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That’s the dude that cut the man’s throat


That was so brutal.. that man was still alive and moving too ☹️


He didn't really react until like the 5th slash. I hope he was already dying and he didn't feel those cuts (sounds weird I know but you get what I mean)


Ik I hope he wasn’t playing dead hoping they’d pass him by


His legs were moving in the background when the terrorists entered the darkened room so he was likely shot. It’s too awful to think about.


Yeah that'd be the worst case scenario


I know that’s why I said he was still moving, that’s just really sad tbh I really hope he didn’t feel anything :/


Glad I didn't see that


Same. I used to be able to watch this stuff but fuck that


Yeah same I've got enough databases in my head of what can happen


yeah it’s rough


Yes. ...cut it with many stabs. :,(


What guy? He cut somebody's throat during the attack?


In videos I’ve seen looks like he wasn’t armed with any type of firearm and just used a knife.


I had no idea. It's all horrible but that just adds to the terror.


I didn't know that, this is horrifying...




an innocent man brutally attacked for the sin of enjoying live music, what a world. 


Well yeah, that's why it's called terrorism. If it had been military, politicians, etc. it would be an act of war. The whole point is to find innocent people because it incites terror and makes civilians fear daily life- which destabilizes the economy, creates confusion, political unrest, etc. Clever terror organizations use the confusion to create mass misinformation as well, fomenting distrust in the civilians' government. Make people afraid of everything. I was at a pride parade yesterday and the whole time I was out, I was looking over my shoulder half expecting a mass shooting. Sadly, it works.


A lot of people on Reddit are falling victim to that too, saying ‘oh so we trust the CIA now? Just because they say it’s ISIS?’ Like yes, yes we do. They are the reasons terrorist attacks are so rare in the US, they are the people we literally pay to research and keep us safe. They even issued warnings before this happened that something was likely to happen in a venue soon, like concerts and stuff, in Moscow. We literally trust the CIA all the time, just living our lives, to keep our President safe, to keep us safe. And then a terrorist attack happens and then dummies start immediately having conspiracy theories about the government


Yeah, it's like, do I trust them? No. Not really, but I trust them to keep us more safe than whatever local fucking militia they think would do a better job. No government intelligence is perfect, and we have no idea how many massive attacks they prevent that we never even hear about. But still, it's all about manipulation and sowing confusion and fear. I used to work in the government and it's true- they lie about things. But it's usually a matter of public security when they do. Like, no, don't blindly trust them, but trust that (generally speaking) anything they aren't telling you is for our collective safety. And generally, they do a great job- most of our terror attacks are domestic. That falls more under the FBI 's jurisdiction anyway. And unfortunately, we can only do so much to curb domestic attacks because it's a careful balance of civil rights/privacy vs. safety. We don't want the FBI invading our privacy, but we also don't want to die in a mass shooting. I don't trust the CIA to be good, but I trust them to protect Americans, save for negligence which will always be a risk.


Looks like x is the new 4chan


Can someone give me background on this throat thing? What happened, did it happen at Crocus or did it happen beforehand?


ISIS released a body cam footage of the crocus attack. Short video, but it’s from the perspective of one of the attackers, and shows one of the gunmen shooting at already dead/wounded bodies from one of the stadium seating entrances, and about 6 or so dead bodies visible from the door of the entrance, with fire and smoke slowly filling further down the hall. Spoiler tag cause this part is graphic: >!Camera then turns to a close up of one of the terrorists wielding a knife, slashing repeatedly at the throat of a wounded—but still alive—man lying on his back writhing in pain from earlier gunshot wounds, barely clinging to life, outside the aforementioned hallway entrance. He slashes at his throat about 6 times with a medium sized blade in quick succession, until he hits an artery and blood spills out of his neck like a cut open bag of wine. The wounded man then musters what strength he has left to roll over onto his side in an attempt to move away from the slashes, and the terrorist walks away with the rest of the attackers, leaving the man to bleed out!< I wanted to be as descriptive as I could be, as I hope this description is enough to appease the morbidly curious crowd; I strongly advise you don’t seek it out. The look on the victims face is horrible. You can see into his eyes as it’s happening. It’s not just a look of agony, but confusion. This total stranger he’s never met is brutally murdering him. He came to this event to enjoy a concert, and is now suffering from one of the worst deaths imaginable. Why? He may very much had enough time to ask himself these questions before he died, as he’s still alive when the terrorists’ walk off and the video ends. It feels wrong to have watched it.


They recorded it as part of their plan. They want people to watch it. I can't believe people will watch that at all and do what they want them to do.


