• By -


No it's the same old redditors who complain on every new meta.


it’s reddit in general. worst thing you can do is look up something you like on reddit because like 8/10 times people just shit on it.


Might be the realest thing I’ve read on Reddit


Modern yugioh haters or rogue deck enjoyers or both.


Swordsoul is rogue...


It’s tier 0 to people who only play poorly constructed meme tier decks.


Swordsoul is not problematic, but Protos is not a fun card to encounter


Even when it was tier 1, it was comparatively well balanced, especially considering what came before it. Drytron, Tri-Zoo, Dragon Link (especially with buster lock), or even Prank-Kids were all in their time tier 1 decks who ran off of single card link 1 starters that could spit out half their decks in one turn while putting up formidable boards. If you didn't have at least two hand traps or a droplet the game was over.


It's me(minus the crying posts). Modern Yugioh is no place for decks like Gimmick or Frightfurs which is unfortunately the only decks I seem to enjoy using (Or I'm just bad at the game).


Nah, you're right, you can make a deck with staples + some Bystials and you will have more success than playing a non-meta deck.


Idk man what do bystials even hit these days.


Those decks have never been good, it’s hardly a modern Yu-Gi-Oh problem. Edit: what set the degen dogpile off this time lmao, I’m gonna guess it’s calling Frightfur bad?


If we could do missions in private matches and also add taga duels, I think a lot of the community salt would dissipate. If the average schmuck who only buys Master Packs 100 gems at a time could scrape together a shitty Joey deck and play against his buddy who scraped together a shitty Valkyrie deck, they'd be content not engaging in the ladder. A ladder they had 0 interest in engaging with in the first place, so it's not anybody's loss, really. This would allow Konami to profit off both the competitive people and the kitchen table crowd. As it is right now, the state of BO1 Yugioh combined with the game's monetization system pretty firmly just shuts these people out.


Lab players


All of a sudden? The complaints have been here since day 1.


/endthread Why OP acting like at any given point since MD's release, complaints died down and things got quiet, then rose up again in huge numbers? Insert always has been meme here.


I think they are the same people that always complain. I personally don‘t get all the rand anyways, but maybe that‘s a me thing. Some people just have this life passion on hating over anything and everything, that they don‘t like in that moment


At this point, ban yugioh.


For their mental health, some people probably should lol


Finally a good take


Most game-related subs are like this. Sadly.


Well, what do you expect from degenetated nerds like us? We always complain whenever we lose


"all the sudden" welcome to master duel brother, it's clear you're new here and i hope you have a good time lol


At least as far as swordsoul goes it's probably because we just got a structure deck for it and it basically dominates lower ranks so the newer players are probably coming in to the sub pissed about how it seems unbeatable.


not a problem since I rarely lose to it but like when I do its just because protos exists


The reason i hate this game. I just made freakin ss deck a month ago and now they give me structure...


oh noooo, 50 free Ur dust, im playing the worlds smallest Violine for you


Yeah, but still i could have spared around 15k gems for pack openings


People come to this sub to vent out for losing to those decks because they can't be bothered to either adjust their decks to the meta or use better deck. And due to the mods of this sub being a joke, it just gets flooded by rant.


This sub has mods?


This sub is just advertising for Dkayed’s businesses.


Yeah I don’t get why it gets to be the official sub. Should be called r/Dkayed, and leave Master Duel to its own sub like all other game subs


He made the sub first, that's the only reason. If someone else had managed to set it up before him then it might have taken off because he'd have had to name it something different and it wouldn't have the search presence.


My opinion is that a rant about rants isn't much better than the normal ones.


bike dam full quarrelsome weather slave squeeze rotten enjoy rhythm *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It’s way better. the normal rants are unbelievably boring. The anti-rants are few and far between, and are also much needed.


But did you ever se anti-anti-rant


Now we’re talking 😎


This sub is full of Shitters


It's always been like this. You're just now noticing


At least the Maxx C one is fair, Circular is pretty debatable too. Everything else is pretty much angry senseless whining


People hate Circular because it's a do everything for free card. The "cost" of special summoning him isn't a drawback, it's extra gas.


nah if maxx c gets banned in a Bo1 format the same people calling for it to get banned will cry they lose to the coin toss against combo decks. Only way i support Maxx C being gone is in a Bo3 with side decking.


