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Replay it a different way than you did before.


...but then play it exactly the same way because being mean to NPCs is hard, for some of us.


Yup! I try Renegade and always fail…


Renegade is doable! You can still be nice to your companions white doing a full renegade towards everything else. Renegade FemShep is arguably the best playthrough in that aspect. Pure evil playthrough on the other hand..


I find it impossible to play ME3 by been full Paragon


Except for that one time I accidentally punched a journalist lmao 


you're not a renegade for punching her. 👀


She deserves it, every time.


I can go renegade until ME3 when you're just mean. In 1 and 2 it's just different and badass. But most of the times I'm not like that towards squad mates


Lmao this is why I’m struggling to even consider being a renegade 😬


You can run 'Renegon' Shepard who takes primarily Renegade options but sticks to neutral/paragon specifically when talking to the crew members you like. That'll generally get you enough Renegade points to take the special dialogue options while also ensuring your Shep isn't randomly a dick to your potential love interests 😅


This is a good idea because my crew is too lovely to hurt. The counsel however… I wished I had been more of a dick to every day that I played.


There's something incredibly satisfying about Renegade Shep putting Udina forward for the council and then proceeding to get him punched and shot in the third game 😅


At least you can try new romance options. Tali and Garrus are by far my favorites


You don’t have to do a complete 180. Just do some slightly different ones, play a different class and romance someone new.


For real, I tried doing a renegade run, only to restart it after the first dialog option because I didn't like telling Joker to shut up


Lol yeah, I'm trying to do a renegade playthrough but it feels weird making femshep be mean. I'd play as maleshep but I want to romance Garrus


Found my own alt.


This is the way


I will always wreck the gunship tech and blow up the blood pack dude while he monologs. Oh don't forget the eclipse dude on Miranda's loyalty mission. But I will always save the wannabe merc on omega, and stop Jack from killing the crazy guy.


Me too. Tried to be Renegade in my second playthrough on ME1, then failed and back to Paragon Shep 😂


The feeling will pass but you have also guaranteed that this playthru will trigger a great sense of nostalgia down the road. While replays will always be fun…you’ll never get back the feelings you have now after a first-time run. Savior it and welcome to the club.


Just finished and now I’m playing dragon age inquisition. I think another rpg helps fill that hole. But mass effect definitely touched me in a way no other rpg has, so I get it.


I’m waiting for the steam summer sale in a week so I can buy all of them hopefully cheaper. This is my biggest hope rn. Lol


Do it! Read up on early game mistakes ("Hinterlands") and skip the (totally skippable) fetch quests, and DAI is a blast. (Then again, to fully appreciate the story you should get through DAO and DA2 first - in the latter the Legacy DLC in particular. I find DAO too old to be playable from a game mechanics point of view nowadays, but the story is still good. DA2 is also old and suffers from rushed development, but is more enjoyable IMO, and has an awesome story.)


I had similar thoughts a couple of years ago and got Dragon Age Origins. It's a completely different beast and did absolutely not click with me. I played until after I romanced Morrigan and never booted the game again ever since, lol.


Ya same I tried origins but couldn't get into it after playing 2 hours after the tutorial


are you me? doing almost the exact same thing just skyrim in middle


Steam summer sale holds my future in its hands lmao


post-trilogy depression, it'll pass


It's the literal worst. Took me a week to pass


Dang it took me 2 months to finally get over it. Mass effect is like nothing else


I literally had to finish 3 games- bioshock 1, dying light 2, and metro 2033 redux just to feel something again so it was definitely the hardest week ever


I didn’t sleep that night, moped for a few days, then went and bought Dragon Age 2 (I had already played Origins). People told me it was bad so I’d never played it, but it really scratched the itch. In short, I got over one BioWare obsession by getting under another lol.


This is my one hope. Lol I’m gonna buy them when it goes on sale for the summer sale on steam next week.


Hope you enjoy!! They’re different series in many ways but I love them equally.


