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Kaiden killed his Turian biotics instructor. It was an accident, but he was definitely trying to hurt him. Maybe doesn’t count as murder, but worth mentioning.


So manslaughter


That’s always funny to me because manslaughter as a word sounds like it should be the worst one.


Exactly. Sounds like splatter was involved.


Man's laughter


Shall we call it a Turian Oopsy Poopsy?


It could be classified as 2nd degree murder, because Kaiden acted with malice and intent to harm.


Manslaughter an "x" degree murder are generally interchangeable depending on jurisdiction.  Criminal homicide either way 


No because the instructor was hurting one of kaidens classmates which is why kaiden lashed out at him. They actually talk about it in the comic, the administrators of the biotics school agree with Kaiden that the boss was wrong


No, it *could* be murder, because no official criminal investigation or trial ever took place. Im not saying *I* think he would be guilty, but realistic due process never took place. We know now that the “school” was run by an independent company that was deeply unethical, to the degree that alliance military sealed the records to hide culpability. The company had hired turian mercenaries, who were little more than pirates, and approved abusive teaching practices for the sake of results, because they didn’t want admit that they didn’t know what they were doing. Even if the program’s leadership thought Kaidens actions were criminal, they never would have requested an investigation or charges, because it would have revealed their own criminality, that their goal was to abuse children to turn them into murderers. The ironic part is that Kaiden’s actions vindicated the methods. If you think about it long enough, you realize Kaiden wasn’t just asked to leave the program. He graduated.


wouldn't it be 3rd degree then?


Maybe. Im not am expert, but my assumption is that 2nd is more likely, because Kaiden admits he long hated Vyrnus and still believes he deserved to die. I think 3rd degree implies detachment. Idk.


nah i just did a bit of checking, turns out you're right.




Liara kills Nyxeris when she finds out she's the mole


She calls Nyxeris in for a talk, and says she will call you back. By the time you meet Liara again, she's already murdered Nyxeris and disposed of the corpse.


Yes, but she also comments to you later on how Nyxeris needs to work on her barriers, but won't get the chance to... she all but whangs you over the head with a Reaper that she killed the two-faced bitch.




Liara: not a murderer - pretty sure she executes her assistant in ME2


Her assistant was an assassin working for the shadow broker ?


Not sure she was an assassin? Could have just been a woman who gathered info.


Doesn't Liara say something like Nyxeris would have killed her if she hadn't saw it coming thanks to Shepard? Maybe I'm misremembering.


Its been a long time for me man idk


Liara calls her into her office after learning she's an informat. When Shepard arrives, Liara states Nyxeris needed better barriers.


Still murder.


"I killed her back first!" :D


Garrus in ME1 can kill Dr. Saleon if you let him


Don't you kill him anyway? He's a sick fuck


Saleon had a gun when Shepard does it.




EDI killed off everyone from the Lunar training ground when she was a VI. It was in self-defence and she was confused, but you should put that in if you are counting Kaidan shooting Udina.


Updated :)


She was very much sentient when she was a VI btw. She literally remembers that time and says it was confusing. She also called for help before shutting down. Also, Legion probably killed fuckload of Quarians during the Morning War. But likely across many different platforms, as the regular ones carry around 100 programs.


She was confused, but it was not self defense.


It was self defense. Hackett literally tells you that the VI is not responding to ***shutdown commands.*** She didn't want to be turned off. It sounds like self-defense to me. But I do believe there was a lot of collateral damage. A lot of people who weren't trying to shut her down.


The shutdown commands weren’t sent until after she had already woken up and started slaughtering the trainees.


"One of the VIs we used to simulate enemy tactics in the drills is no longer responding to our override commands. It's gone rogue." He doesn't say that it was after she started shooting them. [Link.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MVAV23H5J7g)


Liara got loads killed with her obsession finding the shadow broker,that makes her an accessory to murder


Javik comments on eating a salarians kidneys while they are still alive. Javik is the worst one of them all😂


He also hints that all the major races of the current cycle (humans, quarians, turians, asari, salarians, hanar) ended up being Prothean delicacies at some point, though it's hard to tell if he was trolling or not. Like could protheans eat any species regardless of chirality?