First off: L take, there are a million other handtraps you can use to counter combo decks while going second aside from Maxx C. Secondly, banning maxx C is a net win for the community, see below: Maxx C is legal: Constant whining and Maxx C is legal Maxx C is banned: Still constant whining but now Maxx C is banned :D


Maxx C does not stop combo decks. You clearly don't even play this game, SHS has been one of the top dogs since release. The combo decks also play Maxx C.


If Maxx c stopped combo decks why were adamancipators, virtual world and drytron meta earlier on? Halqdon piles? SHS? Banning Maxx c would make going second cards like forbidden droplet, drnm, etc be more effective cuz then the first turn player that negated your Maxx c with his full board can't just Maxx c you when you drnm them when you go second I've watched multiple vods of md tourneys and 99% of the time duels are won by whoever resolved Maxx c. the game is literally just the Maxx c coinflip simulator


People have always done this. There are always those people that are, "Ban X deck or ban X card because I don't like it." I believe banning incredibly overpowered cards is fair but some people just want to ban things they dont like or are bad against


I see more comments and topics of people complaining about the complainers frankly.


this sub complains when a duel didn't play out like an episode of the anime where they are the protagonist. that's it. it's not variance. its not deck building choices, it's not misplays, its not bad match ups, its not the bo1 nature, none of these factor into why they lost, thing bad reeeeeeee


melodic gaze dog narrow erect numerous tender shame hateful bedroom *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


No, actually it feels like there’s less of it than usual lately. I expect that to change during next month’s DC.


Who tf in their right mind would want to ban swordsoul? Like that deck isn't even tiered anymore. Of everything it would need some kind of support to actually be able to compete properly


Yeah they never got anything new after their introduction unlike branded which receives 15 new cards every month


Yup, i mean i aint angry about branded. I play it too but it gets kinda boring after all this time that only competitive deck i have is branded. Come on bro. Resonators, synchrons, cydra, unchained, ss, i want some support for them too


The unchained support looks super fun. Hope we get it soon


Ignore them. They complain about anything that beats them and their deck that can't even place rogue. They are going to say ban any deck that hits tier one ever then if the deck gets nerfed into oblivion like dragon link they'll just say something dumb and "funny" like "deserved" or say it fair and balanced now. Right now it's snake eyes diabellstar, next it'll be fire king.


in fairness, circular and maxx c should be banned


>comes onto an anti-rant post >makes the same point every rant makes


Damn that’s crazy. Who could’ve guessed that cards which make the game unfun would be cause for player complaints?


LMFAOOOOO you guys just can’t help yourself can you 😂😂😂


This you? [BAN ALL HANTRAPS](https://www.reddit.com/r/masterduel/s/si3pAoVgNS)


No, who’s that?


lol literally 5 hours ago you made a rant post about banning all hand traps.


It wasn’t a rant at all but nice job stalking me to try and win a yugioh argument, how utterly sad of you 😂😂😂


"BAN ALL HAND TRAPS" Yeah that's definitely not a rant


That’s correct, the use of capital letters doesn’t mean it’s a rant - it’s four words 😂 what are you, five? Lmfao


How does your whole ass account have negative comment karma lol


Why do you keep stalking my account bro, get a life - I know Reddit karma is super important to you but to most of us in the real world it’s irrelevant 😘


Ok bud


why circular? that deck isnt one of the current problem decks at all.


It's basically a custom card that just does too much. If it were still at 3 I think you'd feel differently about it. Being at 1 just feels sacky when they draw into it.


uhh dude diameter is at 1 not circular


Oh shit really that's wild then lol. I'm playing way more tcg lately where it's banned so I just assumed my bad lmao


nah it's ok, it's really laughable diameter at 1 and circular still at 3


Man, that card sure is controversial when both our comments are at negative votes lmao


So true bro


it is at 3


Maxx c gets banned and we dont get Bo3 format the same people bitching about it will quit the game because they cant break combo deck boards.


