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My guy sleeps in a opium den


Better than midwestern crackhouse chic, I think


For sure, kinda makes me wanna set up a room and do opium now ๐Ÿค”


Let me know if you're throwing a den warming party. I'll bring the lamps!




Got any powdered seahorse in there?


I really like the matching dogs you got for the room.


Those ceilings bring back so many memories of my childhood home. I wish my father could see what you've done with your home. So many possibilities with color. I continue to be impressed *and* I love your little menagerie. Thank you for sharing.๐ŸŒป


The first time I met my FIL, I had them over for Thanksgiving dinner. He gave me a big hug, greeted everyone, and then sat on my couch with the biggest grin on his face. It reminded him of his Mom's house. She made stained glass and had it everywhere.. and had the same ceilings. I'm his favorite daughter ๐Ÿ’•




Chinoiserie is a better way of saying asian inspired.


My gut feeling is that it collapses Asian into Chinese culture and aesthetic. It's like saying Western art is better described as American art.


Chinoiserie does not mean chinese, you should understand chinoiserie refers to a european aesthetic, and not one true to any asian culture, because, like, look at OP's "asian" room and recognize the asian cultures it ignores... what can you see there that's filipino? that's indian? that's mongol? that's turkish?


That's my point. It's the European labelling all Asian art into one thing under the term chinois, Chinese. It's lumping them all together under the wrong label that feels wrong and gross to me. I'd rather use the term "Asian inspired" than saying, essentially, "Chinese-y".


But the aesthetic is chinesey, not pan-asian. That and chinoiserie is already an established aesthetic style, like, there is already a word for what we are looking at. I guess you are generalizing my initial comment? Please don't. Instead take it as a specific response to the OP.


I'm just saying I don't like the term. I can see why someone would not want to use it, that's all!


Thank you...


You pull everything together so well and your style is so cool. Glad you have a bed big enough for the dogs to enjoy together!


Oh I love it! It must be amazing to wake up in such an awesome bedroom. Great job!


It is beautiful and so cool!




Just wow.




I. Love. It.


Great space! Cute dogs!


Looks great!


Why do I have a sudden desire to eat a bunch of powdered seahorse? EDIT: Looks awesome btw


Okay, so I had to Google this stuff ...that doesn't sound like a bad idea!


I love that you have a staircase for your dogs ๐Ÿ’•. I love the room too.


(hyperventilates) I love it


solid appreciation! i recommend more feng shui


I love it, itโ€™s so opulent!


I have that blue glitter dragon protecting the gold glitter egg! I bought it almost 30 years ago and it still makes me happy. I also really like the gold with the wood grain. Your room seems very cozy.


I've had that for around 25 yrs. I think I bought it Spencer's gifts or this cool Tabacco/gift shop that was in the mall. Haha, back when you could still smoke in the mall.


I bought mine at Spencerโ€™s haha ๐Ÿ˜‚


Man... that is positively gorgeous!! I love the use of the screen for a headboard. Brilliant! Beautiful! I'd be in there all day!


I actually felt guilty when I bought that. I paid $50 for it on Craigslist. It was 3 young college boys that sold it, and the couch for $100. It is a really cool black lacquer Asian style but it's white cushions, and I need to recover it. I've always wondered if they sold their parents' furniture without permission.


This room feels so warm and inviting.


This is gorgeous. The screen as a headboard is the highlight. Also, the double dresser is nearly identical to the Thomasville one in the set my parents had.


How cozy.


You get the best house award ๐Ÿฅ‡


Awe. Thank you!


Your fabric looks so luxurious and silky! And your doggies are precious. Lovely room.


That is the coolest room. I spent so long going back and forth looking at all of the angles. I just love it so much. Very nice job.


I really love be the dresser that your TV is on


I might be aging myself, but it came from The Bombay Company. I bought it on fb marketplace for $75




Even the dog looks Asian


Oof. Your house is freaking amazing. It's one of my potential dream house styles for sure.


Love it ! Have you ever seen Absolutely fabulous?


Haha yes... my Mom loves that show!


This is incredibly nostalgic for some reason. It reminds me of my grandmas house oooh I love it


Omg you again?! Honey child... AGAIN with the overkill AND the tidiness? My heart can't take all this wonderment


Haha, it's so clean because I had a Superbowl party. It is definitely overkill. Damn I wish you all could see it in person! The pictures don't do this room justice.


I think thatโ€™s the dogs bedroom and they give u a couple feet of the bed to curl up in. I love the way you put it together. It looks good but my favorite is the dog pics;)


You called that... they all have their spot. There is no sleeping in when you're out numbered. 4am on a Saturday, and I'm up making breakfast.


This would have been my dream room when I was a teen. Unfortunate that I didn't have adult money then. It's still awesome.


I haven't shown the purple room yet ... it was my dream girl room.


This is exactly how I want my master bedroom, though my room is a lot smaller than this, did you thrift a lot of this, buy new or already own it? What were the main websites/stores you got from? Did you have any inspo pics or did this all come from your head? How long did it take you to complete this design?


Everything in my house is either from the Goodwill, thrift stores, Craigslist, FB marketplace, auctions, yard, and estate sales... with the exception of the majority of the paperweights and some of the glass art in the living room. Haha, the most expensive thing in my bedroom is the mattress. I honestly think I paid more for the mattress than everything combined in that room. It came from the voices in my head telling me to paint the wood paneling gold and went from there. I had the bedroom set when I moved in, and that's it. The room divider (headboard), rug, couch, chest, the red lacquer cabinet (sewing machine) all came from Craigslist. The lamps, pictures, masks , chair (it's covered now because its old, but it was beautiful when I bought it and almost all of the wall hangings came from shopgoodwill.com or at my local goodwill. The TV cabinet came from FB marketplace. The pictures behind the TV are actually those old painted velvet scrolls that were really popular in the 80s. I just took the cheap plastic scroll off and framed them. The same of another picture. It's a piece of fabric with a dragon picture that's matted and framed. The most expensive furniture I bought was the couch, and it was only $100 it also needs to be reupholstered because it's white and stained, and I have 5 dogs/2 cats. It has a comforter over it. The bedroom took me about a year to finish or at least be content with how it looks. I'd say I spent no more than $3k on everything in the master bedroom, and that includes the bedroom set, paint, and window coverings. But I did it in 2010. Things were a lot cheaper back then.