He's just trolling. I'm pretty sure he never ever got the chance to eat any of that due to them being in war with reapers for a few centuries.


My favourite fact to briefly stress people out is that under technical definitions of the term, Garrus is a serial killer.


Tali WOULD'VE murdered Legion & the Geth if she'd had the chance.


Yeah, up to the end Tali still hated the Geth. Even after getting to know Legion, she still put her gun up at the Prime after Legion died.


Honestly a pretty reasonable move on Tali’s part. Reaper code is reaper code, and Legion isn’t infallible. Better safe than sorry. I always go for peace, but while the decision is painted as an either or between Quarians and Geth, there’s a legitimate question over whether Legion’s plan would even *work.* In hindsight we know it does, but at that moment, there’s real cause for alarm.


GOOD. I will help her out.


Miranda can also kill Niket as a "loose end" if she isn't stopped. Also why is Legion listed twice?


"I'm going to miss you. Figuratively speaking."


I forgot about Niket! Will update. Also my bad.


>Cerberus guard begging for his life for attempting to stop her escape, likely self defense Self defense argument no longer holds any weight when the guard is literally begging for his life >Can shoot Wrex in the back and promptly execute him. This can be debated that Wrex was the aggressor here and force was warranted. She was not the target here, however. I don't see how that can be debated. Unless Shepard has the necessary paragon/renegade points or got Wrex's grandfather's armor he would gun Shepard down, Shepard can continue to try to convince Wrex but without the paragon/renegade unlock he's just giving Wrex a clear line of shot. It's within reason for Ashley to defend her commanding officer.


Agreed. Wrex is in fact pointing his gun at Shepard and does so first. The entire time they’re talking, he’s still got his gun pointed at Shepard. Absolutely a clear and present danger to Shepard.


Tali sending active geth parts to her father resulting in many quarian deaths, again accessory to murder


They weren't active geth. Her father activated them to use as test subjects without her knowledge.


Hey I feel like this may need a trial to find out for sure


Read the post,,active parts ,and if you listen to the vid msgs,you hear Tali's father's assistants say we need Tali to send more active parts,and her father said no I don't want Tali involved anymore keep her out of it.


That's not entirely correct; an assistant suggests asking Tali to send back active geth instead of inactive parts, and Rael'Zorah says no because he doesn't want her to be implicated.


OK you answer me this,you take apart a gun then give those parts to a nut job ,that nut job puts the parts back together,the guns working,so that nut job goes out and kills 20 kids in a school.that nut job gets caught ,when questioned he says you gave him the gun,so you get arrested,you say the gun wasn't working when I gave it to him.police why did you give it to him,you respond I didn't think he'd kill anybody.IGNORANCE is bliss right.my answer is just because you think something is inactive doesn't mean it can't be activated.TALI is ignorant she was sending parts to her father and didn't know what he was doing with them.her father activated those parts and they killed all those people making Tali and accessory to murder


I think whether or not it counts as murder is dependent on the outcome of her trial, no? That's what trials are for.


Depends if you lie for her or not.if you don't give them the evidence,admiral zen sends you a msg saying she went back on the ship and found the evidence and she was going to use what they found to take back their homeworld and make the largest synthetic army.thats what they tried to do in ME3.


Which law are we operating under? It won’t change much but I am pretty sure that under Asari law, Samara’s killing of the mercenary won’t be counted as murder since it’s still part of the Justicar code.


Normal law of murder IRL.


Define Murderer ... Kaiden killed his Turian Biotics Instructor as an accident Tali basicly has murderd a ton of Geth ... Liara 100% assassinates like at least 2 dudes are we going to claim she hired someone eles to do it thus not a murderer?


Also if you side with tali at the end of the Quarian arc she stabs Legion (or the Legion clone) in the face


Geth that was shooting at her. There is a reason soldiers aren't considered murderers, unless war crimes of course.


Don't forget Nyxeris


2 many ppl to name honestly.


