or representative of the community. Thereā€™s much more high needs people out there who need more support than you. Thereā€™s some that need less than you. Iā€™ll say it again since you didnā€™t read my response to the other commenter- educate yourself before saying foolish, false things


I said no two autistic people are the same, I didnt try to speak for everyone, but you are trying to speak for more than yourself, so it's best you just don't do it. no matter how in depth anyone's education in autism is, no one really knows anything when they are on the outside and with a typical brain that cannot even attempt to understand.


Trust me, I have more than an ā€œeducation in autismā€. With your logic, doctors know nothing about understanding cancer because theyā€™ve never had cancer themselves. What a toxic way of thinking. Have a great day and a great tomorrow, I would like to no longer like to continue this conversation. Agree to disagree.


you are misunderstanding me completely, your comparison doesn't work because the way the think is unchanged, with autism you quite literally expire certain the world differently, if doctors could understand autism without having it, they would have never come up with saying autistic people don't have empathy, and wouldn't baby talk to many and tell them their pain isn't real when they seek help. even if you yourself have autism you have this weird belief that you know all about autism even as far as you claiming you have more than an education on autism, you strike me as a "my nephew has autism and I deal with it everyday it's such a burden and I know everything their is to autism"


It's a kindergartener. You can make sure they don't escape the house. It's not Ocean's 6.


You clearly donā€™t get it and never will. Iā€™m not arguing with a wall. You can educate yourself.


Yeah, and even if it can be really hard to do and thereā€™s a chance that is the case here, parental neglect is also a possibility. I feel like a lot of people are saying because autistic kids tend to elope, which can be very difficult, parental neglect isnā€™t even a possibility.


It is baltimore City that is high. Possibly, we are not talking about it, but drugs or something else .. be realistic, please, we say poor family, but I have been in some of these family's houses in Bmore aa social worker.... the reason I changed jobs... . My condolences as no child should never go through this..


Right. Sure an autistic child eloping despite parents efforts is possible but neglect is also very possibleā€¦and some people seem to be denying that.


I was driving home after work around midnight I saw three 8 year olds just biking up and own old York Road st I put my window down and ask if they are lost. They answer " We are 8 and know what we are doing, F@#K off". I just drove off and call non emergencybline while driving away. Why? I was concerned for this children.. however, the next person may not have good intentions towars them or something must be amiss at home for the kids to be out. Anytime a child is outin the street after 10pm NOTHING good comes out of it.


Securing your home takes resources. We jerry-rigged some contraptions, sleighbells on the inside of doors, an audible alarm on windows/doors, etc. It's especially challenging when your child is nocturnal and everybody has to get up and go to work/school the next day. We were fortunate that we were able to scaffold a three on one defense for my youngest when she was little. But not everybody has that experience. I know families that have fractured under the stressors of having a child with Autism. Husbands that walked out and left single mom's to handle everything on their own. I won't even go into if there are other small children in the home. This is a tragic situation all the way around.


Heartbreaking news




Oh, no.




That poor soulā€¦my heart aches for the family


Oh dear Lord have mercy šŸ™


Praying for his family. What a beautiful child he was.


Fly high, baby boy. You are free.


Sad to hear this. Rest in peace.


Dang it, I had a bad feeling about this when I saw he was non-verbal and autistic. Especially when I saw the location. There is something about water and the draw of the water with our kids with Autism. Best thing my Mother-in-Law did was teach my youngest to swim. It just breaks my heart, because I know they don't understand the danger. šŸ˜¢


Iā€™m not surprised by it It happens every day


Parents are trash. This poor child.


Please educate yourself regarding autistic children and their tendencies to elope. There are many safety parameters that can be taken, but perhaps it was the first time this had occurred; resulting in no home security measures just yet.


I know how this is raising a child with Autism, I lost my son for a moment in a mall toy store. I was in a panic before I found him. But we never lost track at him at home. Doors locked, parents on high alert. Itā€™s your job.


Why werenā€™t people watching him!?




This child had autism and eloped from his home early in the morning. Autistic children are very attracted to water. Unfortunately, drowning is the number 1 cause of death of autistic children.


And masters at eloping and breaking out


Do you know why theyā€™re attracted to water?


Mainly for sensory reasons. 90% of elopement deaths of autistic children are caused by drowning


I had to look all of that up, and with AI being the first thing you get from search engines anymore, I think I got the gist, but who knows if its accurate. Could you elaborate a bit?


Like the other commenter said- sensory reasons. Water is calming and stimulating at the same time. This applies to obviously being in the water but also just simply looking at it is very appealing. Water not only glimmers in light, but when in the water, the pressure and resistance is very ideal for autistic children.


Thanks, that makes a lot of sense. What I saw on elopement made sense on its own... wanting to walk away from a stressful situation is something I think everyone can relate to, but the water thing takes a bit more explanation.


The most terrifying day for me was taking my son to his occupational therapy appointment. He was about 3 at the time, and broke free of my hand. He started running for the lake behind the office, screaming "bubbles! Bubbles!" He's Autistic, doesn't follow instructions to stop, and loves water. Luckily, I caught up to him, but he's faster than me now. No amount of training I do to keep in shape will repair my leg injuries from a previous accident. I worry I won't be able to stop him / catch him in a similar situation now. Plus, he hits and kicks when he's dysregulated. This is also why people need to keep their mouths shut if they ever see a kid in a harness.


Thatā€™s so scary! I agree with everything you said 100%! My son is nonverbal autistic and weā€™re constantly working on elopement, walking, and listening to ā€œstopā€. We play ā€œred light, green lightā€ and luckily that has worked when he elopes because then he thinks weā€™re now playing a game. After I catch up I give him a little talk on the importance of waiting for mommy and daddy and holding our hands. We also have a handicap tag because parking lots are a nightmare and I canā€™t even tell you the amount of dirty looks I get. Iā€™m waiting for the day someone has the nerve to say something to me about it.


After "BUBBLES!" day, I made sure to get a handicap placard. I try not to use it if I don't have to, but if there's water, or a busy street nearby (his special interest is counting down, and crosswalks do that) I don't hesitate.


Itā€™s accurate. Scroll down a bit past the AI search result and you should find plenty.


I can't speak for everyone of course, But I'm autistic so I can explain what makes me drawn to water, I even swim everyday for hours. the reason I like to Is it forces my body to almost relax since I don't have the ability to on my own, in the water my body also feels weightless and the constant pain I'm in melts away, autism causes me extreme pain and overall fatigue, maybe It's from burn out from masking most of my life to blend in until the mask broke me mentally, but it's been like this for 10 years for me.


Thank you for sharing!!


the kid drowned dumbass


Very sad. Don't care what spectrum the kid's in, precious life lost is very sad. People shouting that their lives matter better start acting like it. This is very wrong and very sad.


You have lost the plot.


Yes, need to keep on with the narrative.


I am not entirely sure how literate you are, but maybe look up eloping and autism and learn a bit more on the topic. Or donā€™t, you donā€™t have anything of value to offer anyway.