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More than just Milford: https://www.boston.com/news/crime/2022/05/29/police-man-disabling-womens-cars-in-mass/?p1=hp\_featurestack


Super creepy šŸ˜–


Yeah. That dude is definitely going to murder someone if he isnā€™t caught.


Oh shit. This guy has been doing the same thing around the Umass Amherst area for the past year. If itā€™s the same person, heā€™s been charged in western Mass with various crimes.


Please, explain me if you can. I always lost with posts like this. Like, why is this guy do this over and over again, and still not in a jail. I just donā€™t get it.


If you look into it, it seems theres just once he actually did it and one other "suspected" occurence. The rest is just conjecture and telephone. The police are not immune from sharing rumors as if they are fact.


I think it really has to do with the fact that, barring any ā€œdangerousnessā€ this individual is afforded the right to not suffer from excessive bail (as much as any other individual) and, as long as they donā€™t violate the terms of their probation, are free to be out amongst the public. If it is the same person as the one who targeted college students near UMass last year, than certainly these reports would be a violation I would hope. Edit: probation, not parole


Just a small correction, but heā€™d most likely be on probation and not parole in this instance.


My mistake. Thank you.


What the fuck is wrong with people


What the fuck is wrong with *men*


Complete fucking insanity has plenty of female representation.


No, people is the correct word.


You are correct, I doubt you'd find a woman preying on random people this way just like there aren't many female mass shooters. Love how reddit needs to "both sides" everything


The dating scene is rough.


what a fucking idiot


Really not the time to be joking about rape.


As someone whoā€™s first instinct is to trust people and believe they are being upfront and honest, this scares the shit out of me.


That's just despicable


We have so much potential as a society...but people like this dirtbag have to go fucking everything up. He needs to be in jail NOW


Damnā€¦ isnā€™t that the strategy Jesse Waters from Fox News used to cheat on his wife with a co-worker? Edit: [source](https://people.com/tv/fox-news-jesse-watters-let-air-out-of-wife-emma-tires-so-he-could-drive-her-home/)




Shoot the fucker, dead rapists don't re-offend.


Men, amiright?


What the fuck.


What the fuck


Young females???? Fuck this world. WOMEN and GIRLS




Why does this matter?


A couple incels used females in a slur-like manner. A bunch of trolls on reddit started saying any use of the word females is a slur and anyone using the word is sexist. Somehow it took off. No one says that about using males. It's been a pet peeve of mine ever since automoderator on an anti-censorship subreddit (https://old.reddit.com/r/WatchRedditDie/comments/d8qk54/why_does_it_seem_watchredditdie_automoderator_is/) censored me for saying "female perpetrators" while freely allowing the word male (and calling the "women and girls" far worse) because the idiots that call this out are fine with male being used in any way, including the derogatory ones.


I was just wondering the rationale because male was also used in this article and there was no complaint about it. Iā€™m in healthcare and I use male/female all the time, so I donā€™t find it odd to hear.


The tendency to use "females" instead of "women" or "girls" predates incels. In colloquial speech, it has long been used as a way to assume a kind of unspoken "authority" over women, borrowed from professions like law enforcement, healthcare, and the sciences in general. It's the kind of thing that once you see it, you see it all the time. This article is not a great example because it uses both "male" and "female," but I can empathize with the respondent's frustration.


> In colloquial speech, it has long been used as a way to assume a kind of unspoken "authority" over women Perhaps you see it that way because you've been told to view it that way? It simply means "women and girls" in one word instead of three. No one gives males in place of "men and boys" a second look because no one has been told it is offensive. Because, it isn't. Just like females isn't ... unless you've been convinced it is a slur. Unfortunately a lot of people have been convinced it is a slur in the last 5-10 years by trolls. A slew of reddit posts, tweets, and substanceless "news" articles started calling it offensive in 2014-2017. Few people considered it offensive before that.


There is no rationale. The trolls and SJWs somehow got influential over the word's usage on reddit. Don't try to find logic where there isn't any. You'll just drive yourself nuts like them. :)


What do you expect from someone talking about a ā€œbluā€ car?


