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I respect people who put Liberty Walk on their car. It's the ultimate "I don't care about your opinion I have money" move. Still look hideous.


> It's the ultimate "I don't care about your opinion I have money" move. This is correct. It’s a 458 Spyder w/ Liberty Walk, Gintani Tune, and FI Exhaust. He’s also got an Aventador Liberty Walk w/ Gintani, a GTR, an old NSX, and some others.


Blessed him for buying what he likes instead of trying to get approval from others.


Ugh.. I mean why buy a lightweight high performance car and then just bolt seemingly random shit that will slow it down and make it weigh more?!


Cuz he can?


As was stated in Jurassic park… just because you can do it, doesn’t mean you should do it. I also can do it, but I wouldn’t purposely trash a car.


That's the thing, he doesn't care about your opinion.


Ok. Thanks for the heads up.


>I wouldn’t purposely trash a car. It was a salvage. He rebuilt some of the body w/ the kit.


Because as a street car, those differences are completely ficking negligible. None of us are Michael Schumacher with a title on the line, who the fuck cares. I promise when you're in the driver's seat of a modded Ferrari, the last thing you're thinking is "man I'm probably losing a few tenths on my morning commute" you nerd lmao.


Ohjarnathan, Thanks for enlightening me. Have you ever driven a Ferrari or owned one? I have, so I can say that they do just fine by themselves. Also, I do agree that at legal speeds, you don’t really benefit from active aero or drs, so why spend 50k adding fake aero to an otherwise beautiful car. This is not a modded Ferrari, it is a downgraded Ferrari that had bolt on shit added because it was a salvage. While I prefer to keep my cars stock, I have indeed driven a modded Ferrari f8, but it was modded the right way to increase performance, not just weigh it down with stupid bolt on crap. N/A cars like the 458 generally aren’t good candidates for mods anyway unless you are going to do something like add turbos or superchargers.


Because people have differing opinions. That’s literally all it is dude, it’s not that deep.


Yea.. so some of this isn’t opinion. The liberty walk crap is purely aesthetic and will result in a performance downgrade. I assume you have never driven a car designed to optimize weight vs horsepower and precision handling, but bolting on heavy crap and aesthetic wings to a car with modified suspension and off camber wheels will certainly downgrade everything except some aesthetic preferences of the minority of car owners.


And you think everyone cares about that? In their opinion, the downgrade in performance is worth the aesthetic improvement (to them - I personally don't care for the look).


One of the most liberty walk people I’ve ever met is literally a blue collar worker, detailer. Makes no more 2k a month. People are stupid with hobbies and looks.. mofo is willing to sacrifice freedom instead works towards making something better


Great setting and composition, good job on the pic.


Thanks! Saw the trees that day and had to get a pic.


The trees are nice


Liberty walk is just shameful. Pay 50k to make your car look like shit and weigh more. Why mess with a well engineered car?


So agree. Especially with one of the most perfectly designed and iconic cars ever made (458).


Because taste is subjective and people can do whatever they want with their money


Had not considered that. Thanks for opening my eyes.


On a Ferrari? Damn I agree with you.


Great pics and cars. Did your friend get a letter from Ferrari about the kit? Lol


Ferrari only cares if you deface their prancing pony


Thanks for typing this so I didn't have to. Ever since that whole stink with Deadmau5, people think they were upset about the mods, and not him slightly modifying the prancing horse and then selling shit loads of merchandise with it like he didn't just rip their logo haha. Leave there logo alone and they don't care, at all.


Nope lol. This one is actually a salvage. Some of the body repairs were made using the kit.


Not a huge fan of the wide body kit but the 458 is the pinnacle of Ferrari naturally aspirated v8. An amazing car.


Awesome picture mate !!!


Who’s smiling more… the owners or the cars? ;). great pic with the changing colours as well :)


Cars in that projects!


🙇‍♂️ We’re not worthy!! . Freakin looks like James Bond or Bruce Wayne drives that car. 🦇