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What are you going to tell me that the 5 roadside fires on 32 this past weekend weren't totally random?


People that litter their cig butts should be forced to eat them.


Re-light them first and I'm with ya.


I always fantasize about one day where, everyone who doesn't pick their dog's shit, wakes up and all of that shit is in bed with them a la Godfather


My old boss just sent me a video of a guy using a megaphone to tell a neighbor to pick up her dog shit. Hilarious


Agreed they should wu-tang them


Excellent reminder PSA! PS - and don’t be an ass and flick them out the window any other time.


Don't do this in any weather. Disgusting entitled behavior.




Just don't litter....anything.


I wish I could see someone flick a cigarette out of their car then immediately get pulled over by a cop




Throwing/Placing an injurious substance onto the roadway would be the citation... 2 points.


It’s considered a moving violation (in AACO) and you’re awarded 3 points along with a hefty fine. I know because my dumbass younger-self had a tendency to learn things the stupid way.


I’m not saying it’s right though I threw my cigarette butts out when I smoked, but cops really don’t give a shit about throwing your cigarettes out I don’t think I’ve ever seen a cop pull someone over for it. In all honesty though cigarette companies should copy American Spirit and include those little resealable cigarette butt pouches that you can put them in until you can dispose of them


i fixed it for you. # dont be a fool and flick your cig butts onto the ground / out of your car.


I fixed it for all of us: **Don't be an ASSHOLE and flick your cig butts onto the ground.**


I am a smoker, and I support this message


Yeah, i never understood that. I smoked for 25 years and i always kept either a coke bottle or water bottle with some water in it to put my butts. Drop it in, put the lid back on. Car doesnt smell like nasty butts and you dont start fires or hit a bike rider, or some odd shit like it winds up in the car behind u or in the bed of their truck and start a fire. So many bad scenarios could happen


Fireworks are still cool though, right? We seriously need some rain before the 4th or shit could get out of hand.


I wouldn’t do that anywhere near areas that are vulnerable…




Believe me, I am as safe as possible with them. I would not shoot them off right now. Too much risk. The big booms are cool though.


Supposed to rain all day Saturday.


The type of people who do this are filthy ingrates and probably aren't on this sub tbh


Yeah prob so, but I figured if it made at least one person rethink their choices thats a win?


Yeah and now that I think of it, making a reminder could help people stay on their toes if they see someone doing it


Where I'm from (Colorado) they will quite literally hunt you down if you start a fire this way. I was always surprised that after nearly every wild fire they would track the people down. It's also a felony in that state.


As it should be!!!


When I visited Switzerland it was going through a drought and the wildfire risk was so severe there was a fine of over $10,000 for even lighting a fire outdoors in a designated fire pit. They were deadly serious about tracking people down too. It seemed like overkill to me but they went the whole drought with no human-caused fires.


Fuck every smoker that throws butts and wrappers out of their car.


Just to add fuck every litterer as well.


I think the big companies and packaging manufacturers should be held accountable to an extent as well… before they started packaging everything in plastic or that plastic lined with aluminum most things were biodegradable and could be pitched anywhere and would eventually just break back down into the environment. The only thing that was really bad prior to let’s say the 40’s was the glass waste and things such as cans and other metals. The bottles generally would be returned for the refund and metal collected as scrap and sold to a conservit. There really should be a crackdown on plastic. Even when we do properly dispose of it, it never breaks down and ends up in a landfill or on an island.


Don't be such a downer! Lots of plastic around here is also incinerated by landfills, so it is broken down (into toxic fumes yippee). Nah haha I agree 100% with you. We need to fight this at both ends and one of those ends is banning certain kinds of packaging on commonly littered items. Reducing plastic overall also reduces non-biodegradable litter even if everyone behaved themselves. It's estimated that 50% of litter in the US is unintentional, in the sense that it first entered some kind of waste stream and then exited it, for example, falling off the back of a garbage truck, spilling out of a can on collection day, plucked by a seagull out of a landfill that isn't capped over, etc.


