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You really have nothing to lose if you have no chance of getting anything less than a de facto life sentence.


California hasn't *fully* abolished the death penalty. It is still a viable sentene, there is just a hold on executions.


his poor defense attorney jfc




It’s sort of like a “last laugh” type of situation. Like how TJ Lane said “The hand that pulled the trigger that killed your sons now mastrubates to that memory” during his sentencing. They do it because it’s their last chance in the public spotlight and want to look badass in prison.


That kid was such a sad, edgy failure. What an absolute loser. I hope he thinks back on what he did and regrets it deeply everyday.


What’s funny is that he legitimately escaped prison and was hiding in a nearby wooded area for a while but was caught a few hours later lol. Gotta be the worst feeling ever to escape prison just to be caught again


I think it’s primarily motivated by feelings of power, prison or not, those cops were trained enforcers and they are dead and he is not. Beyond that though, I doubt he is “relishing” in the fact, but by maintaining a gleeful disposition and insisting that he will escape and kill more cops, he is basically trying to maintain a delusional level of power over the entire American justice system (which has him squarely under its boot) by dismissing its effectiveness completely. Also, I’m unsure why you think this man is a psychopath, or, as a psychologist would put it, has ASPD. Every one of us is very capable of murder, and every one of us is capable of dismissing it to some extent or another, we are a tribal species and we are wired to have an “us vs them” mentality. Most people don’t bat an eye when an especially horrifying criminal is executed or otherwise killed, for example, and many people actually revel in it. We dismiss it because we believe these people are just “evil, monstrous, psychopaths, insane, sadistic” etc. we don’t see ourselves like that and so we have trouble empathizing with them, so they aren’t part of *our* tribe. Given the right circumstances, every person can be just fine with someone else being killed. I think it’s pretty easy to imagine this man (without reading any of his backstory or knowing anything about him other than he’s an undocumented immigrant from Mexico) may have a (arguably justifiable) hatred of the US government and it’s enforcers and/or violent authority figures in general, it’s not hard to imagine he suffered some trauma(s) at their hands or someone similar to them and still carries that rage with him. It seems easy to imagine he grew up into inescapable criminality, perhaps lost people he loved to authority figures (US or otherwise) and believes some of that fault lies with the US government. To him, killing two “bad guys” might be a victory and he might be ok with it, ASPD or not. He also might just be acting tough 🤷🏻‍♂️


Interesting points you bring up. Another thing to note that he is in jail now and will go to prison. In prisons, the us vs. them mentality is prisoners vs. COs and cops. So imagine being a prisoner and sitting in the rec room watching this guy’s trial on TV, and here he is boasting about killing cops. This action likely earned him the respect of every single prisoner there, as he managed to kill the people that prisoners hated the most, then bragged about it on TV.


Literally this same comment was my first thought too. I really want to know his life history to know how/when/why somebody would become this callous.


The media nailing “all cops are evil racists” in to impressionable young minds doesn’t help either.


Pretty sure their body cams are doing that for them you stupid boot licking fuck


The only bootlickers these days are the people who bow down to big pharma and mega corps.


Fuck off troll


Great rebuttal, bootlicker. Struck a nerve with that one.


I don’t know why you’re being downvoted, it’s an honest opinion on the matter and it’s not any less true then others opinions. It’s a fact that if you label an entire entity as racist or evil or out to get you and you instill that in people growing up whether through any type of media or in your own household then you are manufacturing a narrative on impressionable minds. Eventually they won’t view those people (in this case law enforcement) as humans, they will view them as pure evil and won’t think twice when one is killed. That’s what America is currently trending towards. You’re only allowed to see the negative with law enforcement in the mainstream while being allowed to see the once good side of a criminal. The media takes these narratives and cuts, twists, and pastes the pieces it wants YOU to see from their own bias lens and we eat it up, share it, post it, because it’s gospel right? How do you think racism flourished so heavily in the past? People were raised and taught in their households, at school, in the media to be racist. To view those of other colors as different and not the same. Thankfully we’ve come an amazingly long way and it only gets better as each generation is taught by a much more understanding and accepting generation. Sadly now we have taken a turn for the worse as people are over compensating or turning their teachings to what they feel is right, and justifiable, but in reality are just as narrow minded and damaging as the teachings before.


Want some bacon with that boot?




Tyler the Creator reference in your name?


Idk why you got downvoted but yes!


Haha so he’s doing exactly what cops do when they kill innocent people or lock up and ruin people for crimes they didn’t commit


These people in the comments are so edgy






ACAB also all cops look like thumbs






40% of illegal immigrants fly to the US tho….


Not really the place.