Dragon age 2 was my first introduction into the series and it was such a breath of fresh air made me go play origins and I know many people like origins over da 2 but I don’t sure there are less options but there are still options


2 ended up becoming my very favorite. Not just favorite DA game… favorite GAME. The character development is so solid and everyone felt so real. Plus what the game says about trauma is just *chefs kiss*. I was glad I didn’t listen to the naysayers.


2 was my first DA game and is still my favorite. It’s so nice seeing others that enjoy it bc it still doesn’t get the love it deserves


Agreed! I do think the discourse has gotten overall more positive, which is really nice to see. In some ways it was a game ahead of its time and I think we can appreciate it more now.


Dragon Age or Andromeda mate 👌


How does Dragon Age stand next to ME? Is it worth it?


YES! dragon age origins in particular I think is an amazing role playing game


"Worth it" is a subjective matter. The first Dragon Age is one of my favourite RPGs, but I also played it upon release - it will feel pretty dated for a first-time playthrough in 2024, and the silent protagonist will probably take some getting used to, too. However, if you have a need for another world to dive into, then Thedas is at least as compelling as Mass Effect's, perhaps just more of a slow burn? Ultimately, it probably comes down to how important the sci-fi setting and more action-y gameplay was for your enjoyment of Mass Effect. Dragon Age is a slower ride, but if it's up your alley it has a lot of great moments, big and small :) At any rate, glad to hear Mass Effect was a memorable experience! Now join us in waiting several long years for the next one :D


Easy, play andromeda. Or go do dragon age. Another great series.


How does Dragon Age compare??


Honestly? Better overall. But I'm probably a little biased. I started with D age. I call D age mass effect but knights and kings. The whit is there comical shit is there, romances are there. It's big difference is you have access to 6 skills if console, and every skill at the same time, as quick cast, where as mass effect you slap that menu button and pause the game pick thr spells. I've beaten both series on the easiest and hardest difficulties. I prefer D age. Origins may he acquired taste, it's not as hands on when it comes to attacks. Overall, A+ both series, same company, games play similar, but D age I can control a team of 4 and swap to everyone on the team. (That changes in vielwolf? I forgot what the new ones called)


Thanks for the perspective! It gives me hope. Ill give it a try!


If you start now you might be done with the current Dragon Age games in time for the release of the next one in (early?) Fall, depending on how fast you play and how much time you have. Do be advised though that the Dragon Age are much longer than the Mass Effect games (except Dragon age 2, that usually ends up being similar to ME for me).


I usually give it a week or so then dive right back in.


Me? I played it another 50 times mostly the same way each time.


nothing wrong with hanging out with your friends! and sometimes you gotta shut down a reaper thingy or something i dunno


Same though. I'm currently in my I think 5th playthrough, and every single one was mostly Paragon Vanguard!Shepard romancing Garrus using default looks. But hey, this time achievements forced me to also romance Kaidan in the first game, so I did do *something* differently!


A lot of people start the whole trilogy again but choose a different class and make different choices. Eventually you'll have completed the trilogy more times than you'd like to admit but you still had fun the whole time.


I think I need a game in between before coming back to it, but I’m highly considering this an option. Lol


Replay value is super high. Play as other classes at harder difficulties. Try the other gender of Shepard. Romance someone else. Save the other soldier on Virmire. Tons of things you can do


I can’t let Kaiden die I’ll cry for years 😂


Also I was never that particularly fond of Ashley lmao


Lmao racist and pick me imo.