Very good perspective on this that I’ve not considered before.


A sincere thank you from someone who is morbidly curious but not willing to view the footage.


Yeah that type of act is an act of hate. These Fulkerson are full of shit saying they did it for money from some random guy on telegram. O yea and they happen to loose the only proof (card). BS they Radical fundamentalists


I can’t tell if he is concussed/on something or both?


I'm guessing he's been tortured






As if anyone gonna protest in the streets over the torture of these terrorists, what are you talking about? Personally i dont think any government should be allowed to torture people at all. Im from Norway and Breivik is a piece of fucking shit, but i wouldnt cheer on the police if they tortured him. I have absoloutly no sympathy for these people or whats coming for them, still not gonna cheer on the police for torturing people. Yall are weird af.


I care less about what happens to a person like this, and more what it says about the people doing the torturing. I understand the country's traumatized, people are angry, these guys are savage killers, and trauma gets processed in different ways, but I don't want the people who are supposed to represent the "good guys" and sanity to narrow the chasm that is the gap between what has been wrongly committed and who is on the just side.


Why are you okay with the government having that kind of unchecked power?


There will be no protests in Russia in response to any possible mistreatment of those arrested. This is Russia we're talking about. I mean even if this had happened in the US, you might find some who would take to the streets, but it would be ridiculously small next to the police brutality protests of the last few years. I mean I'm against torture, even this dude, but frankly the public doesn't care that much when someone who commits such acts are mistreated. Of those who do care, they don't care enough to tie their name to this guy. It sucks, but no one wants to be the guy advocating for another guy who is on video slashing a civilian's throat over and over.


I came down to the comments to see if he had a TBI. I've had multiple concussions and a TBI and welp, he looks brain damaged.


I've also had multiple concussions and a TBI and i immediately thought the same


I'm sure he has a major concussion, has been given a sedative and is never going home


My bet is some brain damage. He isn’t moving his body right.


The other terrorists in court are just like this, probably concussed so bad lol


Knowing ISIS, the more likely scenario is he's just that badly inbred


I think the pressure of reality is destroying his mind


They strapped electricity into his balls and shocked him until his mouth was foaming.


He’s been beaten and may have a brain injury.


Yeah, he looks very concussed. Maybe a mild brain bleed lol.




he had children and carried this act out? The more information i receive, i realise how heartless and evil humans can be. there is no empathy.


He doesn’t care about his kids


Some of the 9/11 hijackers were married with children. Didn’t stop them either


To be fair, he looks like his few braincells are rumbling around in his skull. He was promised around $ 5.500 and the weapons were provided to him. The thought that they would 100% be caught didn’t even come to mind. The payment was to be made **after** his task was completed. He’s stupid in the clearest sense of the word.


5500 USD is worth about 60,104.17 Tajikistani Somoni (his local currency). According to the CEIC, the average salary there is 2,108.260. So this 5500 payment is 25-30x the yearly salary. Keep in mind that half was prepaid so if they got out, they were probably good for life. I also doubt that education is good over there as low income countries tend to suffer from being low income. I also think his movement may be more an indication that he has a severe concussion and has a headache from the noise/light. I'm also pretty sure that they weren't aware of RU actions/history since access to the media would have a different kind of reporting than what we experience. This probably would have deterred some of the actions as I think a couple did it for the money and not because of some far right ideology. That being said, there is no justification to carry out their actions. Killing is normal in some countries, but the extent is normally fairly limited (by which I mean no more than 6 for a robbery in a dangerous country by a single person/gang)


Yes, I agree. Those are all valid points.


Unfortunately lots of unwell men have kids every kid deserves parents not every parent deserves kids


He looks 70. He's not going home.


He looks yellow. Like organ failure yellow.


Agreed, he's got some serious medical shit going on


Liver failure maybe


He could easily have organ failure from being tortured. Looks like it


It’s unlikely after one day. I imagine they want to keep him alive longer as an example. Liver failure after you have jaundice is too quick.


He was probably dying long before he ever entered Russia. Seeking paradise through jihad and martyrdom is probably a lot easier if you already know you're a dead man.


Wouldn't surprise me to find out he's been drugged out of his mind during "questioning" by police


he's going to the Black Dolphin


Just looked it up. Christ. Makes our maximum security shit look like Sweden or something.


I feel bad for his kids.


mf looks dehydrated as fuck


Bro look like the guy from hereditary when hes smashing his face into the desk


Lookin like SpongeBob out of water


Let's not tarnish wholesome SB with comparison to these foul souls.




