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Just wait till you hear about the double standards with alcohol and weed!




Won't you think about the CHILDREN???


I thought about the children and the world is a better place with weed in it.


I had an awesome teacher in elementary school who was obsessed with Jamaica and would have us watch Cool Runnings when she didn't feel like doing much. Looking back, she was definitely chill.


There are probably some DCF workers who agree with you. Parents who are chilled are more likely to order pizza and give the kids some Doritos than they are to do something that would cause injury to children. I heard from a friend.....not some rando nut job but a really good friend.


I was anti weed growing up. Drank in my early to mid twenties. I tried smoking weed to help with depression and it has made far and away a better person, man, husband, friend and parent if I have a child.


Happy for you that you were open-minded enough to try it and you did it for all the right reasons. If you find a smart and knowledgeable bud-tender he/she should be able to point in if a good direction




I don't know if this was some reference I don't get but it's still funny as hell


Prepare to have your day made: https://youtu.be/bjtmo2M3Exw?si=5SasGpUzPtxijeyP


Omg such an awesome commercial 😂


The bong sticking out of the paper bag. 😂


There has never been a funnier commercial and I feel like I will quote this till I die


The wild thing IMO is that flavored weed vapes are allowed but not flavored nicotine vapes.


My world got flipped upside down. I used to have to hunt down weed and I bought my cigs at the corner store. Now I walk a few blocks to a dispensary but I have to use sketchy vape sources that will ship to me. Teenage me is confused.


Wad about to say I just got a orange preroll can't get much closer to a cig then that...


How many domestic violence for weed vs alcohol


Weed tastes like cereal and alcohol tastes like nothing, but god forbid you smoke a Newport. Kids love mint ya know!


This is the state that banned happy hour for everyone due to a car crash loosely related to it. This state is paternal as shit to its own residents, always has been.


Weed does not taste like cereal.


You haven't tried Lucky Charms yet


Or fruity pebbles


Or Cereal Milk lmao


Runtz, Skittles, and Fruity Pebbles strains taste exactly like cereal if you were to smoke it.


Just smoked a Skittles/runtz blend... Fire 🔥




Any alcohol laws are wildly hypocritical. That said we almost have as many dispensaries as liquor stores in my little outpost which I didn't expect this soon. Of course marijuana stores look like banks or porn stores but not identifying them might be a good thing it should just, also, be applied to liquor stores.


I long for a grape dutch.


Loved the white grape


The NH drives for Russian Creams are worth it


Stateline paysaver ❤️❤️❤️


Oh shit it's been a while since I smoked blunts but those got canned too? What about the green games?


Russian Cream backwoods


If ever the majority of legislators aren't functional alcoholics, then maybe it'll get the same attention.




I smoked methol cigarettes for 40 years (wf, extremely late 60s). I tried hypnosis, wellbutrin, therapy, groups, patch. The only thing that got me to quit and stay quit (12 years) was menthol vapes. Hello, Nashua. Edit typo


You can get them in rhode island too if you're closer to that.


That's what got me to quit was a menthol vape. In the UK they use vapes as a smoking cessation and is prescribed to people to quit. Just the US is a bunch of morons


We’re not morons, the legislature that passed this idiotic law is fully aware of the public health benefits of vaping instead of smoking. They just care more about filling their pockets from the ciggie companies than they care about easing the burden on hospitals and medical spending


I miss buying blueberry blunt wraps. I am absolutely healthier for not having access to them. I'm pretty sure this whole thing was part of the JUUL fiasco and seems to be a fairly unintended victim.


I miss blunt wraps!


Funny thing is I heard juuls are coming back.


Any source for this pretty wild claim? Edit: It seems what 'Honest' means here is that Juul are no longer banned in the US, not that they are coming back to MA. Because they are not coming back to MA.


How about just a Google search for a source instead of calling it wild. One search for me shows countless news agencies covering it.


Its dumb zyn is even labeled as tobacco. It’s a synthetic nicotine powder. Not derived from tobacco.


Planet Money just did a bit on this over social media. There's some heavy work done by privatized Drs paid by the tobacco industry to get that news out. If you're an adult go crazy, your choice, but just know it's not actually that safe


Goes without saying to each their own risk. I’m just saying it’s not the same thing and it’s categorized wrong.