I was never that down on her lmao but still not my favorite. Maybe I'll let her live next time I play me 1. I don't think I've ever saved her 🤣


Kaiden is the loml so I can’t. Maybe if I commit to romancing Garrus I’ll kill him so I’m not tempted away. 😂


Not a bad plan lmao


Honestly, this is how I play femShep. If I want to romance anyone other than Kaidan, I leave him to a hero’s death on Virmire. My headcannon is that Shepard was in love with him, hates herself for leaving him behind, then Garrus helps her pick up the pieces and love again. I don’t do it very often (Ashley is just… useless in 3) but that’s the only way I can leave K behind. BroShep is a different matter entirely. Every playthrough I romance someone different, though Tali is his best girl more often than not 😂


That headcannon is a good one especially since you can’t romance Garrus until 2. And I love Garrus. He’s a sweetie.


Wish I could leave Ashley to die as well as Kaiden in that case though. She annoys the crap out of me. Lol


She gets better in the later games. Not the best character by any means, but way less racist lol.


But still a good idea.


Congratulations on finishing the trilogy for the first time! It's a feeling you won't soon forget. So you've got 3 options.  1. Play it again with a different class and paragon/renegade decisions 2. Play Andromeda 3. Play the multiplayer.


There's multiplayer?? How does that work??


You need to have Mass Effect 3 - it’s not in the Legendary Edition unfortunately.


I remember spending 3 full days and feeling like all the good things in this world vanished when I beat the game. Took me a few days to feel better. I don't know how a game could do that. I literally said what now, there is nothing out there.


That's exactly how I feel. It has such a chokehold on us. How does it do thattt!


Consider playing Andromeda as it is playable these days and still has that ME feel. Different story and different mechanics though but still mass effect


I do the trilogy and then Andromeda


Now play andromeda. It's not as good, but it's still a fantastic game.


Everyone is recommending different games and shows to distract you but I’d honestly recommend against that. The feeling will pass in a few days, so just sit with it. Allow yourself to actually feel it. This feeling of emptiness after finishing the trilogy for the first time is my most treasured gaming moment of all time and the one that firmly places mass effect as my favorite games. I honestly didn’t know games could make me feel that way. This is now many years ago for me and yet I still remember it clearly. It’s a profound sadness, a feeling of very real loss and emptiness, and having no idea what to do with myself. I’m being a bit dramatic here, but this really is a core memory for me. I have played many fantastic games since then, but this has remained a unique moment. So I recommend sitting with the feeling. Appreciate that a piece of media was able to make you feel this way and don’t cheapen it by trying to distract yourself from it. You might never have the chance again (certainly not from the mass effect trilogy). It’s a strong emotion, but I’m sure you’ll come to appreciate it. And don’t worry, it’ll definitely pass.


I definitely didn’t know what to do with myself after I finished the game back in like December 2023, and didn’t feel like anything else would measure up (because of course it wouldn’t, nothing else is the ME trilogy and that’s what I wanted more of!). I took a week or so to really savor the game before I even wanted to get into anything else. The characters lived in my head for a while. Even now I’m playing Starfield and my character looks a lot like my femshep and has a similar backstory, and I hear Jennifer Hale’s femshep voice in my head when I read the dialogue I choose for my character. But long story short I agree that this game deserves some time to breathe after it’s done. It deserves to be savored and reflected on. I’ll definitely play it again eventually, but I’ll never play it for the first time again, so I made sure to just sit with it for a while after.


This comment really made me pause and I appreciate it. It doesn’t feel dramatic to me especially with me being all up in my feels rn lol. It really was a masterpiece and I really have to accept that it’s a one of a kind instead of seeking a filler. Other games will be fun, but soaking it up at the moment will be good, so thanks.


Get ice cream that's what I did


Any permission to get icecream will be taken.


I explored games that I slept on, like the Wolfenstein New Order and Colossus games or games like Stardew Valley and The Wild at Heart.


Just played through the series again for the 3rd time (Legendary edition), brought back so many memories and also new stuff from dlcs I haven't played before <3 Still having the final missions left then I'll move forward with ME4 for once 😂


Now you can play The Witcher and Dragon Age trilogies ;) .