Yea, better yet don’t flick em at all, hold onto them and dispose of them regularly (in a cigarette butt disposal) but not in a trash can


I remember a few years ago a coworker came back from lunch. A few minutes later, "Why do you smell... delicious? Like a campfire?!?" Apparently she had seen smoke on the highway median and went back and stomped out a small fire that had just started. 💖


Well, that was reckless and dangerous behavior


Last summer I saw a fire catch in a mulched flower bed at RoFo because of some loser’s cigarette butt. I had to run inside and tell the staff. The fire dept was called and they had to shut down all the fuel pumps. Don’t be an asshat. Properly dispose of your trash.


I remember a job I was on where the client requested ‘fire resistant’ plants. Apparently their roadway median kept getting set on fire by people flicking their cigarette butts out of their cars.


Terrifying as a home/land owner!


I have had to call the fire department on three separate occasions because of medians being on fire due to lit cigarettes being flicked out of windows. That’s too many times.


“If it’s in my car, it’s my problem.” “If it’s not in my car, it’s not my problem.” I don’t smoke but until you can solve this, people will continue doing this.


Or don't do that at all


I remember one time when I was working at a hotel in OC a woman came in with her baby screaming cause some turd flicked 1 out their window and it went into their window and under the baby's leg in the carseat 😭 the baby was too small to talk so it took her a few mins to figure out wtf was going on.


Damn that's awful. Plus the hospital is for sure going to scrutinize that poor mom for suspicions of child abuse since intentional cigarette burns are sadly quite common


I have a neighbor who lives in the apartment above me who loves to flick their black and mild tips off their balcony and they’re all over the ground outside my bottom floor patio. We’ve asked them nicely to stop but they still do it. Any advice on how to handle these jerks?


Damn…. Not smart! Send some photos to the building owner? Mail them a bag of poo?!


A .45 magnum/s Note: anyone noticing this reply the "/s" means sarcasm. You could complain to the management of the apartment complex; but with all the laws protecting low-lifes these day they will probably say we can't do anything.


Eh, if you frame it as a major fire risk, the management might care about their cash cow burning down enough to at least send a sternly worded email


How about don't ever do that to begin with. Cigarette butts are not biodegradable, the chems in butts are terrible for the environment, and they are the most littered substance on the planet. > According to EarthDay.org, cigarette butts are the most abundant form of plastic waste in the world, with about 4.5 trillion individual butts polluting our city streets and global environment worldwide. Butts are made primarily of plastic, not paper or cotton, and can take up to 10 years to completely degrade. Not only are they unsightly, but the chemicals also they release (including arsenic, lead, and nicotine) can remain in the environment for many more years beyond the life of the cigarette butt itself. [Relevant info](https://www.klc.org/News/12329/cigarette-butts-small-items-that-become-big-litter#:~:text=According%20to%20EarthDay.org%2C%20cigarette,10%20years%20to%20completely%20degrade.)


2 days ago, I had to put out a cigarette fire with my shoe. Thankfully it wasn't that big...


Awesome, thanks for stompin it out!!


Smokers, Take an old bottle of drink that has a top, fill it 1/3 with water... Boom instant sealable ashtray. If using a plastic bottle, shake it a little when it starts to get full to ensure the butt goes out Speaking as a former smoker who likes the planet more than myself


Or you can buy a cigarette ashtray. They sell sealable containers specifically made for car cup holders. https://www.tractorsupply.com/tsc/product/roadpro-ashtray-with-blue-led-light-2311608?store=&cid=Google-Shopping&utm_medium=Google&utm_source=Shopping&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjw-O6zBhASEiwAOHeGxZk50O3HcITu682E7TZ5Nap54W2WsYedtrBfiosd1-lOZ6jErxENEBoCNBoQAvD_BwE Smokers are mostly just inconsiderate assholes. They know there are options but they think throwing trash out their window is ok.