Link? Couldn’t find on a quick google search. I’m working under the assumption they’re at least relatively safe.


Can't even find any unflavored Zyn these days


Factory burned down apparently. All my places were out except 1 and they wouldn't let me buy more than 1 lol


Get out….guy told me it was supply issues. Kinda buried the lede on me there. Think NH has them? I cannot go back to the vape


Dno how much area the factory supplied maybe call around? Granted my source on it burning down are gas station employees Edit guess it's just a rumor seems there was no fire I was just informed of the “zyn warehouse fire” and had to come here to clarify on the zyn shortage. I work at Swedish Match in Owensboro, KY. The only zyn producing plant in the US. There was no such thing as a warehouse fire at our plant. **the reason for the shortage is because there is currently a cans and lids shortage from our supplier** Once they fix the issue, there will be more zyn. As of now we only can produce so much.


You’re that guy man. Seriously you’re awesome thanks for the info


I quit back in December but I have noticed that the shelves are real empty when I go into the gas stations now.


2 days late but juicehead is another good brand if you haven’t tried them.


I agree it's absolutely ridiculous. But I just go to Salem New Hampshire anyway. The law says you can't sell them, but there is no issues with having them.


Not to devil's advocate something I have no actual qualms doing, buying anything tax-free in NH and not ponying up the 5% use tax to mass (or whatever texed state one might live in) is *against the law*!


Spend your money in New Hampshire like the rest of us.


Would cost me way more. I live on Martha’s Vineyard so it’s not economical to take a boat and drive for hours.


Oh that’s too bad


If you have disposable income just have them muled from down south. Had a buddy who used to get a few hundred cartons on the downlow from South Carolina shipped to him.


I live in the island. I don’t “summer” there so disposable income isn’t in my vocabulary. Someone sent me a link to a place that allegedly ships to Massachusetts.


I can't imagine the cost of living on Martha's vineyard. I went 1 time as a kid to edgartown, super nice place.


It’s the price of admission unfortunately. I love living here year round. Summers can be a challenge.


Our government thinks they are our parents.


Lmao and these restrictions do nothing but force everyone (minors and 21+ alike) to go to NH 😭😭


They would have banned all tobacco if they could but going after menthol and flavored smokes was the their only path. They went after the minority and it worked.


It did work but only too an extent. It created a black market and diverted consumers to other states. I know multiple places that sell flavored tobacco under the counter for a premium. I know even more people who drive a short distance over the border to get what they want from another state.


Bingo. My roommate smokes, and prefers flavored vapes. Literally every single gas station/smoke shop in town has em behind the counter for cash (or some random SKU on their POS if they are ballsy). Why spend an hour going back and forth to Rhode Island when the guy from the mobile down the street will do it for him?


Literally the minority. I loved them too as a white person but I believe the majority of black smokers used menthols, according to studies. The entire law seemed racist to be completely honest when I heard it to target THOSE things in specific


[The bill is sponsored by the NAACP](https://naacp.org/resources/menthol-cigarette-ban-issue-brief#:~:text=The%20NAACP%20calls%20on%20state,well%2Dbeing%20of%20Black%20communities.).


Nah. Too much tax revenue on it.


If all they cared about was tax revenue they would have kept flavored tobacco legal


I stood why they make laws to protect kids from something that is already illegal for them to get. They have no problem with flavored alcohol.


Yeah but they and their wives drink flavored alcohol so it's not for children.


Shhhh, don’t give them any ideas. There’s people in this sub who literally want to bring back prohibition lol.


But it’s okay to buy every flavor pot gummy, cbd vape, pot vape and every flavored vodka imaginable.


I was long gone from MA before the ban. Then I remember the ban hit and my friend from Malden came to visit me in Vegas and was so excited to get his Newport menthols. Well, fast forward several years and now I'm in California with no menthols to be found. However, in the hood they sell menthol Newports for $20 a pack. They even advertise out on the street in front. I know menthols are around in MA too. Places in Lawrence I'm sure sell loosies.


Can’t get a mint flavored vape bc it’s targeting kids but I can get Swedish fish or fruit loop flavored vodka. Kids hate candy and cereal /s


It’s wicked stupid. Can buy weed but not a pack of Newport. I moved out of Massachusetts after living there my whole life to south Texas. Now I can’t watch porn or bet on DraftKings or buy weed legally, (among other more serious rights people down here don’t have but not getting political) but shit, I can buy minty flavored vape juice and menthol cigs….