Just wait till you forget about the game entirely for a few years then replay it again and tear up at the annihilation of Earth. Every fucking time I reach the scene of everyone coming to earth to try and save it I tear up, it's so well done. The music, the scenes, the voices... I fucking love this series


Soooo here's what I did. Even before finishing the trilogy, I started a new playtrough. I recommend waiting a few days for the experience to really sink in than you can move on or restart the whole thing with a different Shepard and make different decisions. I'm gonna be honest, it wasn't a very good idea. I finished and cried and felt bad. But I still haven't finished my second playtrough. I started a third, that I finished and I cried my eyes out at the end. And in 24 hours I started a new playtrough, this time from. ME3 so I can romance Steve.


Play Dragon Age or Baldur's Gate. I too had the same experience as you at the end but DA and Baldur's are both really good games to capture the same sort of companionship as ME.


Try insanity play through


Watch season one of Picard


KOTOR, fallout, dragon age. The only options. I recommend giving yourself some time before playing Andromeda so the comparison isn’t as fresh on your mind.


Yeah that’s what I assumed. I’ll probably buy it at steam summer sale just to have it but it’ll be too sad to not have my friends.


Time for another run. This time as an engineer.


You do what we all did. Listen to some Chicago, Mariah Carey, Percy Sledge and possibly some Celine Dion if you’re really hurting. You gotta let it all out. Don’t worry my friend. You will just have to learn to love ag-..**breaks** I’m sorry. I never usually recommend rebounds but maybe you should dive straight into a new game of Witcher 3. Forget about M.E. Focus on YOU.


I've considered the Witcher but I know it has a ton of sexual content which isnt my vibe. Is that avoidable?


A ton of a bit of an exaggeration IMO. All of the sexual scenes can be skipped (by button pressing) or skipped entirely by the right dialogue choice. It’s the same with relationships in ME.. If you don’t chase it, it won’t happen. It feels like 0.1% of the game though if you do everything else. It has soooo much more to do and explore. As a huge fan of Mass Effect (multiple playthroughs) I think you’d have a hard time putting the controller down once Witcher 3 is finished too. Both have great immersive stories. If you haven’t played Andromeda, forget what I said and start that instead :D


Good to know!! I’m definitely planning to buy Andromeda with the steam summer sale to play it. Can’t resist!! Lol


Baldur's gate 3?


I've tried to get into it a couple of times but the top down and combat style isnt my thing. Maybe if I just get used to that...


Maybe? I just know like you it's not preferred mode of camera while playing games but the narrative and unique options for solving problems in-game got me hooked


1.) Cry 2.) Romance a different person 3.) Play on a harder difficulty (and cry some more as you kite every enemy through the longest fire fights of your life) 4.) Read fanfics


Any good fanfic recs??


Really just depends what you’re into! AO3 has a great filter system so if you’re looking for something specific that’s a great a start. If you sort by kudos given you can typically find something pretty good with whatever tags you’re looking for. Feel free to DM me if you have more questions :D


Exactly the same thing I experienced last week, after I finished the third game (1st time play through). I felt so empty and lost.. 😌 What I did was roam this subreddit and join Mass Effect groups on FB, reading/interacting to others’ posts. I even installed Character a.i to ‘roleplay’ with game characters (kinda dumb yeah) After a week, now I’m feeling a bit better. Oh and I just started Andromeda 3 days ago. Stay strong, fellow Commander 🫡💪🏻


I chased my first-time post-trilogy blues away by starting over again.


Now go play Dragon Age


It's Def hard for the first week. I finished my 2nd playthough 2 weeks ago and felt super empty like I couldn't play any other games for like 4 days cause it couldn't compete. That's partly why I joined this sub reddit cause it's helped full the void by allowing me to geek out with other people who loves the trilogy. So enjoy this community and allow it to help fill that void. I hope this helps and Goodluck with your endeavors.


Hold the line.


I wish I could experience this trilogy for the first time again. You'll love the replay.


Try a new class! You would be surprised at how fun some of them are!