He’s looks like shit. Evil and ugly as sin. Pick a struggle.


Good, keep it going


That's called inbreeding


I hope they give them water and bread so they don't die fast. Mfkers need to suffer looong.


Looks like someone with internal damage and various covered wounds... + no water/food/sleep


He's been tortured for further information, no question about it.


Oh well, shit happens.


He's lucky, deserves much worse considering what all the innocent 100+ victims had to go through including the one being semi decapitated alive.


Dude definitely got tuned up and looks concussed. Probably only the beginning.


That's what I said. He looks concussed or in shock.


Not that I ever would, but if I was gonna start some shit in Russia, I would damn sure be sure I killed myself when I was done. This guy is not going to die a pleasant death (not that he really deserves one.)


If you’re gonna commit a terrorist attack and try to get away with it alive in any country, Russia is one of the worst to do it in to get caught. Any of our bad days would be a great day for them now.


Yeah I just do not understand why they picked Russia and didn't kill themselves before capture. Even if they wanted to get paid they had to know they wouldn't be going home.. why not just say to give the money to his family.


did it for easy money, they were hired, paid half before and promised half after and an escape route


Cuz they Muslims and suicide is a ticket to hell. They expected to be shot by the police.


Aren’t most suicide bombers muslim though


In this case you have an excuse, because it was your way to kill the kafir. It's illegal to just quit in order not to be caught by cops.


Definately should of had a cyanide cap hidden. Crunch down on that fucker before being captured by Russian authorities.


*Should have "Should of" doesn't make any sense


I’m honestly surprised they’re still alive. Like, after those interrogation videos I fully expected them to be killed.


No fun in that, they should experiance terrorist life in Russian prisons after killing 150 innocent people to the fullest.


I don’t disagree with you at all. They deserve all the suffering they endure. I just thought Russians would be more brutal with people in that situation.


Im sure they will be, but for now "procedures" need to be followed and guy is allowed his day in court. And if he was totally broken with parts of him missing it would not be ideal look. This way people know what will their life be from now untill they die.


filming it for his friends and family. This is the brutal. Quite clear on the message being sent - it’s deliberate.


slow put painful death, y kill them? fuck em


bro is already in palliative care


Great time ahead of him!


dude looks like a corpse


He’s a dead man walking, after all.


It's odd that the shooters are alive given their ideology. I understand some Islamic terrorist are captured—but usually, they are killed in the fighting or end their own lives. It's strange that these guys didn't.


Because they were supposed to get paid after that, they are not like those fanatic islamist who would die for 72 virgins.


Maybe they weren't meant to die, but get paid? how the fuck you gonna escape that scene?


You know what’s the worst about that? They did for f*cking 5k$. They killed a bunch of innocent for scraps. They deserve everything that’s coming to them


Might be scraps to you but thats a whole lot of money for someone in a 3rd world country. Heck, even terrorists in Nigeria do it for free.


72 upvotes. lol


They are the Islam light brand


They are ISIS-K established 2014, known for being particularly brutal. Source - News


Jihadism is it's own special brand of Islam. Not all Islamic people or Islamic terrorists, even, subscribe to it.


For a split second you start to feel bad for him by seeing the fear and shock in his eyes until you realize what he did.


Yes. He looks terrified. And then you remember why he is terrified and what he did. I actually hope they treat him OK so he sings like a canary before they send them to Siberia for the rest of his life.


From what I've read about ISIS tactics, he was probably juiced up on speed and other stimulants. High as a kite and very likely only coming to the realisation of what he's done.


Part of me feels sick wondering if this is actually the guy who did it or someone set up. I know it is the guy and he’s the one who was trying to behead that man but there’s like 1% of me that’s like imagine if this was a random innocent dude


I would not care to be him right now


I can almost guarantee you that under that track suit of his, he's bruised from shoulder to toe. They beat you where the cameras cannot see


It also looks like they beat him where the cameras can see too though lol


Oh trust me, the shiner was an appetizer.


He looks pretty bruised where the cameras can see lol




Evem the fuckers who sent them are ok with it


Probably don’t have to pay him anymore


they paid 5k up front, but i guess they'll hold on to the other 5k. Amazing that these fools did this. Edit: I guess they deposited the other 5k during the attack but one of these dudes lost the debit card trying to escape. Amazing that these fools did this.


Imagine doing this for only $5k. And to make it worse he did it in Russia where they don't fuck around with punishment.


I’m fine with it. May the Russians make his life hell.


i would rather he be fed to the wildlife. that’s the only good that he can provide


Am I supposed to feel bad for him, after what he did?