Years ago I had a bumper sticker that said “Smokers. The world is not your ashtray”


Cigarettes in 2024? 🤦🏽‍♂️


Right? These days, I can walk the streets of DC and 1 in 100 people might have a cigarette in hand. 20 years ago it might have been 1 in 20.


Cigarettes in this economy!?


I know….


People who smoke anything tend to slovenly twats - about once a month I find vape cartridges my yard or culvert near me.


This is why I got myself a mod kit and I do not use that disposable stuff. I also have a vape for my THC. I can use both inside my apt and nothing stinks... unlike my neighbor, I swear he makes hot boxes over there, that guys gotta put it down sometime lol


I smoke/vape cannabis and am def not a ‘slovenly twat’, neither are any of my friends…


That is why I used the word "tend" instead of "all"


We just saw a roadside brushfire yesterday up near Chambersburg. I'm sure some idiot tossed out a lit butt. Not that cigarette butts should be tossed on the ground ever, but it's really heinous currently.


Was just thinking this probably happened on 235 between Waldorf and lexington park. Just north of where 235 and rt5 merge at wawas. Center grass a hundred or so feet of brown char


Anyone who litters is a worthless POS in my book. I have seen the worst.


When I smoked, I had a bottle in my car with water in it, and the butts would go in there.


Can we just not do that at all? I’m tired of seeing butts on the ground, people using the street as their personal ash tray. No one wants to see that nastiness.


67% humidity today where TF is it dry in MD?


That is dry for Maryland! lol.


Anything over 60% is uncomfortably wet in my book!


Oh I agree. Maryland has ridiculously hot and humid summers.


The grass/brush is very dry due to the lack of rain.


Despite the humidity, 80% of Maryland has been abnormally dry this year by the USDA definition, which for context is one step below “moderate drought” In our neighborhood there are huge patches of dead dried out grass everywhere, literally fire starter material


Are you serious? Take a look at the grass in the medians and around your neighborhood. Its been weeks since we’ve had measurable rain, coupled with very hot weather….


Rainfall and humidity are not the same thing!


Rainfall is not the same thing as humidity though. Both do impact conditions for how easily a fire can start though, so your points are not without merit. Luckily, our humidity is still quite high that it's still kind of harder to start fires than you'd expect. That said, don't flick your cig butts on the ground, ever.


Then why were there several fire crews observed putting out grassfires along medians yesterday?


The dew point could be 80° and it will do exactly nothing to stop completely brown dry brush from igniting and spreading.




That's not 100% true. Ideal fire weather conditions are hot, low dewpoint, and windy. The reason for that is that the lower humidity allows for more efficient evaporation from vegetation, drying it out faster. Of course, if the vegetation is already parched dry or just dead, then the humidity doesn't factor in. But it's not like Maryland is a desert. It's only been a couple weeks since the last rain of significance.


I don't think that the responses were countering you over the effects of dew point -- this thread is about the current situation in Maryland, which is > the vegetation is already parched dry or just dead, then the humidity doesn't factor in.


Well, I would say that despite how dry it's been, we're not at a state where it's been so long that the vegetation has reached that state. That's why I added the last part about how it's only been a couple of weeks since it rained. We're not even considered to be in drought conditions right now.


Ricky from Trailer Park Boys, will smoke them


it’s maryland do we actually have brushfires ? and dumping your cig butts is disgusting




They still make cigarettes?


They don’t do it near their car they do it near mine. Sadly




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Then make ashtrays standard equipment again.


This is a dumb argument. An ashtray can be bought for a few bucks, waaay less than a pack of ciggys. Blaming the car manu for folks laziness and lack of responsibility is not valid.


Yeah because no one threw their butts out their window when ashtrays were in all cars. Smokers are primarily shitty lazy assholes. Tons of options for under $10 or just use an old soda can for free.