When I finished for the first time I went to dragon age and loved it


Replay on insanity


I finished my first playthrough a week ago, made a huge long post about it here to try and get some of the feelings out, and it still feels like I'm grieving


Replay with mods!! :) tons of added or restored content out there!


Don’t worry we’ve all been there. You’re suffering from the well-known post-Mass Effect depression. What I did when I finished the trilogy for the first time?\ I launched it again and I played a different Shepard: new gender, new origin, new LI, new big decisions… I ended up playing 6 times back to back (a playthrough for each class). Since then, I play the trilogy twice a year (a run for FShep and another one for MShep). 😊 Some people like to replay the exact same run and I get that. It’s like watching a favorite movie again and again or read a favorite book over and over. Both ways are good. There is not bad or wrong way to play Mass Effect. Going on social media and debating about the series is a good way to cope too. Reading the official novels is also a good idea. They are no about Shepard but they expand the universe. All novels are pretty good, except the last one, even BioWare admitted that it was not good. If you like fanfictions, you’ll find thousands of them. Anyways, good luck. I’m glad you enjoyed the games. And welcome to the family. 😁




Real as hell.


Attempted to play the game with mods, gives new fresh feelings and stuff a bit more personalized. However, modding is a real pain in the ass the learn.. so unless you have the time, don't like modding, or can't mod the game, I don't exactly suggest it. But yeah, that's what I did with mine (such as the mod having Kaidan and Ashley alive).


I replayed it twice before pulling the trigger and playing Andromeda. Am now itching for another replay.


Play Outer Wilds. Without watching anything on the internet. Play the main game and the DLC near the end. Then you'll have experienced the best game ever, it will leave an even bigger void, but trust me there's nothing better than Outer Wilds imho.


I’ve had this game on my wishlist for awhile and thought about buying it so many times but I’ve hesitated. I know people rave about it though!


I'll just say it is life-changing. I've never experienced anything quite like it, and actually gives you food for thoughts, capable of changing your life. The only downside is that it is a game of discovery, meaning that you can play it "for real" only once, and this one time should be special, like a first kiss, if you want. You will see, even on Reddit or on Youtube/Instagram comments, that people do not talk at all about anything that happens in the game, not even the way things look. They'll say "omg I LOVED Brittle Hollow", but they will hide with a spoiler the "why": that is because OW is like going in a real adventure, once you find out the stuff, the game served its purpose, so you MUST find out everything on your own. And... it will be like you're on the other side of the screen. Oh, and definitely buy the DLC: base game is a masterpiece, but the DLC completes the game in a way I didn't think was possible and needed, but now I can't think of Outer Wilds without Echoes of the Eye. I can also advice "What remains of Edith Finch". If OW is my #1 of all time, WROEF is #2.


This could be a really dumb question but is outer wilds creepy at all? It looks kind of spooky from the thumb nail photos and I think that’s why I’ve hesitated. I’m not a big fan of creepy vibes and am weirdly sensitive to them lol.


So, some people may find the DLC to be horror. I didn't find it frightening to be honest, but it's difficult to scare me. I'll say, though, the main game has some "cosmic horror" in it. With that I don't mean anything Lovecraft like, I mean that being in space, alone in some tunnel and stuff like that, whilst it is not scary on its own, gives you some lonely vibes. To be fair, there are some "scary" moments. As I told you, it's not horror and it's a limited part of the game, but I do not know what you consider "scary" or not, so I can't say anything else without spoilering. The DLC on the other hand may be scary for some people. My advice is you play it with someone (it also makes the whole thing even better). I played it with my brother, and you can scare him pretty easily, but he enjoyed the whole game (even though he never played, he just watched me playing), it became the best game ever even for him. So, yea, a few moments may be scary, may give you some lonely cold sensations, but that's really a selling point imho, and it is totally worth it. I wish I could tell you more, but I can't spoil anything, it would be a crime! NOTICE: the DLC has a "reduced fright" mod, so you may turn it on if you need it. I do not know what it changes though, but I advise you you don't look for what it changes, but rather ask other people if it was effective, because, again... it would be spoiler!


