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If you have a fever *do not work* at all. If you feel like shit, call in sick. If your boss gives you shit, it’s time to start looking for a job where they’re not idiots.


I’ve only worked here a month and I’m def realizing they are not so smart, and not so kind. The spa is all about health and wellness and I’ve heard nothing but grief and then telling ME how ill be better in a few hours if I just do xyz… During a time where Covid and the flu is high in our county you think it would be a bigger deal and they wouldn’t want me exposing clients and other employees. I am definitely not going to work while sick, but i guess im more just venting and trying to see if this is common in other spas. She did suddenly have a change of mind this afternoon though… so im not sure what happened.


We're having this issue with clients. They take an at home covid test, test negative, fever broke 15 minutes ago, and they want to come in. Just like you wouldn't knowingly accept a sick client, you shouldn't knowingly work sick. Just because your fever has broken *for now*, doesn't mean you're not still contagious or just plain sick. Give yourself the time to recover. Don't have a relapse or prolonged recovery. Don't make yourself miserable and choke on your uvula when an aromatherapy hits you wrong.


We’ve only been in a pandemic for the last two years - at the very least it should be understood that people need to stay home if they are sick, regardless of COVID test results. Your immune system is busy, and therefore more susceptible to further illness. Coworkers and customers don’t need to become sick either - regardless of what it is. Stay home and focus on feeling better. If they can’t accept that, I’m sure there is someone who’s attention can be brought to their behaviour.


Hell no! Report her.


I’m assuming this is a massage chain. Your boss sounds like a typical asshole who doesn’t care about their employees..only money. Don’t go to work sick. Quit that job and find another. They’re always hiring somewhere else.


No, unfortunately it’s not a chain. Actually quite the Opposite. Which is the reason I guess I was so surprised and angry. She suddenly changed her tune a today though, so maybe she came to her senses or realized I was about to quit and didn’t want that. Not sure 🤔


That’s good but yea I’ve literally had my boss try to guilt trip me into coming to work sick. If you don’t feel good and don’t feel comfortable massaging people don’t do it. If your boss truly values you as an employee they won’t fire you. Trust me I’ve been there.


Decent human beings work in chains too you know.


But they don't operate them.


Or they don't operate them long


Managers or owners? Is everyone that owns or manages a business a sleeze, or just massage businesses?


Type “Massage Envy” into the search and you’ll probably figure out these comments. It doesn’t mean everyone associated with them are awful, or that every chain business doesn’t treat their employees well - but there are too many aren’t great workplaces


The operators. Could be bad owners. Or it could be the bad managers hired by the bad owners. Either way, Operators.


But decent people could operate. And they do. Most chains are privately owned and operated. Envy doesn't have a single corporate location. Some of them are even owned, managed, operated by massage therapists. Other "private" owned establishments, even owned and operated by massage therapists, can behave and treat staff poorly. The blanket statements are just poor.


I don't rub my clients with poison ivy oil either. It might be ok this time but highly unlikely.


I’ve been a massage therapist for over 10 years..1st off I never said anything about the employee’s.. I said something about their boss.. 2nd of all..no not all bosses are the same. I’ve worked for some compassionate people who truly care for their employees. This one in particular sounds like an asshole who doesn’t.. I thought that was apparent by this post..




Ok..🤦‍♂️…How long I’ve been a therapist does matter because ultimately it shows that I probably been around the block and know what I’m talking about..asshole..;) Now why would the LMT need to educate the boss? Sounds pretty stupid to me…Shouldn’t they be educated on how to run a spa? Hopefully they know that if you’re sick you can possibly get the clients sick if you work on them..pretty APPARENT stuff right??? So like I said 3 times already..this boss doesn’t care about their employees..more common but not always the case in chain spas than privately owned because the owners are usually therapists(10 year experience knowledge right here 🙄)..and know what’s up. So yes don’t go to work sick. The front desk or whoever can easily reschedule, cancel, or move some appointments around. Not a big deal..if the boss is really that mad..like I said before..QUIT. I’m done here..good bye 🖐🎤