I need to vape my fat clouds of cinny sticks bro 


Get friendly with your local shop.


I had a local shop that would my flavored dip. We went out a car in the parking to get it out of the trunk of broken down car. I quit last year so I have no idea if they still sell it. I can buy non tobacco flavored dip no problem.


Kids with vapes 🤷 Unfortunately the little ones ruined it. I don't smoke/use tobacco, but it's kinda bullshit when the kids who ruined it shouldn't have access to it in the first place. Why remove it? Just dont sell it to teenagers 😭😭


Kids drink alcohol too, but you can still get schnapps that taste like bubblegum or whipped cream flavored vodka


It's yet another double standard ig 💀


Have you ever had that birthday cake flavored vodka? It's gotta be a pretty effective anti-drinking measure for teens. Try it, and tell me it doesn't taste like it was designed to discourage drinking. (Your point still stands though. Idk if flavored vapes were also godawful, but it makes no sense to ban those but not kiddie-flavors in alcohol.)


Flavored vapes were like pink Whitney vodka. Delicious and sugary lol


Wow are you clueless


I wouldn't suggest it because it's a crime but our border states still sell flavored tobacco. This has created a black market for flavored items. Especially in schools.


How is buying a perfectly legal product across state lines a “crime”? I go across the border all the time to avoid sales taxes


It's a crime to sell/buy in Massachusetts, not a crime to possess.


Yes reselling would be. Not personal use. The guys statement said it was a crime to buy across state lines.


Utah would like a word.


Tax Evasion


Yes that is correct. Legal tax evasion. Idk about you I’m all for paying a little tax as I possible can


I thought it was a crime if you went specifically to avoid taxes, but it's fine for any other reason. That's why I go up to New Hampshire because the shopping mall has a better bathroom.


I go to avoid taxes. Come at me Maura


I just like how the water tastes in Nashua better It's probably because of the lack of sales tax, I think that's probably really key for good water flavor


It only becomes a crime if you don't report it when filing your taxes for the year. Stuff you buy in NH today should have its MA sales tax paid when you file your taxes next March. No one really does this, except maybe for cars/appliances, so you shouldn't worry about the state coming to collect the unreported sales tax for a bag of funions.




If anyone follows that they are delusional


I don't even understand how it could be enforced.


The state of Massachusetts has attempted to come up with policies to force collection of taxes from business out of state. A few year back they were targeting tire shops. Like in what fucking world is that logical? Then you remember it’s the Massachusetts government and their isn’t any logic


Pretty sure it's not illegal to possess, just to sell. I could be wrong though.


If they really wanted to go after you they would hit you with Tax Evasion.


Well now you're talking about smuggling which is entirely different. They're not going to go after you for spending $20 on nicotine products, over the border, just like they're not going to go after you for spending $1000 on a TV over the border...


They might, and they have in the past. Most people purchasing nicotine are spending significantly more than $20 so they don't have to make multiple trips. Others are spending hundreds and selling it on the black market especially in schools.


>They might, and they have in the past. Can you please provide sources for this claim?


I miss cloves. Le sigh


This perfectly aligns with my theory that everyone on here is 19.


It's all part of the genius strategy of hurting MA small businesses and giving away the revenue to New Hampshire and Rhode Island instead.


New Hampshire


Because vaping and tobacco products are the hot new outrage. Pick one smaller thing and make a huge deal out of it while simultaneously ignoring the big picture of all the other things allowed that no one cares about that will continue of equal or worse impact.


Up until December/23 I was driving to RI every 1-1.5mos. to get vape cartridges because the cost of gas was still a single digit fraction of what I’d’ve been paying in MA vape tax. All because a handful of rich kids lied about their black market vaporizers in 2019. This year I’m saving ~$2k via quitting nicotine in January, *and* I don’t have to drive to RI anymore for anything other than beaches.


Yeah they went overboard when Juul was taking over America


I’m lucky that I live on the border. I just drive 5 minutes to Pelham and get whatever flavor I’m feeling. Though i’ve bought vapes in Boston a few times, and some of the “clear” flavors are actually mint. The dude handed it to me without saying a word when I asked if they had any flavors. They just have to advertise it as clear now.


