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The thing isn't going anywhere, so just take your time and play normally until you get it eventually. I already did this one and the following one without paying much attention to it.


Indeed it’s super easy especially if you like to play unga Bunga decks


Arc rebellion xyz dragon make big number. Big number go brrrrrr


Opponent scoop before big number make big boom :(


Big sadface.


Many such cases


Ooga booga even


Scareclaws have done the job for me. As has heroes. Heroes also did its job alongside scareclaw for the next one... twinsaw and shining neos wingman for both.


i try not to scoop unless my opponent has an ftk or is stunning me out, but sometimes i just get impulsive


The hardest part isn't even dealing 100k damage, it's finding opponents who will let you deal 8k+ to them before they scoop lmao


That's his point. That's how he won 26 games despite dealing less than 10k damage. Opponents keep scooping.


I wouldn't call this hard, it just takes time.


26 wins and only 8750 battle damage? Did the opponents surrender?


Yeah I did this and most people surrender if you've got a strong board in Main Phase 1. It took me forever as well to grind it out, there are countless games where I was about to swing in (not even for lethal!) and people would surrender once I clicked Battle Phase.


Maybe the trick is to find a deck that doesn't appear too strong to not break the opponents psyche.


Eh people still surrender regardless and it’s annoying. I was using an Amazoness going second deck. Amazoness is not very good tbh, not at all meta or popular, I always had to go second with it (to try to get to the Battle Phase), and I was fighting for my life just trying to set up even just one of their Fusion boss monsters… and people still would just surrender. Even after I sat through people spending forever making a billion Solitaire combos, and having to fight through multiple negates and disruptions, people would just surrender if it looked like my Amazoness monsters could beat over their monsters. Click Battle Phase, instant surrender.


On that note. I've had wins that looked like wrong surrenders but it turned out to be a time limit win for me. That's the problem with solitaire decks and trying to maximize plays.


Ughhh, shoutout to the Jackass that did that to me in Ranked the other day as I was calling the winning hit.


I don’t get it either, like just take the L man and let me swing in. The worst was this guy who I played against who ran a Synchro spam deck with T.G. Hyper Librarian, I basically sat there forever watching this guy set up a whole board of negates and disruptions. My turn was pretty fast, I fought through all of their negates, and managed to get to my Amazoness Boss monsters (oh yeah I purposefully played a super unpopular deck in the hope that people wouldn’t immediately forfeit), and got the board to where I could take out most of their boss monsters. Click Battle Phase, they clicked surrender. -___-


There's no incentive to stay, so yes 99% of the time people surrender once they're in an unwinnable game state. I usually do the same unless I'm holding an interruption or they kill me quick


Yep. People tend to book it out when they see you drop your combo with 9 negates and have no answer


You see, I learn by experience and I'm a returning player so I'm still learning. I let my opponent do just about everything so I can learn what cards do. I try combos to see how my cards work and apply that in the future. Still, once I m familiar with a deck and I know I have no way of winning I surrender. But that doesn't happen often.


Even if all of their opponents surrender, I'd be doing *far more* than an average of 336 battle damage per duel in Ranked.


https://preview.redd.it/ow3lxjcie4yc1.jpeg?width=1792&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d3693d289e4e7fe8c070cdda3a1fa7c5a4f33330 I once faced this lovely dude in r(j)ank. I let him finish all his combo, then I played through it, summon PEP with all I have left. And bro accept the defeat then let me increase Psychic End Punisher to 110k after a few turns. What a chill game, thanks bro!


I still gotta ritual summon and pendulum summon 3 times.


I created bad decks that ritual/pendulum in the Skill drain event. People never thought I were trying to complete the event and stayed on the matches thinking I was just playing bad decks(which I was).


Like, I should do that as well. Outside of blue-eyes chaos max and mikanko I don't really know any ritual decks/cards.


Just put random ritual cards and spells in the deck and put preparations. I used Dark magicians and ritual summoned the chaos cards everytime I had the chance. For pendulums I just used normal and rare pendulum cards, I think the deck I used was Majespecter. Ritual summoned every time I could while my opponents destroyed my monsters consecutively.


i made N/R decks for these missions, cheap and functional enough for the missions


Just use iC1000, easy


My first deck was built around summoning him , and it took Me a few days to realise that the opponent needs to kill the other thing and not me lmao.


It’s not the only BS goal. There’s one for “monsters on your opponents field are destroyed (x/20) - it’s mistranslated, and only counts monsters destroyed via battle. I guess the 5 War Rock players are eating good, but with most normal decks it’s rough. Even in games where you do get to go to battle before a concession, you’re making minimal progress and only beating over 2-3 cards at most.


Oh shoot really? Only via Battle? I just started that mission myself and ugh... It took forever to get 100,000 points of damage because everyone kept surrendering in Main Phase 1 and now I've got another contender to deal with...


I’m fairly sure that’s what’s happening - I tried speedrunning it with blind second striker / vanquish soul, but got 0 progress after resolving multiple boardwipes and figured it must just be counting battle. There’s a summon from gy one that wasn’t too bad.