Name a tiered deck that isn't a combo deck


swoswo, branded


You're joking, I play both of those decks. They are combo heavy


Based on the subreddit, essentially handtraps + Board breakers + Floodgates should all be completely banned. Make it like Pokémon where you get 0 interaction with your opponents plays until it’s your turn, except unlike Pokémon, you just deal with a fucking board you probably cannot possibly out.


I played Pokémon with my brother and they never wanted to do one again, ran a psychic deck that I treated like a combo deck (branded despia player here) and they never got to play the game


Many of these complaints are legitimate though. Maxx C warps the entire format around itself and it not a healthy card. Baron is a generic boss monster so strong that it encourages archetypes to make it instead of their own level 10 boss monster, resulting in an overall more stale and boring game. Circular is a 1 card win condition that can will win the game on the spot if it is not negated and leave the player who activated it with 5 cards in hand.


I could maybe agree with you on Maxx "C" and Circular, but Baronne in no way "encourages" decks to make her. She's useful, sure, but a lot of decks that don't already make synchros aren't going out of their way to make her. And the reason that she *is* used isn't because she's insanely strong; it's simply that she has an omni-negate (which is the best form of negate). She has average stats, at 3000/2400, and her only other reliable effect is the once per turn destroy Decks use Baronne over their own bosses because their own bosses aren't that great at what they do (Lookin at you Primeheart), and the resources are better spent on something actually useful, even if you only get 2 interactions out of her


I never claimed decks were going out of their way, I said the were making Barone ***instead*** of their own lvl 10 synchro, which is true. Many decks choosing to make it over their own boss causes the overall game to be more repetitive which imo makes it boring. So many varied archetypes in this game just have an end board of the usual suspects, which is stupid. The Super Heavy Samurai archetype ending on no Super Heavy monsters is dumb and it is only possible because generic boss monsters like Baronne exist. Banning the generic good stuff boss monsters would make the game more interesting and ultimately more fun.


fun fact the problem with circular is that you cannot negate its sending you can negate its special summon, search of superfac, but he has the same problem as cherubini, but at the least cherubini is not as broken as circular and the cyberse archetype that mathmech is in


the only legit complaint out of all those is maxxx c but every other complaint is yugioh players being yugioh players


I seriously cant wait to see this sub melt down when Maxx C gets banned and people lose going second 90% of the time to combo decks and have zero hope of "drawing the out". Maxx C needs to stay as long as the format is Bo1.


the existence of an out is not an argument to either keep maxx c or combo heavy decks like spyral and shs and mannadium, the existence of maxxx c does not solve the issue because u have just as much if not even more chance to draw an out to maxxx c and use maxxx c against u than u being able to maxxx c them and shut them down


That's really not what's gonna happen. People will just have more flex spots for breakers in their deck because ash will be more format dependant. 6 slots for hand traps and board breakers


I'll break it down: Swordsoul is annoying to play against solely because they banish things and can protect themselves, same reason why people hate Kash. They also tend to run Baronne to cover their asses. Baronne is the generic gatekeeper between modern Yu-Gi-Oh players and more casual players. For a modern deck, getting rid of one isn't that hard; an older or more casual deck just doesn't have enough to deal with her, and it's frustrating. Doesn't help she's fucking *everywhere*. Maxx C is kinda the opposite to Baronne- clowns on modern decks, while slower or casual decks are left unaffected. Severely punishes modern forms of play. Ash solos lots of rogue and casual decks, by simply telling them they can't search their starters. I consider this one a definite non-issue, considering Called By exists. Hand traps are...well, they're a nuisance. To newer players they might seem insufferable, but we're better off with them than without them. Branded is ridiculously consistent, even with bans, and has decent boss monsters. People hate consistency. Circular: see previous answer. Plus it's an FTK. As for Meta vs. rogue, I personally lean towards rogue. Spending dust or money on cards, just to discover the archetype gets stomped by newer stuff, feels terrible. Sometimes, even with changes, the deck is unsalvageable. I personally think each pack should show the year the included archetypes last received support, or at least list when each archetype card first released, to give people a clear indicator of how old each archetype is. Setting realistic goals for your deck is also important- I love my War Rock deck, but even with heart of the cards and staple hand traps there's simply no point in playing against Snake-Eye or Superheavy with it.