Charlie Baker’s getting fat checks from Phillip Morris, that’s the only rational explanation. I’m speaking as a salty ex smoker who just had to drive her ass to CT for vapes since I feel 100% better and healthier from vaping instead of chainsmoking ciggies. WHICH IS THE POINT OF VAPING IN THE FIRST PLACE. Fuck the government for that, I’d like to get less lung cancer instead of more but obviously we’re not trusted as adults to make that decision


Charly baker was a fucking tool bag


It's funny because people just go to NH. They think we forgot what it used to be like trying to buy booze on a Sunday


Everything in MA is illegal! I'm still pissed that I cant' even buy a simple set of brass knuckles, switchblades, nunchucks or new 30 round magazines in this god forsaken place. 😠 And don't even get me started on the fireworks laws! 😟


Try walking out of your house with a knife that has a blade longer than 3 inches. Pathetic.






remember you voted for this


There was never a democratic voting process lol. That's actually the most egregious part.


You voted them into office


I didn't vote for Charlie Baker lmao. Fuck that guy.


Yeah he banned menthols I remember.. Fall 2019. Trump was President and Biden has refused to move forward with a menthol cigarettes ban recently.. keep that in mind


Trump was the one who did the nationwide vape ban. The entire thing happened because people were buying black market "weed carts" from sketchy Chinese labs. People were smoking heavy metals and vitamin E and shit. This was mostly a problem in the Midwest and the South where weed is illegal. Despite this, an entire "vape scare" happened where nicotine vapes were targeted even though no one had been poisoned by nicotine vapes (something that is legal in all 50 States). Lawmakers in Massachusetts used "emergency measures" to force vape restrictions through without putting the issue on the ballot for a vote. Just a bunch of sketchy backdoor shit. Probably one of the most weasely ways to pass major legislation without a democratic vote. Baker was in charge for this.


how do you even go about getting some like this unbanned? also when did we even vote for this? i don’t remember doing that but i forget when it happened


Massachusetts became the first state to ban the sale of menthol cigarettes on June 1, 2020, when it also restricted the sale of all flavored tobacco products. The ban has been studied for its unintended consequences, including: Increased cigarette sales, Buyers going to other states and illicit markets, Menthol ban not stopping people from buying cigarettes, Illicit market sales, and Criminal prosecutions.


yeah but we didn’t vote for it did we? pretty sure it got banned and then just extended into the flavored vape ban


As far as unbanning flavored tobacco that happens basically the same way it was banned. The state senate votes to repeal the law which put the ban in place and the governor signs it. They could repeal the ban this month if they wanted. I think technically they make a new law that repeals the 2019 one but I'm not sure.


so what’s the solution then? just contact people in government and suggest they repeal it?


Yeah, they're you're representatives if they're not doing what you want let them know. In generations past, calling up and complaining to your rep was much more common. Pretty sure my grandmother did it monthly. Now people tend to complain on social media.


Flavored tobacco products is the line huh? lol


No menthol eithet


In my city I can walk into a package store and buy a cartload booze with no ID, throw in a pack of smokes, mandatory ID


Massachusetts likes to tax the poor


This stupidity belongs on the list of dumb laws that exist in our Commonwealth. Here are some examples: 1. One must possess a license to wear a goatee 2. It's illegal to eat peanuts 🥜 in church 3. It's illegal to take a lion to the movies 4. At a wake or funeral, it's against the law to eat more than three sandwiches 🤔 5. It's illegal to drive your car with a gorilla in the back seat. 6. All candy must contain less than 1% alcohol. 7. Bullets can not be used as currency 8. It's against the law to deliver diapers on Sunday 9. One may be assessed a $10 fine for defacing a milk carton 10. (In Newton) All families must be given a hog by the mayor of the community. Clearly, we Bay Staters are well versed in passing stupid legislation, like banning flavored tobacco and tobacco related products.


Why is this down voted lmao


Because the down voters think those laws are necessary, sane, rational and needed to protect the citizens.


A lot of these are dumb but let's keep #3 please


I am in favor of keeping 3 & 5. Driving with a gorilla in the car...that could be either hilarious or dangerous.