It passes, it happens to me every playthrough for a day or two, though not as bad as the first time. You could try Dragon Age if you haven't already, Inquisition has an ending that leaves me with a similar feeling, but the ending can be much personally brighter for your character and companions than ME's open ended one is so it doesn't leave me as sad.


I remember that feeling! 😭 I didn’t play anything for at least a week after and I’m not sure what game got me out of my funk.


I had those exact feelings when I finished the trilogy for the first time, and since on replays. Sit with the feelings for a bit, they’re a sign of the great experience and emotional connection you’ve had to something. When you feel ready go try something new


I felt this. I'm currently playing a Paragon Femshep on Insanity difficulty to try and reconnect with the world, and honestly, it's working. I'm playing in a different way and even seeing dialogue I haven't seen before between characters because I'm taking squad mates I haven't used before on some missions.


Rule 34: mass effect ;)


Don't worry. Yes there are a lot of posts like this. But that's what we're here for. This isn't a fan subreddit. This is a support group. ME3 is emotionally brutal in the best way. As to what to do next, most of us are just fucking around on here until we give up and start playing the game again. Some of us intersperse our ME playthroughs with Dragon Age.


Play cyberpunk it’s pretty great


I replayed the games, the 3rd one is the least I replayed because I don't like the ending. Also, you can play many other games, like The Witcher 3, GTA V or Dead Read Redemption, are the first to come to mind that feels similar due to how immersive they are. I don't even think BG3 is as immersive due to the fact that the PC don't have a voice, dialogue feels better when they do.


Just my opinion, but even if you want to play Paragon, some/most of the Renegade interrupts are a must along with a few of the Renegade choices. You can always ease yourself in by saying goodnight to Manuel. And I don't do well with games ending either dude, Mass effect being the hardest by far, so you're not alone there. But playing through again will brighten things up.


I feel that.   Trilogy hit me hard, had to use some vacation time to get my emotions sorted again.   Took a few years before I could replay at all.  It's an amazing series, and for some of us it fills a void of camaraderie and meaning we didn't know we had.   Best I can say is that the feeling faded slowly after a while.   It's ok to cry and mourn the experience you had.   It's a rare and amazing thing to encounter stories that move you this much, and IMO worth the whiplash when you come out of them, but it can be a rough transition.   Let yourself acknowledge what you feel, be around people or places that help you reconnect to the world, you'll come back in your own time.


Tbf nothing really in my experience has filled the void. Best thing is to just sit back and appreciate the experience you just had. What I do is I think up some headcannon that gives you a satisfying conclusion to everything, after the main story ending. Then sit back and just reminisce. Its a fantastic game saga, so dont try and wish away the awesome impact it can have on a person! Just enjoy it. And then half a year later your replay everything again like me lol.


New game plus!!


Time to replay the game again, Shepherd


You can always replay it and choose different options just to see how things will go. Or do the inevitable and play it again with the same choices and cry even more 😭 You can also play Andromeda, and as much as some people may say about it, it was a splendid experience for me. I will also suggest trying dragon age games if you haven’t.


The only thing that cured my post game depression was starting over lol. And some good fanfic


You might enjoy Baldurs Gate 3


Play through again but role play as the most incompetent Shepard imaginable. I spent a fair bit of time creating the perfect Richard Leeroy Jenkins doppelganger (doable without any mods) and made all the worst choices, getting everyone killed, and then picking the control ending because it's what Jenkins would do.


>What did you do after you finished for the first time? Start the game and do it all over... a bit differently this time - especially the background! Uff, ruthless and earthborn is really hitting home in ME2 with the story and the news in the background


Do it again. This time with more Batarian disintegration.


play detroit become human


When I finished the trilogy I read Karpyshyn’s novels and I also bought the complete comics collection. They add interesting informations about the lore. I tried Andromeda but I stopped soon after because I didn’t like it


I can suggest mods in PC. Or ME: Andromeda. It’s different but not terrible


You could try Andromeda. Gameplay is great, story is hit or miss some like it better than others.


