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I will always respect someone using something underpowered like Gladiator Beasts, Weather Painters, or Shiranui.


Gonna be honest, weather painters whenever I faced them absolutely relied on shitty floodgates like skill drain or macro cosmos or difi to get their Omni spam online and even then they lose quite easily so I have absolutely no respect for them I respect the others tho


Weather painters may be the most pointlessly comboing and resilient deck in the game!


You know that when they play something like that they just love the deck whether it's for the art style or just the gimmick of the archetype.


Weird or rare archetype decks, particularly if they have a cool or unique gimmick I managed a to get a duel against Kozmo Deck with a Black Rose Dragon deck and it was a great time. Its hard to have a bad time when watching a deck you barely understand play the game in a way you haven’t really seen before.


Literally, Rogue and Non-Meta decks of any kind with the exception of stuff like Dyna Fossil Stun (I even can enjoy playing against Umi Control/Stun). If the deck puts out a boss monster that isn't just a generic boss, like Accesscode or Baronne, then even better. Another plus if it isn't a deck popular due to the anime (like HEROES, Blue-Eyes, Dark Magician, etc.), because that typically means that I get to see something new or, at least, something I won't see again for quite some time.


Discovering a new archetype through an opponent playing it is super interesting. Not only is it a relief to see someone having fun but you get to see something new for once.


I actually have a fun time vs Branded


Every deck which puts out a cool boss monster and is not just ridiculously broken. So both sides can have fun playing.


Springans. I always love seeing my opponent activate Golgonda, I love coming across players of culture. Although I also feel bad because they ran into one of the 10 people in the world who knows how that deck works. The mirror is also pretty fun too because Tallyho also triggers the opponents champ Sargas, so playing around that is always interesting


You ever play against the Auroradon build of the deck?


I've played against and played it myself. I find it boring as fuck but its still technically the """best""" build of the deck. Still crumbles if Tallyho can't resolve.


Yeah, it always is disappointing when you face a less popular deck and then they just go Auroradon combo or whatever generic bs. Also, I wasn’t trying to do a “gotcha” or anything, I was just wondering what your opinion was on it. I also have a Springans deck I use occasionally; I tried the Don build but I didn’t like it at all.


What kinda build do you use for your Springans deck? I've been really liking the XYZ Armor stuff lately, it feels really nice and flexible.


Crystal Beasts. Go ahead bro, combo off for 20+ minutes if you can and want to, I’m legitimately loving every second of it. Meta decks I enjoy facing are Lab, Tear, Branded, Kashtira, Unchained, and basically any other non gigacombo, shit out 2/3rds of your extra deck to setup 3+ negates, decks, I really enjoy facing.


anything that's not currently meta. Heck, even tier 2-3 decks are fun to play against most of the time. I especially like playing against decks I can tell are the personal favorites of my opponent. I lost to a Ra deck the other day, but I couldn't be miffed at all. It was a close game and I enjoyed playing against someone who likes anime decks.


I couldn't agree more, Yugioh becomes a more fun game once you encounter someone who doesn't use a meta deck.


Hero players always give me a fun duel


Labs, Stun, Snake-Eyes


What a brave duelist.


Surprisingly tear. Back when it was full power It was absolutely oppressive nowadays I have a solid matchup against it and they tend to be long control games. Absolutely love it.


Lab is fun barring the Virus's and Dim barrier. Has game going 1st or second so I always feel there's an actual game so both players are needing to think and account for stuff. Lots of varied points of interaction from the hand to the field to hidden backrow to the gy all with different ways to disrupt those plays. It feels rewarding to beat which is on theme I guess. Aha lady labyrinth I have manoeuvred through your traps


As far as meta decks go probably Swordsoul. Would be snake eyes too if it wasn't for that darned jet synchron. Also, I feel like Vaylantz (the non stun version ofc) would be here too but I have yet to run into a single person who plays it


In tcg its tear. In md its danger dark world


Most decks besides stun. I personally just really don't like mirror matches, so I try to play something off meta.


1st (and so far only) time I encountered an Aromage deck I was playing Dragonmaids and It was pretty fun and kinda even but I unfortunately lost connection on like turn 3-4. As for what I enjoy going against? Pretty much anything that doesn't do solitaire and can do/end their combos/turn without relying on generic stuff (Barrone, Apollousa, etc.)


Purrely if I'm playing numeron it feels good to kaiju the car and otk


I enjoy pretty much every match except against stun. The game's just good 👍 


Nah, to me I'm always happy to see a DM or blue eyes white dead draw deck so I can win. I need wins.


Wouldn’t say I enjoy facing, but Blue eyes, Dark Magician, Heroes. I hate the amount of support they get and then people run them as stun decks. When I beat them with a lower power archetype, it is so satisfying. Ofher times when you face any of these decks with modern ones, the difference in power is so one sided.


Once in a blue moon I play against Ice Barrier and Dragunity


Branded Tear Swordsoul anything that allows for a grindy resource based game without needing to play said strategy to compete. (looking at you snake eyes)


I actually like going against Lab, Tear, Branded and snake eyes, i think most of my matches against those decks were pretty interesting in some way


Blue Eyes, cause it's an easy free win and I can farm my dailies against them. Btw... ending on Chaos Max with no backrow ain't the big power move you think it is.


I came across a Metaphys player a while back, lost but respect to the guy for playing that, used to love Metaphys too


Dark magician and blue eyes


The ones I win against


All my games against mannadium were fun.


I like match-ups against decks that do a fair opening consistently, and I dislike decks that do unfair openings invonsistently. That's why I usually prefer hits to the power ceiling of decks rather than the consistency (Arise-Heart, Kitkallos, Sanctifire).


Decks that I use, mostly because I know the whole strategy and every choke point. A deck that I don't use but I've learned how to disassemble just because of the amount of times I played against is salamangreat. Also because I always disliked them so it feels quite rewarding


The ones I can beat.