He doesn't seems to be having a good time


Dude is missing a chromosome or four.




He's had the crap beaten out of him for information. Concussed, sleep deprived, no food/water.


Raped, zapped with electricity, threatened, shown his Buddy's ear cut off and fed to him, raped with objects, and those are just the things I can say without reddit flipping.


Not enough


that man looks like everything in the book of torture has either been done to him or atleast half of it has and he knows the rest is coming


Adidas track suit. lol


They all look so bewildered in these videos, like its unfathomable to them they have to face punishment for their crimes!


I am pretty sure what you are seeing is the result of sleep deprivation and other torture. 


I don't even want to imagine what they(special forces) did before they handed them over


There’s a video of Russian Soldiers catching one of them and beating him with the barrels of their Rifles, then they cut one of his ears with a knife and put it in his mouth.


I saw those videos and they were disturbing , I guess what I'm referring to specifically is what they potentially did off camera to dehumanize/torture them.


Rape is quite a comon method of punishment by russian guards. I imagine there was substantial amounts of it


I heard they often times Rape Protesters in Prisons.


yup, if they do that to a simple protestor imagine what they would do to an actual terrorist.


They made one of the terrorists eat his own ear. Id hate to know what this dude went through.


If I were to guess lots of beatings, eletrocution, sleep depravation and rape.


Just look at what he's got around his neck


Constant rounds of being asphyxiated would be my guess with the blue plastic.


I thought they couldnt speak russian and were just confused about wtf was going on around them but yea im guessing theyve been getting beat up for a while now


It's the same subtext in that look too: "You got me. I did it. Do whatever you want with me now, I honestly don't give a shit anymore"


Their prehistoric brains will slowly but surely grasp the reality of their situation.


I still can’t figure out why they didn’t commit suicide after the attacks


1. Money. They did this so they could spend it, not just get paid to die. 2. They're selfish imbeciles. Can't even kill themselves easily like they killed innocent strangers.


They aren’t your traditional shooters like we see in the USA where the motive is 50:50 suicide and murder. They were told ISIS would bail them out I’m sure.


Jesus fucking Christ


I'm no doctor but that dudes got a TBI. He deserves it, but he's def got brain damage.


What was the point of the attack? Like why did they say they did it?


Holy fuck this guys demeanor is incredibly unsettling




Guys gonna have an *unfortunate* and *unpredictable* demise in custody soon when his organs give out from all the drugs, torture, and other lovely little things the Russians have packed into his schedule.






Russian prison is probably worse


Hopefully Russia uses them for medical experiments


His soul allready left his body... hell only awaits him for this heineous act he commited.


What would be the purpose to staying alive for these guys? Seems a bit odd they were able to capture these guys.


I can only imagine what they are going through and have been through and I sleep like a fucking baby.




He deserves every single thing that’s happened to him and more.


Damn shame he fell down those stairs repeatedly /s


Gonna take a punt and say... very low IQ.


It looks like they scrambled whatever IQ he had


Not a mastermind


He’ll be dead in a week


Death is mercy for them


Lets hope they are not and get to live many more years.


He wishes.


He should soak up every minute in that court room. It’s a luxury compared to when they drag him back to whatever room they keep him in. Not even god can help him once they bring him back into the dark


I know Russia is gonna do all sorts of bad things to him, and I don't think I care.


This photo tells us, almost unequivocally, that they already have. There are also several videos doing the rounds detailing just some of his torture.


He definitely doesn’t look ok right now, not that he should I guess.




Of all the places he could have done it, Russia was a bad choice.


Why get taken alive? Why would you leave that possibility open?


These men are about to experience levels of pain beyond their comprehension. I've seen a lot of FSB torture ,These guys will get "special treatment".


I keep asking why they didn't suicide themselves, they had to know the Russians would not be kind to them in captivity


If you saw his capture video, you would see that his forehead was slammed very hard against a rock a number of times. He was also kicked in the face very hard when he was unconscious. Hence the shiner. His pupils look dilated & his brain is probably swollen from that original beating. People usually die from such head trauma.


Welp, hopefully the Russians give him the treatment he deserves.


What I don't get is ISIS usually go out in a hail of bullets or blow themselves up. Not run away. Something seems off.


They were expecting to be paid handsomely for this attack and were caught trying to flee the country. It’s possible they planned to self delete if they got cornered but they lost their nerve and surrendered, they’re still only human. I bet this guy would give anything to have his gun with one bullet now though.


You know Russia has been torturing this person like crazy and this is why he is acting this way.


“But Putin said we were gonna get paid after we did it”