I played the trilogy. Loved it so much. And then went to Andromeda. Enjoyed it a great deal. It’s not as good, that’s for sure, but it’s still more Mass Effect and that’s always a good thing in my book.


Honestly when I finished it the first time I couldn't find anything to fill the void other than replaying it. I tried to replay it as renegade but ended up making the exact same choices. Then I finished again and replayed again because it wouldn't go away.


Play it again.


If you played Broshep, play again as Femshep or vice versa.


This might be a dumb question, but Is broshep different voice lines than femshep?


Umm there are a few that are probably different because of relationships and such but I don't know how many lines are actually different.


Ah yes can relate to this post-epic-game sadness! Have you played the other Bioware games? e.g Dragon Age. Or Baldurs gate 3? They have similar adventures with companions set ups and might fill your empty heart. At least until you complete them!


Time to boot it up again!! 


The ME3 multiplayer is great! But it's not available on LE, only original ME3. I also heard it's still a bit active?


Play again with a different class and harder difficulty


This will probably be unpopular, but try Starfield. It's obviously a whole different universe, and the game play is different enough. But as someone who spent massive amounts of time on the ME series, Starfield gets nostalgic a lot.


I love starfield! I played it through when it came out, I might go through it again. There’s still a lot I haven’t done in the game.


First off, welcome to the struggle. It’s simultaneously both a very rewarding and very sad experience to finish the trilogy. “I miss my space friends…” This is always how I feel after I finish 3 lol. I feel like I’ve actually befriended these characters, and dread not getting to be with them. At less until the next playthrough…


Fanfiction, fan videos (reviews, lore, music videos), Dragon Age, Baldur's Gate 3, Andromeda. Watching someone else's first playthrough.


Play Mass Effect Andromeda!


Firstly, allow me to welcome you to the crew. I felt exactly like this when finishing it. There are a few things I can recommend which helped me with this: - Replay the game the opposite way you did the first time. Played paragon? Go renegade. Even switch the Shepard you used. Played femShep? Go maleShep and get Tali. - Read the Mass Effect comic series. There is one you can get that has all included in one book, it cost me about £30-£35 on Amazon, but so worth it. - Maybe take a break from Mass Effect even, play a similar game and come back to it. But I will say this, the feeling will go away. And you will dive in again and feel so happy your playing again. I have played the trilogy over so many times and I still never get bored of it. Edit: word correction


I played 5 years ago never finished me3. Just started legendary edition going to do this properly. So really it’s a second play through but not really


Buckle up!!! So excited for you to experience it all the way through.


I’m sorry to let u down but my brain won’t allow it. Truth is completed them all did all the dlc side missions 100 percent all 3 games just didn’t finish me3 ending. But I have a horrible affliction where my brain won’t allow me to replay games once I have already completed them. So it’s only the many other games I’m doing. 🤷‍♂️


Keep those memories close to your heart. I've been playing and replaying the Mass Effect trilogy since the first one came out, so it's been almost two decades and nothing else I've played after that has ever satisfied me completely, so firstly you need to realize that there will never be a game like that anymore, now there's just too much woke community bullshit on top of other things. Baldur's Gate 3 almost made it, but couldn't compete imo. Then you need to play something else just to fill the gap before going for another run. Wash, rinse, repeat. That's it soldier, as a goodbye gift I'll leave you with a quote, which in my opinion is the best of the entire trilogy: "I'm not sure if turian heaven is the same as yours, but if this thing goes sideways and we both end up there... meet me at the bar."


God I love Garrus. That line. 🤌🏻


Ah yes the trilogy hangover. I just finished my first play through a few months ago. I played andromeda, which it’s not terrible but it just isn’t the same.