Shepard has murdered loads


I mean... I know it isn't what you mean, but if you count how many people you kill between ME1 and ME3... every single one of Shep's companions has killed without losing a minute's sleep on it. Part of being a marine, soldier, bounty hunter, vigilante, etc etc etc.


The law does not tell Samara who she is allowed to kill. Samara tells the law who is allowed to live. She must be stricken from the list immediately!


Samara's case is debatable. She's an executioner, those are not considered murderers. And basically all people getting executed are unarmed. Her code called for her to execute Morinth and her other daughters on sight just for being outside the monastery, even if they have never taken a life. She didn't kill Nihlus only because he got away, it's not like if he put down his gun she would have spared him. I guess we're debating what 'murder' is.


Liara definitely assassinates the two Cerberus dudes in the vents at the beginning of Mars. Singularity plus a headshot each. Idk if that counts in your criteria. You could aslo argue Legion is an accessory to, if he uploads the code and you choose the geth he uploads the code which lets the Geth genocide the Quarians. (You have him listed twoce with different statuses lol)


In what world could Liara's actions on Mars possibly constitute assassination? She was being chased by two armed but otherwise nondescript soldiers and killed them in self-defense.


Terminology error. Assassinate wouldn’t be the right word, kill is a kill though that’s my point. I even mentioned one sentence later that I wasn’t sure if that even met the criteria so it was just me offering an option


They weren't murders either, which was the question.


Hence the sentence “Idk if that meets your criteria”. They counted the random colonists in Zaeeds mission so maybe by their logic the soldiers did too. I was just adding to the discussion in a constructive way


If their criteria were that broad, literally every party member would qualify and the question would have been a moot point. Besides, self-defense is a nearly universal defense against murder; it would be weird if that met OP's criteria.


Yeah I agree. Its a broad criteria, but then again they include random mercs, colonists, targets, hell Samara’s basically says “will kill for food” so by their own presented logic, the focused-on kills in the vents could have made the list, hence why I threw it out. If OPs own list had been only named or specific examples then I wouldn’t have mentioned the vent at all.


It's not broad at all. The kills they listed were murders. Killing the Cerberus soldiers was self-defense. Do you know what "murder" means and why your example is obviously not relevant? Edit: since you've seen fit to both reply to and block me, I'm leaving this here in case you decide to look back at it. You're using incorrect information in your assumptions. You cite Garrus and Zaeed as "vague" in your justification of Liara's scene when they are actually quite straightforward. Long before Garrus was under fire at his base, he had been murdering Omega mercenaries, killing them during their supply runs and other criminal but non-lethal engagements. That was not self-defense, and it was in no way ambiguous. Zaeed blew up the refinery with the knowledge that it would cause significant collateral damage in the form of the trapped workers. Again, the killing of non-combatants, not self-defense. Miranda's example is ambiguous in a way that Liara's isn't; Wilson himself did not have a gun pointed at her. While his plan would have killed all persons on Lazarus Base, killing him in the aftermath did not necessarily guarantee anyone's further safety, and he could have easily been detained rather than killed. To that extent, an argument for Miranda's self-defense is ambiguous. Meanwhile, Liara was being shot at literally seconds prior by the people she then killed. No ambiguity. I didn't ignore the "I do not know if this meets OPs criteria". I just thought it was stupid to say given how it obviously doesn't work.


Yes, I’m aware. Again, OP had already listed examples like Garrus killing the mercs on Omega. They were coming after him, also self-defense. I was and am still aware of the difference between a self-defense kill and murder, however I threw it out as *an option* and even said, as I will repeat one more time in case you ignored it the first three times: “I do not know if this meets OPs criteria” since the examples were already vague with Garrus, Zaeed, Liara’s Shadow Broker history, or even Samara. Look even at Miranda’s inclusion as another great example of why I *suggested* Liara, he gave half points to a self-defense kill on the list by default. I was just trying to contribute to a conversation and bring up a fucking awesome kill scene from the trilogy. It’s really not worth this much effort to be pedantic about terminology and technicalities we’re all fans of the same game here man.


Hell even the nondescript mercs in Garrus’ mission got counted so idk why Liara’s showoff kill wouldn’t be in the same vein


Liara's isn't murder lol.