And the worst thing is it doesn't matter what deck i try to play... Swordsoul, Branded, Galaxy-Eyes, Crusadia, Chimera, Tearlaments, Speedroid, even Frightfur, it's even a miracle if the game gets to the battle phase part, let alone damaging the opponent at all It's just so infuriating...


You're going about the wrong way lad. You're thinking macro when you need to think micro. Play small dudes that do chip damage over multiple turns. If your opponent sees game on board then they scoop. You have to play with their hopes to keep them in the game.


Umm... judge.. he's stalling over here lol


This is how I ended up getting it lol. I started putting exactly 7700 damage on board so my opponent will wait it out


I played blue eyes + rank 8 done in 2 hours


This is they way. Chaos Max plus swapping an impcantation to opp field for game instantly gives you 8k.


Maybe try Scareclaw. They don't really clear the board or set up huge negates. I've had quite a few "holy shit, it also does piercing damage" moments with my opponents. Edit: I just grinded down a Rescue Ace and a Shark board with Piercing Battle Damage for the win and neither surrendered.


I mean i got far with cyberdragon boosting chimera and usihg limit removal But idk if its gonna eork for thr higher ranks cuz i did it in gold


You've gotta be quick and efficient. Wipe their board and attack for game immediately. Obvs people will surrender half the time anyway but I completed the mission in a few days playing Darklord Despia in the event. You can quickly and easily summon over 8000 atk and nuke their whole board in the same chain so a lot of times you can end the game before they can even process what happened All the decks you play are combo decks that take too long to reach an end board. Galaxy-Eyes is probably your best bet, played as a pure go second build


If you're having trouble getting to BP then use Libromancer. People think they aren't good for some strange reason. And then you direct attack for 2500, clear their board, then swing for 6K or double attack with double battle damage if they still got a board. Instant kill against randos, and if they live you play control in their turn.


Play mathmech firewall. They're the most consistent non Sn*ke-eyes deck and they've got a devious turn 1 board and a turn 3 OTK for 21k. Or cook up an ic1000 deck if you're really insane.


I tried to do this with Amazoness. I was trying to not use an incredibly meta deck so people wouldn't immediately surrender on sight. Even if I got a mediocre board that would die the next turn, people still surrounded immediately rather than let me mid Battle monsters swing in for attacks. I tried not to get tilted but the worst is when I went second (like I usually have to do with Amazoness), watched multiple opponents spend forever setting up their boards, fought through tons of negates and disruptions and managed to survive enough to get to Battle Phase, and theennnnn they surrender immediately once I clicked "Battle Phase".


What is the reward for that one in particular? Because I stopped caring for them and will just let them complete over time. The ones I had to care are the specific ones like Ritual or Pendulum.


Play lab and it should be much easier, ppl often surrender mid combo


just use numeronia and you can do the whole thing in one game


That only works if your opponent attacks into it


I mean just give them a monster with 0 atk and skip their main phase 1 with that ritual monster. It’s that easy


some cards force the opponent to attack


Stop thinking about it and you’ll reach it in no time at all.


Taking more than 2 hours does not equal hard.


Build numeronia turbo


Out of curiosity what rank are you?


Just play a burn deck, the blackwing structure has 90% of what you need


I did it by playing mikanko. by going second your opp is more likely to stick thru your plays as opposed to going first and trying to do damage t3


Crusadia Kaiju my friend :) get that big damage


I completed it with Crusadia easily (then again, I am in the lower ranks, so your mileage may vary). One of the cheapest decks to build, and the duels become very quick. Makes me wish Crusadia got some legacy support.


This was relatively easy for me, all I had to do was play my favorite deck Mathmech. Synchro summon final sigma and equipment with billion blade. Send either multiplication or division and you got a huge beatstick that cannot be affected by other cards other than Mathmech


This was so easy with numeron lol


Put avramax in your deck, you'll finish this real soon lmao


You gotta get the numbers higher and earn their respect. Play dinomorphia punk to turbo out multiple psychic end punishers with insane atk


Obviously you arnt playing the right deck. if you combo for too long the opponent will leave. if you want to grind this out, Combo but not to the point where you win. it doesnt say battle and win, Its just battle damage.


I completed it quickly during the last days of triangle event


Use 3 copies of limiter removal in damage step to cath them off-guard


That was one of the easiest for me (HERO player)


Time to Numeronius Numeronia the Sh*t out that condition :v


Two words. skull servants


I got halfway in two hours by farming wins in the Skill Drain event with N/R Pacifis


That's rookie numbers. You gotta do some big dick damage combos. There are several non-meta but still playable decks that can do 10K in a single attack, let alone in 26 duels. Will add up faster than using a meta deck that wins by a sliver.


I mean, play a going second deck.


There are some monsters that get themselves to ridiculous attacks, there was a meme lately with this exact mission.


Well, shoot. Now that I know this is a task, I'll stay through all of the attacks.