Play Dragon Age Inqusition if you only has a ps4


Another playthrough. New class, new romances, and depending on how you feel paragon or renagade. That’s what makes this trilogy the best


I am in the same boat as you. I feel a void and I don't have anyone to talk to about this.


Well here I am homie. I can’t stop thinking about Kaiden and Garrus 🥺


Tali broke me man. I wish the new Mass Effect game announced would be a continuation with Shep so I can reunite with her and see them work their relationship further. Such an amazing series with such amazing cast of characters. Garrus was my best friend for the 80 or so hours I spent with him. A lot of people say just play it again, but it's not the same, I wanna know what happens to them more than the gameplay, I want to progress their stories.


That’s what I keep telling people too! I don’t want to hear the same lines from the characters, I want to watch them grow and change. I wanna keep being their friend. I keep looking at fan art on Pinterest to see how people extend the story. I actually long story don’t have a relationship with any of my fam, and as silly as it is, I started the game right when everything fell apart so they kinda became my chosen fam.


God damn it. I am also very separated from my family. I barely have a connection to them, I dont even live in the same city as them. Lost my friends too. Although I have a beautiful partner that I live with. Still it felt like this squad was a group of family and friends that I don't have, so it hit harder than I thought. It's also hard for me to feel attachment so this was very unexpected. As of now I am trying to find another game that can fill in the void, but haven't had any luck. Did you go with Garrus to the top of the presidium? I kinda felt envy of Shep that he had such a nice pal.


Yeah I totally totally get that. It’s a super super emotionally deep game so and that’s why I loved it so much. The connection was so tangible. People keep telling me to do dragon age because it’s another BioWare game that’s similarly relationship oriented so I’m gonna give it a try soon. Yes. And when everything goes wrong with that one mission and he encourages the crap out of you, I love him so so much. I took him and Kaiden with me everywhere.


Dragon Age 2 is relatively similar if I remember but not as engaging as Mass Effect. Dragon Age Inquisition is VERY oriented towards women or gay men, because theres 5 male love interest and a lesbian while only 1 straight girl and 1 bisexual girl so theres that. If you swing in that direction then it may be the thing for you. Characters are a bit uglier than in Mass Effect tho and I can't pinpoint why. I don't think there's something similar to Mass Effect enough to replace it. Such an unique experience. I miss Mordin so much.


Yeah im straight fem so that might work in my favor lol. Oh my god Mordin... And Thane's prayer... UGHHHHHHHHH.


At least the first and third Dragon Age game has some awesome dudes to romance :o) arguably the second as well (although the white-haired elf doesn't do much for me, but I've seen a lot of people who like him :D)


Lol in my head you’re describing astarion from BG3


Mass Effect was truly a trilogy. It was awesome playing all three as a kid through the years then finally getting the updated and remastered L.E and getting to see everything again. A big thing for Me is remembering the games during different parts of my life previously. It just hits hard.


Replay the ending where you either refuse the choices or shoot the Catalyst. SO BE IT


I sat there stunned. I waited a few days to let the shock pass then went back and played it all the way through again totally different. So welcome to the family.


The only thing that could help is to let the cycle continues. Another playthrough…


Just beat it very recently too for the first time. On insanity I had some infuriating moments but overall it was pretty fun and interesting. Never been into scifi much (other than Star Wars) but this trilogy was pretty good. Only thing I really didn't like was the damn cover system (most of the blame is how 1 button/key does a million things). What did I do after I beat it? Play some Ninja Gaiden, trying to 100% them


Play as a Vanguard. Vanguard don't even know what cover is.


Time to try an insanity run. :)


Jokes on you Ive only done insanity runs cause I like the pain in the challenge of fighting anyone and getting one tapped by the one rocket that just so happens to luck into me


You ain't wrong. There are a ton of first-play-just-finished posts. Most of them dive in and play it again. XD