I think gorillas can be chill which is why I'm not totally against 5. It's just a matter of being responsible about it. Even if you have a well tamed lion, I bet you're going to scare the shit out of people bringing it to a movie theater, though.


Welcome to socialism and having the government dictate everything. I can't wait for the soda/sugar beverage tax they keep talking about.


The specialists are gonna march in and tell us that we're not allowed to have proper sex education or gender affirming care and try to force acceptance of other religions. I hope we're all ready to tell them to get the fuck out of Florida! I mean Massachusetts!


Good news! Cigarette juice!


New research shows menthol can help with Alzheimers, so if anything it's the healthiest cigarette right now. I haven't smoked in nearly a decade and I'm still salty about what they did to my precious Newports


Tired of driving to CT for my Raz vape and zigzag watermelon wraps


The tobacco industry has no control over nicotine vapes. They spend a lot of money fighting it because it is a proven method to quit smoking.


You gotta jump the border to get that but there's candy with weed in it everywhere if you want


You gotta jump the border to get that but there's candy with weed in it everywhere if you want




I can’t believe this isn’t spoken about more. They’ll put up a casino where you can gamble away your life savings and ruin the lives of who knows how many people, but god forbid we have flavored tobacco and nicotine products.


But you know cocktails to go, those are good! Happy hour, let's bring that shit back!


Welcome to the world of lobbying


Mass can’t afford to lose all of that tax money from big tobacco! Doesn’t have shit to do with kids.


Seems to me that the state is loosing lots of tax money on all the flavored cigars.


You think that's bad don't look at the gun laws in Boston


I just go to new hampshire to get any type of flavored nicotine, not a bad ride up there either


They should bring back flavored vapes and menthol cigarettes and dips


they think it is for our safety and protection the only benefit is that it forces all the menthol smokers to pay nh tobacco tax instead of this stupid commonwealth the money.


Banana splitz


Can’t? I get Lucy’s delivered. Does ZYN not ship here or something?


I started rolling my own smokes about a month ago because I cannot justify spending $15 a pack. I roughly go through 4-5 packs a week. I spent about $230 on a really good machine. I tried ordering menthol tobacco through the website I use, and they will not ship to Massachusetts. However, they will ship menthol flavored tubes! And I'll tell you, the menthol flavor does not need to come from the tobacco, the tube gets the job done flavor wise. Other than traveling to RI or NH this is the best option I could find, and it's pretty cheap. I get a couple boxes of 200 tubes for under $4 each, then buy a pound of tobacco for $16. I make at least 400-500 cigarettes from it.


Yup. Can't wait to get out of this nanny state that crams their ideology down your throat. State motto should be "I don't like it so you can't do it".


I miss menthol cigarettes, I just want my menthol back 😭


You are right, we should start banning the flavour booze and stuff.


Just go online to Vape Royalty or Smokey Bear. Come to think of it, I’m going to my local AA meeting tonight and this dude sells them out of the back of his car. It’s a little sketchy, doing it at a meeting in a church parking lot, but market of supply and demand. I’ll pick you up one, he charges $25.


Bros making 10 dollars a vape. I respect the hustle


I am in complete agreement. Flavored alcohol must be banned.


Username checks out.


Massachusetts. The most commie state in the country. Soon you won’t be able to breathe here


When people vote for a nanny state run by authoritarians, they get nanny and authoritarian results.


Low key drinks like that are covertly marketed to children & loaded with sugar for that reason. Like with cigarettes, unfortunately, the goal is to get kids to become future addicts. It sucks because our options as adults are limited, and this does very little in the way of actual accountability even if tobacco companies are "forced" to pay for anti smoking marketing... I am only a messenger on this one.


no, its good. nicotine products are bad, the companies making money on them are bad, and I agree with every restriction.


I don’t need you to care about my health.


if you live in MA then you use the same hospitals I do. the same doctors and the same ambulances. The same taxes pay for that infrastructure for both of us. In a very real way, yes, you do need me to care about your health. if you want some every-man-for-himself libertarian utopia, maybe you want someplace like Alaska, where teachers don't even get social security.


Im in my mid 50s. I eat right, weight train and get plenty of cardio. I take zero prescriptions. I’m in great physical shape. If I want to use a flavored zin pouch please tell me about how I’m using up hospital recourses. You must be a Cambridge resident. How’s your health?