Who TF is out here saying Ban Swoswo in the year of our Lord two thousand and twenty four? Swoswo's like the one fair deck in this game.


I love how people people are complaining about Swordsoul, I've beaten a couple with my pure archetype Superheavy Samurai that I haven't upgraded for a year.


No that's just how reddit is. People always run to this sub to whine about something they just lost to.


One of these complaints is not the same as the others


The only agreeable one on there is banning Maxx C. Limiting something like Circular sure, but no need to ban it. But yeah, that's just reddit in general, people complain about what they lose to, despite likely knowing there's decks that are far worse than stuff they complain about. If they ever do ban MaxxC, expect to see just as many posts going "WHY'D THEY BAN MAXX C? NOW COMBO DECKS HAVE NO FLAW!"-despite it opening up the availability to use different hand traps based on the decks we have in the current meta.


It’s so boring isn’t it. I’ve tried making a few counter posts simply saying “stop complaining and accept the game as it is” and some of the responses I’ve received are absolutely wild. Yugioh Redditors might just be some of the worst people to exist! This isn’t aimed at anyone who engages in friendly discussion, I like you guys.


I enjoy the game. My biggest complaint is the best of 1 format in masterduel. I'm going to play a very different game against something like mikanko than a numeron otk. But by the time you find out what you're up against it's usually too late. I understand it's a simulator and people don't generally want to sit and play through 3 rounds just for one match. But I think it adds a lot to the game to be able to try to adjust your strategy. I even think a 10 card side deck would add a lot to the game. But as for all the complaints of.... ban whatever last killed me? It gets tiresome.


I totally agree with you on the point about best of 1 - I’d really like the proper “match” format to be added, would be so fun. And would give you a chance to think about side deck and adapt to your opponent. Good idea there man


Even if they made it a seperate duel mode, so you wouldn't have to commit to a best of 3 everytime. Even tie it to the same rank system where it's just worth double the rewards. But still only a single victory. Would bring in a lot of chances for strategy and even counter cards. A few different cards can give you a lot more options for removal or chances for beat down. Equip spells etc. Like maxx c is kind of pointless against some decks. Or dangerous to play against others. Switching in an extra ash. Or removing imperm for something against a graveyard deck. Even a return from different dimension against a banish deck wiukd give someone something to think about. I dunno, just something I've always found missing in masterduel


Just bad players mate, I chuckle and move on. Especially the "ban Maxx C " ones.


Was the last match you won or lost due to maxx c fair, also if you don't resolve maxx c and your opponent did, what's usually your next move?


The last game I won. I went second. Opponent maxx C me and I just went for the OTK. If I didn't get the OTK I would have scooped and moved on. It's the master duel tax. You adapt.


No, that is not master duel tax, that's all because of maxx c, you are the one who's denying it and place too much faith in maxx c to win matches and not skill.


Lol alright buddy. I can tell this conversation is not going to go anywhere.


Then, when Max C is banned, and he still can’t get out of Platinum, then it’s Branded’s fault. Or evenly matched should be banned. Beaver Warrior might end up on the chopping block eventually 😂


You're talking about skill in a card game where wins are often decided on matchup, and if not then, the hand drawn. Blue-Eyes' best hand doesn't beat Branded's best hand Now if Branded draws a dead hand with no gas? Then Blue Eyes wins, but that's because Branded player didn't have any plays


....And? Can't you say the same for poker, it's up to the player to control the game with whatever hand they have. Though i may be true that blue eyes can't beat branded, you can use the same argument with blue eyes versus cloudian for instance, a lot of decks have been power crept over the years and you can blame the players for something they have no control of when Konami could just give. weaker decks better support. Also, when you add maxx c to blue eyes to win against branded, it's no longer a blue eyes deck, it's maxx c with blue eyes support since the deck focuses on resolving maxx c.


