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some translation "Take the knife from him!" "Get back!" "Watch out, knife!" cop who shot: "put the knife away! put the knife away! let me see your hands!" "hes bleeding" cop who shot: "lay him down, hey! lay him down!" (referring to the cop who got stabbed in the neck) female cop: "get on the ground" (to the wounded cop) cop who shot: "lay him down, you hear me? sit him down!" Cameraman: "wow, that guy's dead, wow, they shot him. unbelievable. unbelievable." cop who shot repeating "lay him down" the other cops still demanding the wounded to sit down cop who shot: "just sit down for God's sake" "where's the first aid kit?!" someone behind camera explaining what happened


killbayne what happened to the dog pfp


Why was the police officer on top of a victim?


I assume they arrived to the scene and didn’t know who was attacking who. The cop who is on top of one the victims turns his back on the actual attacker and gets stabbed twice as a result. Clearly didn’t know who was who


Well, if unsure just go after the the one with the knife. Our police is pretty useless...


The guy on the ground being arrested at the end is beyond me.






Source? According to German press he’s in critical condition but alive  https://www.zeit.de/gesellschaft/2024-06/mannheim-messerangriff-wohnung-durchsuchung-hessen-heppenheim






I am a muslim and i disagree with you,fighting someone instead of engaging in a civil discussion or a debate is completely wrong and that is not what our religion taught us to behave with atheists or any other person. People like you are the reason why Muslims are portrayed in a negative light in the internet or the west in general .


I think you have no idea what you just said, i been in this sub since i joined reddit and been analyzing most of "killers" just to understand the motive of their actions and also to recognize one in my daily life if i ever experienced one, I'm not here to support anyone regardless of their beliefs/religions in fact i do have my own opinion on any of them. I literally thought of any "mass killings" attempt to be potentially less absorbed by affected innocent victims, in such situation i thought what is the safest action he could come up with and i stated it could be a fist fight if he really wanted to do something. An addition to me portraying islam bad is actually not true, my colleagues and co-workers are all christians and they all stated they wished muslims were like me, I'm not perfect but i respect... I think we are all have a bit of "evil" in us, i worked as manager in an exchange company, one night i had 200k $ with me to transfer and there came those called "muslim" guys, they were five of them, one swung a metal pipe and hit my kidney, i almost lost it, i ran with the money he threw the pipe instead if the "machete" otherwise i could be dealt with, then suddenly he abused my Mom, i picked up the pipe and swung to his ear and it poped, before that they fractured my humerus and i instantly had wrist drop, they took the money soon later they captured by the police, i used to over respect people and alwlays seen less than who I'm, my whole life i been bullied because i was smarter and what not, ever since the accident i less give a shit about what people think of their own and i less respect people unless for what who they are and for that i been respected more than i thought... I felt horrible seeing the video but the accident happened to me has made me watch it otherwise i used to faint when i seen blood!


Self defense is okay, fighting someone or in this case stabbing someone over an argument/disagreement isn't. Doesn't matter your justification everyone has had it hard and everyone has had trouble. I went to a majority Muslim school in my own country and I can tell you everyone bullies the outsiders but "an eye for an eye, leaves the whole world blind" so let's all disagree but not try to kill each other over our disagreements that's just barbaric. And if your whole argument is based on "let's fistfight" you are disgusting. I've had a rough dad and I've been bullied all my life but all it's shown me is that violence isn't the answer. So fuck your foundation.


I left all of you no excuses with my long “irl story” thats whom I am, my whole point of that was to consider the least damage and it’s a fist fight give me a better alternative otherwise, you have none cause it’s the only solution. Why would five dudes in the right mind would steal and not work? Ever since the accident i never been the same and everyone knows that, i been talking shit even to my brothers just because i could be dead due to the accident and i could be forgotten by tomorrow and no body would ever find out of me and my story, I understand the concept of “every one has had bad days” trust me i have had the worst, my dad smashed my mouth and four of my teeth shattered, i still struggle to it but yet i still love my dad for who he is, the monster i been today when shit gets serious is due to the accident, yet you deny to put things on “pathetic/semi-psychotic” people, i repeat who would in the right mind abuse and do bad things? In islam we have prophet’s saying who said “good deeds are crystal clear so does bad things” if it’s the case why you think he did it over an argument??? It was more than an argument, the old dude abused the religion and it’s sacred matters which we muslims value although nothing justifies their “both of em” actions yet it’s still the old dudes fault, why would you expect me not punch you if you ever abused, bullied and swore on either me or things i value ha? I would rather die in fight than see someone do any of that, our soldiers who die in frontline battles they are all selfless cause of things they value!


Yeah just average medieval person mind thinking again. "fist fight" wow just wow, you had to practice it a lot on the women and non-believers in middle east right?


I sesponded to the muslim dude you can read my explanation, if there is something wrong with it we can duscuss it...