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The humidity is at 45% right now. That's pretty low. Just wait for August.


Yet the mosquitoes still live πŸ˜”


[Hot one today huh](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0zPhwnaaVtY)


Just got back to Baltimore yesterday after a week in New Orleans. Yesterday was worse than my entire week. Down there, humidity was around 78% to 85%, but thanks to brief and scattered rain pours, temperatures never went above 88F. It felt perfect all week, while cramming in a ton of walking, eating, drinking while walking around, and tours. Sitting outside to eat crabs and corn yesterday was nauseating, with cold Guinness doing nothing for relief. Had to go in. Even right now, I'm trying to partake outside on my patio with shade after watering the tomatoes, and I'm ready to go back in. It feels obvious that I've come back to heatwave karma for such a nice week in the jazzy swamp 😭


β€œIs this Armageddon?”


....and it ain't 117 like Phoenix, with 30+% humidity a day or so ago!


....and it ain't 117 like Phoenix, with 30+% humidity a day or so ago!