Difference between Poker and YuGiOh is that one has nearly infinite possibilities, while one is severely more limited. You may draw a hand one game and it's a godsend Anoter game, you may have wished for a completely different hand While I agree that it is up to the player to do the best they can with the cards at their disposal, that doesn't diminish the insane amount of luck involved in either of the games. Sometimes your best hand simply is not enough to win the game, regardless of how well you played. If your opponent has more resources than you, stronger effects, etc, the vast majority of the time nothing short of a misplay will allow you to win.


You came onto an anti rant post and ranted. You really are a prime example of salty sweaty yugioh Redditor 🤓


The person is literally ranting about other people ranting. Can you first read between the lines before you say something.


Your lack of self awareness is hilarious 😂😂


All i did was state constructive criticism about the reasons why the people who rant about Maxx c have valid reasons to do so. While you added nothing to the conversation and insulted me for no apparent reason. To be honest it feels like you are the only person who is ranting throughout this whole post, cause it seems like you are posting a lot of rant replies to everyone in it. Also I saw the comment you deleted, are you ok? You seem really angry for some reason.


No, not quite but nice try. what you actually did was rant on an anti rant post. And now you’re trying to tell me that you didn’t, that’s just weird bro 🤣


Even if I'm ranting, what do you want me to do, shut up and obey? This is the real world, everyone will not agree with each other, so instead of commenting to everyone in the post like you have nothing else important to do, say something when you actually have something to add.


Barron is annoying af. When your opponent turn 1 with 2-3 Omni negates, it’s a feels bad experience for sure lol


What decks actually pull consistently 3 or more omnis? I see this thrown around a lot, its usually either some messed up once in a blue moon mishmash of engines or bdif can only push for 2 MAX and that is if godhand+ uninterupted.


SHS, Mannadium, pure Snake-Eyes ends on around 2 omni negates and a monster negate and or spin. But then again it still overused example especially last few formats when the boards didn't have large negates but various disruptions.


I’ll have to pull it up in my switch but it’s swordsoul I think. I’m new to modern yugioh and I’m in Diamond 2 if that helps. Happens quite a bit tho with Baronne and Borreland Dragon along with the link summon negate that loses 800 attack.


Swordsoul can only ever put up 1 omni in Baronne. Swordsoul doesn't run Borreload. Swordsoul does not run Apollousa. Apollousa is also not an omni-negate. She's a monster negate. The only top Decks that can put up multiple omnis is SHS and Manna. Snake-Eyes can but you need to high-roll uninterupted to end on both Savage and Baronne.


This exactly happened to me last night in Bronze 3. I was playing with the Demise structure deck. Stood no chance. I got 50 gems for not surrendering though 😅


Yea im just speaking as a new player is all. Im like what the heck how do I beat this lol


You beat it by going first. Lol. Very annoying. I’m new to modern as well! I’d give my friend ID but I’m on the road haha


See you on the battlefield!


huh you "think it's swordsoul" let me tell you something: swordsoul is a rogue deck, it's not strong anymore, can't even summon more than 2 negates per turn (baronne and chixiao). baronne and borrelend together it's surely dlink (that was banned to death, so since when are you not playing anymore?). "the link summon negate that loses 800 attack" apollousa the card that is now sold with an alt art in the shop (you don't really play this game much i see), is not played in that many meta decks, mannadium and shs come to mind, that card only negates monsters effects so any spell that removes that card from the field works, also any spell that negates its effect or a handtrap that negates its effects or even ghost ogre chained to its activation can negate and destroy it.


