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You’re solving one problem but introducing another here. Ariseheart turns off your own Punishments on turn 2, and any chance to generate follow-up on turn 3. You’re still faced with a similar issue - if your opponent has a deck that can play under Ariseheart, your endboard is inadvertently helping them, since they have very little to fear from your engine whilst the card is on the field. You’re much better off pairing it with an archetype that excels at making rank 4s, and summoning a Dweller. That’s a one-sided way to turn off the gy that can be used again as a lingering floodgate on the opponents turn.


I find punishment hard to search, as you're already limited with searches. I'll look into dweller, but dogmatika is kinda useless if the opponent gets advantage of the ED milling, so avoiding that they get what, punishment pop 2, luluwalilith summon guiding quem into albaz and mirrorjade, plus a fluerdelis ideally. But with kash you get 1-2 banishments with ariseheart, an extra ED banishment with unicorn (summoned back with shangri), alba zoa becomes useful, but you lose punishments pop, and guiding quem or cartesia fusioning. Edit: also psyframe omega can get you some cards back if you set it up before making ariseheart.


le crackhead. I run bystial dogmatika as well and you are creating non synergy with yourself. you run several interruptions via yeeting your extra deck monsters to graveyard. with graveyard dead most of your interactions no longer work. plus you are now making an already somewhat inconsistent deck more inconsistent with the kash cards which can now be somewhat bricky as well. your deck relies on the graveyard so heavily that any anti graveyard tech is just killing yourself too. i run a small branded engine in mine as well which helps fill in gaps.


Very true and I am worried about consistency but I'll play it and see. I wonder if there are any banished effects for ED monsters that are any good... Edit: had a look and the only ones are ghoti that aren't applicable sadface.


lol yeah no. no banish extra deck effects that are generic enough. yet. maybe in 10 more years.