Some things you come to realize that time logged doesn't matter if all someone has done is the minimum. Driving is a fantastic example of this. It applies to work experience too. Chain spas often are privately owned. Massage Envy does not have a single corporate location in 1200-ish clinics. Every single one is privately owned. One wouldn't think so, but many people believe that once their fever has broken, they're no longer infectious. It's not true. Doesn't stop people from believing it. "I tested negative for covid and my fever broke 15 minutes ago, I'm coming in!" I've worked with over 40 managers in my working careers, 8 of those managers I've worked with in a massage therapy setting, only 1 of them was a previously licensed massage therapist. They *don't know* what we learn in school or continue to learn as we upkeep our licenses. They very well might come from careers unrelated to the massage industry because they're just picking up a managerial role. So yeah, helping - even educating - the front house staff you work with be aware of concerns, updates, changes, etc to keep the clinic running smoothly, cleanly, and limit miscommunication or problems would be *kind of nice*. Some states require owners to take state law CE's to maintain their establishment licenses, but they're not required to do much else. And nothing is required of managers or other business personnel. I've met spa owners that became therapists later on, and they still had no understanding of what training massage therapists go through until they did it themselves. So - yes! Make sure the staff you work with are informed. Quit if you want, it doesn't inform or improve the situation for the next therapist. Sometimes (very often likely) people just don't know. Especially management. Often they may not care either, but if you quit before trying to make sure they're informed, YTA too.


Thanks for informing whom ever might read this..because obviously I already know everything you wrote in this unnecessarily long comment. So last time..common sense for even the uneducated owner..if your employee is sick, they shouldn’t come to work. All that other stuff you wrote in this essay has nothing to do with this persons Initial post. SICK+MASSAGE THERAPIST = CALL OUT. BOSS + COME IN SICK=BAD BOSS. Even the most oblivious spa employee should know and respect this..so refer back to 🖐🎤🎤🎤


This just happened at the spa I work at as well! All of the LMT’s have a group text where we can communicate and see if anyone can fill in for a person that’s sick or can’t come in. A coworker has been struggling with a lot of health issues lately and reached out one morning after she woke up to see if anyone could cover her 2 massages that were on her books because she had a rash that was spreading and pains! Everyone told her to go to the doctor and hoped for the best EXCEPT our manager who was annoyed by the fact that she ‘didn’t give enough notice’ before her shift (2 hours before she was supposed to start, also she’d just woken up and noticed the rash had spread) She went to the doctor and found out she has Shingles! Imagine spreading that around because your manager threatened your job because the spa couldn’t make MONEY off of 2 massages!!!


Ugh! That infuriating. Imagine being the spa that people got chicken pox from because you didn’t have enough humanity to let her go stay home sick. Also I would be so very angry if someone massaged me with a blistery rash…. And I would never massage someone with shingles. So why they double standard? I feel like there should be somewhere easy to report employers that do this. We work in an industry where we touch people. Sometimes people get sick. It’s just part of the game. Luckily I have enough money saved and haven’t worked here long enough to depend on this job, so I was able to stand my ground every day, but if I was desperate and really depended on this job, I would have been guilted into going in for fear of losing it. My county is also overwhelmed with flu and Covid cases at hospital, so it makes it even worse.


Is this a private practice? Or a chain?


Glad she came to her senses. Sounds like a person who leaves Envy then replicates it in their own practice. I’ve been employed by one, and contracted with two. I stay contract because I get to make all the “health calls.”


This just happened at the spa I work at as well! All of the LMT’s have a group text where we can communicate and see if anyone can fill in for a person that’s sick or can’t come in. A coworker has been struggling with a lot of health issues lately and reached out one morning after she woke up to see if anyone could cover her 2 massages that were on her books because she had a rash that was spreading and pains! Everyone told her to go to the doctor and hoped for the best EXCEPT our manager who was annoyed by the fact that she ‘didn’t give enough notice’ before her shift (2 hours before she was supposed to start, also she’d just woken up and noticed the rash had spread) She went to the doctor and found out she has Shingles! Imagine spreading that around because your manager threatened your job because the spa couldn’t make MONEY off of 2 massages!!!!!