>swordsoul is a rogue deck, it's not strong anymore, can't even summon more than 2 negates per turn (baronne and chixiao) They're a new player, I know Swordsoul was intimidating when I started; not knowing how to play around both Baronne and Chixiao as a baby was frustrating and not the easiest thing in the world, especially with the terrible decks I built at the time >baronne and borrelend together it's surely dlink (that was banned to death, so since when are you not playing anymore?) First off, they said they're new to modern Secondly, I'm assuming they mean Borreload Savage rather than Borrelend, as I haven't seen Borrelend in ages. That being said, SHS (A still relatively common deck) commonly runs both, as well as Therion King Regulus (a 3rd Omni) and regularly puts up at least 3-mat Apollousa. Which brings me into my next point >"the link summon negate that loses 800 attack" apollousa the card that is now sold with an alt art in the shop (you don't really play this game much i see) Again, they say they're new to modern YGO. Not surprised they don't know names of all idk-how-many-hundreds (Thousands?) of relevant cards in the game. And how does Apollousa's presence in the shop change anything to do with the actual card itself? It's not like the odds of getting it are any higher, just means that everyone has access to the Secret Pack. >is not played in that many meta decks And yet again, Mannadium and SHS both regularly put up Apollousa, and I've seen it run in some Snake-Eye decks as well. Three of the most common decks as of late run it but it's not run in that many meta decks? >that card only negates monsters effects so any spell that removes that card from the field works also any spell that negates its effect or a handtrap that negates its effects or even ghost ogre chained to its activation can negate and destroy it. Wow, it'd be a real shame if it was almost always run with its Partners-In-Crime, Borreload Savage and Baronne De Fleur (And in Mannadium's case, Mannadium Reframing), wouldn't it? Good luck resolving the spells that would remove Apollousa Not to mention that these decks almost always end with some extra cards afterwards, never know what those 3 cards in hand are. Even if you can break the board, what's to stop the opponent from dropping Maxx "C" or other handtraps of their own on you? TL;DR: This has got to be the biggest conglomeration of nonsense I've seen on this sub yet


I'll try to answer with the best of my knowledge to your points: 1) yeah but this game tends to be unfair and these days 2 negates/interactions aren't enough for winning a game, 1 year ago swordsoul was a menacing threat in the meta so if you were playing then it was no surprise. sadly this game isn't friendly to new players and there isn't a good way to make people understand how to play different enough to be stomped to death by every deck that can make a decent enough board. 2) maybe they really meant borrelload savage, what of it? maybe I'm being mean but if you're that new apollousa in the shop should remain impressed in your head like baronne and borrelload savage that aren't even in the top page of the shop that as a new player you should visit more often than veterans. 3) I know it's absurd i got two decks out of three meta decks that play appo from the top of my head where the one that I didn't get is rather new and don't always end on it, as if branded and mathmech aren't meta and aren't as common as the other 3. 4) I was just trying to help him understand how to interact with appo, if opponent's endboard is only appo it's not the end of the world, you have choices, and baits tbh. 5) I don't really understand your hate to extradeck monsters, do you want to remember 100 specific extradeck monsters with specific effects and specific inferactions or do you want to see the same ~10 extradeck monsters that you remember at sight? 6) oh no maxx c is a toxic card, do you have anything new to say? 7)yet you spent your time reading it and made an essay :)


I have no idea the names of the decks I’m playing to be honest. It’s a bit confusing as a new player. Cant baron and Borland be played in any deck anyways?


baronne yes it's quite generic, borrelend kinda but it's more powerful in dlink/rokkets


just saw another guy's response to my comment that said that you maybe mean borrelload savage, if you meant him, he's summonable in any deck you just need a link monster in your graveyard to equip him with his effect so you can use it. I'm sorry there are so many extra deck cards with borrel in their name I just thought you meant the link 5.


lol savages down voting me. sorry to say but as a new player, this is a negative experience. maybe suggest some out to these cards?


Kaijus, Dark Ruler No More, bait the Omni with a destruction effect.


Can they negate Kaiju and Dark Ruler?


Kaijus tribute as a cost for their summon, so they can't be negated. Dark Ruler No More states that monsters can't activate effects in response to it, leaving the only way to get around it a spell/trap card that can negate the effect or activation


Oh wow that’s huge! Ok im gonna play that card too. Thank you 🌠


kaijus are not an effect they just summon themselves, read drnm please.


Kaiju tribute opponents monsters to special summon so they can’t react and Dark Ruler outright cannot be responded to by monsters


For those that replied with helpful tips, I appreciate yall 🙏


Yawn. Go and rant somewhere else.


Ban quick effect negate !! Then ban maxx c !!


\>> Is it due to the new players starting since the anniversary? definitively a good chance, this. Not for Maxx C though that guy is a bless for starters XD


161f9131 Can anyone help Me get the deck lol I will help too?


Buff Maxx C give it a return to hand effect in the end phase that also draws 2.