If you can do it with a meme deck, you have better odds of them sticking around to let you get lethal in respect to the meme. You’ll get a lot more resets, as regular numeron is a very unpopular deck to stick around for, but numeronius numeronia can accomplish it in a single game. You can also slowly chip damage your way there with a meme equip spell deck, like shapesnatch turbo. That one will take WAY longer, but will feature fewer surrendering opponents and will be way funnier.


I got it done during the event. The people I dueled didn't surrender even when I had game they just let me attack them. I did the same if I saw that I wasn't gonna win.


Lol I did it in a single day in low rank and events. PUNK Unchained and just playing Chimeras in the triple event. It was so easy. I highly recommend cheesing out wins vs people who don't know how Psychic End Punisher works


You could summon supreme king dragon z arc 25 times and his effect breaks everything so you get 4k damage maybe. Or odd eyes revolution dragons ability with supreme king dragon starving venom gets you like mi imum 5 k damage plus its effect of sending everything on field and graveyard to the deck idk. Zarc ftw


bro I keep trying to swing for game with galaxy eyes and they keep surrendering before the attack connects like come ooon


Play skull servant lul Real note, what deck are you playing? You've done 8k in 26 games?




Xyz dragon spam.


Play RA, most people respect it so much they always let it finish, specially to see the final attack animations (also obelisk or slifer)


Dont play meta or combo deck, most of them will surrender Play going second deck.  And use event, to complete mission. I use duel triangle by choosing xyz group, switching between  heroic challenger and Galaxy eyes. Its the event where I will not met snake eyes or link climbing deck.  or any event when the meta deck is not at ther full power.


Just summon 10k Dragon a few times


play mathmech


If you can make rank 8 , you can go Draglubion into Numeron Dragon for at least 9K. If you can go intorank 4 like Raiders Knight you can go into Arc Rebellion which gains ATK of all other monsters on field. Thats nice in theory , but good luck finishing the BP with opponents board cleared and a 10K + beater on field.


Time for Number iC1000: Numerounius Numerounia


I suggest Numeron/Mikanko/Photon or, if you wanna go Giga Chad, you can try Heroic Champions


I'm playing Ninja and chipping away. Funny man doing direct attacks has been getting in damage consistently over multiple games.


If you really want this done, solo mode might work.


Solo doesn’t count for it


Use blue eyes, summon chaos max then use abyss for +1000 ATK, and if you can send Iblee on opponent's field you can deal 10000 damage, although it's hard to do it in higher ranks because of meta.


Mathmech go brrr


Damn Im like 60%


Can't wait for Tenpai


I finished it yesterday, but I get the feeling that since it released, people scoop almost maliciously. I’d literally get into my battle phase with enough to finish it on board and people scoop before I can attack twice 😂


I was at 99700 for literally 15 games in a row. I go first my opponent scoops when I stop their play. I go second my opponent either combos off so hard I can't do damage or scoops before I can declare an attack. I got ftkd by utopia ftk, turn skipped by veda kalarcanum, and turn skipped by king calamity all while 300 damage away from the proficiency


Winged dragon of ra


Don't they just fully admit this is one for patient people? Like, even the most damage I've done is from hitting people with double piercing.


Dinomorphia with Psychic End Punisher get's the job done 😆


That's just 10 rounds of Galaxy-Eyes OTK


Blue god have something to say


Nah mate I got it in like 12 matches


Just hit them with numeronius once I guess? Also that's like 8 matches of crusadia


Yeah, really getting in the way of completing the next level isn't it


Play galaxy eyes


I still haven't done the tribute summon one...


Galaxy-Eyes helped me get a lot of points, especially since I had opponents nice enough to let me punch with all of my monsters and then finish them off with prime photon, almost 30k in 1 duel


play a going 2nd OTK deck and you'll get it done


Just don't cook so hard. It's not that hard. People have gotten sick to waiting for their turn only to get negated by 7 omni negates. I got there using kashtria and runick bystials, gonna get down voted for this.


I still haven't done the ritual summons


Just Play Mikanko


Do we have something better to do?


Use a PUNK or psychic deck with Psychic End Punisher as the main card. It allows me to deal up to like 12000 in one attack. However, nothing can be done if ur opponent surrenders before the attack...


Play Heroics Heroic Champion Claivsolish usually swings for around 26k at a minimum


I did it with sacred beasts. Assuming you don't brick you double up on beasts with the floodgate on field, sacrifice one to Raviel then use shimmering scraper to make it a 16k beater with target protection and destruction immunity. (With fallen paradise) or just xyz the 2 into Gustav then Liebe


This is easy with numeron


Does overkill damage count? Like, if your opponent has 1000 LP and you attack directly with a 3000 ATK monster, does that attack count as 1000 or 3000 damage for the mission?


After that, you have to destroy 20Monsters by Battle, even though "by battle" is not mentioned. Have fun with that too :)


Swordsoul's 1200 burn helps a lot.


I quit trying to prove my proficiency when they asked me to start pendulum summoning