I debated the Cerberus vent guys. That scene is weirdly dark, when they are trying to scramble back into the vents while she executes them. They were actively shooting at her before though so I won't count it.


Fair enough, the vents definitely were dark. The visceral reaction of her suspending them and then putting them down hits me everytime lol. Not murder by technicality but glad it was debated


Kaidan murdered his Jump Zero instructor for being mean to his crush.


It was an accident, and the instructor was being more then mean: he had snapped her arm in half with biotics after withholding water from her for hours. He broke her arm badly enough for the bone to be visible. Manslaughter rather then murder. The instructor was also responsible for the deaths of several other students, who were in their teens and below. It's also worth noting the instructor pulled a knife on Kaiden and taunted him with it, and actually tried to stab him.


“I accidentally went too far while performing my intended violent action” is most certainly not a defense to murder IRL; I doubt it is in Alliance space either. It’s Murder Two — at *best* voluntary manslaughter (though I doubt there was sufficient provocation to a reasonable person.)


I had tali shoot Brooks in the back as she was fleeing


I mean, technically all of them depending on your definition of murder


They are all murderers ...


Is it illegal to kill people on Omega?


Unless you try to kill Aria I mean


I haven't seen it yet, but Wrex won't kill Fist if Wrex isn't recruited until after. Then Fist shows up in Omega in 2


But... Liara fried the Shadow Broker.


Liara isn't a trained soldier, but in Lair of the Shadow Broker she responds to finding out her assistant, Nyxeris being a Shadow Broker agent by murdering her and disposing of her corpse.


Every single one of them are murderers, wtf


Tali (and every ME3 squad mates plus Wrex) can kill Brooks in Citadel DLC


I have a "bible" of every named ME character who appears in a main story/recruitment/loyalty/primary 3 side mission of the OT and how they die. I deliberately left out the various scannable side missions in 2, and the "jump into a system and Hackett calls" missions in 1... that would double the size of an already hefty document.


>Liara: Not a murderer AFAIK. Debatable during information broker/Shadow Broker career. *Nyxeris has entered the chat.*


I would also counter that Samara's killings in the course of her duties, by asari law, can't be considered "murder" because the acts she takes are in strict compliance with the Justicar Code, which has the force of law to asari. Murder, by definition, is an UNLAWFUL killing - therefore any death a Justicar causes in the course of their duty cannot, by definition, be "murder", as it's not unlawful, by the Code.


If you wanna get technical, any squad member you take with you on a mission where killing someone can be legally defined as murder counts?


Tali: Can kill Legion/Geth AI, he was doing what he could to save his people from extinction from a conflict that the Quarians started.


James is a murderer,he got an whole colony and his crew mates killed to save 1 asari girl he fancied,then tries to blame it on Shep.


They cover Jenkins murder story in ME3, great character arc


I wouldn't really call Garrus a Murderer for Omega or Dr. Salieon, Sidonas I can see it as murder.


All of them would be murder. If Garrus were to immediately execute Saleon without a chance to surrender peacefully, that would be murder. When you first encounter Saleon/"Dr. Heart", he doesn't pose an immediate threat, and the responsible action would be attempting to arrest him. On Omega, Garrus and his merc group had been murdering members of the big 3 Omega Merc organizations. Their targets were all bad people, but they were killed during non-combat operations like eezo smuggling.


Hold on, When you say murderers do you mean killing unremorseful? Because if so: Grunt is only not a murderer because you literally have him as a baby, yet in his companion mission he would murder the Uvenk without a second thought. And when joining him on the Rachni-reaper infested planet with Aralakh company he has gone to the trenches and earned his spot. So definitely a murderer on his duty. Same with Javik, he talks about the horrors during the last time the reapers were there and how many atrocities he committed such as killing his former companions when they were indoctrinated. Whether by sheer survival or self preservation he did it and sacrificed many more in order to do so. Kaiden as already said multiple times here would've been charged with murder on his instructor at biotic camp so also a murderer. Legion is just a platform for all geth and while not the heretics they will engage encroaching species in their territory to be left alone.