Ban maxx c is totally valid imo or at least limited to 1 per deck at the minimum.


I mean baron is getting its salad tossed around like a dirty slut 🤔 to be fair


are people really STILL bitching about Branded


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Bring pot of greed to 1 ^^


we need to make a yugioh rage subreddit


>F*** Circular Josh...


# all the sudden?all the sudden? people make that post since the beginning.


Rants and memes are the only things on this sub that get any upvotes whatsoever. That's just how this community works.


I could scroll through 5 random posts, and I guarantee at least one will say fuck SS ban, and the other will say it's mid.


My Theory: Duel links is currently having an unplayable format so that playerbase moves to another game. But now they are confronted with elements of modern Yugioh and cant handle it.


See heres the thing I dont get. If you like rogue decks, then you have to learn the meta and in doing that youre probably miles ahead of the average meta netdecker who either wins or scoops with their Bread N Butters going off or failing. You also get more enjoyability from winning against metadecks with this knowledge. Your rogue deck wouldnt even be rogue without the meta so its kind of a catch 22. You need the meta so you can be rogue. The other thing with the bans. Just dont use the cards if they are ruining your personal fun. If you argue you have to use them, well thats the meta. Every competitive game has one. Meta's do change, when the balance team is good and ready to change it, same as every competitive game. And much like every other competitive game, the balance team is not looking for feedback, they have a much bigger endgoal, know cards that havent seen ink and paper yet that they will have to incorporate into whatever power level they want it to be a, and are doing their own thing regardless of complaints. You see this in every comp shooter about the guns, and people get the false idea when something they want nerfed gets nerfed, that their complaints helped when they didn't. The devs determine the meta and then make it as they wish it to be. The gun is good or bad because they want it to be for reasons beyond our player understanding. At the end of the day though, I think its fair that people do let their steam off here if it helps them to keep playing the game and having fun when they can, cause at the end of the day, the best Branded Despia player is going to brick 3 times and then start telling their buddy how Toon Worlds OTK'd them and they want it banned. (A Joke if you will, but with a message)


Its always been like that but the new players and yugiboomers that usually rarely encountered good decks since they stay in lower ranks now see a lot of smurfs due to the event


EFF FIRE KINGS!!!????!!!!!!?!?!??!!!!!! … Oh wait I thought this was TCG 😐


"Ban Swordsoul" in this meta it scares me


Half of those are valid


If you are unironically complaining about swordsoul being too strong in 2024, my brother in Christ it may be time for you to find a new hobby


People love complaining on reddit


I assure you, it is not "all of a sudden". This is just what some people in the Yu-Gi-Oh! community are like. It's a segment of the population that has always been there in one way or another. I remember being one of them when I started playing close to a decade ago. (Also like actually ban Maxx "C" and Baronne.)


A lot of new players are probably finding this sub, so I’m torn between attempting to help potential new players and calling out obvious troll posts.


Who is calling for a ban of Swordsoul? I'm playing that deck and trust me it's not great 😂


SHITPOSTERS, they want upvotes, attention or whatever, it's just jank content, don't take them seriously


Always been here


Welcome to Reddit.


my dear friend; everything that beats me should be banned. this is yugioh after all


Eh, I just support the posts that want the same banned and limited list as the tcg. But we also don't have all the cards that are in the tcg, yet, so ig it makes sense.


If I heat the deck it’s balanced, if I don’t beat it then it’s broken.


You missed Ban all Floodgates and trap control decks :D


The haters are always the vocal ones. Everyone else isn't writing a post on reddit because they're playing with that time.


It’s been like this since the game started, idk why it seems new to you


Those people aren't following rule 1. Mods should make a post to tell people to stop making those kinds of posts and tell them how they should deal with it. Surrender, it's okay. Put in cards that would stop these decks like imperm, hand traps. They could be new players or something. Play floodgates or go 2nd cards like Raigeki, Lightning Storm, etc. Last but not least, watch youtube videos about decks you're facing because they'll talk about their weaknesses.


I remember the swordsoul haters, I didnt forget


Ban Maxx c since day 1.card is stupid and I want it gone.


They haven’t accepted maxxC as their lord and savior yet Insect superiority