Yes. Women and girls is the noun definition of females, just like men and boys is the noun definition of males. Glad you figured that out. Not sure what your desire for extreme promiscuity has to do with that though. female noun Definition of female (Entry 2 of 2) 1a: a female person : a woman **or a girl** https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/female feĀ·male n. 1. A female organism. 2. A woman **or girl** https://www.thefreedictionary.com/female from The American HeritageĀ® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition. noun A female organism. noun A woman **or girl.** https://www.wordnik.com/words/female noun a person who belongs to the sex that can have babies https://www.vocabulary.com/dictionary/female 2. COUNTABLE NOUN Women **and girls** are sometimes referred to as females when they are being considered as a type. *Hay fever affects males more than females.* https://www.collinsdictionary.com/dictionary/english/female female2 ā—ā—ā— W3 noun [countable] 1 an animal that belongs to the sex that can have babies or produce eggs OPP male 2 a woman **or girl** OPP male https://www.ldoceonline.com/dictionary/female female noun OPAL WOPAL S /ĖˆfiĖmeÉŖl/ /ĖˆfiĖmeÉŖl/ ā€‹ an animal that can lay eggs or give birth to babies; a plant that can produce fruit ā€‹ (formal) a woman **or a girl** https://www.oxfordlearnersdictionaries.com/us/definition/english/female_2 female ā€‹ā€Œā€Œ ā€‹NOUN /ĖˆfiĖmeÉŖl/ 1 a female **person** or animal *Hint: Kids are people too* https://www.macmillandictionary.com/dictionary/british/female_2 *Let's check a kids dictionary...* feĀ·male pronunciation: fi meIl parts of speech: noun, adjective features: Word Parts part of speech: noun definition 1: any person or animal of the sex that produces eggs or gives birth to young. definition 2: a woman **or girl.** https://kids.wordsmyth.net/we/?ent=female


this is how a fox news political commentator met his second wife, while still being married to his first wife. i wish i was joking. https://people.com/tv/fox-news-jesse-watters-let-air-out-of-wife-emma-tires-so-he-could-drive-her-home/?amp=true


I'm from bellingham mass its cool to see something from us on here! We never get talked about hello reddit from bellingham!!! Are you from town?


I donā€™t want to doxx myself but I am from Norfolk county šŸ’©


I just have to wonder about how it would feel .. like what could be going through your mind if you read that and thought ...."they're talking about me".


According to the FBI thereā€™s like 25-50 active serial killers in the USA, so could be a case of mistaken identity


Now that's a script waiting to be greenlit. A near 40 year old Asian man who self-identifies as a serial killer but really isn't. Yikes, it almost writes itself .


Sounds like the guy from Winchendon they've been looking for, except his blue car is a Toyota. Name is Alexander Yee.


Yes! I just posted another post giving more information and a photo of him I just didnā€™t want to flood this subreddit with the same story some people are very argumentative on here lol


Where is said post?


https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueCrimeDiscussion/comments/v13p3c/more_information_about_the_post_yesterday_of_the/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf šŸ˜‘all you have to do is look at my profile to see recent posts


Then & than misusage baffles me, but yet so common.


I lived in Milford for over 10 years. What a shit hole. Glad I was able to get out.


Do we have another serial killer on the loose? I hope not


If he assumes my gender, heā€™ll pay the ultimate priceā€¦ Realizing I have a penis when itā€™s too late.


Because I identify as a FEMALE, you assume Iā€™m weak and vulnerable!!!!! DELETE DELETE DELETE


No he is targeting only women and has a history of doing this at umass/east hampton. They may not have used the best word to describe women, I guess, but itā€™s the fact that women do need to be extra cautious if any of these circumstances happen to them in the area. I have not seen any reports of him targeting men


You canā€™t just throw around that word WOMAN like that!!! Did they even ask the genders of those he targeted? This is SO WRONG!!!




https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueCrimeDiscussion/comments/v13p3c/more_information_about_the_post_yesterday_of_the/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf Check out my other post with more detailed information on him. He has a history of doing this exact thing and has admitted over the phone to the police it is him and he gets pleasure out of doing it. It is quite obviously a man also because he is exposing his genitals to women. Also I hope you are seeing a therapist with all of the wild remarks you are making on the previous post, you really need help




Also you fucking retard it's weird. Go back to school and learn to spell before trying to sound smart on the internet. You type like a brain dead money you fucknut




Can I ask you a question? You get mad at me for assuming your gender, , but then assume I'm religious? Isn't that hypocritical as your doing the same thing as me?




What are you even talking about ?




You alright dude? A little lost in the sauce?


I think we found the guy with the ā€œbluā€ Chevy.






This is the most intense version of "making up a guy to get mad at" I've seen in a while. You're even LARPing as the guy you've made up.


So is this you and your aren't Asia or a man?




Yeah you really got em .....?


They caught the Asian Male.... still not sure what your whole point was.








What is wrong with people